• Title/Summary/Keyword: distance calibration

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A Melon Fruit Grading Machine Using a Miniature VIS/NIR Spectrometer: 2. Design Factors for Optimal Interactance Measurement Setup

  • Suh, Sang-Ryong;Lee, Kyeong-Hwan;Yu, Seung-Hwa;Shin, Hwa-Sun;Yoo, Soo-Nam;Choi, Yong-Soo
    • Journal of Biosystems Engineering
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    • v.37 no.3
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    • pp.177-183
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    • 2012
  • Purpose: In near infrared spectroscopy, interactance configuration of a light source and a spectrometer probe can provide more information regarding fruit internal attributes, compared to reflectance and transmittance configuration. However, there is no through study on the parameters of interactance measurement setup. The objective of this study was to investigate the effect of the parameters on the estimation of soluble solids content (SSC) and firmness of muskmelons. Methods: Melon samples were taken from greenhouses at three different harvesting seasons. The prediction models were developed at three distances of 2, 5, and 8 cm between the light source and the spectrometer probe, three measurement points of 2, 3, and 6 evenly distributed on each sample, and different number of fruit samples for calibration models. The performance of the models was compared. Results: In the test at the three distances, the best results were found at a 5 cm distance. The coefficient of determination ($R_{cv}{^2}$) values of the cross-validation were 0.717 (standard error of prediction, SEP=$1.16^{\circ}Brix$) and 0.504 (SEP=4.31 N) for the estimation of SSC and firmness, respectively. The minimum measurement point required to fully represent the spectral characteristics of each fruit sample was 3. The highest $R_{cv}{^2}$ values were 0.736 (SEP=$0.87^{\circ}Brix$) and 0.644 (SEP=4.16 N) for the estimation of SSC and firmness, respectively. The performance of the models began to be saturated when 60 fruit samples were used for developing calibration models. The highest $R_{cv}{^2}$ of 0.713 (SEP=$0.88^{\circ}Brix$) and 0.750 (SEP=3.30 N) for the estimation of SSC and firmness, respectively, were achieved. Conclusions: The performance of the prediction models was quite different according to the condition of interactance measurement setup. In designing a fruit grading machine with interactance configuration, the parameters for interactance measurement setup should be chosen carefully.

Automation of Bio-Industrial Process Via Tele-Task Command(I) -identification and 3D coordinate extraction of object- (원격작업 지시를 이용한 생물산업공정의 생력화 (I) -대상체 인식 및 3차원 좌표 추출-)

  • Kim, S. C.;Choi, D. Y.;Hwang, H.
    • Journal of Biosystems Engineering
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    • v.26 no.1
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    • pp.21-28
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    • 2001
  • Major deficiencies of current automation scheme including various robots for bioproduction include the lack of task adaptability and real time processing, low job performance for diverse tasks, and the lack of robustness of take results, high system cost, failure of the credit from the operator, and so on. This paper proposed a scheme that could solve the current limitation of task abilities of conventional computer controlled automatic system. The proposed scheme is the man-machine hybrid automation via tele-operation which can handle various bioproduction processes. And it was classified into two categories. One category was the efficient task sharing between operator and CCM(computer controlled machine). The other was the efficient interface between operator and CCM. To realize the proposed concept, task of the object identification and extraction of 3D coordinate of an object was selected. 3D coordinate information was obtained from camera calibration using camera as a measurement device. Two stereo images were obtained by moving a camera certain distance in horizontal direction normal to focal axis and by acquiring two images at different locations. Transformation matrix for camera calibration was obtained via least square error approach using specified 6 known pairs of data points in 2D image and 3D world space. 3D world coordinate was obtained from two sets of image pixel coordinates of both camera images with calibrated transformation matrix. As an interface system between operator and CCM, a touch pad screen mounted on the monitor and remotely captured imaging system were used. Object indication was done by the operator’s finger touch to the captured image using the touch pad screen. A certain size of local image processing area was specified after the touch was made. And image processing was performed with the specified local area to extract desired features of the object. An MS Windows based interface software was developed using Visual C++6.0. The software was developed with four modules such as remote image acquisiton module, task command module, local image processing module and 3D coordinate extraction module. Proposed scheme shoed the feasibility of real time processing, robust and precise object identification, and adaptability of various job and environments though selected sample tasks.

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Blade Type Field Vs Probe for Evaluation of Soft Soils (연약지반 평가를 위한 블레이드 타입 현장 전단파 속도 프로브)

  • Yoon, Hyung-Koo;Lee, Chang-Ho;Eom, Yong-Hun;Lee, Jong-Sub
    • Journal of the Korean Geotechnical Society
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    • v.23 no.12
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    • pp.33-42
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    • 2007
  • The assessment of shear wave velocity($V_s$) in soft soils is extremely difficult due to the soil disturbances during sampling and field access. After a ring type field $V_s$ probe(FVP) has been developed, it has been applied at the southern coastal area of the Korean peninsular. This study presents the upgraded FVP "blade type FVP", which minimizes soil disturbance during penetration. Design concerns of the blade type FVP include the tip shape, soil disturbance, transducers, protection of the cables, and the electromagnetic coupling between transducers and cables. The cross-talking between cables is removed by grouping and extra grounding of the cables. The shear wave velocity of the FVP is simply calculated by using the travel distance and the first arrival time. The large calibration chamber tests are carried out to investigate the disturbance effect due to the penetration of FVP blade and the validity of the shear waves measured by the FVP. The blade type FVP is tested in soils up to 30m in depth. The shear wave velocity is measured every 10cm. This study suggests that the upgraded blade type FVP may be an effective device for measuring the shear wave velocity with minimized soil disturbance in the field.

Development and Performance Evaluation of an Animal SPECT System Using Philips ARGUS Gamma Camera and Pinhole Collimator (Philips ARGUS 감마카메라와 바늘구멍조준기를 이용한 소동물 SPECT 시스템의 개발 및 성능 평가)

  • Kim, Joong-Hyun;Lee, Jae-Sung;Kim, Jin-Su;Lee, Byeong-Il;Kim, Soo-Mee;Choung, In-Soon;Kim, Yu-Kyeong;Lee, Won-Woo;Kim, Sang-Eun;Chung, June-Key;Lee, Myung-Chul;Lee, Dong-Soo
    • The Korean Journal of Nuclear Medicine
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    • v.39 no.6
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    • pp.445-455
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    • 2005
  • Purpose: We developed an animal SPECT system using clinical Philips ARGUS scintillation camera and pinhole collimator with specially manufactured small apertures. In this study, we evaluated the physical characteristics of this system and biological feasibility for animal experiments. Materials and Methods: Rotating station for small animals using a step motor and operating software were developed. Pinhole inserts with small apertures (diameter of 0.5, 1.0, and 2.0 mm) were manufactured and physical parameters including planar spatial resolution and sensitivity and reconstructed resolution were measured for some apertures. In order to measure the size of the usable field of view according to the distance from the focal point, manufactured multiple line sources separated with the same distance were scanned and numbers of lines within the field of view were counted. Using a Tc-99m line source with 0.5 mm diameter and 12 mm length placed in the exact center of field of view, planar spatial resolution according to the distance was measured. Calibration factor to obtain FWHM values in 'mm' unit was calculated from the planar image of two separated line sources. Te-99m point source with i mm diameter was used for the measurement of system sensitivity. In addition, SPECT data of micro phantom with cold and hot line inserts and rat brain after intravenous injection of [I-123]FP-CIT were acquired and reconstructed using filtered back protection reconstruction algorithm for pinhole collimator. Results: Size of usable field of view was proportional to the distance from the focal point and their relationship could be fitted into a linear equation (y=1.4x+0.5, x: distance). System sensitivity and planar spatial resolution at 3 cm measured using 1.0 mm aperture was 71 cps/MBq and 1.24 mm, respectively. In the SPECT image of rat brain with [I-123]FP-CIT acquired using 1.0 mm aperture, the distribution of dopamine transporter in the striatum was well identified in each hemisphere. Conclusion: We verified that this new animal SPECT system with the Phlilps ARGUS scanner and small apertures had sufficient performance for small animal imaging.

3D Terrain Reconstruction Using 2D Laser Range Finder and Camera Based on Cubic Grid for UGV Navigation (무인 차량의 자율 주행을 위한 2차원 레이저 거리 센서와 카메라를 이용한 입방형 격자 기반의 3차원 지형형상 복원)

  • Joung, Ji-Hoon;An, Kwang-Ho;Kang, Jung-Won;Kim, Woo-Hyun;Chung, Myung-Jin
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea SC
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    • v.45 no.6
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    • pp.26-34
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    • 2008
  • The information of traversability and path planning is essential for UGV(Unmanned Ground Vehicle) navigation. Such information can be obtained by analyzing 3D terrain. In this paper, we present the method of 3D terrain modeling with color information from a camera, precise distance information from a 2D Laser Range Finder(LRF) and wheel encoder information from mobile robot with less data. And also we present the method of 3B terrain modeling with the information from GPS/IMU and 2D LRF with less data. To fuse the color information from camera and distance information from 2D LRF, we obtain extrinsic parameters between a camera and LRF using planar pattern. We set up such a fused system on a mobile robot and make an experiment on indoor environment. And we make an experiment on outdoor environment to reconstruction 3D terrain with 2D LRF and GPS/IMU(Inertial Measurement Unit). The obtained 3D terrain model is based on points and requires large amount of data. To reduce the amount of data, we use cubic grid-based model instead of point-based model.

A Study on the Integrated System Implementation of Close Range Digital Photogrammetry Procedures (근거리 수치사진측량 과정의 단일 통합환경 구축에 관한 연구)

  • Yeu, Bock-Mo;Lee, Suk-Kun;Choi, Song-Wook;Kim, Eui-Myoung
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.7 no.1 s.13
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    • pp.53-63
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    • 1999
  • For the close range digital photogrammetry, multi-step procedures should be embodied in an integrated system. However, it is hard to construct an Integrated system through conventional procedural processing. Using Object Oriented Programming(OOP), photogrammetric processings can be classified with corresponding subjects and it is easy to construct an integrated system lot digital photogrammetry as well as to add the newly developed classes. In this study, the equation of 3-dimensional mathematic model is developed to make an immediate calibration of the CCD camera, the focus distance of which varies according to the distance of the object. Classes for the input and output of images are also generated to carry out the close range digital photogrammetric procedures by OOP. Image matching, coordinate transformation, dirct linear transformation and bundle adjustment are performed by producing classes corresponding to each part of data processing. The bundle adjustment, which adds the principle coordinate and focal length term to the non-photogrammetric CCD camera, is found to increase usability of the CCD camera and the accuracy of object positioning. In conclusion, classes and their hierarchies in the digital photogrammetry are designed to manage multi-step procedures using OOP and close range digital photogrammetric process is implemented using CCD camera in an integrated System.

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A Study of the Temperature Dependency for Photocatalytic VOC Degradation Chamber Test Under UVLED Irradiations (UVLED 광원을 이용한 광촉매 VOC 제거 특성 평가시 온도에 따른 농도 변화에 관한 연구)

  • Moon, Jiyeon;Lee, Kyusang;Kim, Seonmin
    • Korean Chemical Engineering Research
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    • v.53 no.6
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    • pp.755-761
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    • 2015
  • Photocatalytic VOCs removal test in gas phase is generally performed by placing the light source on the outside due to maintaining a constant temperature inside the test chamber. The distance between light source and photocatalysts is importantin the VOC degradation test since the intensity of light is rapidly decreased as the distance farther. Especially, for the choice of light source as UVLED, this issue is more critical because UVLED light source emits lots of heat and it is hard to measure the exact concentration of VOCs due to changed temperature in the test chamber. In this study, we modified VOC removal test chamber base on the protocol of air cleaner test and evaluated the efficiency of photocatalystunder UVLED irradiation. Photocatalystsof two different samples (commercial $TiO_2$ and the synthesized vanadium doped $TiO_2$) weretested for the p-xylene degradation in the closed chamber system and compared with each other in order to exclude any experimental uncertainties. During the VOC removal test, VOC concentrations were monitored and corrected at regular time intervals because the temperature in the chamber increases ${\sim}20^{\circ}C$ due tothe heat of UVLED. The results showed that theconversion ratio of p-xylene has 40~43% difference before and after the temperature correction. Based on those results, we conclude that the VOC concentration correction must be required for the VOC removal test in a closed chamber system under UVLED light source and obtained the corrected efficiencies of various photocatlysts.

The Verification of Accuracy of 3D Body Scan Data - Focused on the Cyberware WB4 Whole Body Scanner - (3차원 인체 스캔 데이터의 정확도 검증에 관한 연구 - Cyberware의 WB4 스캐너를 중심으로 -)

  • Park, Sun-Mi;Nam, Yun-Ja
    • Journal of the Korea Fashion and Costume Design Association
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    • v.14 no.1
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    • pp.81-96
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    • 2012
  • The purpose of this study is to provide fundamental information for standardization of 3D body measurement. This research analyzes errors occurring in the process of extracting body size from 3D body scan data. First, as a result of analyzing basic state of the 3D body scanner's calibration, the point number of each section was almost the same, while the right and left as well as the front and back coordinates of the center of gravity are not, showing unstable data. Nevertheless, the latter does not influence on the size of cylinder such as width and circumference. Next, we analyzed point coordinates variations of scan data on a mannequin nude by life casting. The result was great deflection in case of complicated or horizontal sections including the reference point beyond proper distance from centers of four cameras. In case of the mannequin's size, accuracy proves comparatively high in that measurement errors in height, width, depth, and length dimension occurred all within allowable errors, only except chest depth, while there were a lot of measurement errors in a circumference dimension. Secondly, analysis of accuracy of automatic extraction identification program algorithm presented that a semi-automatic measurement program is better than an automatic measurement program. While both of them ate very acute in parts related to crotch, they are not in armpit related parts. Therefore, in extracting of human body size from 3D scan data, what really matters seems to parts related to armpits.

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The Lens Aberration Correction Method for Laser Precision Machining in Machine Vision System (머신비전 시스템에서 레이저 정밀 가공을 위한 렌즈 수차 보정 방법)

  • Park, Yang-Jae
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.10 no.10
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    • pp.301-306
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    • 2012
  • We propose a method for accurate image acquisition in a machine vision system in the present study. The most important feature is required by the various lenses to implement real and of the same high quality image-forming optical role. The input of the machine vision system, however, is generated due to the aberration of the lens distortion. Transformation defines the relationship between the real-world coordinate system and the image coordinate system to solve these problems, a mapping function that matrix operations by calculating the distance between two coordinates to specify the exact location. Tolerance Focus Lens caused by the lens aberration correction processing to Galvanometer laser precision machining operations can be improved. Aberration of the aspheric lens has a two-dimensional shape of the curve, but the existing lens correction to linear time-consuming calibration methods by examining a large number of points the problem. How to apply the Bilinear interpolation is proposed in order to reduce the machining error that occurs due to the aberration of the lens processing equipment.

Calibration of monodisperse polystylene spheres of size from 1 to 10 ${\mu}m$ by using optical array sizing method (광학적 입자열 측정법에 의한 폴리스티렌구의 평균지름 측정)

  • 강주식
    • Korean Journal of Optics and Photonics
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    • v.10 no.1
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    • pp.21-26
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    • 1999
  • The technique for calibrating standard particles larger than 1 $\mu$m by using an optical array sizing method has been established. The system consists of an optical microscope with transmission light source, a CCD camera, and a computer equipped with a frame grabber. The center distance between two spheres located at both ends of a row which consists of N spheres is measured in terms of pixel numbers, and divided by (N-1) to obtain the average pixel numbers per particle. This value is multiplied by length conversion constant, which has been determined in advance, to obtain the mean diameter of polystylene spheres. The length conversion constant is found from the microscopic image of calibrated standard stage micrometer plate. In order to reduce error in finding center positions of the scale and particles in the image, a software filter which dilates bright (or dark) object has been used. Spheres having nominal size of 1, 2, 3, 5, and 10$\mu$m were measured, and the maximum deviation of the measured mean diameter valus from their certified values was 0.7%. Standard particles which is larger than 1 $\mu$m can be calibrated by this method with measuredment uncertainy (k=2) lees than 1.53%.

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