• Title/Summary/Keyword: disease pattern

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Radiography and Computed Tomography in Four Dogs with Lung Lobe Torsion (흉부 방사선 촬영과 컴퓨터단층촬영을 이용한 폐염전의 진단 4례)

  • Lee, Ki-Ja;Choi, Sung-Jin;Kim, Young-Hwan;Jeong, In-Seong;Choi, Ho-Jung;Lee, Young-Won
    • Journal of Veterinary Clinics
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    • v.30 no.5
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    • pp.390-393
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    • 2013
  • This case study describes the imaging features of radiography and computed tomography (CT) in four small breed dogs with lung lobe torsion. The medical records, thoracic radiographs and CT images of four dogs with confirmed lung lobe torsion were retrospectively reviewed. Pleural effusion and increased lobar opacity/density were seen on all CT and thoracic radiography in all four dogs. CT revealed narrowed/collapsed bronchus in all four dogs, while this was only appreciated on one thoracic radiography. The vesicular emphysema pattern was seen on four CT but only on three radiographic examinations. The specific findings of lung lobe torsion were vesicular emphysema and a narrowed/collapsed bronchus. These findings were more easily recognized on CT than with thoracic radiographs.

Correlations among Lifestyle and Health Status -A comparative study between nurses and clients- (생활양식과 건강수준간 상관성분석 -간호사와 비간호사 비교연구-)

  • Kim, Young-Im
    • Research in Community and Public Health Nursing
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    • v.5 no.1
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    • pp.53-63
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    • 1994
  • Health could be maintained and promoted by pursuing an active healthy lifestyle. Life-style include health habits and behavior pattern such as exercise, diatry change, weight control, stress management et al. The objectives of this studies are (1) to analyze recognition and practice of lifestyle between nurses and non-nurses, (2) to analyze health status of clients which presented healthy lifestyle, (3) to analyze factors that affected healthy lifestyle. The lifestyle assessment questionnaire is divided into ten sections: competence in selfcare, nutritional practices, physical activity, sleep patterns, stress management, self-actualization, sense of purpose, relation with others, environmental control, and use of health care system. The major results are as follows : (1) The level of recognition and practice of lifestyle was not high. Nurses showed more higher score than non nurses in lifestyle area such as competence in selfcare, stress management, environmental control, and use of health care system. (2) Good health status and lifestyle presented positive relation. (3) In mutiple classifiction analysis, competence in selfcare, nutritional practices, physical activity, sleep patterns, stress management, environmental control, and use of health care system had significant relation to independent variables. (4) Change of concept for healthy lifestyle after this survey was higher in nurses group and the most concern area was stress management. To sum up, lifestyle pattern of nurses as health professional was not desirably high. Therefore nurses ownself should effort to practice healthy lifestyle prior to others, and then educate importance of lifestyle for health promotion and disease prevention. In conclusion, it will be useful to consider significant lifestyle factors that was be identified in this study to develop health promotion program.

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  • Lim, Jae-Young;Song, Je-Seon;Lee, KoEun;Lee, Jae-Ho
    • The Journal of Korea Assosiation for Disability and Oral Health
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    • v.14 no.1
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    • pp.41-44
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    • 2018
  • McCune-Albright syndrome (MAS) is a rare disease characterized by fibrous dysplasia (FD), Cafe-au-lait spots, and endocrine disorder. A 4-year-old girl with MAS visited the clinic with a chief complaint of facial asymmetry and bruxism without any pain. Facial asymmetry and many dental problems such as midline deviation, "ground glass appearance" on the entire jaw, thinned cortical bone, loss of lamina dura and ectopic germs were found. Because of severely displaced tooth germs and FD affected jaw, there is a high possibility of malocclusion during mixed/permanent dentition. It is necessary to observe the eruption pattern periodically. If there are clinical symptoms like an abnormal eruption pattern, facial asymmetry or high caries susceptibility, appropriate interventions of dentist are required.

Effect of genotypes on macronutrients and antioxidant capacity of chicken breast meat

  • Lengkidworraphiphat, Phatthawin;Wongpoomchai, Rawiwan;Taya, Sirinya;Jaturasitha, Sanchai
    • Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences
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    • v.33 no.11
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    • pp.1817-1823
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    • 2020
  • Objective: The increasing consumer awareness of food, which can provide health benefits and potentially aid disease prevention, has become the driving force of the functional food market. Accordingly, the aim of this study was to investigate the effects of chicken genotype on the macronutrient content, bioactive peptide content, and antioxidant capacity within different breast meat. Methods: In this experiment, three genotypes of chicken, Thai indigenous, black-boned, and broiler (control), were reared with commercial feed under the same conditions. Thirty chickens were slaughtered at typical market age and the breasts were separated from the carcass to determine macronutrient content using the AOAC method. The antioxidant capacities of the chicken breasts were evaluated by in vitro antioxidant assays and the protein pattern was investigated using gel electrophoresis. Carnosine and anserine, which have antioxidant properties in animal tissue, were determined using high performance liquid chromatography. Results: The results showed that breast meat from Thai indigenous chickens had a greater macronutrient content and higher antioxidant capacity compared with the other genotypes (p<0.05). The protein pattern was similar between genotypes, however Thai indigenous chickens had the greatest myosin and actin content (p<0.05). In addition, carnosine and anserine values were greatest in the black-boned and Thai indigenous chickens compared with the broiler genotype (p<0.05). Conclusion: Thai indigenous chicken breast meat may be classified as a functional food as it has good nutritional value and is rich in antioxidant peptides.

Anisotropic Patterns of Liver Cancer Prevalence in Guangxi in Southwest China: Is Local Climate a Contributing Factor?

  • Deng, Wei;Long, Long;Tang, Xian-Yan;Huang, Tian-Ren;Li, Ji-Lin;Rong, Min-Hua;Li, Ke-Zhi;Liu, Hai-Zhou
    • Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention
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    • v.16 no.8
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    • pp.3579-3586
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    • 2015
  • Geographic information system (GIS) technology has useful applications for epidemiology, enabling the detection of spatial patterns of disease dispersion and locating geographic areas at increased risk. In this study, we applied GIS technology to characterize the spatial pattern of mortality due to liver cancer in the autonomous region of Guangxi Zhuang in southwest China. A database with liver cancer mortality data for 1971-1973, 1990-1992, and 2004-2005, including geographic locations and climate conditions, was constructed, and the appropriate associations were investigated. It was found that the regions with the highest mortality rates were central Guangxi with Guigang City at the center, and southwest Guangxi centered in Fusui County. Regions with the lowest mortality rates were eastern Guangxi with Pingnan County at the center, and northern Guangxi centered in Sanjiang and Rongshui counties. Regarding climate conditions, in the 1990s the mortality rate of liver cancer positively correlated with average temperature and average minimum temperature, and negatively correlated with average precipitation. In 2004 through 2005, mortality due to liver cancer positively correlated with the average minimum temperature. Regions of high mortality had lower average humidity and higher average barometric pressure than did regions of low mortality. Our results provide information to benefit development of a regional liver cancer prevention program in Guangxi, and provide important information and a reference for exploring causes of liver cancer.

The Comparison of the Neurocognitive Functions between Dysthymic Disorder and Major Depressive Disorder (기분부전장애 환자군과 주요우울장애 환자군의 신경인지학적 기능 비교)

  • Kang, Rhee-Hun;Ham, Byung-Joo;Cha, Ji-Hyun;Lee, Min-Soo
    • Korean Journal of Biological Psychiatry
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.103-111
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    • 2002
  • Neurocognitive research focusing on cognitive deficits in Depression has resulted in several important but yet potentially contradictory findings. Much literature documents the presence of significant neurocognitive impairments in depressive patients. Studies have shown that dysthymic disorder patients demonstrate a diffuse pattern of cognitive impairment which is frequently indistinguishable from that of focal braindamaged patients. Some reports have suggested that there is a focal pattern of deficit, such as anterior cingulate dysfunction, frontal lobe impairment, or dysfunction of the temporal-limbic cortex. The aim of this study is to evaluate the neurocognitive functions in dysthymic disorder patients, and to compare the functions with those of major depressive disorder patients. The subjects are 17 dysthymic disorder patients. And their neurocognitive functions are compared with those of 23 major depressive episode patients. Patients with a history of neurologic disease, alcohol dependence, substance abuse and mental retardation are excluded. They are assessed with a part of Vienna Test System which is computerized neurocognitive function tests and can evaluate attention, eductive ability, reproductive ability, visuoperceptual analysis, vigilance, visual immediate memory, the speed of information-processing, judgement, and fine motor coordinations. There are no other specific difference between two groups, except the result of cognitrone test. This study provides information about the neurocognitive functions and some difference between major depressive disorder patients and carefully diagnosed dysthymic disorder patients.

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Development of multiplex PCR for detection of vancomycin resistant enterococci(VRE) and epidemiological application in Korea

  • Seo, Keun-seok;Song, Deok-jln;Gwyther, M.M.;Park, Yong-ho
    • Korean Journal of Veterinary Research
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    • v.39 no.2
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    • pp.343-352
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    • 1999
  • Vancomycin resistant enterococci (VRE) have emerged as an important nosocomial pathogen. Since 1989 the Center for Disease Control, United States, has reported a rapid increase in the incidence of enterococcal bacteremia and endocarditis infection by VRE. It was suggested that the use of avoparcin was associated with the appearance of VRE in animal husbandry. To date, several detection methods have been used based on conventional methods of culture and gene detection. However, these methods have some limitations such as time-consuming, laborious and additional differential needs. Therefore, In this study a multiplex PCR method was established to detect and differentiate resistance types of enterococci which specifically amplify the four van genes encoding vancomycin resistance elements. Using the method, we investigated the incidence rates and types of VRE from farms using or not using avoparcin. A total of 1091 animal fecal samples were collected from 70 pig and 32 poultry farms. A total of 425 of enterococci were isolated from samples. Of the 425 isolates, 11 of the them showed a pattern of high-level vancomycin resistance (MIC : $64{\sim}256{\mu}g/ml$) which was associated with the presence of the vanA or vanB gene. Fifty-seven isolates showed a pattern of low-level vancomycin resistance (MIC : $3{\sim}8{\mu}g/ml$) associated with the vanC-1 or vanC-2 gene. Interestingly, all isolates with high-level vancomycin resistance were from farms that have never used avoparcin. Moreover, the high-level VRE isolation rate in Korea (2.58%) was much lower than that of other countries (50% in England, 7% in Belgium) where avoparcin have been used. In conclusion, the multiplex PCR method established in this study could be applied for detection of VRE.

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The Nutritional Status of a Diabetes Mellitus Risk Group and a Control Group in Kangbukgu (서울 강북구 지역 당뇨병위험군과 대조군의 영양상태 비교)

  • 김명희;문현경
    • Korean Journal of Community Nutrition
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    • v.7 no.2
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    • pp.219-231
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    • 2002
  • The purpose of this study was to collect basic data on the prevention of and education about diabetes mellitus for the nutritional management of a diabetes mellitus risk group. The study which took place in Kangbukgu, Seoul, involved a diabetes mellitus risk group (DMR $\geq$ 110 mg/dL, 61), of males and females, aged 36 to 68 years, and a group of healthy people as a control group ( < 110 mg/dL, 183), using luting blood sugar (FBS) levels. The proportion of people in the abnormal range was higher in the DMR than that of control group for total cholesterol, high-density lipoproteins-cholesterol (HDL-C), total protein, glutamic oxaloacetic transaminase (GOT), glutamic pyruvic transaminase (GPT) and creatinine. Particularly with respect to serum protein the proportion in the DMR in abnormal range (p < 0.05) was significantly higher than that of the control group. The proportion in the DMR with a family history of disease was significantly higher than that of the control group (p < 0.01). Using body mass index (BMI), waist-hip ratio (WHR) and relative body weight (RBW), the obesity indices in the DMR was higher than that of the control group. Comparing the DMR and the control group with respect to dietary habits, it seems that the DMR had more undesirable dietary habits than the control group. When the intake of each nutrient for the DMR and the control group was compared to the Korean recommended dietary allowances (RDA), the proportion of excess intake and deficient intake in the DMR was higher than that of the control group. The DMR showed a greater undesirable dietary intake pattern as compared to that of the control group, based on the RDA. With respect to the dietary diversity score (DDS) and the mean adequacy ratio (MAR) for quality estimation of the overall flood intake, the DMR showed a feater undesirable pattern than the control group. According to the above results, the DMR tended to have more undesirable eating habits when compared to the control group. Therefore, to provide a more efficient nutritional education program for the DMR we must conduct lurker studies on eating habits, so as to provide systematic nutritional management based on theme differences between the DMR and the control group.

Can Abdominal Drawing-In Maneuver Using a Pressure Biofeedback Unit Change Muscle Recruitment Pattern During Prone Hip Extension?

  • Oh, Jae-Seop;Weon, Jong-Hyuck;Cynn, Heon-Seock;Kwon, Oh-Yun
    • Physical Therapy Korea
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    • v.13 no.4
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    • pp.56-63
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    • 2006
  • This study examined the effects of the abdominal drawing-in (ADI) maneuver using a pressure biofeedback on muscle recruitment pattern of erector spinae and hip extensors and anterior pelvic tilt during hip extension in the prone position. Fourteen able-bodied volunteers, who had no medical history of lower extremity or lumbar spine disease, were recruited for this study. The muscle onset time of erector spinae, gluteus maximus, and medial hamstring and angle of anterior pelvic tilt during hip extension in prone position were measured in two conditions: ADI maneuver condition and non-ADI maneuver condition. Muscle onset time was measured using a surface electromyography (EMG). Kinematic data for angle of anterior pelvic tilt were measured using a motion analysis system. The muscle onset time and angle of anterior pelvic tilt were compared using a paired t-test. The study showed that in ADI maneuver during hip extension in prone position, the muscle onset time for the erector spinae was delayed significantly by a mean of 43.20 ms (SD 43.12), and the onset time for the gluteus maximus preceded significantly by a mean of -4.83 ms (SD 14.10) compared to non-ADI maneuver condition (p<.05). The angle of anterior pelvic tilt was significantly lower in the ADI maneuver condition by a mean of 7.03 degrees (SD 2.59) compared to non-ADI maneuver condition (15.01 degrees) (p<.05). The findings of this study indicated that prone hip extension with the ADI maneuver was an effective method to recruit the gluteus maximus earlier than erector spinae and to decrease anterior pelvic tilting.

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  • Kwon, Ho-Keun;Cha, In-Ho;Lim, So-Jung;Choi, Choong-Ho;Kim, Baek-Il
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons
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    • v.28 no.5
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    • pp.395-400
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    • 2002
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between oral cancer and such factors as smoking and drinking pattern, oral health status, dietary intake pattern, socio-economic status. Oral cancer patients and other disease patients who visited Yonsei University Dental Hospital from May to September in 2000 were selected as the study subjects. The numbers of cases and controls were 41, 108, respectively. Two groups were matched with age and sex for case control study. Oral examination and questionnaires survey was performed by the dentist. To assess the strength of associations between oral cancer and other variables, chisquare tests were performed. The results were as follows : 1. The durations of smoking and alcohol drinking were not related significantly with oral cancer. But the doses of smoking and alcohol intake increased the risk of oral cancer significantly(OR=2.52, 4.11, p<0.05). 2. Denture wearing, the number of missing teeth and spicy and salty food, coffee, tea and fresh fruit intake frequency did not significantly increase the risk of oral cancer. But low education level, residency in rural area increased risk of oral cancer significantly(p<0.01).