• 제목/요약/키워드: diameter of hole

검색결과 761건 처리시간 0.022초

자동액관리 시스템을 이용한 SUS MASK 에칭에 관한 연구 (A Study on the Etching of SUS MASK using Automatic Liquid Management System)

  • 이우식
    • 한국정보전자통신기술학회논문지
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    • 제14권4호
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    • pp.323-327
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    • 2021
  • 본 논문은 OLED에 사용되는 SUS MASK를 자동액관리 시스템을 사용하여 제작 하였다. SUS MASK의 홀 직경은 0.4 mm으로 설정하여 실험 하였다. 첨가제 F300이 홀 직경이 0.4 mm에 근접하고 오차범위는 평균 0.08로 측정되어 우수함을 알 수 있었다. 그리고 산화환원전위(ORP) 변화에 따른 CuCl2와 FeCl3의 무게 감소량을 측정결과, FeCl3이 ORP 변화에 상대적으로 민감도가 높은 것으로 나타났다. SUS Mask를 연속적으로 에칭하면서 ORP(610 mV)와 비중(1.463)이 자동으로 조절되는지를 실험를 하였다. 실험결과로서는 셋팅 값이 크게 변화되지 않아 자동액관리 시스템이 잘 조절이 잘 되는 것으로 나타났다. 그리고 홀 직경을 0.4 mm로 목표치로 설정한 후 실험 한 결과는 0.36부터 0.44까지 측정되었다. 따라서 SUS MASK 제조공정에서 에칭가공공정은 제작된 자동액관리 시스템을 적용시키면 보다 안정성 높은 정밀도로 향상 시킬 수 있을 것으로 기대된다.

인젝터 노즐 홀 직경의 변화에 따른 DME 커먼레일 연료 분사 시스템의 분무 특성에 관한 연구 II (An Investigation on the Spray Characteristics of DME with Variation of Nozzle Holes Diameter using the Common Rail Fuel Injection System)

  • 이세준;임옥택
    • 한국자동차공학회논문집
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    • 제21권4호
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    • pp.1-7
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    • 2013
  • DME spray characteristics were investigated about varied ambient pressure and fuel injection pressure using the DME common rail fuel injection system when the nozzle holes diameter is varied. The common rail fuel injection system with DME cooling system was used since DME has properties of compressibility and vaporization in atmospheric temperature. The fuel injection quantity and spray characteristics were measured. The spray analysis parameters were spray shape, penetration length, and spray angle at six nozzle holes. Three types of injector were used, the nozzle holes diameter were 0.166 mm (Injector 1), 0.250 mm (Injector 2), and 0.250 mm with enlargement of orifice hole from 0.6 mm to 1.0 mm (Injector 3). The fuel injection pressure was varied by 5MPa from 35 to 70MPa when the ambient pressure was varied 0, 2.5, and 5MPa. When using Injector 3 in comparison to the others, the DME injection quantity was increased 1.69 ~ 2.02 times. Through this, it had the similar low heat value with diesel which was injected Injector 1. Among three types of injector, Injector 3 had the fastest development velocity of penetration length. In case of spray angle, Injector 2 had the largest spray angle. Through these results, only the way enlargement the nozzle holes diameter is not the solution of DME low heat value problem.

브레이드 복합재료의 원공의 크기와 분포가 재료강도에 미치는 영향 (The Effect of Circulat Hole Size and Distribution on Strength of Braided Composite)

  • 이경우;강태진
    • 한국재료학회지
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    • 제4권3호
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    • pp.253-258
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    • 1994
  • S2-유리 섬유/폴리에스터 브레이드 복합재료에서 원공의 크기 및 원공간 거리 변화가 인장성질, 핀하중 인장성질, 굽힘성질에 미치는 영향을 연구하였다. 원공의 크기에 따른 복합재료의 인장강도의 저하는 Whitney와 Nuismer에 의해 제시된 이론값과 대체로 일치함을 보여주었으며 이때의 특성길이($d_o$)는 브레이드 복합재료는 약 1.6mm, 직물 적층 복합재료는 약 1.8mm가 되었다. 브레이드 복합재료의 원공간 거리 변화에 따른 인장강도의 변화는 두 원공 중심 사이의 거리가 원공 지름의 4배 이상이면 원공간 상호작용이 없었다. 원공의 중심과 측면간 거리에 따른 인장강도의 변화는 원공의중심과 측면간 거리가 원공 지름의 3배 이상일 때 상호작용이 없었다. 핀하중 인장실험에서 브레이드 복합재료와 직물 적층 복합재료 모두 핀의 지름이 증가함에 따라 Bearing Stength는 감소하였다.

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플러그 용접이음부의 피로수명에 미치는 설계형상의 영향 (Effect of Design Shape on Fatigue Life of Plug Welded Joint)

  • 임재규;이중삼;서도원
    • Journal of Welding and Joining
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    • 제17권2호
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    • pp.29-35
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    • 1999
  • This study was intended to use for the fatigue test in real structures and offer basic data for optimum welding structure design. To this purpose, we obserded the effect of the size and distance of plug welding hole on the static strength and fatigue life of welding structure under the shear/bending load for the improvement of fatigue life of plug welding joint between S/MBR and C/MBR in the lower structure of large bus. The result below is shown through this study. 1) Static and fatigue strength are strongly influenced by the direction of plug weld hole distributed. 2) Distances and diameters of the distributed holes are little dependent on the static strengths 3) In case of the directions of the distributed plug weld holes are vertical to the loading pin, fatigue life is dependent on distance of the distributed hole. 4) In case of the directions of the distributed plug weld holes are parallel to the loading pin, fatigue life is dependent on distance of the hole diameter.

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A fracture mechanics simulation of the pre-holed concrete Brazilian discs

  • Sarfarazi, Vahab;Haeri, Hadi;Shemirani, Alireza Bagher;Nezamabadi, Maryam Firoozi
    • Structural Engineering and Mechanics
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    • 제66권3호
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    • pp.343-351
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    • 2018
  • Brazilian disc test is one of the most widely used experiments in the literature of geo-mechanics. In this work, the pre-holed concrete Brazilian disc specimens are numerically modelled by a two-dimensional discrete element approach. The cracks initiations, propagations and coalescences in the numerically simulated Brazilian discs (each containing a single cylindrical hole and or multiple holes) are studied. The pre-holed Brazilian discs are numerically tested under Brazilian test conditions. The single-holed Brazilian discs with different ratios of the diameter of the holes to that of the disc radius are modelled first. The breakage load in the ring type disc specimens containing an internal hole with varying diameters is measured and the crack propagation mechanism around the wall of the ring is investigated. The crack propagation and coalescence mechanisms are also studied for the case of multi-holes' concrete Brazilian discs. The numerical and experimental results show that the breaking mechanism of the pre-holed disc specimens is mainly due to the initiation of the radially induced tensile cracks which are growth from the surface of the central hole. Radially cracks propagated toward the direction of diametrical loading. It has been observed that for the case of disc specimens with multiple holes under diametrical compressive loading, the breaking process of the modelled specimens may occur due to the simultaneous cracks propagation and cracks coalescence phenomena. These results also show that as the hole diameter and the number of the holes increases both the failure stress and the crack initiation stress decreases. The experimental results already exist in the literature are quit agree with the proposed numerical simulation results which validates this simulation procedure.


  • 고상철;이범호;조승환;이상헌;홍성태;이대엽
    • 한국전산유체공학회지
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    • 제15권1호
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    • pp.56-63
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    • 2010
  • Since emission regulations for vehicles have become more stringent, SCR technology has drawn a strong attention in order to reduce NOx emissions. Optimal design of a reductant injection nozzle and a multi-hole plate located between the cone and catalyst is critical in that the uniform distribution of reductant is necessary to maximize the NOx conversion efficiency and minimize the slip of reductant in SCR. In this work, an LPG fuel(C3H8 in vapor state) was used as a reductant for LPG vehicles. A Realizable k-$\varepsilon$ model is used for turbulence, and SCR body is defined as porous media with inertia and viscous resistances measured in this work. Effect of the number of nozzle holes on the flow mixing index was analyzed, which revealed that a four hole nozzle shows the best performance in terms of uniformity of flow. An installment of a multi-hole plate at the entrance of catalyst was evaluated with flow mixing index, uniformity of flow, and pressure drop. A multi-hole plate with gradual hole diameter change in three steps showed the best uniformity of flow within the conditions suggested in this work.

알루미늄 판재의 고 세장비 피어싱가공을 위한 작업변수의 영향 (The Influences of Process Parameters in Piercing with a High Aspect Ratio for Thick Aluminum Sheet)

  • 김종길;김종봉;김종호
    • 소성∙가공
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    • 제23권1호
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    • pp.23-28
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    • 2014
  • The aspect ratio of a hole is defined as the ratio of the thickness to the diameter of the sheet metal. Most holes in the sheet metal industry are made by piercing. However, for thick sheets, which have an aspect ratio greater than 2, a machining process like drilling instead of piercing is usually used to make holes. In the current study, piercing, which is a shearing process, is evaluated to punch a hole with a high aspect ratio by using a newly designed die set-up. The piercing die was manufactured to prevent the punch from buckling and also to improve the alignment between the die components. An aluminum alloy sheet was selected for the experiments. The influence of several process parameters such as sheet thickness, clearance and stripping force were investigated. Experimentally, a hole with an aspect ratio of 5 was pierced. The resulting hole had a clean surface and the dimensional accuracy of pierced hole was considerably improved with decreasing clearance between punch and die. It is also shown that the larger penetration depth of the effective sheared surface can be achieved for high aspect ratio piercing relative to conventional piercing with a low aspect ratio.

이중 콘형 부분 예혼합 GT 노즐의 연료 분사구 형상 변화에 대한 연소특성 (Combustion Characteristics of a Double-cone Partial Premixed Nozzle with Various Fuel hole Patterns)

  • 김한석;조주형;김민국;황정재;이원준
    • 한국가스학회지
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    • 제24권4호
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    • pp.25-31
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    • 2020
  • 산업용 혹은 발전용 가스터빈에 사용되는 이중 콘형 예혼합 연소기의 연소 특성을 이해하기 위하여 실험적 연구를 수행하였다. 노즐의 여러 연료 분사 방식에 대하여 NOx와 CO의 배출 특성, 화염 안정성 및 연소실 온도 분포에 대한 연소특성을 비교하였다. 주 연구 결과로는 연료홀 개수가 동일하고 연료 홀 직경이 감소하는 경우와 연료 홀면적이 동일하고 연료 홀 수가 감소되는 경우 연료의 연소용 공기층 침투가 커지기 때문에 NOx의 배출은 감소하지만 화염 안정성은 감소하게 된다. 그리고 동일 연료 홀 면적을 이용하는 분사방식에 있어서 연료 홀을 교차 변경하는 경우 연료의 평균 침투거리 증가로 NOx의 배출이 감소되며 연료 침투거리가 적은 연료가 화염을 안정화시키는 역할을 한다.

Experimental and Computational Study on Separation Control Performance of Synthetic Jets with Circular Exit

  • Kim, Minhee;Lee, Byunghyun;Lee, Junhee;Kim, Chongam
    • International Journal of Aeronautical and Space Sciences
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    • 제17권3호
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    • pp.296-314
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    • 2016
  • This paper presents experimental and computational investigations of synthetic jets with a circular exit for improving flow control performance. First, the flow feature and vortex structure of a multiple serial circular exit were numerically analyzed from the view point of flow control effect under a cross flow condition. In order to improve separation control performance, experimental and numerical studies were conducted according to several key parameters, such as hole diameter, hole gap, the number of hole, jet array, and phase difference. Experiments were carried out in a quiescent condition and a forced separated flow condition using piezoelectrically driven synthetic jets. Jet characteristics were compared by measuring velocity profiles and pressure distributions. The interaction of synthetic jets with a freestream was examined by analyzing vortical structure characteristics. For separation control performance, separated flow over an airfoil at high angles of attack was employed and the flow control performance of the proposed synthetic jet was verified by measuring aerodynamic coefficient. The circular exit with a suitable hole parameter provides stable and persistent jet vortices that do beneficially affect separation control. This demonstrates the flow control performance of circular exit array could be remarkably improved by applying a set of suitable hole parameters.

Multi-objective Optimization of a Laidback Fan Shaped Film-Cooling Hole Using Evolutionary Algorithm

  • Lee, Ki-Don;Husain, Afzal;Kim, Kwang-Yong
    • International Journal of Fluid Machinery and Systems
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    • 제3권2호
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    • pp.150-159
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    • 2010
  • Laidback fan shaped film-cooling hole is formulated numerically and optimized with the help of three-dimensional numerical analysis, surrogate methods, and the multi-objective evolutionary algorithm. As Pareto optimal front produces a set of optimal solutions, the trends of objective functions with design variables are predicted by hybrid multi-objective evolutionary algorithm. The problem is defined by four geometric design variables, the injection angle of the hole, the lateral expansion angle of the diffuser, the forward expansion angle of the hole, and the ratio of the length to the diameter of the hole, to maximize the film-cooling effectiveness compromising with the aerodynamic loss. The objective function values are numerically evaluated through Reynolds- averaged Navier-Stokes analysis at the designs that are selected through the Latin hypercube sampling method. Using these numerical simulation results, the Response Surface Approximation model are constructed for each objective function and a hybrid multi-objective evolutionary algorithm is applied to obtain the Pareto optimal front. The clustered points from Pareto optimal front were evaluated by flow analysis. These designs give enhanced objective function values in comparison with the experimental designs.