• Title/Summary/Keyword: dish-based food frequency questionnaire

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Application and Evaluation of Web-based Food Frequency Questionnaire for Korean Adolescents (웹 기반 시스템을 이용한 반정량적 식품섭취빈도 조사지의 적용 및 평가)

  • Yum, Jinhee;Lee, Seungmin
    • Korean Journal of Community Nutrition
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    • v.21 no.5
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    • pp.440-450
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    • 2016
  • Objectives: We previously developed a dish-based semi-quantitative food frequency questionnaire (FFQ) for Korean adolescents and reported that it had reasonable reliability and validity. The objective of the current study was to construct a web-based dietary evaluation system applying the FFQ for Korean adolescents and examine its applicability in the context of reliability and validity. Methods: A web-based food frequency questionnaire system was designed using a comprehensive approach, incorporating not only dietary data survey but also up-to-date nutrition information and individualized eating behavior guidelines. A convenience sample of 50 boys and girls aged 12~18 years agreed to participate in the study and completed the FFQ twice and 3 days of dietary recall on the developed website during a two-month period. The FFQ's reliability and validity was examined using correlation and cross classification analysis. We also measured participants' subjective levels of the web site's usability, visual effect, understanding, and familiarity. Results: Spearman correlation coefficients for reliability ranged from 0.74 (for vitamin A) to 0.94 (for energy). From cross-classification analyses, the proportion of subjects in the same intake quartile was highest for energy (82.0%) and lowest for vitamin A (56.0%). With regard to validity analysis, Spearman correlation coefficients ranged from 0.34 (for fiber) to 0.79 (for energy). The proportions of subjects in the opposite categories between the first FFQ and 3-day diet recall data were generally low from 0.00% (for fat) to 36.2% (for sodium). Average subjective levels of the website's usability, visual effect, understanding, and familiarity were all found to be over 4 points out of 5 points. Conclusions: The web-based dietary evaluation system developed can serve as a valid and attractive tool for administering FFQ to Korean adolescents.

Evaluation of Served Menu and Management of Foodservice in Korean Buddhist Temples (전국 주요 사찰의 후원(부엌) 현황 및 제공 식단의 분석 - 식단 유형을 중심으로 -)

  • Kim Jin-A;Lee Sim-Yeol
    • Journal of the East Asian Society of Dietary Life
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    • v.16 no.2
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    • pp.215-225
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    • 2006
  • This study was peformed to evaluate the served menu and investigate the management of food service in Korean Buddhist temples. Among the available temples in the nation, 34 temples were carefully selected considering practice type, location and the gender characteristics. A survey about meal preparation and management was conducted to the cooking staff in each the temple using questionnaire by interview between Jan 2004 and Aug 2004. The menus over A five consecutive days menu was were also collected for analysis to analyse. Civilian cooking staffs were preparing meals in 23(67.6%) of the temples and the proportion 18(52.9%) of the temples were planning their own the menus was 52.9%. Most kitchens in the temples were equipped with modernized kitchen appliances. The major food supply was the conventional market Even though the majority of the temples were using processed food, Korean fermented sauces as the most traditional temple food products were prepared by themselves. There were 114 menu patterns and the most frequently served meal pattern was ${\ulcorner}Rice+Soup+Kimchi+3{\sim}4\;side\;dishes{\lrcorner}$. Analyzing from the cultural characteristics point of view, the most frequently served dish type was 'Korean'(90%), while other types were 'modified Korean'(3.7%) and 'Western'(2.7%). The varieties of Various 438 different dishes provided were 438 provided and with Kimchies (19.8%), Seasoned vegetables(16.8%) and Rice(11.0%) being the highest were high in frequency when dishes were categorized into dish classes. Among the main dishes, the frequency of gruel(13.7%) was relatively high. These results suggest the need to conduct Based upon the results found, it was required to continue further research about preserving and inheriting the originality and uniqueness of the temple food.

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Development of a Food Frequency Questionnaire for the Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey: Data from the Fourth Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (KNHANES IV) (국민건강영양조사 식품섭취빈도조사지 개발: 국민건강영양조사 제4기 (2007-2009) 자료 이용)

  • Yun, Sung Ha;Shim, Jee-Seon;Kweon, Sanghui;Oh, Kyungwon
    • Journal of Nutrition and Health
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    • v.46 no.2
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    • pp.186-196
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    • 2013
  • The objective of this study was to develop a semi-quantitative food frequency questionnaire (FFQ) for an adult population for use in the Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (KNHANES). The 24-hour recall data for 2,939 subjects aged 19 years and over from the fourth KNHANES first year (2007) were used to extract the items included in the questionnaire. The FFQ items were developed by selection of major dishes based on the cumulative contribution rate, between-person variability based on the cumulative R2 of energy and 14 nutrients (carbohydrate, protein, fat, crude fiber, calcium, phosphorous, iron, sodium, potassium, vitamin A, thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, and vitamin C) and the number of consumers of each dish. In addition, the FFQ items were revised with analysis of 24-hour recall data of the fourth KNHANES second and third year (2008, 2009). Finally, 112 items were included in the FFQ and grouped as follows: rice (5 items), noodles and dumplings (6), breads and rice cakes (8), soups and stews (12), soybeans, eggs, meat and fish (23), vegetables, seaweed and potatoes (27), milk and dairy products (4), fruits (13), beverages (5), snacks (6) and alcoholic beverages (3). The food items of FFQ accounted for an average of 87.0% of energy and 14 nutrient intakes and also accounted for 81.7% of the between-person variability. The frequency range of the FFQ items was classified into nine categories (never or seldom, once per month, 2-3 times per month, once per week, 2-4 times per week, 5-6 times per week, once per day, twice per day and three times per day) and the portion size was divided into three categories (small, medium and large). We expect that this developed dish-based FFQ could be used in assessment of longterm dietary intakes of Korean adults.

Sodium Intakes of Korean Adults with 24-hour Urine Analysis and Dish Frequency Questionnaire and Comparison of Sodium Intakes According to the Regional Area and Dish Group (24시간 소변분석과 음식섭취빈도지를 사용한 우리나라 성인들의 나트륨 섭취량과 지역별, 음식군별 나트륨 섭취량의 비교)

  • Son, Sook-Mee;Park, Young-Sook;Lim, Hwa-Jae;Kim, Sook-Bae;Jeong, Yeon-Seon
    • Korean Journal of Community Nutrition
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    • v.12 no.5
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    • pp.545-558
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    • 2007
  • This study was performed to assess the sodium intakes of Korean adults using a 24-hr urine analysis and dish frequency questionnaire (DFQ) according to each dish group and the regional area. The subjects of this study were comprised of 522 adults (male : 267, female : 285), aged 20-59yr residing in the metropolitan area (N=200), Chungcheng-Do (N=117), Jeolla-Do(N=117), and Gueongsang-Do provinces (N=118). The subjects were recruited from the residents who once participated or are participating in the various health programs offered by the public health center. The number of subjects who completed the 24-hr urine collection was 205 (male : 110, female : 95). The mean age and BMI of the subjects were $39.0{\pm}$11.7y and $23.1{\pm}2.9 kg/m^2$, respectively. The mean systolic and diastolic blood pressure was $119.5{\pm}15.4 mmHg$, and $77.1{\pm}11.1 mmHg$, respectively. Eighteen percent of the subjects responded that they are currently smoking, 36% drinking and 50.4% exercising. Twenty point six percent of the subjects were assessed as having hypertension according to their systolic or diastolic blood pressure($SBP{\ge}140mmHg$ or $DBP{\ge}90mmHg$) measurements in the present study. Salt intake of the subjects estimated with 24-hr sodium excretion was 12.7g/d (male : 13.4g/d, female : 12.1g/d) based on the sodium excretion rate as 82%. Salt intake estimated with DFQ was 14.7g/d (male : 16.2g/d, female : 13.4g/d), 2 g more than the salt intake estimated with 24-hr urine analysis. The four dish groups that contributed most to the sodium intake in order were kimchi (11571.4mg), soup and stew (1260.5mg), fish and shellfish(706.3mg) and noodle and ramyeon(644.3mg). Salt intake estimated with DFQ was the highest in the subjects of Gueongsang-Do(17.0g/d), second highest Chungcheong-Do (16.4g/d) and the lowest in the metropolitan area (13.0g/d). Subjects of Gueongsang-Do showed the highest sodium intakes in most of the dish group, whereas subjects of the metropolitan area showed the lowest. Residents of Chungcheong-Do revealed the highest sodium intake with kimchi and of Jeolla-Do the higher sodium intake with main dish (meat, fish and beans). The highest salt percentage of kimchi ($3.0{\pm}0.8%$) and soybean paste ($14.5{\pm}5.1%$) were observed in Gueongsang-Do, whereas individuals of the metropolitan area were observed as having kimchi ($1.6{\pm}0.5%$) and soybean paste ($7.4{\pm}1.6%$) with the lowest salt percenage. Men were observed as having more salty kimchi ($2.4{\pm}0.1%$) than women ($2.1{\pm}0.1%$).

Development and Evaluation of Validity of Dish Frequency Questionnaire (DFQ) and Short DFQ Using Na Index for Estimation of Habitual Sodium Intake (나트륨 섭취량 추정을 위한 음식섭취빈도조사지와 Na Index를 이용한 간이음식섭취빈도조사지의 개발 및 타당성 검증에 관한 연구)

  • Son, Sook-Mee;Huh, Gwui-Yeop;Lee, Hong-Sup
    • Korean Journal of Community Nutrition
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    • v.10 no.5
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    • pp.677-692
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    • 2005
  • The assessment of sodium intake is complex because of the variety and nature of dietary sodium. This study intended to develop a dish frequency questionnaire (DFQ) for estimating the habitual sodium intake and a short DFQ for screening subjects with high or low sodium intake. For DFQ112, one hundred and twelve dish items were selected based on the information of sodium content of the one serving size and consumption frequency. Frequency of consumption was determined through nine categories ranging from more than 3 times a day to almost never to indicate how often the specified amount of each food item was consumed during the past 6 months. One hundred seventy one adults (male: 78, female: 93) who visited hypertension or health examination clinic participated in the validation study. DFQ55 was developed from DFQ112 by omitting the food items not frequently consumed, selecting the dish items that showed higher sodium content per one portion size and higher consumption frequency. To develop a short DFQs for classifying subjects with low or high sodium intakes, the weighed score according to the sodium content of one protion size was given to each dish item of DFQ25 or DFQ14 and multiplied with the consumption frequency score. A sum index of all the dish items was formed and called sodium index (Na index). For validation study the DFQ112, 2-day diet record and one 24-hour urine collection were analyzed to estimate sodium intakes. The sodium intakes estimated with DFQ112 and 24-h urine analysis showed $65\%$ agreement to be classified into the same quartile and showed significant correlation (r=0.563 p<0.05). However, the actual amount of sodium intake estimated with DFQ112 (male: 6221.9mg, female: 6127.6mg) showed substantial difference with that of 24-h urine analysis (male: 4556.9mg, female: 5107.4mg). The sodium intake estimated with DFQ55 (male: 4848.5mg, female: 4884.3mg) showed small difference from that estimated with 24-h urine analysis, higher proportion to be classfied into the same quartile and higher correlation with the sodium intakes estimated with 24-h urine analysis and systolic blood pressure. It seems DFQ55 can be used as a tool for quantitative estimation of sodium intake. Na index25 or Na index14 showed $39\~50\%$ agreement to be classified into the same quartile, substantial correlations with the sodium intake estimated with DFQ55 and significant correlations with the sodium intake estimated with 24-h urine analysis. When point 119 for Na index25 was used as a criterion of low sodium intake, sensitivity, specificity and positive predictive value was $62.5\%,\;81.8\%\;and\;53.2\%$, respectively. When point 102 for Na index14 was used as a criterion of high sodium intake, sensitivity, specificity and positive predictive value were $73.8\%,\;84.0\%,\;62.0\%$, respectively. It seems the short DFQs using Na index 14 or Na index25 are simple, easy and proper instruments to classify the low or high sodium intake group.

The Effect of Seasoning on the Distribution of Nutrient Intakes by a Food-Frequency Questionnaire in a Rural Area (한 농촌 지역에서 식품섭취빈도조사로 측정된 영양소 섭취 분포에 유지류와 양념류가 미치는 영향)

  • Yun, Sung-Ha;Choi, Bo-Youl;Kim, Mi-Kyung
    • Journal of Nutrition and Health
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    • v.42 no.3
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    • pp.246-255
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    • 2009
  • The development of food frequency questionnaire (FFQ) is based on food use and/or dish use. Regardless of potential effect of oils and seasonings on chronic diseases, most of food-based FFQs do not include oils and seasonings in calculation of nutrient intake. This study examined the effect of added (seasoning) oils and seasonings on the distribution of subjects by relative nutrient intake using a dish-based FFQ. The subjects were 1,303 persons (men 478, women 825) aged over 20 years old, who completed FFQ composed of 121 items. Three types of daily nutrient intake were calculated; 1) total nutrient intake with oils and seasonings, 2) nutrient intake without oils, and 3) nutrient intake without oils and seasonings. The correlation and agreement of classification of subjects by relative nutrient intake were examined. All analyses were performed using absolute nutrient intakes and total energy-adjusted nutrient intakes by residual method. Comparing total nutrient intake with the nutrient intake without oils, energy, vegetable fat and vitamin E intake were significantly decreased and kappa values were 0.95 (${\kappa}{\omega}$ = 0.98), 0.64 (${\kappa}{\omega}$ = 0.81), and 0.59 (${\kappa}{\omega}$ = 0.79), respectively. Comparing total nutrient intake with the nutrient intake without oils and seasonings, most of nutrients intake except animal fat, animal protein, retinol and cholesterol were significantly decreased, and kappa values of vegetable fat (${\kappa}$ = 0.64, ${\kappa}{\omega}$ = 0.81), vitamin E (${\kappa}$ = 0.59, ${\kappa}{\omega}$ = 0.79) and sodium (${\kappa}$ = 0.61, ${\kappa}{\omega}$ = 0.80) were under 0.80. After total energy was adjusted, agreement was lower than before total energy adjustment. Excluding oils and seasonings to assess nutrient intake underestimated vegetable fat, vitamin E and sodium intake and affected the distribution of subjects by their relative nutrient intake. Therefore, we suggest that research focused on these nutrients need to be cautious about the interpretation of the results.

Relationship between thresholds and self-assessed preference for saltiness and sodium intake in young women (젊은 여성에서 짠맛 역치 및 자기 평가 짠맛 선호도와 나트륨 섭취 간의 상호 관련성)

  • Shim, Eugene;Yang, Yoon Jung;Yang, Yoon Kyoung
    • Journal of Nutrition and Health
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    • v.49 no.2
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    • pp.88-98
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    • 2016
  • Purpose: We recruited 118 women in their early 20's to examine the relationship between sodium intake and salty taste thresholds and preference. We also examined the association of salty taste preference with sodium-related dietary behaviors and major dishes contributing to sodium intake. Methods: Daily sodium intake was estimated using a 127-item dish-frequency questionnaire. Salty taste thresholds and preference were measured using rating scales using water solution of NaCl and a self-administered questionnaire based on a Likert scale, respectively. Results: Salty taste preference showed positive correlation with daily sodium intake and sodium intake-increasing behaviors, and inverse association with sodium intake-decreasing behaviors, including salt and soy sauce use at the table, the frequency of eating out and home delivery of foods, broth consumption of soup, stew or noodle soup, the use of ready-to-serve or processed foods, fresh vegetable intake, and the accommodating attitude toward bland food. Intake of sodium-contributing dishes, including ramen, spicy soft-tofu stew, radish kimchi, and dishes containing kimchi, also showed positive association with salty taste preference. Unexpectedly, detection and recognition thresholds of salty taste showed no association with salty taste preference, sodium intake, and sodium-related dietary behaviors. Conclusion: These findings suggest that salty taste preference could reflect sodium intake of individuals rather than thresholds of saltiness, and may be used as a simple and effective proxy for usual sodium intake.

Comparison of salty taste acuity and salty taste preference with sodium intake and blood pressure based on zinc nutritional status in two rural populations in Korea

  • Choe, Jeong-Sook;Kim, Eun-Kyung;Kim, Eun-Kyung
    • Nutrition Research and Practice
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    • v.6 no.6
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    • pp.534-541
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    • 2012
  • This study examined salty taste acuity and salty taste preference and sodium intake in relation to zinc nutritional status in 2 rural populations in Korea. And we also examined the main food contributors of their sodium intakes. We enrolled 218 adults (66 men and 152 women) from the Kangneung and Samcheok regions in Korea's Kangwon province in our study conducted from December 2011 to February 2012. Participants from each region were divided into 3 groups based on their serum zinc level (T1: lowest, T2: intermediate, T3: highest). We compared the salty taste acuity and preference, Na index (Dish Frequency Questionnaire for estimation of habitual sodium intake), blood pressure, and intakes of nutrients including sodium by 3 groups of serum zinc level. The results were as follows: a higher serum zinc level indicated a lower sodium intake and Na index (P<0.05). The salty taste acuity was considerably higher for participants from the Kangneung region than those from the Samcheok region (P<0.05). And the serum zinc level was significantly higher in participants from the Kangneung region than those from the Samcheok region (P<0.05). We further divided the participants into 2 groups: those who consumed more zinc than the recommended intake (RI) and the others. We compared salty taste acuity and salty taste preference in the 2 groups. The salty taste threshold and palatable salty taste concentrations were lower for the group with a zinc intake above RI than for the group with zinc intake below the RI. However, the difference was not significant. This study confirms that taste function differs depending on zinc nutritional status. In future, it is required to a large-scale, long-term, prospective study on the correlation between zinc intake, serum zinc levels, and taste perception function and blood pressure.

Status and Needs Assessment on Nutrition Management and Meal Service for Elementary·Middle·High School Athletes among Athlete's Parents (보호자를 대상으로 한 초·중·고등학교 운동선수를 위한 영양관리와 급식지원 실태 및 요구도 파악)

  • Hwang, Jung Hyun;Kim, Ji Yeon;Kim, Kyung A;Kim, Kyung Won
    • Korean Journal of Community Nutrition
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    • v.24 no.1
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    • pp.47-59
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    • 2019
  • Objectives: Young athletes require adequate nutrition to maintain their athletic performance, growth and health. This study examined the status and needs of nutrition management and meal services for student athletes among the athlete's parents. Methods: The subjects were parents of elementary, middle, and high school athletes (n=323) from 18 schools participating mainly in the Sports Food Truck. The questionnaire included general characteristics, status and needs on nutrition management and meal service for student athletes, and satisfaction with the Food Truck. The survey was done during 2018. The data were analyzed according to the school groups using a ${\chi}^2-test$ or ANOVA. Results: Approximately 45% of subjects had difficulty in the nutrition management of athletes, and 87.1% had not received nutrition education. Approximately 74% wanted nutrition education held for athletes, and mainly wanted topics on nutrition management for health and eating for athletic performance. The preferred methods were lectures and cooking activity. The responses on the necessity of nutrition education for athletes, desired education topics, and desired times for education differed significantly according to the school groups (p<0.05). Most subjects also wanted nutrition information mainly through SNS. In the athlete's meal, breakfast and snacks were highlighted as the meal to supplement. Approximately 90.3% responded that providing a meal service is necessary. The subjects preferred snacks before/after exercise and dinner if a meal service was provided. They preferred Korean food, followed by snacks, and a dish meal. As the meal type, the subjects wanted the Food Truck and packed meal. The responses on necessity of a meal service (p<0.05), preferred food (p<0.001), and meal type (p<0.001) in the meal service differed significantly according to the school groups. Approximately 43% were satisfied with the Food Truck and 50.8% responded as average. They made suggestions for the Food Truck in terms of foods, operations and frequency. Conclusions: Based on the study results, nutrition education and meal service may support nutrition for student athletes considering the needs of the parents according to the school groups.

Effect of a public health center-based nutrition education program for hypertension in women older than 50 years of age (50세 이상 여성을 대상으로 한 보건소 기반 고혈압 영양교육의 효과 평가)

  • Park, Seoyun;Kwon, Jong-Sook;Kim, Hye-Kyeong
    • Journal of Nutrition and Health
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    • v.51 no.3
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    • pp.228-241
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    • 2018
  • Purpose: The health risk of women increases after menopause. This study evaluated the effectiveness of a public health center-based nutrition education program for hypertension in women older than 50 years of age. Methods: The program included 8-week nutrition education and 8-week follow-up with keeping a health diary and nutrition counseling. The program was evaluated three times: before and after the nutrition education, and after the follow-up. The subjects were classified into hypertensives (n = 44) or normotensives (n = 71). Results: The rate of taking antihypertensive drugs in the hypertensive group was 86.4%. The systolic blood pressure decreased in the hypertensive and normotensive groups after nutrition education (p < 0.05). The body weight (p < 0.001), BMI (p < 0.001), waist circumference (p < 0.001), and percent body fat (p < 0.01) were also decreased after nutrition education in both groups. The hypertensive group showed an increase in HDL-cholesterol level (p < 0.001) and decreases in triglycerides (p < 0.01) and LDL-cholesterol (p < 0.05) levels after completion of the program. The normotensive group also displayed significant changes in HDL-cholesterol (p < 0.001) and triglycerides (p < 0.01). The dietary habits and nutrition knowledge on sodium and hypertension were improved in both groups (p < 0.001). The total score of dietary behavior related to the sodium intake was improved in the normotensive group (p < 0.001). The total score of the high sodium dish frequency questionnaire decreased in both groups after nutrition education and completion of the program compared to that before the program. Decreases in the consumption frequencies of noodles, pot stews and stews, Kimchi, and beverages were significant. The total self-efficacy score was increased in both groups by the program (p < 0.001). In particular, the hypertensive group showed improvement in all items. Conclusion: This public health center-based nutrition education program may contribute to the prevention and management of hypertension and chronic diseases in women over 50 years of age.