• 제목/요약/키워드: dietary nitrogen

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Effects of Dietary Protein Levels for Gestating Gilts on Reproductive Performance, Blood Metabolites and Milk Composition

  • Jang, Y.D.;Jang, S.K.;Kim, D.H.;Oh, H.K.;Kim, Y.Y.
    • Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences
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    • v.27 no.1
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    • pp.83-92
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    • 2014
  • This experiment was conducted to evaluate the effects of dietary CP levels in gestation under equal lysine content on reproductive performance, blood metabolites and milk composition of gilts. A total of 25 gilts ($F_1$, Yorkshire${\times}$Landrace) were allotted to 4 dietary treatments at breeding in a completely randomized design, and fed 1 of 4 experimental diets containing different CP levels (11%, 13%, 15%, or 17%) at 2.0 kg/d throughout the gestation. Body weight of gilts at 24 h postpartum tended to increase linearly (p = 0.09) as dietary CP level increased. In lactation, backfat thickness, ADFI, litter size and weaning to estrus interval (WEI) did not differ among dietary treatments. There were linear increases in litter and piglet weight at 21 d of lactation (p<0.05) and weight gain of litter (p<0.01) and piglet (p<0.05) throughout the lactation as dietary CP level increased. Plasma urea nitrogen levels of gilts in gestation and at 24 h postpartum were linearly elevated as dietary CP level increased (p<0.05). Free fatty acid (FFA) levels in plasma of gestating gilts increased as dietary CP level increased up to 15%, and then decreased with quadratic effects (15 d, p<0.01; 90 d, p<0.05), and a quadratic trend (70 d, p = 0.06). There were no differences in plasma FFA, glucose levels and milk composition in lactation. These results indicate that increasing dietary CP level under equal lysine content in gestation increases BW of gilts and litter performance but does not affect litter size and milk composition. Feeding over 13% CP diet for gestating gilts could be recommended to improve litter growth.

Effects of Extrusion Variable on Functional and Nutritional Properties of Extruded Oat Products

  • Gutkoski, Luiz Carlos;El-Dash, Ahmed Atia
    • Preventive Nutrition and Food Science
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    • v.4 no.3
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    • pp.159-162
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    • 1999
  • The purpose of this research was to study the effects of initial moisture levels and extrusion temperatures on dietary fiber, nitrogen solubility index, available lysine, and the in vitro protein digestibility of extruded oat productes. The dehulled grains were ground in a Brabender quadrumat Senior mill and the coarse fraction, with higher crude protein, lipids and dietary fiber were conditioned on various mositre levels (15.5~25.5%) and extruded in a Brabender single-screw laboratory extruder. The extrudates showed a higher amount of soluble dietary fiber (8.14%) than in the raw material . However, the extrusion process affected the nutritional value of the protein due to a decrease in available lysine with increased temperature . The in vitro protein digestibility was unaffected by initial moisture levels and the extrusion temperatures examined.

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Comparison of the Efficiency of Absorbed Nitrogen Use from Different Protein Sources in Diets Having Similar Amino Acid Balance

  • Lee, K.U.;Boyd, R.D.;Austic, R.E.;Ross, D.A.;Han, In K.
    • Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences
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    • v.11 no.6
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    • pp.725-731
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    • 1998
  • Nine crossbred female pigs fitted with the bladder catheters were used to investigate the effects of dietary protein form on the efficiency of absorbed nitrogen for nitrogen retention in growing pigs. Combinations of the main protein sources were corn-soybean meal (CSM; slow + slow absorption rate form), corn-hydrolyzed casein (CAS; slow + rapid absorption rate form) and corn-porcine plasma (CPL; slow + intermediate absorption rate form). All experimental diets were formulated to be isonitrogenous (CP 11%) and isocaloric (3.5 Mcal/kg) and synthetic amino acids were added to the diet as required to maintain an equivalent amino acid profile among diets. Fecal digestibility of nitrogen was not different among treatments (p > 0.10). Ingested nitrogen was absorbed with an apparent efficiency of 82% to 84%. Mean nitrogen retention in pigs fed the CSM diet was as high as for pigs fed the CPL diet (0.74 g N/kg $BW^{0.75}$ per d), which was higher than the N retention rate in pigs fed CAS diet (0.68 g/kg $BW^{0.75}$ per d; P < 0.05). Apparent biological values (ABV = 100 ${\times}$ N retention/absorbed nitrogen) were 63.3%, 58.0% and 61.6% for CSM, CAS, and CPL groups, respectively (p < 0.05). There was no difference in mean energy digestibility among treatments. The efficiency of absorbed lysine utilization was significantly different among treatments (p < 0.05). Pigs fed the CAS diet were inferior to counterparts on the other diets in utilizing absorbed lysine. The ratios of free (and small peptide-bound) to protein-bound amino acids in CSM diet differed considerably from the CAS diet. This may affect the efficiency of amino acids utilization for nitrogen retention if hydrolyzed and intact amino acid pools reach the blood at different times.

Dietary Reference Intakes for Protein: Protein Requirement and Estimation Method, AMDR (Amount of Macronutrient Distribution Range), for Protein (단백질 섭취기준: 단백질 필요량과 추정 방법 및 단백질에너지 적정비율)

  • Chang, Soon-Ok
    • Journal of Nutrition and Health
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    • v.44 no.4
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    • pp.338-343
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    • 2011
  • This study assessed the current EAR, RDA, and AMDR for protein, which were set in 2005 and revised in 2010 as the DRIs for Koreans. A classical approach to establish the EAR for protein has been the nitrogen balance method. This method has practical limitations and problems in statistical analysis by giving over estimations of nitrogen balance. Thus, the present EAR for protein might be lower than the true requirement. Recent reevaluations of nitrogen balance studies by bilinear regression analysis and the IAAO method have indicated that the EAR of 0.66 g/kg bw/d should be increased by 39% to give 0.92 g/kg bw/d. The AMDR for protein in the Korean DRIs was set at 7-10%, which covers almost the entire population's protein intake. Since the 5th percentile of Korean protein intake is close to 10% of energy and due to the beneficial effects of protein beyond the maintenance of nitrogen equilibrium, the lower range of 7% needs to be increased up to 10%. For practical meal arrangement, 15% of energy as protein, which is close to the average protein intake of Koreans, seems to be proper, although the value is almost two times the EAR.

True Digestibility of Phosphorus in Different Resources of Feed Ingredients in Growing Pigs

  • Wu, X.;Ruan, Z.;Zhang, Y.G.;Hou, Y.Q.;Yin, Y.L.;Li, T.J.;Huang, R.L.;Chu, W.Y.;Kong, X.F.;Gao, B.;Chen, L.X.
    • Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences
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    • v.21 no.1
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    • pp.107-119
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    • 2008
  • To determine the true digestible phosphorus (TDP) requirement of growing pigs, two experiments were designed with the experimental diets containing five true digestible P levels (0.16%, 0.20%, 0.23%, 0.26% and 0.39%) and the ratio of total calcium to true digestible P (TDP) kept at 2:1. In Experiment 1, five barrows (Duroc${\times}$Landrace${\times}$Yorkshire) with an average initial body weight of 27.9 kg were used in a $5{\times}5$ Latin-square design to evaluate the effect of different dietary P levels on the digestibility and output of P and nitrogen. In Experiment 2, sixty healthy growing pigs (Duroc${\times}$Landrace${\times}$Yorkshire) with an average body weight (BW) of 21.4 kg were assigned randomly to one of the five dietary treatments (12 pigs/diet), and were used to determine the true digestible phosphorus (TDP) requirement of growing pigs on the basis of growth performance and serum biochemical indices. The results indicated that the true digestibility of P increased (p<0.05) linearly with increasing dietary TDP level below 0.26%. The true P digestibility was highest (56.6%) when dietary TDP was 0.34%. Expressed as g/kg dry matter intake (DMI), fecal P output increased (p<0.05) linearly with increasing P input. On the basis of g/kg fecal dry matter (DM), fecal P output was lowest for Diet 4 and highest (p<0.05) for Diet 5. The apparent digestibility of crude protein (CP) did not differ (p>0.05) among the five diets, with the average nitrogen output of 12.14 g/d and nitrogen retention of 66% to 74% (p>0.05), which suggested that there was no interaction between dietary P and CP protein levels. During the 28-d experimental period of Experiment 2, the average daily gain (ADG) of pigs was affected by dietary TDP levels as described by Eq. (1): $y=-809,532x^4+788,079x^3-276,250x^2+42,114x-1,759$; ($R^2=0.99$; p<0.01; y = ADG, g/d; x = dietary TDP, %), F/G for pigs by Eq. (2): $y=3,651.1x^4-3,480.4x^3+1,183.8x^2-172.5x+10.9$ ($R^2=0.99$; p<0.01; y = F/G; x = dietary TDP, %), and Total P concentrations in serum by Eq. (3): $y=-3,311.7x^4+3,342.7x^3-1,224.6x^2+195.6x-8.7$ (R2 = 0.99; p<0.01; y = total serum P concentration and x = dietary TDP, %). The highest ADG (782 g/d), the lowest F/G (1.07) and the highest total serum P concentration (3.1 mmol/L) were obtained when dietary TDP level was 0.34%. Collectively, these results indicate that the optimal TDP requirement of growing pigs is 0.34% of the diet at a total Ca to TDP ratio of 2:1.

Effect of Alteration of Light-Darkness Cycle on Nitrogen Retention in the Rat (주야 변경이 흰쥐의 체내 질소 보유에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, Mi-Kyung
    • Journal of Nutrition and Health
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    • v.16 no.4
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    • pp.273-280
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    • 1983
  • The effect of alteration of light-darkness cycle on the protein metabolism was studied in the rat. The light-darkness cycle was altered either every 3 or 9 days, and animals consumed diets containing 8 or 25% casein. The results were summarized as follows : 1) Food consumptions and body weight gains of the 25% casein groups were higher than those of the 8% casein groups, and, among the animals consumed 25% casein diet, the light-darkness cycle altered group had lower food consumption and body weight gain than the unaltered group. 2) Weights of liver and adrenal gland per l00g body weight were not different with the dietary protein levels, but, at the end of experimental period, the 8% casein diet group of which light-darkness cycle altered every 9 days had the smallest liver weight and the largest adrenal gland weight. 3) Liver nitrogen and plasma protein concentrations of the 25% casein groups were slightly higher than those of the 8% casein groups. 4) Percentages of nitrogen retention of the 25% casein groups at period III were slightly lower in the light-darknerr cycle altered animals than that of the unaltered group.

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Effects of Dietary Lamb and Beef Meat on the Growth and Protein Utilization in Rats (양고기와 쇠고기의 식이가 흰쥐의 성장과 단백질 이용성에 미치는 영향)

  • 박선희
    • Journal of Nutrition and Health
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    • v.24 no.1
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    • pp.20-29
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    • 1991
  • This study was carried out to compare the protein quality of lamb and beef meat. by feeding to growing rats. Sixty weanling rats, 30 males and 30 females, were blocked into 12 groups(6 gruops of males and 6 groups of females). They were fed casein. beef, or lamb as a protein source at two levels, 6 and 15%, for 5 weeks. The amount of food intake. food efficiency ratio, protein efficiency ratio. body weight gain. and the weights of skeletal muscles and liver were measured. Nitrogen retention, protein content in the liver and skeletal muscles, and the levels of protein and cholesterol in the serum were also assayed. Summarzing the results, there were no significant differences between lamb and beef on the growth and nitrogen utilization in the rats fed same percentage of protein diet. However. rats fed 15% protein diet showed significantly higher growth rate than those fed 6%. Therefore, it can be concluded that lamb is as good a protein food as beef in terms of protein quality.

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Duck Litter Characteristics from Ducks fed Houttuynia Cordata (어성초를 오리사료에 첨가 시 오리깔짚의 특성 비교)

  • Choi, In Hag
    • Journal of Environmental Science International
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    • v.26 no.2
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    • pp.265-268
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    • 2017
  • The objective of this study was to evaluate the characteristics of duck litter in ducks fed diets containing Houttuynia cordata powder. One-day-old ducklings (Pekin) were randomly divided into two groups and fed a control or 1% H. cordata powder-containing diet for an experimental period of three weeks. The results showed that pH for 1-2 weeks and total nitrogen for 1-3 weeks in duck litter were affected by dietary treatments with 1% H. cordata powder (P < 0.05). For Volatile Fatty Acids (VFAs), there was no significant difference (P > 0.05) between ducks fed 1% H. cordata and control diets, as shown in the results for acetic acid and propionic acid in duck litter over three weeks; but, this was not the case for propionic acid at 3 weeks. The inclusion of 1% H. cordata powder in the diet had a the positive effect on increasing the total nitrogen and decreasing pH and VFAs in duck litter.

Effects of Dietary Nitrogen Sources on Fiber Digestion and Ruminal Fluid Characteristics in Sheep Fed Wheat Straw

  • Tan, Z.-L.;Lu, D.-X.;Hu, M.;Niu, W.-Y.;Han, C.-Y.;Ren, X.-P.;Na, R.;Lin, S.-L.
    • Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences
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    • v.14 no.10
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    • pp.1374-1382
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    • 2001
  • Fifteen Inner Mongolian wethers with permanent ruminal and duodenal cannulas were used to study the effects of dietary rumen-undegradable protein (RUP) to rumen-degradable protein (RDP) ratios or protein sources on fiber digestion in the gastrointestinal tract and ruminal fluid characteristics. Fiber digestion and ruminal fermentation were not affected (p>0.05) by dietary RUP to RDP ratios (from 1.54 to 0.72). Soybean meal supplementation improved ruminal digestion. Fish meal supplementation increased (p<0.05) the ruminal degradability of fiber. The different RUP to RDP ratios (from 1.54 to 0.72) did not influence (p>0.05) ruminal fluid pH, but there were differences (p<0.05) in ruminal fluid $NH_3-N$ concentration because of urea replacement. Soybean meal as a dietary protein source decreased (p<0.05) ruminal fluid pH and increased (p<0.05 or p<0.01) $NH_3-N$, acetate, propionate and butyrate concentrations in the rumen. Fish meal as a dietary protein source decreased (p<0.05 or p<0.01) ruminal $NH_3-N$ and acetate concentrations and increased (p<0.05) ruminal propionate concentration. It can be concluded that dietary protein sources have more significant effect on fiber digestion and ruminal fermentation than different dietary RUP to RDP ratios, when the dietary crude protein requirements of growing sheep are satisfied.

Maintenance Crude Protein Requirement of Penned Female Korean Spotted Deer (Cervus nippon)

  • Yang, S.Y.;Oh, Y.K.;Ahn, H.S.;Kwak, W.S.
    • Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences
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    • v.27 no.1
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    • pp.30-35
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    • 2014
  • This study was conducted to evaluate the protein requirement for maintenance of 2-year-old female Korean spotted deer. In the course of the experiment, each of three hand-reared female spotted deer was fed three diets that were iso-calorically formulated to contain low (approximately 7%), medium (12%), and high (17%) levels of crude protein (CP). Each of six trials included a 5-day transition, a 10-day preliminary, and a 7-day collection period. Dietary protein levels affected the apparent digestibility of CP (p<0.05) but not the apparent digestibility of dry matter, organic matter, or acid detergent fiber. All of the deer showed a positive CP balance on all of the diets. The maintenance CP requirement estimated by regression analysis was 4.17 g/kg metabolic body weight $(W^{0.75}){\cdot}d$. The maintenance digestible CP requirement was 1.42 g/kg $W^{0.75}{\cdot}d$. The metabolic fecal CP was 1.95 g/kg $W^{0.75}{\cdot}d$. The blood urea nitrogen of spotted deer increased (p<0.05) as the dietary protein levels increased.