• Title/Summary/Keyword: development characteristic

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The Necessity and the Characteristic of Picture Books for the Silver Generation (실버세대를 위한 그림동화책의 필요성과 특성)

  • Li, Shu;Oh, Chi-Gyu
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.16 no.2
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    • pp.387-397
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    • 2016
  • The purpose of this study is to suggest design characteristics of picture books for silver generation empirically through academic consideration of necessity and characteristics of picture books targeting silver generation. Through an analytical result of literature materials such as library and information science, pedagogy, and literature therapeutics, and aging phenomenon, picture books help mental and physical health of silver generation, but picture books for silver generation are insufficient in comparison with demand. Therefore, a theoretical basis of study and development of fairy tale books for silver generation is acutely needed. This study suggested that close attention for characteristics of silver generation is needed to solve a problem about dyslexia of silver generation in story, picture(expression, size, layout, structure, and color), and typography of characteristic factors of picture on designing fairy tale books for silver generation, suggesting needs to develop picture books reflecting characteristics such as visual organ, body function, and psychological factor of silver generation. In addition, design characteristics for composition of picture books for silver generation will be used as part of advanced data in a study on solid analytical data through an actual analysis on silver generation in the future.

DC V-I Characteristics of a High Temperature Superconductor for a 600 kJ Superconducting Magnetic Energy Storage Device in an Oblique External Magnetic Field (경사 외부자장에 대한 600 kJ급 SMES용 HTS도체의 DC V-I 특성)

  • Li, Zhu-Yong;Ma, Yong-Hu;Ryu, Kyung-Woo;Choi, Se-Yong;Kim, Hae-Jong
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Electrical and Electronic Material Engineers
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    • v.21 no.1
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    • pp.79-84
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    • 2008
  • We are developing a small-sized high temperature superconducting magnetic energy storage (HTS-SMES) magnet with the nominal storage capacity of 600 kJ, which provides electric power with high quality to sensitive electric loads. Critical current and N-value of a high temperature superconductor with large current, which was selected for the development of the 600 kJ HTS-SMES magnet, were investigated in various oblique external magnetic fields. Based on the critical current and N-value measured for the short sample conductor, we discussed the DC V - I characteristic of a model coil fabricated with the same conductor of 500 m. The results show that the measured critical current and N-value of the conductor for parallel field are constant in external magnetic fields less than about 0.2 T. However, for oblique fields, its critical current and N -value abruptly decrease in all external magnetic fields. Moreover, the measured critical current of the model coil well agrees with the numerically calculated one based on the DC V - I characteristic measured for the short sample conductor. This suggest that losses and critical currents for an HTS-SMES magnet made up of a high temperature superconductor with anisotropic characteristic are predictable from the data of a short sample conductor.

Characteristics Analysis of Agricultural Reservoir Slope Vegetation for Judging the Leakage Zone (누수구역 판단을 위한 농업용 저수지 사면식생의 특성 분석)

  • Park, Seung Ki;Kim, Hyun Soo;Kim, Nam Ho;Lee, Jong Bo;Jung, Nam su
    • Journal of Korean Society of Rural Planning
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    • v.23 no.2
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    • pp.87-96
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    • 2017
  • This study is a basic research with the aim of developing the method of judging the leakage zone by grasping the habitat characteristic of agricultural reservoir slope in inhabiting characteristics appear differently according to natural inhabiting environment. To this end, this study is intending to investigate slope vegetation using a quadrat technique at Sinheung reservoir located at Gwangsi-myeon, Yesan-gun, Chungnam, and to perform the analysis of importance value using relative frequency and relative coverage, etc. Also, this study intended to present the necessity of having to consider the eco-system of the relevant region in time of a reservoir slope afforestation for the time to come by suggesting that the reservoir slope vegetation after a stable period becomes similar to the regional vegetation by comparing this study result with the existing research which carried out the analysis of importance value of forest vegetation for Yesan Region. The reservoir slope vegetation is similar to the indicator species which appear in the regional forest vegetation, so there was a need to select afforestation species in the light of this in time of slope afforestation. As a result of the analysis of the importance value, this study grasped that there was an emergence characteristic similar to the vegetation at a birthplace of a forest fires because growth and development of forest trees, and perennial plants were restricted by annually implemented brush-cutting work, etc.; however, indigo plant and bush clover, etc. were found to show the characteristic differing from this. Consequently, this study was able to confirm that there is the necessity of having to create the Importance Value Table suited for reservoir slopes by region through a lot more data construction in the near future.

Distributional Pattern of Polychaetes in the Benthic Community of the Yellow Sea (황해의 저서군집내에서 다모류의 분포유형)

  • LEE Jae-Hac
    • Korean Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
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    • v.20 no.3
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    • pp.224-229
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    • 1987
  • The ecological studies of the benthic polychaetes of the Yellow Sea were carried out for five years from August 1982. The emphasis of the research were placed on clarification of the distributional pattern and characteristic species of environmental factors on the polychaete community. Based on the polychaete samples analysed during the study period, it was possible to divide the polychaetes into five ecological groups : 18 warm water, 22 cold water, 20 cosmopolitan, 29 endemic, and 7 amphi-pacific species, Anaitides koreana, Aglaophamus sinensis, Nephtys polyoranchia, Nephtys caeca, Glycera capitata, and Scoloplos armiger seem to be characteristic species of sand bottom, while Haploscoloplos elongatus and Ophelina aulogaster of mud bottom. A total of 6 benthic communities have been recognized from the dominant benthic fauna found. In each benthic communities, dominant and characteristic polychaete species were clarified according to their ecological types. In general, as echinoderms such as Ophiura kinbergi, Amphioplus megapomus, and Luidia quinaria are distributed widely and found in high density, their influence on the distribution of most polychaetes is clearly shown.

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Characteristic of the Human Cloning Motif in Feature 〈Blueprint〉 (영화 〈블루프린트〉 속에 투영된 인간복제 모티프의 특성)

  • Jung, Won-Sik
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.123-133
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    • 2011
  • Rapid development of life sciences about human cloning in real world is reflected alternately ahead and behind in the movies and it brings up the conversation topics about the scenario of diverse human life in the near future. This study is the consideration of the characteristic of the human cloning motif in movies, focused on the feature film which consider human cloning a philosophical point of view. The emergence and evolution of somatic cell cloning conclude the problem of philosophical anthropology. And identity and un-naturality of human clone boils down to desire and dilemma of character in . The dramatize to the exclusion of genre's attribution and the setting of twofold relationship between original and clone as well as real mother and daughter prove the critical mind of as stated above. This study also reported it reinforces the characteristic of the human cloning motif in movies that plotting with parallel narrative and the consistent attitudes with various cinematic expression and techniques.

A Development of Expected Loss Control Chart Using Reflected Normal Loss Function (역정규 손실함수를 이용한 기대손실 관리도의 개발)

  • Kim, Dong-Hyuk;Chung, Young-Bae
    • Journal of Korean Society of Industrial and Systems Engineering
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    • v.39 no.2
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    • pp.37-45
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    • 2016
  • Control chart is representative tools of statistical process control (SPC). It is a graph that plotting the characteristic values from the process. It has two steps (or Phase). First step is a procedure for finding a process parameters. It is called Phase I. This step is to find the process parameters by using data obtained from in-controlled process. It is a step that the standard value was not determined. Another step is monitoring process by already known process parameters from Phase I. It is called Phase II. These control chart is the process quality characteristic value for management, which is plotted dot whether the existence within the control limit or not. But, this is not given information about the economic loss that occurs when a product characteristic value does not match the target value. In order to meet the customer needs, company not only consider stability of the process variation but also produce the product that is meet the target value. Taguchi's quadratic loss function is include information about economic loss that occurred by the mismatch the target value. However, Taguchi's quadratic loss function is very simple quadratic curve. It is difficult to realistically reflect the increased amount of loss that due to a deviation from the target value. Also, it can be well explained by only on condition that the normal process. Spiring proposed an alternative loss function that called reflected normal loss function (RNLF). In this paper, we design a new control chart for overcome these disadvantage by using the Spiring's RNLF. And we demonstrate effectiveness of new control chart by comparing its average run length (ARL) with ${\bar{x}}-R$ control chart and expected loss control chart (ELCC).

Development of Presence Measurement (프레즌스 측정척도 개발에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Ok-Ki
    • Korean journal of communication and information
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    • v.48
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    • pp.231-256
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    • 2009
  • The purpose of this study is that we regard the notion of reality that television viewers feel as presence, point out problem of measurement tool that appropriate for TV, clarify the subordinate concept of presence, and develop measurement tool that have reliability and validity. To achieve this, we paid attention to reality of television as a determinant of presence and tried to elicit proper subcategories. That is, we progressed two steps research that distinguished external characteristic and content of the media into sensible reality and cognitive reality, and develop measure item and verified statistical validity. We analyzed the second research result about measurement category of presence selected by first research and then we did Exploratory factor analysis and Confirmatory factor analysis. As a result, the first characteristic that make people experience presence is sensible reality, that is, it is the factor of sensible faithfullness, image faithfullness, and image reality as the form factor of the media. The second characteristic is cognitive reality. That is the factor of social reality, relational reality, and practical reality as the factor of media content. Synthesizing these subordinate factor, we can conceptualize presence experience as a reality of media form and content in HDTV viewing environment.

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The Surface Property and Shear Bonding Strength according to Composition of Ni-Cr alloy for Porcelain Fused to Metal Crown (도재용착주조관용 Ni-Cr계 합금의 조성에 따른 표면특성 및 전단결합강도 관찰)

  • Kim, Kap-Jin;Chung, In-Sung;Choi, Sung-Min
    • Journal of Technologic Dentistry
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    • v.35 no.2
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    • pp.113-120
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    • 2013
  • Purpose: This study was to observe surface property and bonding strength according to composition of Ni-Cr alloy for porcelain fused to metal crown. The two kinds of Ni-Cr alloy with different composition ratio of parent metal were observed general properties and chemical properties of each alloy surface and measured the shear bonding strength between ceramic and each alloys. The aim of study was to suggest the material for design of parent metal's composition ratio to development of alloy for porcelain fused to metal crown. Methods: The two kinds of alloy as test specimen was Ni(71wt.%)-Cr(12wt.%) and Ni(63wt.%)-Cr(23wt.%) alloy. The oxide on surface was observed by SEM and EDX. And the shear test was performed by MTS. Results: The surface property and oxide characteristic analysis of oxide layer, weight percentage of Element O within $Ni_{71}Cr_{12}$ alloy measured 12.74wt.%, but $Ni_{63}Cr_{23}$ alloy was measured 15.91wt.%. And the maximum shear bonding strength was measured 106.14MPa between $Ni_{71}Cr_{12}$ alloy and vintage halo (VV group). Conclusion: The surface property and oxide characteristic of $Ni_{71}Cr_{12}$ alloy was similar to $Ni_{63}Cr_{23}$ alloy. And VV group has the strongest shear bonding strength.

A study on performance evaluation of rod rubber bushing under static and fatigue loadings (토크 로드 부품의 정하중 및 피로하중하에서의 성능평가 연구)

  • 이순복;김완두
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers
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    • v.14 no.5
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    • pp.1320-1329
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    • 1990
  • A static performance tester for a torque rod assembly was developed to evaluate the three characteristics of the rod rubber bushing : radial spring characteristic, thrust spring characteristic, and rotational torque characteristic. Among the various schemes considered in the conceptual design stage, the final versatile type was determined to perform three different tests in one machine. The performance testing machine carried out radial spring test, thrust spring test, and torque test of the torque rod assembly. Static performance of the torque rod assembly was evaluated with the tester developed and fatigue strength of the assembly was also tested with the servo-hydraulic structural fatigue testing machine. The life of the component was found to be related with the rubber quality and adhesionability between the rubber and the steel rod. The optimum rubber hardness was experimentally found by changing the chemical compositions of rubber, and the adhesion was improved by optimizing the shape of the outer section of a the rubber, this study ensured the development of a reliable torque rod assembly.

Development on Native Local Food Contents through Literature (문학 작품을 통한 향토 음식 콘텐츠 개발 - 충무공 '현충(顯忠) 밥상', 추사 김정희 '추사(秋史) 밥상')

  • Kim, Mi-Hye;Chung, Hae-Kyung
    • Journal of the East Asian Society of Dietary Life
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    • v.20 no.5
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    • pp.639-654
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    • 2010
  • This study attempted to research the local food of various regions at a personal level by discovering how food has developed das part of a region's culture base. Discovery of the characteristic story behind the making of a region's characteristic food as local delicacies can inspire self-esteem in the culture, and enhance the real-life image as appropriate to a region, and thereby be made a part of local tourism and thus contributing to the local economy. For this reason, the native foods of the region of Chungcheongnam-do were researched in terms of the cultural sensibilities that inform the unique history of that region. The study was designed so as to aid in understanding food's characteristic value in Chungcheongnam-do and to give a historical representation of Chungcheongnam-do's image by means of storytelling techniques; thus, the local food's character can be presented alongside a story that appeals to the five senses. For this purpose, Chungcheongnam-do's representative native rice table was cast as the 'Hyunchoong rice meal table' - after the figure of admiral Yi Sun Shin of Asan area region, a representative image of Chungcheongnam-do - and 'Choosa rice meal table', after the figure of 'Choosa' Kim Jeong Hee of Yesan region, of which various literary works form a representative image of Chungcheongnam-do. 'Hyunchoong rice meal table' was composed of a health food centered menu which could supply sufficient nutrition as a food ration in times of war or winter shortage, thus providing an image of nutrition and power as appropriate to these situations. Also, to assess the health effectiveness of each rice table, the functionality of the ingredients were investigated as reported in 'Sik-ryo-chan-yo : a dietary treatment' which was published by Soon-Ui Cheon in the Chosun era and by which the foods of the early Chosun era won recognition as being both healthy profitable.