• Title/Summary/Keyword: dietary habit questionnaire

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Comparing the Nutrient Intake, Quality of Diet, Eating Habit Scores and Dietary Behaviors of University Students in Iksan, according to Their Type of Residence (익산지역 대학생의 주거형태에 따른 영양소 섭취량과 식사의 질, 식습관 및 식태도 비교)

  • 박성혜
    • Korean Journal of Community Nutrition
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    • v.8 no.6
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    • pp.876-888
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    • 2003
  • The aim of this study was to compare the dietary patterns and behaviors of university students according to their type of residence. The subjects consisted of two thousand two hundred fifty students from Wonkwang University. They were divided into three groups : those who live in their family homes (393 men, 392 women) ; those who live in university dormitories (371 men, 401 women) : and those who live in houses with cooking facilities (345 men, 348 women). This cross-sectional survey was conducted using a self-administered questionnaire. The nutrient intake data collected from a three-day recall were analyzed using the Computer Aided Nutritional Analysis Program and the diet quality was estimated using the Nutrient Adequacy Ratio, Mean Adequacy Ratio and Index of Nutritional Quality. The results showed that the mean daily intakes of calcium were lower than the Korean Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA) in all groups. There was a significant difference in the nutrient intake, dietary quality and dietary behaviors of the three groups. The nutrients intake and dietary quality of the men were poorer than those of the women in all three groups. The subjects living in dormitories and houses with cooking facilities seemed to have lower levels of nutrient intake and dietary quality. However, the concern about nutrition and interest in health information was higher among those living in dormitories and houses with cooking facilities than among those living in their family homes. Male students living in houses with cooking facilities had more dietary problems than students living in their family homes or in dormitories possibly because they might have had a lower ability in meal management. These results suggest that the type of residence affects the nutrient intake levels, and dietary quality of university students in Iksan. Nutritional education is essential if university students are to practice optimal nutritional habits, including the eating of well-balanced diets and selecting of foods of high quality. Therefore, nutritional education for university students is needed so as to improve their health and a nutritional education program should be developed to meet the various needs of these students.

Effects of Nutrition Education on Overweight and Obese Children in Chonbuk Area -Focus on Food Habit, Eating Behaviors, Dietary Attitude, Nutrition Knowledge and Nutrients Intake- (전북지역 과체중 및 비만아동의 영양교육 효과 -식습관, 식행동, 식생활 태도, 영양지식과 영양소 섭취 상태를 중심으로-)

  • Yu, Ok-Kyeong;Rhee, Yang-Keun;Sohn, Hee-Sook;Cha, Youn-Soo
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.39 no.9
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    • pp.1286-1294
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    • 2010
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of nutrition education focus on food habit, eating behaviors, dietary attitude, nutrition knowledge, and nutrients intake. The nutrition education was provided to 103 overweight and obese children in Chonbuk area. Nutrition education lessons were conducted 40 min/lesson, 12 times in year (6 times/semester). We assessed the change in knowledge using a questionnaire on food habit, eating behaviors, dietary attitude, nutrition knowledge and nutrients intake using 24 hr recall method. After the nutrition education, dietary habits were significantly improved. Especially, the answer of 'Don't eat when feel full' were significantly improved (boys (p<0.01), girls (p<0.05)). And the answer of 'Eat sugar meal frequently (chocolate, candy)' which is a dietary attitude question was significantly improved (girls (p<0.05)). There were positively changes in the dietary attitude and nutrition knowledge, but there were no significant differences after program. The results suggest that this nutrition education must be continue for positive food habit change in the long term.

The Effects of a Nutrition and Body Shape Education Program as Part of Health Promoting Projects in an Elementary School (초등학교 건강한 학교 만들기 사업에서 수행한 영양 및 신체상 교육 프로그램의 효과)

  • Shim, Eu-Gene;Kim, Jin-Soon;Ji, Se-Min;Sohn, Tae-Yong;Hwang, Jin-Ah;Chung, Eun-Jung
    • Journal of Nutrition and Health
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    • v.43 no.4
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    • pp.382-394
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    • 2010
  • The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects of a nutrition education program as part of health promoting projects in an elementary school. A total of 168 students in the 4th grade were enrolled in the program for 6 months. A self-administered questionnaire was developed to assess nutrition knowledge and dietary habit. Nutrient intakes and body shape perceptions were measured using 24-hour recall method and self-ratings of body shape figures, respectively. The education program was conducted in various ways, focused on healthy dietary behavior, nutrients' roles and sources, and proper body shape perceptions, etc. After the education program, nutrition knowledge and dietary habit were significantly improved. Dietary habit scores were significantly and positively related to nutrition knowledge levels. Body shape perceptions were significantly and properly changed after the program. Dissatisfaction with perceived current body shape and discrepancy between shapes desired and considered healthy were significantly decreased. But girls still indicated a desire to be leaner than shapes which were perceived current and considered healthy. Nutrient intakes were partly improved by the program, but some nutrients, such as calcium, folate, zinc, sodium and niacin, were still remained deficient or excessive. These findings indicate that enhancement of nutrition knowledge is extended to the improvement of dietary habit. In addition, establishment of proper body shape perception is closely related to healthy dietary habits and is required to good nutrition and health.

Effect of Weight-Related Concerns and Dietary Behavior on Eating Disorder Risk in Korean Women

  • Kim, Jung-Hyun;Lim, Yun-Sook;Jun, In-Kyung
    • International Journal of Human Ecology
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.97-106
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    • 2008
  • This study investigated the relationships between eating disorder risk, body image perception, weight control, and dietary habits in Korean women. Body shape perception, the Eating Attitude Test (EAT-26) and dietary habit information were collected by a self-administered questionnaire to 373 adult women and the data were analyzed by the Chi-square test. 31.4% of the women were classified in the eating disorder group by a score of over 20 points on the EAT-26. Compared to the normal group, more women in the eating disorder risk group perceived that a thin body shape was the ideal body shape and were dissatisfied with their body shape. This group was also more interested in weight control and more likely to try weight control methods. The eating disorder risk group was more likely to skip meals and snacks than the normal group. In addition, they had a greater appetite and a higher frequency of overeating than the normal group. Over 30% of the Korean women surveyed were categorized at high risk of eating disorders. They were more likely to overestimate body weight and shape and tried to control their weight by inappropriate methods. To prevent eating disorders in adult women, nutrition education programs should incorporate strategies to change inaccurate self-body image and to disseminate information about healthy weight control methods.

Dietary Behavior of Students in the Busan Area as Determined Using the Nutritional and Dietary Diagnostic System (어린이 식생활스크리닝(DST)을 이용한 부산지역 초등학생의 식행동 및 영양상태 평가)

  • Jin-seon Song;Youngshin Han;Kyung A Lee
    • Journal of the Korean Dietetic Association
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    • v.29 no.2
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    • pp.86-99
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    • 2023
  • In this study, the authors surveyed the dietary habits of all elementary school students registered with the Busan Metropolitan City Office of Education using an online questionnaire called the Dietary Screening Test (DST). The DST consists of 36 items, and these were divided into 5 factors: life rhythm, meal quality, eating development, eating temperament characteristics, and eating habit characteristics. Data were collected from 153,017 students attending 304 schools in Busan, and the responses of 4,020 were included in the analysis. The study was undertaken to document growth and development and diagnose nutrition and dietary problems to provide basic data for the development of customized nutrition education and counseling programs. Results showed that 13.5% and 14.3% of participants were classified as overweight or required weight management for obesity, respectively; 6.7% were underweight. Additionally, 37.0% and 9.5% of children required parental attention at bedtime and sleeping hours, and 14.2% ate too quickly or too slowly. Furthermore, food group consumptions were unbalanced, 25.0% and 64.4% of participants ate grains and protein less than twice a day, respectively, and 72.3% and 74.5% ate kimchi and vegetables less than twice a day, respectively. In contrast, 28.8% of respondents consumed sweet snacks daily or 5~6 times weekly. These findings highlight the need for a standardized school nutrition counseling manual and individually customized nutrition counseling programs to address the nutrition and dietary problems of elementary school students in Busan.

Relationship between Dietary Habits, Attitudes toward Weight Control and Subjective Fatigue Symptoms in Women College Students (여자대학생의 식생활습관, 체형 및 체중조절 태도와 피로자각증상과의 관련성)

  • Yang, Jung-Yeon;Cho, Young-Chae
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.14 no.7
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    • pp.3338-3348
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    • 2013
  • The purpose of this research is to access the dietary habits and weight control attitudes in college women, and to correlate them to the subjective fatigue symptoms. The research subjects are 508 women enrolled for studies in undergraduate school from freshmen to senior year in Daejeon city. The survey was conducted with self-administered questionnaire from Apr. 1st to May 1st to May 31st, 2012. In the questionnaire encompasses general characteristics, daily life style factors, dietary habits, attitude toward body type and weight control, and subjective fatigue symptoms. As a results, the affecting factors on the subjective fatigue symptoms were selected various factors such as frequency of the one food, frequency of dining out, having dinner, frequency of instant food intake, frequency of cereal, ice-cream intake, frequency of bean, soybean product intake, frequency of milk, milk product intake, consider excessive intake of sugar, consider excessive intake of salt, self-perception on body type and desire to control weight. Therefore, we can find out that their subjective fatigue symptoms are correlated to the factors in dietary habits, attitude toward body type and weight controls. It is concluded dietary habits and attitude toward body type and weight control themselves cause one's subjective fatigue symptoms, not because of each variables. So, it need efforts of having regular diets, making balanced body and controling body weights by objective ranges.

A Survey on Eating Behaviors of Preschool Children for Development Snack (학령전 아동의 간식 개발을 위한 식품섭취 실태 조사)

  • Park, Hye-Jin;Park, Seon-Min;Lee, Jong-Mee
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Culture
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    • v.18 no.2
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    • pp.151-159
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    • 2003
  • This study was conducted to investigate eating behaviors of preschool children for development their snack. Eating habit, preference and nutritional state were investigated using a questionnaire answered by teachers of day-care centers, 548 preschool children(aged 4 to 6 years old) and their mothers. It was found that 93.6% of subjects thought children need to eat snacks not only at day-care center but also at home. For children, snacks clearly played an important role in dietary nutritional intake The frequency and rate of consuming Milk as snack were high$(1.51\;times\;per\;a\;day,\;459.8{\mu}l)$, 53.2% of calcium intake from Milk. The most favorite snack foods of children were fresh fruits, milk, yoghurt, juice. The correlation between frequency of eating food as snack and children's preference for food was low; because choosing food as children's snack was not by themselves but by their mothers and teachers, and variety of food(a taste, kinds) as snack was very weak. Subjects showed rather dissatisfactory view about commercial snack, and wanted new development of nutritionally balanced and natural-tasted snack for preschool children; they preferred dducks, biscuits and snacks as the form of newly-developed snack for preschool children.

Association between Maternal Feeding Styles and the Food Literacy of Children (양육자의 식사지도유형과 아동의 푸드 리터러시의 관련성)

  • Kim, Eun-kyung;Lee, Jin-Young;Park, Young Hee;Kwon, Yong-seok;Jang, Hee Jin;Kim, Sena
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Culture
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    • v.36 no.6
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    • pp.555-562
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    • 2021
  • This study sought to investigate the association between the food literacy (FL) of children and mothers, and the maternal feeding style. Study subjects were mothers (n=400) with children in the 4th to 6th grades of elementary school and who were the primary caregivers for their children (n=400). The responses to the Caregiver's Feeding Styles Questionnaire (CFSQ) were obtained from mothers. Both mothers and children completed the questionnaire for socio-demographics, dietary habits, health status, and food literacy. The high demanding/high responsive feeding style was associated with increased meal frequency for both mothers and children. The low demanding/low responsive feeding style was significantly associated with a lower mother's FL after accounting for confounding factors. The low demanding feeding styles were associated with the child's lower FL after adjustments for the age, sex, weight status of the child and the age, household income, and education of the mother. However, this association was not seen after making an additional adjustment for the mother's FL. These results suggest that the caregiver's feeding style may affect the dietary habits and FL of both mother and child.

Eating Habit and Stress Status according to Exercising Habits of Middle-Aged Adults in Chungnam (충남 일부 중년 성인의 운동습관에 따른 식습관 및 스트레스 상태)

  • Kim, Se-Yune;Seo, Yeon-Ja;Kim, Mi-Hyun;Choi, Mi-Kyeong
    • The Korean Journal of Food And Nutrition
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    • v.29 no.1
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    • pp.43-51
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    • 2016
  • This study aimed to evaluate the health concern, eating habits, dietary behavior, and psychological stress among middle-aged adults in Chungnam according to their exercise status. A total of 437 adults with a mean age of 42.6 years participated in this study and completed a questionnaire survey. The subjects were divided into one of three groups according to their exercise status: never doing exercise (NDE; n=144), doing exercise once a week (DEO; n=186), and doing exercise twice a week or more (DET; n=107). Results demonstrated significant differences in concern about health, subjective health status, meal regularity, dietary problems, and stress score among the three groups. The DET and DEO groups were more concerned about their health (p<0.001), and had a perception that their health status was better than that of the NDE group (p<0.01). A larger percentage of the DET group had breakfast everyday (p<0.05) and a smaller percentage of the DET group had dietary problems such as irregular mealtime and skipping meals (p<0.01), compared to the other groups. The average stress score of the DET group was significantly lower than that of the DEO and NDE groups (p<0.05). The results reveal that doing regular exercising at least twice a week is associated with higher health concern, more desirable dietary habits, and lower psychological stress in middle-aged adults. These findings support the beneficial effects of regular exercise for health, dietary habits, and stress control.

Study on Dietary Risk Factors in Gallstone Formation (담석 형성에 영향을 주는 식생활 관련 요인 연구)

  • Kim, Eun-Jung;Lee, Young-Mee;Lee, Min-June
    • Korean Journal of Community Nutrition
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    • v.13 no.2
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    • pp.288-297
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    • 2008
  • It has been reported frequently that clinical features of gallstone disease in Korean were similarly changing to those of Occidentals. This changing was thought to be due to Westernized lifestyle and dietary patterns in Korean. The purpose of this study was to investigate the nutritional risk factor among patients with gallstone. The subjects of this study were 90 gallstone group with biliary stone as confirmed by cholecystectomy and 111 control group with no biliary stone as confirmed by ultrasonography adjusted according to age and gender. Anthropometric indices and biomarkers were measured and dietary habit as well as nutrient consumption pattern were investigated using a structured checklist of health-related eating behavior and a semi-quantitative food frequency questionnaire. The mean age was higher in GG (gallbladder stone patient group) than CG (control group). The average BMI and WHR (waisthip ratio) tended to be higher than those in CG. WC (waist circumference) and WHR of women in GG were significantly higher than in CG. GG had lower levels in TC (p < 0.01), LDL-C (p < 0.05), and HDL-C (p < 0.05), but higher FBG levels (p < 0.001). GG tended to be associated with lower physical activity and more frequent consumption of meat, meats with high fat and high sugar content food. The consumption levels of fiber (p < 0.05), vitamin C (p < 0.05), calcium (p < 0.01) in GG were significantly lower than in CG. These findings showed that the association with incidence of gallbladder stone and anthrophometric indices and dietary consumption patterns. Further study may be necessary to elucidate the dietary risk factors in the changing patterns of gallstone disease.