• Title/Summary/Keyword: dietary zinc intake

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Nutrient Utilization, Body Composition and Lactation Performance of First Lactation Bali Cows (Bos sondaicus) on Grass-Legume Based Diets

  • Sukarini, I.A.M.;Sastradipradja, D.;Sutardi, T.;Mahardika, IG.;Budiarta, IG.A.
    • Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences
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    • v.13 no.12
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    • pp.1681-1690
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    • 2000
  • A study on energy and protein utilization, and milk production of Bali cows on grass-legume diets was carried out using 12 first lactation cows (initial BW $263.79{\pm}21.66kg$) during a period of 16 weeks starting immediately post calving. The animals were randomly allotted into 4 dietary treatment groups R1, R2, R3 and R4, receiving from the last 2 months of pregnancy onwards, graded improved rations based on a mixture of locally available grass and legume feed ad libitum. R1 contained on a DM basis 70% elephant grass (PP, Penisetum purpureum) plus 30% Gliricidia sepia leaves (GS), R2 was 30% PP plus 55% GS supplemented with 15% Hibiscus tilliactus leaves (HT, defaunating effect), R3 and R4 were 22.5% PP+41.25% GS+11.25% HT+25% concentrate, where R3 was not and R4 supplemented with zinc di-acetate. TDN, CP and zinc contents of the diets were 58.2%, 12.05% and 18.3 mg/kg respectively for R1, 65.05%, 16.9% and 25.6 mg/kg respectively for R2, 66.03%, 16.71% and 29.02 mg/kg respectively for R3 and 66.03%, 16.71% and 60.47 mg/kg respectively for R4. Milk production and body weight were monitored throughout the experimental period. In vivo body composition by the urea space technique validated by the body density method and supported by carcass data was estimated at the start and termination of the experiment. Nutrient balance and rumen performance characteristics were measured during a balance trial of 7 days during the 3rd and 4th week of the lactation period. Results indicated that quality of ration caused improvement of ruminal total VFA concentration, increments being 52 to 65% for R2, R3 and R4 above R1, with increments of acetate being less (31 to 48%) and propionate being proportionally more in comparison to total VFA increments. Similarly, ammonia concentrations increased to 5.24 to 7.07 mM, equivalent to 7.34 to 9.90 mg $NH_3-N/100ml$ rumen fluid. Results also indicated that feed quality did not affect DE and ME intakes, and heat production (HP), but increased GE, UE, energy in milk and total retained energy (RE total) in body tissues and milk. Intake-, digestible- and catabolized-protein, and retained-protein in body tissues and milk (Rprot) were all elevated increasing the quality of ration. Similar results were obtained for milk yield and components with mean values reaching 2.085 kg/d (R4) versus 0.92 kg/d (R1) for milk yield, and 170.22 g/d (R4) vs 71.69 g/d (R1), 105.74 g/d (R4) vs 45.35 g/d (R1), 101.34 g/d (R4) vs 46.36 g/d (R1) for milk-fat, -protein, and -lactose, respectively. Relatively high yields of milk production was maintained longer for R4 as compared to the other treatment groups. There were no significant effects on body mass and components due to lactation. From the relationship $RE_{total}$ (MJ/d)=12.79-0.373 ME (MJ/d); (r=0.73), it was found that $ME_{m}=0.53MJ/kgW^{0.75}.d$. Requirement of energy to support the production of milk, ranging from 0.5 to 3.0 kg/d, follows the equation: Milk Prod. ($Q_{mp}$, kg/d)=[-2.48+4.31 ME($MJ/kg^{0.75}.d$)]; (r=0.6) or $Q_{mp}$=-3.4+[0.08($ME-RE_{body\;tissue}$)]MJ/d]; (r=0.94). The requirement for protein intake for maintenance ($IP_m$) equals $6.19 g/kg^{0.75}.d$ derived from the relationship RP=-47.4+0.12 IP; (r=0.74, n=9). Equation for protein requirement for lactation is $Q_{nl}$=[($Q_{mp}$)(% protein in milk)($I_{mp}$)]/100, where $Q_{nl}$ is g protein required for lactation, $Q_{mp}$ is daily milk yield, Bali cow's milk-protein content av. 5.04%, and $I_{mp}$ is metabolic increment for milk production ($ME_{lakt}/ME_{m}=1.46$).

Effects of Nutrition Education in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus on Diabetes Control and Blood Antioxidant Status (제2형 당뇨환자에 대한 영양교육이 당뇨병 관리와 혈액 항산화 상태에 미치는 영향)

  • Shin, Kyung-Nam;Lee, Hye-Sang;Kwon, Chong-Suk
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.40 no.5
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    • pp.689-695
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    • 2011
  • Diabetic patients need nutritional education more than those suffering from other diseases because of the necessity of controlling blood glucose levels with dietary treatment. The purpose of this study was to find out the effectiveness of nutrition education on diabetes control and antioxidant status, both of which are related to diabetic complications. Thirty (15 males and 15 females) type 2 diabetes mellitus patients aged $66.7{\pm}8.8$ years participated in a 4-week nutrition education program. Nutrient intakes, blood glucose level, antioxidant status, and DNA damage were evaluated before, immediately after, and three months after the education program. Changes in those parameters over time were analyzed using repeated-measures analysis of covariance. Over time, HbA1c (p=0.000), plasma total cholesterol (p=0.002), plasma thiobarbituric acid related substances (TBARS; p=0.000), and leukocyte DNA damage (p=0.000) significantly decreased; plasma retinol (p=0.001), plasma tocopherol (p=0.000), erythrocyte catalase (CAT; p=0.000), and erythrocyte glutathione peroxidase (GPx; p=0.000) significantly increased. In an evaluation of nutrient intakes by Dietary Reference Intakes for Koreans (KDRI), energy (p=0.009), phosphorus (p=0.033), sodium (p=0.001), potassium (p=0.019), zinc (p=0.043), riboflavin (p=0.050), folic acid (p=0.048) and vitamin C (p=0.008) intakes had significant positive changes. In a correlation analysis of the biochemical and nutritional changes resulting from the education program, plasma TBARS were negatively correlated with potassium (r=-0.418, p<0.05), iron (r=-0.443, p<0.05), riboflavin (r=-0.432, p<0.05), and folic acid (r=-0.446, p<0.05) intakes, while plasma retinol was positively correlated with energy (r=0.543, p<0.01), protein (r=0.543, p<0.01), phosphorus (r=0.425, p<0.05), iron (r=0.485, p<0.05), zinc (r=0.570, p<0.01) and niacin (r=0.510, p<0.05) intakes. Erythrocyte CAT was positively correlated with folic acid intake (r=0.605, p<0.01). From these results, we suggest that an improvement in nutrition resulting from a diabetic education program for type 2 diabetes patients led to improvement in their antioxidant status, also possibly reducing complications resulting from diabetes.

Effects of Dietary Supplementation of Copper-Sulfate and Copper-Soy Proteinate on the Performance and Small Intestinal Microflora in Laying Hens (Copper-Sulfate와 Copper-Soy Proteinate 첨가가 산란계의 생산성과 장내 미생물 균총에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, Chan Ho;Kang, Hwan Ku;Bang, Han Tae;Kim, Ji Hyuk;Hwangbo, Jong;Choi, Hee Cheol;Paik, In Kee;Moon, Hong Kil
    • Korean Journal of Poultry Science
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    • v.41 no.4
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    • pp.241-247
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    • 2014
  • The objective of this experimental was to investigate the effect of dietary Cu-sulfate and Cu-soy proteinate on productive performance and small intestinal microflora. A total 1,000 Hy-Line Brown laying hens (35 weeks old) were randomly allotted to 1 of 5 dietary treatments: Control, Cu-sulfate 50, 100 (50, 100 ppm Cu supplementation as Cu-sulfate) and Cu-SP 50, 100 (50, 100 ppm Cu supplementation as Cu-soy proteinate). Each treatment was replicated 4 times with fifty birds per replication, housed in 2 birds cages. Fifty birds units were arranged according to randomized block design. Feeding trial lasted 5 weeks under 16L : 8D lighting regimen. Hen day egg production was significantly (P<0.05) higher in Cu treated groups than control. Feed intake, broken and shell-less egg production was not significantly influenced by treatment. Eggshell color, eggyolk color, haugh unit, and eggshell thickness were not significantly influenced by treatment. However, eggshell strength was significantly (P<0.05) greater in Cu treated groups than control. Concentration of copper of liver was significantly (P<0.05) greater in Cu treated groups than control. Concentration of zinc and iron of liver were not influenced by treatments. Population of Cl. perfrigens and Lactobacilli in the small intestinal content were significantly (P<0.05) influenced by treatments. Population of Cl. perfrigens decreased and that of Lactobacilli increased in the Cu supplement groups. In conclusion, dietary Cu sulfate and Cu-soy proteinate similarly improves egg production, eggshell strength, and favors intestinal microbial population of laying hens.

Maternal Nutritional Status at the End of Pregnancy, and Correlation among Pregnancy Weight Gain, Birth Weight and Serum Leptin Levels (산모의 임신말기 영양상태와 임신 중 체중증가, 출생체중과 혈청 렙틴 농도와의 상관관계에 관한 연구)

  • Park, Jin-Hee;Kim, Seung-Bo;Cho, Kum-Ho;Choue, Ryo-Won
    • Journal of Nutrition and Health
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    • v.39 no.5
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    • pp.467-475
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    • 2006
  • The necessity of adequate pregnancy weight gain for optimal pregnancy outcome has been recognized. However, the specific components of pregnancy weight gain that might be critical for fetal growth and development have not been elucidated clearly. The purpose of this study was to investigate the correlation of pregnancy weight gain and birth weight with serum leptin levels in women delivered newborns. The subjects were recruited from K university hospital. The subject's characteristic data (age $32.1\;{\pm}\;4.3\;y$, gestational age $39.5\;{\pm}\;1.1wk$, pre-pregnancy weight $58.0\;{\pm}\;8.6\;kg$, pregnancy weight gain $12.7\;{\pm}\;5.5\;kg$, newborn's birth weight $3.5\;{\pm}\;0.5\;kg$) were gathered. Maternal dietary assessment was carried out at the end of pregnancy. After delivery, blood samples were collected from 20 mother-newborn pairs. Serum levels of various lipids and leptin were analyzed. Maternal daily consumption of iron, zinc, folate were lower than the RDA of each nutrient and index of nutritional quality was less than 1 showing that the quality of maternal diet was low. The levels of serum leptin of mothers and infants were $10.2\;{\pm}\;6.7\;ng/ml$ and $1.7\;{\pm}\;0.6\;ng/ml$, respectively. The serum leptin concentrations of male infants $(1.9\;{\pm}\;0.7\;ng\;ml)$ were not different from that of females $(1.7{\pm}0.5\;ng/ml)$. A negative correlation was found between the maternal pre-pregnant BMI and weight gain during pregnancy (r = -0.54, p < 0.05). There was a positive correlation between the pregnancy weight gain and the newborn's birth weight (r=0.59, p < 0.01 There were also positive correlation between newborn's birth weight and newborn's serum leptin levels (r = 0.57, p < 0.01). No correlations were found between maternal serum leptin levels and that of newborn's. Efforts should be made to attain adequate diet and weight gain during the pregnancy to reduce the likelihood of low or over birth weight of newborns.

Effects of Fe-soy Proteinate Chelate Supplementation to Diets of Periparturient Sows and Piglets on the Fe Level in the Blood of Piglets

  • Im, Sun-Jae;Pang, Myung-Geol;Shin, Kwang-Suk;Rhee, Ah-Reum;Ebeid, T.A.;Paik, In-Kee
    • Journal of Animal Science and Technology
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    • v.52 no.3
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    • pp.221-228
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    • 2010
  • The objective of the present study was to investigate the effects of Fe-soy proteinate chelate (Fe-SP) on sows milk, piglet blood parameters and performance. A total of 15 sows of 3 wk before parturition and pigs after births to 3 wk were assigned to three dietary treatments: control (sow-basal diet, piglets with Fe injection); Fe-SP 100 (Fe 100 ppm as Fe-SP in sow and piglet diet); Fe-SP 200 (Fe 200 ppm as Fe-SP in sow and piglet diet). Each treatment had 5 replicates (sows) of six piglets per sow randomly selected from the same offspring. For this experiment, Fe-SP was manufactured. There were no significant differences among treatments in number of pigs born in total or alive per litter, birth weight, number of pigs weaned per litter and weaning weight. However, weight gain, feed intake and feed conversion ratio significantly (p<0.05) decreased as the supplementation level of Fe-SP increased. There were no significant differences among treatments in Fe content at 3 wk before parturition in sow blood. However, Fe content at 2 wk before parturition in sow blood significantly (p<0.05) increased as the supplementation of Fe-SP. While there were no significant differences among treatments in Fe content at 1 wk before parturition in sow blood, it tended to increase as the supplementation level of Fe-SP increased. There were no significant differences among treatments in Fe content of sow milk. However, it tended to increase as the supplementation level of Fe-SP increased. Iron content in the blood of piglets was significantly (p<0.05) higher in control (Fe injected) than Fe-SP 100 and Fe-SP 200 treatments at $1^{st}$ and $2^{nd}$ wk but it was significantly higher in Fe-SP 200 than others in $3^{rd}$ wk. Zinc content in the blood also significantly (p<0.05) increased as the Fe-SP supplementation level increased in $3^{rd}$ wk. In conclusion, Fe-SP supplementation significantly affected Fe content in the blood of piglets. Iron injection was more effective at $1^{st}$ and $2^{nd}$ wk, while Fe-SP 200 supplementation was effective at $3^{rd}$ wk in improving blood Fe level in piglets.

Effect of supplementing hydroxy trace minerals (Cu, Zn, and Mn) on egg quality and performance of laying hens under tropical conditions

  • Vasan Palanisamy;Sakthivel PC;Lane Pineda;Yanming Han
    • Animal Bioscience
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    • v.36 no.11
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    • pp.1709-1717
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    • 2023
  • Objective: A pivotal study was designed to investigate the effect of Hydroxy (HYC) Cu, Zn, and Mn on egg quality and laying performance of chickens under tropical conditions. Methods: A total of 1,260 Babcock White laying hens (20-wk-old) were randomly assigned to one of 4 treatments with 15 replicates of 21 hens each in a Randomized Complete Block Design. The birds were reared for 16 weeks and were fed the corn-soybean meal diets supplemented with one of the following mineral treatments: T1, inorganic (INO, 15 ppm CuSO4, 80ppm MnSO4 and 80 ppm ZnO); T2, Hydroxy-nutritional level (HYC-Nut, 15 ppm Cu, 80 ppm Mn, 80 ppm Zn from Hydroxy); T3, Hydroxy-Low (HYC-Low, 15 ppm Cu, 60 ppm Mn, 60 ppm Zn from Hydroxy); T4, Hydroxy plus inorganic (HYC+INO, 7.5 ppm HYC Cu+7.5 ppm CuSO4, 40 ppm HYC ZnO+40 ppm ZnSO4, 40 ppm HYC Mn+40 ppm MnSO4). The egg production was recorded daily, while the feed consumption, feed conversion ratio (FCR) and egg mass were determined at the end of each laying period. The egg quality parameters were assayed in eggs collected over 48 h in each laying period. Results: Overall, no significant effect of treatments was observed on percent egg production, egg weight and FCR (p>0.05). Feed intake was significantly lower in birds fed Hydroxy plus inorganic (p<0.05) diet. The supplementation of HYC-Low significantly increased the egg mass compared to the other treatments (p<0.05). HYC supplementation alone or in combination with INO elicited a positive effect on shell thickness, shell weight, shell weight per unit surface area, yolk colour, albumen and yolk index for a certain period (p<0.05), but not throughout the whole laying period. Conclusion: Dietary supplementation of HYC-Low (15-60-60 mg/kg) showed similar effects on production performance and egg quality characteristics in laying hens as compared to 15-80-80 mg/kg of Cu-Zn-Mn from inorganic sources. This indicates that sulphate based inorganic trace minerals can effectively be substituted by lower concentration of hydroxyl minerals.

A Study on Health Condition and Nutritional Status of Female University Students in Masan Area (마산시 일부 여대생의 건강상태 및 영양섭취 실태 조사)

  • Park, Eun-Ju;Cheong, Hyo-Sook;Shin, Dong-Soon
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.33 no.9
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    • pp.1501-1514
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    • 2004
  • The purpose of this study was to evaluate the health condition and nutritional status in female university students in Masan. The 285 subjects aged 20.1 years (18~26 years) were assessed with a set of questionnaire composed of general information, food, smoking, drinking and exercise habits, anthropometric measurements, blood pressure measurements, 24-hour recall and food frequency questionnaire. The rates of smoking and alcohol drinking habits were 1.8% and 82.5%, respectively. All the subjects had the experience of passive smoking. The 11% of the students exercised regularly and 11.6% ate meal regularly. The average height and weight of subjects were 161.0 ㎝ and 53.9 ㎏, respectively and the BMI was calculated as 20.8${\pm}$2.6 ㎏/$m^2$:The 13.3% of subjects were underweight, while 6.7% of them were overweight. The mean value for body fat was 26.4% and subscapular and tricep skinfolds thickness were 14.2 ㎜ and 16.9 ㎜, and waist-hip ratio was 0.72. The systolic/diastolic blood pressure of the subjects was 115.9 ㎜Hg/70.9 ㎜Hg. Except protein, phosphorous, vitamin E, B_6 and C, the average intakes of energy and nutrients were below the Korea recom-mended dietary allowance (RDA). Especially, intakes of calcium, iron and zinc were the lowest, as <70% of RDA. The proportion of energy derived from carbohydrates : protein : fat was 58.0 : 15.8 : 26.2. The 10 frequently consumed food were ssalbap (47.2/mon), kimchi (35.6/mon), onion (16.8/mon), japgokbap (15.1/mon), sesame oil (14.1/mon), carbonated drink (13.3/mon), grapes (12.7/mon), ice cream (12.4/mon), milk (11.9/mon) and water-melon (10.6/mon). Results of this study could be useful for planning nutrition education programs for female university students in this area to improve their dietary habit and health status.

Effects of Supplementary Copper Sources (Cu Sulfate, Cu-Methionine, Cu-Soy Proteinate) on the Performance Broiler Chickens (구리 공급원들(Cu Sulfate, Cu-Methionine, Cu-Soy Proteinate)의 첨가가 육계의 생산성에 미치는 영향)

  • Lee, Mun-Ku;Kim, Chan-Ho;Shin, Dong-Hun;Jung, Byoung-Yun;Paik, In-Kee
    • Korean Journal of Poultry Science
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    • v.38 no.2
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    • pp.121-128
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    • 2011
  • This study was conducted to investigate the effects of dietary supplementation of Cu-sulfate, Cu-methionine chelate (Cu-Met) and Cu-soy proteinate (Cu-SP) on the performance, blood parameters and mineral contents of muscle. It was conducted with a total of 1,000 one d old broilers chickens (Ross$^{(R)}$) which were assigned to four dietary treatments; Control, Cu sulfate (200 ppm Cu as $CuSO_4{\cdot}5H_2O$), Cu-Met (200 ppm Cu as Cu-methionine chelate), Cu-SP (200 ppm Cu as Cu-soy proteinate). There were significant differences (p<0.05) among treatments in weight gain. Weight gain of Cu treated groups were higher than the control during 3~5 wk. There were significant differences (p<0.05) among treatments in feed intake during 0~3 wk. Cu-Met was significantly (p<0.05) lower than the control but the differences among Cu treatments were not significant. There were significant differences (p<0.05) among treatments in feed conversion rate (FCR). Cu treated groups were lower than the control during the whole period. Production efficiency factor (PEF) was significantly higher (p<0.01) in Cu treated groups than the control. Nutrient availabilities of diets were not significantly different among the treatments. The count of white blood cell (WBC) and eosinophil (EO) were lower in Cu-SP treatment than in the control. Copper concentration in the liver was significantly (p<0.01) higher in Cu treated groups than the control. Zinc concentration in the breast and wing muscle was lower in Cu treated and that of leg muscle was higher in Cu-Met than the control. The result of this experiment showed that Cu supplementation at the level of 200 ppm as Cu sulfate, Cu-Met and Cu-SP improves weight gain (4~5 wk), FCR and PEF. Differences among Cu sources were not significant.

Improving the Nutritional Value of Tenebrio molitor Larvae by Feeding Them a Soymilk Residue-added Food Source (두유박 첨가 먹이원 급이에 따른 갈색거저리 유충의 영양성 증진 효과)

  • So-Yun Kim;Min Ji Park;Jeong-Hun Song;Sangmin Ji;Gyu-Dong Chang;Sun Young Kim
    • Journal of Life Science
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    • v.34 no.3
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    • pp.191-198
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    • 2024
  • To verify the nutritional value and safety of larvae fed with a soymilk residue-added food source, we compared and analyzed the nutritional components of and harmful substances in Tenebrio molitor larvae reared on wheat bran. Crude protein content based on dry weight was 1.2 times higher in the 10% soymilk residue-fed group (SR) (54.0%) than in the wheat bran-fed group (WB) (43.5%). Dietary fiber also tended to be 1.9 times more in the SR (4.9%) than the WB (2.5%). Among unsaturated fatty acids, the linoleic acid content was found to be 1.1-fold higher in the SR (32.9%) than in the WB (29.0%). Potassium, which was the most abundant among the macro minerals, was 1.1-fold more abundant in the WB (1,074.5 mg/100 g) than in the SR (1,014.0 mg/100 g). Among the micro minerals, zinc content was 1.2-fold higher in the SR (14.5 mg/100 g) than in the WB (11.9 mg/100 g). The results of the analysis of hazardous substances in the WB and SR revealed that the amount of heavy metals met the standards for heavy metals in edible insects, and food poisoning-inducing bacteria such as Escherichia coli and Salmonella spp. were not detected in all groups. These results indicate that mealworm larvae fed with 10% soymilk residue have abundant nutrients and are safe for intake. Thus, food sources with added soymilk residue has the potential to be used as feed ingredients.

Studies of nutrient composition of transitional human milk and estimated intake of nutrients by breast-fed infants in Korean mothers (한국인 수유부의 수유초기 이행유의 모유성분 분석과 영아의 섭취량 추정 연구)

  • Choi, Yun Kyung;Kim, Nayoung;Kim, Ji-Myung;Cho, Mi Sook;Kang, Bong Soo;Kim, Yuri
    • Journal of Nutrition and Health
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    • v.48 no.6
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    • pp.476-487
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    • 2015
  • Purpose: This study was conducted to examine the concentration of nutrients in transitional breast milk from Korean lactating mothers and to evaluate daily intakes of their infants based on the Dietary Reference Intakes for Koreans 2010 (KDRIs 2010). Methods: Breast milk samples were collected at 5~15 days postpartum from 100 healthy lactating Korean mothers. Macro- and micro-nutrients, and immunoglobulin (Igs) concentrations in breast milk were analyzed. Results: The mean energy, protein, fat, and carbohydrate concentrations in breast milk were $59.99{\pm}8.01kcal/dL$, $1.47{\pm}0.27g/dL$, $2.88{\pm}0.89g/dL$, and $6.72{\pm}0.22g/dL$. The mean linoleic acid (LA), a-linolenic acid (ALA), arachidonic acid (AA), and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) concentrations were $181.44{\pm}96.41mg/dL$, $28.15{\pm}8.89mg/dL$, $5.67{\pm}1.86mg/dL$, and $5.74{\pm}2.57mg/dL$. The mean vitamin A, vitamin D, vitamin E, vitamin $B_1$, vitamin $B_2$, vitamin $B_{12}$, and folate concentrations were $2.75{\pm}1.75{\mu}g/dL$, $2.31{\pm}1.12ng/dL$, $0.74{\pm}1.54mg/dL$, $3.02{\pm}1.84mg/dL$, $7.51{\pm}20.96{\mu}g/dL$, $61.78{\pm}26.78{\mu}g/dL$, $63.71{\pm}27.19ng/dL$, and $0.52{\pm}0.26{\mu}g/dL$. The mean concentrations of calcium, iron, potassium, sodium, zinc, and copper were $20.71{\pm}3.34mg/dL$, $0.59{\pm}0.86mg/dL$, $66.71{\pm}10.35mg/dL$, $27.72{\pm}10.16mg/dL$, $0.44{\pm}0.41mg/dL$, and $70.48{\pm}30.41{\mu}g/dL$. The mean IgA and total IgE concentrations were $61.85{\pm}31.97mg/dL$ and $235.00{\pm}93.00IU/dL$. The estimated daily intakes of infants for protein, vitamin D, vitamin E, vitamin $B_2$, vitamin $B_{12}$, iron, potassium, sodium, zinc, and copper were sufficient compared to KDRIs 2010 adjusted by transitory milk intakes. The estimated infants' intakes of energy, fat, carbohydrate, vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin $B_1$, folate, and calcium did not meet KDRIs 2010 adjusted by transitory milk intakes. Conclusion: In general most estimated nutrient intakes of Korean breast-fed infants in transitory breast milk were sufficient, however some nutrient intakes were not sufficient based on KDRIs 2010. These results warrant conduct of future studies for investigation of important dietary factors associated with nutrients in breast milk to improve the quality of breast milk, which may contribute to understanding nutrition in early life and promoting growth and development of breast-fed infants.