• Title/Summary/Keyword: disease pattern

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Effect of Different Level of Fertilizers on Blast Disease Occurrence of Tongil-line of Rice (수도(水稻) 통일계(統一系) 품종(品種)의 도열병(稻熱病) 발생(發生)에 미치는 시비수준(施肥水準)의 영향(影響))

  • Kim, Hong-Gi;Park, Jong-Seong
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural Science
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    • v.6 no.2
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    • pp.97-104
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    • 1979
  • The present study was attempted to find out the effects of different fertilizer levels on the process and pattern of blast epidemic of Milyang 23 which is a variety belong to Tongil-line of rice and very susceptible to new races of the blast fungus. The results obtained from the study are as follows. In general, the plant become more susceptible to blast with increase of fertilizers applied and there is a close relationship between the incidence of blast and levels of fertilizer. Such a relationship appears more clearly in case of the incidence of leaf blast while it is not so clear in case of the incidence of node blast and neck blast. In spite of low level of fertilizer, both of node and neck blast occur considerably and the difference compared with that of high level of fertilizer is not so great. Therefore, the disease escaping in the node or the neck of panicle by regulation of fertilizer level may be impossible. And also forecasting of the neck blast by estimate of the incidence of leaf blast is very difficult because of discontinuity of the incidence of blast on the leaf and the node.

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Non-invasive Fdlow-up of Pulmonary artey by EBT Other Palliatrve Shunt Operatin (청색증형 선천성 심질환아의 고식적 수술 이후 EBT에 의한 폐혈관계이 비침습적 추적 검사)

  • 김민정;박영환;홍유선;이종균;최규옥;조범구
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • v.33 no.1
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    • pp.7-19
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    • 2000
  • Background :To assess the accuracy of Electron-Beam Tomography(EBT) in following evaluation of the pulmonary vascular system after a shunt operation in the cyanotic con-genital heart disease with pulmonary stenosis or pulmonary atresia. Material and Method : Sixteen patients(M:F=11:5) who received Blalock-Taussig(n=8) bidirectional cavo-pulmonary shunt(n=10) and unifocalization (n=2) were ncluded in the study. We evaluated the patency of the shunt the morphology of intrapericardial and hilar pulmonary arteries(PA) peripheral pulmonary vascularity by background lung attenuation and the abundance of arterial & venous collateral. Angiography(n=12) and echocardiography(n=20) were used as the gold standard for the comparison of EBT results. Result: EBT was consistent with angiogram/ echo in 100% of the evaluation for the patency of the shunt and in 12(by angiogram 100%) and 19(by echo 95%) for the detection the hypoplasia stenosis or interruption of central PA In measuring of PA EBT and angiogram corrlated(r=0.91) better than EBT-echo(r=0.88) or echo-angiogram(r=0.72) Abundant systemic arterial collateral were noted in 4 and venous collateral in 3 cases. In evaluating the peripheral pulmonary vascularity the homogenous and normal-ranged lung attenuation(m=6) decreased but homo-genous attenuation(n=1) segment-by-sgment heterogeneous attenuation(n=3) homogenous but asymmetrical attenuation(n=3) segment-by-segment heterogeneous attenuation(n=3) homogenous but asymmetrical attenuation(n=3) and venous congestion(n=2) were observed nd 12 of them were compatible with the blood flow pattern revealed by cardiac catheterization. Conclusion: EBT was accurate in the integrated evaluation of the pulmonary vascular system after the shunt including the patency of the shunt operaion the morphology and dimension of the central and hilar PAs and the loco-regional pulmonary flow in the lung parenchyma. It suggests the useful information about the need of secondary shunt operation the proper timing time for total repair and the need of interventional procedure prior to total repair.

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A Case of Pulmonary Cryptococcosis Followed by Pulmonary Tuberculosis Developed after Bilateral Adrenalectomy (양측 부신절제술후 연속적으로 병발된 폐효모균증 및 폐결핵 1예)

  • Lee, Won-Young;Cho, Young-Suk;Kim, Mi-Young;Ahn, Rhee-Sook;Song, So-Hyang;Lee, Sook-Young;Kim, Young-Kyoon;Kim, Kwan-Hyung;Park, Sung-Hak
    • Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases
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    • v.42 no.1
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    • pp.93-98
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    • 1995
  • Cryptococcosis is a systemic infection caused by the yeast-like fungus Cryptococcus neoformans. Respiratory tract is the usual portal of infection but relatively few cases of pulmonary cryptococcosis have been reported. Recently the incidence of the disease are increasing because the perception to seek the disease is increasing and immunocompromised hosts are more widespread with introduction of immune-suppressants, steroids and advent of AIDS. Because of nonspecific pattern of clinical manifestation, radiologic findings, differentiating the other diseases is essential and it needs fungal culture and biopsy. We describe a patient in the state of bilateral adrenalectomy due to bilateral ACTH-independent macronodular hyperplasia who developed pulmonary cryptococcosis and was later infected with pulmonary tuberculosis.

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Clinical Significance of the Pattern of Lymph Node Metastasis Depending on the Location of Gastric Cancer

  • Han, Ki-Bin;Jang, You-Jin;Kim, Jong-Han;Park, Sung-Soo;Park, Seong-Heum;Kim, Seung-Joo;Mok, Young-Jae;Kim, Chong-Suk
    • Journal of Gastric Cancer
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    • v.11 no.2
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    • pp.86-93
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    • 2011
  • Purpose: When performing a laparoscopic assisted gastrectomy, a function-preserving gastrectomy is performed depending on the location of the primary gastric cancer. This study examined the incidence of lymph node metastasis by the lymph node station number by tumor location to determine the optimal extent of the lymph node dissection. Materials and Methods: The subjects consisted of 1,510 patients diagnosed with gastric cancer who underwent a gastrectomy between 1996 and 2005. The patients were divided into three groups: upper, middle and lower third, depending on the location of the primary tumor. The lymph node metastasis patterns were analyzed in the total and early gastric cancer patients. Results: In all patients, lymph node station numbers 1, 2, 3, 7, 10 and 11 metastases were dominant in the cancer originating in the upper third, whereas station numbers 4, 5, 6 and 8 were dominant in the lower third. In early gastric cancer patients, the station number of lymph nodes with a metastasis did not show a significant difference in stage pT1a disease. On the other hand, a metastasis in lymph node station number 6 was dominant in stage pT1b disease that originated in the lower third of the stomach. Conclusions: When performing a laparoscopic-assisted gastrectomy for early gastric cancer, a limited lymphadenectomy is considered adequate during a function-preserving gastrectomy in mucosal (T1a) cancer. On the other hand, for submucosal (T1b) cancer, a number 6 node dissection should be performed when performing a pylorus preserving gastrectomy.

Epidemiology of Soybean Mosaic Virus Diseases (콩모자이크바이러스병의 역학적 연구)

  • Cho Eui-Kyoo;Choi S.H.;Hwang C.Y.
    • Korean journal of applied entomology
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    • v.23 no.4 s.61
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    • pp.197-202
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    • 1984
  • Two soybean cultivars Hanan and Kwanggyo were used to monitor SMV spread in the field. The Haman producing mosaic symptoms by infection with SMV strain G7 was planted in $2.2m^2$ at the coater of $320.7m^2$ field and Kwanggyo producing necrosis by infection with SMV-G7 was planted around the Haman one day after inoculation of Heman with SMV-G7. The most severe incidence of the necrotic disease in soybean cultivar Kwanggyo occurred on 43 days after planting(July 13) whereas aphid population reached peak around 22 days after planting(June 22). Total incidence of the necrotic disease was $20.4\%$, in the whole field and $56\%$, in eight $mall plots around the spreader of SMV. The spread of S MV outward from the spreader source was greater downwind than it was upwind. Spread also showed a signigicant gradieut pattern leeward from the infection focus.

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A Case of Idiopathic Collapsing Glomerulopathy Showing Aggravation on a Chronic Progressive Course (만성신질환의 경과 중 급성 악화를 보인 허탈성 사구체병증의 진단 1예)

  • Park, Jung Min;Hwang, Mun Ju;Jeong, Yo Han;Lee, Hansol;Park, Jong Won;Kim, Yong Jin
    • Journal of Yeungnam Medical Science
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    • v.29 no.2
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    • pp.102-105
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    • 2012
  • Collapsing glomerulopathy (CG) has become an important cause of end-stage renal disease (ESRD). First delineated from other proteinuric glomerular lesions in the 1980s, CG is now recognized as a common, distinct pattern of proliferative parenchymal injury that portends a rapid loss of renal function and poor responses to empirical therapy. The first cases in the literature trace back to human-immunodeficiency-virus(HIV)-negative patients who underwent biopsy in 1979. A 45-year-old male patient complained of hematuria and proteinuria eight years ago. He showed an abrupt serum creatinine increase from 1.75 to 2.65 mg/dL in the last preceding months. Afterwards, his serum creatinine progressively increased up to 6.82 mg/dL. Moreover, his 24 h urine protein level was determined to have reached 6,171 mg/day, as opposed to 670 mg/day a year earlier. Consequently, renal biopsy was performed, and its result showed collapsing glomerulopathy, compatible with the diagnosis. He has undergone continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis as renal replacement therapy. Thus, it is reported herein that a patient clinically diagnosed with chronic kidney disease eight years ago showed a sudden renal-function decrease and was clinicopathologically diagnosed with collapsing glomerulopathy based on the results of his renal biopsy.

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A Case of asymptomatic Short-chain Acyl-CoA Dehydrogenase Deficiency (무증상의 경쇄 acyl-CoA 탈수소효소 결핍증 1례)

  • Lee, Hwapyung;Kim, Jinsup;Huh, Rimm;Cho, Sung Yoon;Jin, Dong-Kyu
    • Journal of The Korean Society of Inherited Metabolic disease
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.98-100
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    • 2015
  • Short-chain acyl-CoA dehydrogenase (SCAD) deficiency is a rare mitochondrial fatty-acid oxidation disorder that is inherited as an autosomal recessive pattern. SCAD deficiency is caused by mutations in the ACADS gene (Acyl-CoA Dehydrogenase, Short-chain, OMIM #606885), which encodes SCAD, the mitochondrial enzyme that catalyzes the first reaction in the beta-oxidation of fatty acids four to six carbons in length. Here, we describe one Korean pediatric case of SCAD deficiency, which was diagnosed during newborn screening through tandem mass spectrometry. An increased concentration of butyrylcarnitine was detected on the newborn screening test, and the urine organic acid analysis showed increased urinary excretion of ethylmalonic acid. The patient has been asymptomatic and has shown normal growth and development by 8 months of age without any intervention during follow-up period.

Comparison of the Electrocardiographic Characteristics of Junior Athletes and Untrained Subjects

  • Park, Sang Ku;Kang, Ji-Hyuk
    • Korean Journal of Clinical Laboratory Science
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    • v.44 no.3
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    • pp.136-141
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    • 2012
  • The hearts of highly trained athletes show morphologic and electrocardiographic (ECG) changes that suggest the presence of cardiovascular disease, including sinus bradycardia, a striking increase in precordial R-wave or S-wave voltages, ST segment depression, and T-wave inversions. Despite a number of previous observational surveys, the determinants of abnormal ECG patterns in trained athletes remain largely unresolved. In this study, we compared the electrocardiographic characteristics of athletes to determine any sensitive indicators. Comparison between ECG patterns and cardiac physiology was performed in 21 junior athletes and 25 untrained subjects with no signs of cardiac disease. Sinus bradycardia was detected in a subset of athletes but not statistically significant between the athletes ($69.9{\pm}11.1bpm$) and the control ($72.7{\pm}9.9bpm$) group. The mean values of the PR and QTc intervals in the athletes' group were $149.2{\pm}15.4ms$ and $402.3{\pm}28.8ms$, respectively. Also, there were no significantly differences between control group and the athletes' group. In addition, the athletes demonstrated a spectrum of alterations in the 12-lead ECG pattern, including marked increase in precordial R-wave or S-wave voltages ($$SV_1+RV_5{\geq_-}35mm$$, 23.8%), QRS duration ($${\geq_-}90ms$$, 90.5%), suggestive of left ventricular hypertrophy. However, left axis deviation, ST segment depression, and T-wave changes in V5, V6 were not observed in either the athletes or control group. Our findings suggest that sinus bradycardia, precordial R-wave or S-wave voltages, and QRS duration seem to be more sensitively detected in athletes than in control group. Further researches on the electrocardiographic patterns of athletes should be carried out to improve the sensitivity and specificity of diagnostic criteria.

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Identification of major risk factors association with respiratory diseases by data mining (데이터마이닝 모형을 활용한 호흡기질환의 주요인 선별)

  • Lee, Jea-Young;Kim, Hyun-Ji
    • Journal of the Korean Data and Information Science Society
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    • v.25 no.2
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    • pp.373-384
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    • 2014
  • Data mining is to clarify pattern or correlation of mass data of complicated structure and to predict the diverse outcomes. This technique is used in the fields of finance, telecommunication, circulation, medicine and so on. In this paper, we selected risk factors of respiratory diseases in the field of medicine. The data we used was divided into respiratory diseases group and health group from the Gyeongsangbuk-do database of Community Health Survey conducted in 2012. In order to select major risk factors, we applied data mining techniques such as neural network, logistic regression, Bayesian network, C5.0 and CART. We divided total data into training and testing data, and applied model which was designed by training data to testing data. By the comparison of prediction accuracy, CART was identified as best model. Depression, smoking and stress were proved as the major risk factors of respiratory disease.

A Study on Home Care Service and the Level of Client Satisfaction (일 대학병원의 가정간호서비스 내용 및 만족도 조사)

  • Kim, Young-Hae;Park, Nam-Hee;Kim, Duk-Sun;Lee, Hwa-Za;Kim, Jung-Sun
    • Journal of Home Health Care Nursing
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    • v.10 no.1
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    • pp.73-84
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    • 2003
  • This study was done to examine the home care service provided by home care nurses and the level of client satisfaction. Data were collected from 110 clients who received the home care service at the P-hospital in Pusan from 23th April, 2001 to 30th November, 2002. The tool for measurement of satisfaction was composed of 16 items and was 4 score scale. Data was analyzed by using SPSS/WIN 10.5 program, the results of this study are summarized as follows; 1) 77.3% among 110 clients were over sixty years old. By the disease pattern. subjects were distributed into cancer(52.7%), cerebro-vascular disease(22.7%) and the others. 36.4% of clients were received home visits from 10 to 20 times by home care nurse. 2) The total number of home care services was 20,828. And most of the clients received the health education and training. 3) The mean score of satisfaction on provided home care services was $3.36\pm0.45$, out of 4. among 16 items. 'The home care nurses were kind enough' was highest ($3.59\pm0.49$), the total level of satisfaction of home care services was very high. with total mean score $53.84\pm7.16$. As mentioned above. the satisfaction level of home care services was very high. so we can except that the prospect of home care services is very challengeable. Therefore. we should try to expand the service recipients with promotional education to the home care clients under the cooperation with medical staff and make more efforts to develop the management system about clients' information. to improve the quality of the service, to assure close ties with the public health centers for the continuous home care service linking.

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