• Title/Summary/Keyword: diameter of hole

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Tunable Nanostructure of TiO2/Reduced Graphene Oxide Composite for High Photocatalysis

  • He, Di;Li, Yongli;Wang, Jinshu;Yang, Yilong;An, Qier
    • Applied Microscopy
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    • 제46권1호
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    • pp.37-44
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    • 2016
  • In this study $TiO_2$/reduced graphene oxide ($TiO_2/rGO$) bipyramid with tunable nanostructure was fabricated by two-step solvothermal process and subsequent heat-treatment in air. The as-synthesized anatase $TiO_2$ nanocrystals possessed morphological bipyramid with exposed dominantly by (101) facets. Polyethylenimine was utilized during the combination of $TiO_2$ and graphene oxide (GO) to tune the surface charge, hindering the restack of graphene during solvothermal process and resulting in 1 to 5 layers of rGO wrapped on $TiO_2$ surface. After a further calcination, a portion of carbon quantum dots (CQDs) with a diameter about 2 nm were produced owing to the oxidizing and cutting of rGO on $TiO_2$. The as-prepared $TiO_2/rGO$ hybrid showed a highly photocatalytic activity, which is about 3.2 and 7.7 times enhancement for photodegradation of methyl orange with compared to pure $TiO_2$ and P25, respectively. We assume that the improvement of photocatalysis is attributed to the chemical bonding between rGO/CQDs and $TiO_2$ that accelerates photogenerated electron-hole pair separation, as well as enhances light harvest.

Characterization of flow properties of pharmaceutical pellets in draft tube conical spout-fluid beds

  • Foroughi-Dahr, Mohammad;Sotudeh-Gharebagh, Rahmat;Mostoufi, Navid
    • Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry
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    • 제68권
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    • pp.274-281
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    • 2018
  • Experimental studies of the hydrodynamic performance of the draft tube conical spout-fluid bed (DCSF) were conducted using pharmaceutical pellets. The experiments were carried out in a DCSF consisted of two sections: (a) a conical section with the cross section of $120mm{\times}250mm$ and the height of 270 mm, (b) a cylindrical section with the diameter of 250 mm and the height of 600 mm. The flow characteristics of solids were investigated with a high speed camera and a pezoresistive absolute pressure transducer simultaneously. These characteristics revealed different flow regimes in the DCSF: packed bed at low gas velocities, fluidized bed in draft tube at higher gas velocities until minimum spouting, and spouted bed. The stable spouting was identified by the presence of two dominant frequencies of the power spectrum density of pressure fluctuation signature: (i) the frequency band 6-9 Hz and (ii) the frequency band 12-15 Hz. The pressure drops across the draft tube as well as the annulus measured in order to better recognize the flow structure in the DCSF. It was observed that the pressure drop across the draft tube, the pressure drop across the annulus, and the minimum spouting velocity increase with the increase in the height of draft tube and distance of the entrainment zone, but with the decrease in the distributor hole pitch. Finally, this study provided novel insight into the hydrodynamic of DCSF, particularly minimum spouting and stable spouting in the DCSF which contains valuable information for process design and scale-up of spouted bed equipment.

광질처리에 따른 박 유묘의 생장 및 자엽의 엽록소 함량 변화 (Effect of Blue, Red and Far-red Lights on Seeding Growth and Cotyledon Chlorophyll Content of Lagenaria siceraria Standl)

  • 강진호;전병삼
    • 생명과학회지
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    • 제11권2호
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    • pp.166-172
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    • 2001
  • Various types of the seeding of bottle gourd widely used as a rootstock of watermelon has been required to satisfy the farmers need. The study was done to determine the effect of light quality of blue, red and far-red lights treated with light emitting diodes on growth and morphology of bottle goured seeding and chlorophyll content of its cotyledons. The lights were treated in the growth chamber for 7 days to the seeding elapsed 8 days after sowing under natural condition, and 64 hole trays with commercial bedsoil. Plant height, length and diameter of hypocotyl, leaf area of cotyledon and first true leaf, its leaf length, number of true leaves, fraction and total dry weight were measured. Red light shortened and slenderized the hypocotyl, which lengthened by far-red light and thickened by blue light. Plant height was declined in order of far-red light treatment, blue and red lights mainly due to difference of hypocotyl length, Area and length of the first true leaf became smaller and shorter under far-red light than under the other lights. However, blue light increased leaf area of cotyledons. Two cultivars cv. Yongjadaemok and cv. Kunghap had different response to the light treatments in total seedling dry weight(dw); far-red and red light treatments showed the greatest and the least dw of hypocotyl, respectively, while blue and red lights did the greatest dw of the other organs. Among the ratio of each organ dw to total dw, those of hypocotyl and true leaves were different between the light treatments; the highest ratio of hypocotyl dw to total dw was observed in far-red light treatment but the lowest was in red light treatment. Those of the true leaves were the lowest in far-red light and similar response in blue or red light treatment. Chlorophyll content of cotyledons was decreased in order of red light treatment, blue and far-red lights, meaning that short period light treatment may influence photosynthesis of seeding and afterward its growth.

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A Novel Photonic Crystal Fiber Sensor with Three D-shaped Holes Based on Surface Plasmon Resonance

  • Bing, Pibin;Sui, Jialei;Huang, Shichao;Guo, Xinyue;Li, Zhongyang;Tan, Lian;Yao, Jianquan
    • Current Optics and Photonics
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    • 제3권6호
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    • pp.541-547
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    • 2019
  • A novel photonic crystal fiber (PCF) sensor with three D-shaped holes based on surface plasmon resonance (SPR) is analyzed in this paper. Three D-shaped holes are filled with the analyte, and the gold film is deposited on the side of three planes. The design of D-shaped holes with outward expansion can effectively solve the uniformity problem of metallized nano-coating, it is beneficial to the filling of the analyte and is convenient for real-time measurement of the analyte. Compared with the hexagonal lattice structure, the triangular arrangement of the clad air holes can significantly reduce the transmission loss of light and improve the sensitivity of the sensor. The influences of the air hole diameter, the distance between D-shaped holes and core, and the counterclockwise rotation angle of D-shaped holes on sensing performance are studied. The simulation results show that the wavelength sensitivity of the designed sensor can be as high as 10100 nm/RIU and the resolution can reach 9.9 × 10-6 RIU.

A Study on Improving the Performance of the Planting Device of a Vegetable Transplanter

  • Jo, Jin Seok;Okyere, Frank Gyan;Jo, Jae Min;Kim, Hyeon Tae
    • Journal of Biosystems Engineering
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    • 제43권3호
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    • pp.202-210
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    • 2018
  • Purpose: Due to the growing demand for vegetables all year round, the use of vegetable transplanters has become widespread in agricultural production. However, the type of planting device used for the transplanter affects its overall efficiency. Problems such as inaccurate planting angles and inefficiently wide transplanting hole diameters of the planting device has limited the efficient use of some vegetable transplanters. Our goal in this study was to improve the efficiency of the transplanter by analyzing and modifying the linkages of the planting device of a vegetable transplanter. Methods: Because of its widespread usage in Korea, a linkage-type planting device was used for the experiment, which was divided into three parts. In the first part, the physical trajectory of the tranplanter was extracted using a CCD (charge-coupled device) camera and analyzed. In the second part, a simulated trajectory was developed using Recurdyn 3D software. The simulated and actual trajectories were then compared and analyzed. In the third part, based on the results of the comparison, improvements were made on the linkages of the transplanter and a demonstrative exercise was conducted. Finally, in experiment B, the performance was evaluated through an exercise using both the existing and improved planting devices. Results: The results demonstrated that the average planting angle was improved by 4.96 mm, the soil intrusion diameter was improved by 11.30 mm, and the planting depth was improved by 0.68 mm. Conclusion: It was concluded that the efficiency of a vegetable transplanter can be improved by modifying the linkages through simulations and field demonstrations.

Study of cracks in compressed concrete specimens with a notch and two neighboring holes

  • Vahab, Sarfarazi;Kaveh, Asgari;Shirin, Jahanmiri;Mohammad Fatehi, Marji;Alireza Mohammadi, Khachakini
    • Advances in concrete construction
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    • 제14권5호
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    • pp.317-330
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    • 2022
  • This paper investigated computationally and experimentally the interaction here between a notch as well as a micropore under uniaxial compression. Brazilian tensile strength, uniaxial tensile strength, as well as biaxial tensile strength are used to calibrate PFC2d at first. Then, uniaxial compression test was conducted which they included internal notch and micro pore. Experimental and numerical building of 9 models including notch and micro pore were conducted. Model dimensions of models are 10 cm × 10 cm × 5 cm. Joint length was 2 cm. Joints angles were 30°, 45° and 60°. The position of micro pore for all joint angles was 2cm upper than top of the joint, 2 cm upper than middle of joint and 2 cm upper than the joint lower tip, discreetly. The numerical model's dimensions were 5.4 cm × 10.8 cm. The fractures were 2 cm in length and had angularities of 30, 45, and 60 degrees. The pore had a diameter of 1 cm and was located at the top of the notch, 2 cm above the top, 2 cm above the middle, and 2 cm above the bottom tip of the joint. The uniaxial compression strength of the model material was 10 MPa. The local damping ratio was 0.7. At 0.016 mm per second, it loaded. The results show that failure pattern affects uniaxial compressive strength whereas notch orientation and pore condition impact failure pattern. From the notch tips, a two-wing fracture spreads almost parallel to the usual load until it unites with the sample edge. Additionally, two wing fractures start at the hole. Both of these cracks join the sample edge and one of them joins the notch. The number of wing cracks increased as the joint angle rose. There aren't many AE effects in the early phases of loading, but they quickly build up until the applied stress reaches its maximum. Each stress decrease was also followed by several AE effects. By raising the joint angularities from 30° to 60°, uniaxial strength was reduced. The failure strengths in both the numerical simulation and the actual test are quite similar.

대단면 스킨팀버의 용재 가능성과 이를 활용한 생활용품 디자인 개발 (Manufacturing Life articles and a Possibility of Materials Using the Structural Size Skin-Timber)

  • 임승택
    • 한국가구학회지
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    • 제24권1호
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    • pp.60-69
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    • 2013
  • Timber is an eco-friendly material that is suitable for low carbon and green growth, and recently, studies on utilization and manufacture of timber are increasing. Thus, we need a stable supply of wood working materials for the formative element and widespread function of timber. It is necessary to develop the use of timber because it enhances the added value of this material by making the most of it. In this way, skin-timber is an appropriate material for life articles because skin-timber has a variety of functions including the ability for storage use, the beauty of structure, the ability to maintain heat and insulation, and the capability to control humidity. In this study, I developed household items using skin-timbers that are made up of circular columns and square columns of pine, larch, and yellow popular. The circular and square columns have an inner hole that is approximately 90% of the external structure's width. I intended for the concept of these designs to display creativity considering functionality and productivity. These items are life articles and furniture for modern people. They are eco-friendly products that are varnished with traditional lacquer and natural oil. According to the result of this study, skin-timbers are made of domestic pine, larch, and yellow popular and are resource of furniture, household items, and woodcraft. I believe skin-timber is not only a useful material for processability and design applicability, but it also has the capability to be a multifunctional and high value-added material. Also, if the standards, such as cortex thickness, outside diameter, and length, of skin-timber are producted diversely, I believe skin-timber can be have more the possibility of industrial products' development.

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Investigations on the Magneto-optical Properties of Bilayered Co/Ni Micro-patterned Anti-dot Arrays

  • Deshpande, N.G.;Zheng, H.Y.;Hwang, J.S.;Lee, S.J.;Lee, Y.P.;Rhee, J.Y.;Kim, K.W.
    • 한국진공학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국진공학회 2012년도 제42회 동계 정기 학술대회 초록집
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    • pp.251-251
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    • 2012
  • A lot of studies are undergoing on the magneto-optical (MO) properties of patterned magnetic systems for the reason that they have potential application to information technology such as ultrahigh-speed computing. Moreover, they can be considered as the future candidates for high-density MO storage devices. Not only the technical aspects, but there have been also tremendous interests in studying their properties related to the fundamental physics. The MO Kerr-rotation effects (both in reflected and the diffracted modes) and the magnetic force microscopy (MFM) are very useful techniques to investigate the micromagnetic properties of such periodic structures. Hence, in this study, we report on the MO properties of bilayered Cobalt (Co)/ nickel (Ni) micro-patterned anti-dot arrays. Such a ferromagnetic structure was made by sequentially depositing co (40 nm)/Ni (5 nm) bilayer on a Si substrate. The anti-dot patterning with hole diameter of $1{\mu}m$ was done only on the upper Co layer using photolithography technique, while the Ni underlayer was kept uniform. The longitudinal Kerr rotation (LKR) of the zeroth- and the first-order diffracted beams were measured at an incidence of $30^{\circ}$ by using a photoelastic modulator method. The external magnetic field was applied perpendicularly to the reflected and the diffracted beams using an electromagnet capable of a maximum field of ${\pm}5$ kOe. Significantly, it was observed that the LKR of the first-order diffracted beam is nearly 4 times larger than that of the zeroth-order beam. The simulated results for the hysteresis loops matched qualitatively well with the experimentally obtained ones. In conjunction with the LKR, we also investigated the magnetic-domain structure by using a MFM system, which were analyzed to elucidate the origin of the enhanced MO rotation.

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X-ray Computed Tomography on Larger Diameter Timber than Digital Detector

  • Kim, Chul-Ki;Lee, Jun-Jae;Oh, Jung-Kwon
    • Journal of the Korean Wood Science and Technology
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    • 제41권5호
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    • pp.385-391
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    • 2013
  • X-ray computed tomography is a very powerful nondestructive technique in safety inspection of historic timber building. But, in field, various testing condition makes it difficult to carry out X-ray CT testing. Limited size in X-ray digital detector is one of the problems. In this study, a pitch pine disk with two holes was used to know how imperfection in X-ray projection affects CT image resolution. Using various number of projections, CT image was reconstructed by filtered back projection method, and then it was investigated how many projection is required to identify the holes in different location. Two artificial holes could be differently detected according to their location in cross section of specimen. One hole in center part of specimen was identified using more than 9 radiographs, but the other one which located in outer part of cross section could not be detected until more than 36 projections were used. Even though there is data missing in outer part of cross section due to limited size of detector, the center part of CT image could be reconstructed well and the resolution of outer part became higher with increase of the number of projections. For field application, the number of projections for CT image reconstruction needs to be decided with consideration of another nondestructive testing and the location of interest.

EM Radioautographic Techniques에 관(關)한 연구(硏究) - Cork 방법(方法) - (An Improved Method for EM Radioautographic Techniques using Cork)

  • 김명국
    • Applied Microscopy
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    • 제10권1_2호
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    • pp.7-17
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    • 1980
  • Electron microscope radioautography introduced by Liquier-Milward (1956) is now used routinely in many laboratories. Most of the technical difficulties in specimen preparation have been overcome. This method is modified from loop method for improvement of EM radioautographic techniques. The advantages of this method are: 1. the use of single specimens on small corks and of a large wire loop, allows the experimenter to avoid the blemishes in the membrane; 2. the surfactant dioctyl sodium sulphosuccinate is added to diluted ILford L4, thus greatly prolonging the period of time over which good emulsion layers can be made; 3. corks can be handled in perspex holder which allows about 20 specimens to be developed simultaneously. The steps of the method comprise: 1. Cut ribbons of ultrathin sections of silver interference colour 2. Pick them up on formvar-coated 200 mesh grids 3. Prestaining of tissues 4. Coat the specimens with a thin layer of carbon by evaporation (30-60A) 5. Mount the specimens on corks (about 1cm apical diameter) using double-sided scotch tape 6. Emulsion coating; a. Take a 250m1 beaker, place it on the pan of a sliding weight balance and weigh it. Add 10 grams extra to the beam. Add pieces of ILford L4 emulsion to the beaker until the balance is swinging freely. Add the 20ml of distilled water that was previously measured out. b. Surfactant dioctyl sodium sulphosuccinate is added to diluted ILford L4. 7. Prepare a series of membranes of gelled emulsion with the wire loop and apply one to each cork-borne specimen. 8. Put the specimens away to expose by pushing the corks into short length of PVC tubing, each tube having a small hole in the side 9. Place the tubes in small boxes together with silica gel. 10. Exposure 11. Developer - Kodak Microdol X for 3 minutes 12. Fixer - A perspex holder can be manufactured which allows 20 specimens to be developed simultaneously. 12. Fixer - 30% sodium thiosulfate for 10 minutes 13. Examination with Siemens Elmiskop 1A electron microscope

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