• Title/Summary/Keyword: developed program

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The Development of GPS Quality Control System based on Internet (인터넷 기반의 GPS Quality Control 시스템 개발)

  • 서영진;주영은;조흥묵
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry, and Cartography Conference
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    • 2004.11a
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    • pp.65-71
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    • 2004
  • The Development of GPS practical using and systematic fixing for GPS Quality Control System on On-Line. Developed the program that can prove GPS quality about GPS permanent observation stations or user GPS data in server client system environment of Web-Based objectively Developed Save-module of graph display of analysis result data and reporter form. Developed the program for making an estimate of GPS satellite information in server client system environment of Web-Based. Designed that the Display can be possible and store estimate result can expresses the form such as Sky Plot, DOPs, Satellite Elevation, satellite number cf predict-time and then the result can be preserved for report form.

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A Fundamental Study for the Automatic Control System in Greenhouse Using Microcomputer(I) (마이크로컴퓨터에 의한 시설재배의 자동화에 관한 기초연구(I))

  • Kim, C.S.;Kim, J.H.
    • Journal of Biosystems Engineering
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.99-111
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    • 1994
  • Automatic control system using microcomputer that have been studied in greenhouse, however, it was very difficult operation with success due to handicap for a various conditions and cultivated plants. This study was performed in order to develop of the basic program and hardware system for automatic control in greenhouse, such as automatic supplying of water, liquefied fertilizer solution and chemical solution. The results were summarized as follows. 1. The program for soil moisture control used by the switch type tensiometer was well operated. 2. The proximity switch was applied as well to water level control but it was very expensive, so low-priced sensor has to be developed. 3. The water meter was not excellent for mixing control of liquefied fertilizer, chemical and water, so water meter for only agricalture has to be developed. 4. Interface system for this study was suited to the developed controller. 5. Automatic control system to supply for water, liquefied fertilizer and chemical solution that was well operated as a fundamental study for product of controller.

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A Study on a dynamic simulation of Current Collection System (집전시스템의 동적 수치모의 해석에 관한 연구)

  • Hur, S.;kyung, J.H.;Han, H.S.;Song, D.H.;Park, S.H.;Kim, J.S.
    • Proceedings of the KSR Conference
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    • 1999.05a
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    • pp.151-158
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    • 1999
  • In this study, we developed the simulation program of an overhead catenary-pantograph system, The overhead catenary is modeled with point mass and the pantograph is replaced with 3 d. o. f. model which is composed of mass, spring and damper. Using the developed program, we analyzed the static structure of the overhead catenary and the dynamic characteristics of an overhead catenary-pantograph system such as uplift displacement of contact wire and contact force. we compared the analysis results with the results of GASENDO software developed at RTRI in Japan. The behaviors of uplift displacement of contact wire and contact force were similar with the results of GASENDO software.

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Dynamic Models and Simulation of the Absorption Air Conditioning System (흡수식 공조 시스템의 동적 모델과 시뮬레이션)

  • 한도영;이승기
    • Korean Journal of Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration Engineering
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    • v.12 no.11
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    • pp.994-1003
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    • 2000
  • Control algorithms for the absorption air conditioning system may be developed by suing dynamic models of the system. The simplified effective dynamic models, which can predict the dynamic behaviors of the system, may help the development of effective control algorithms for the system. In this study, a dynamic simulation program for the absorption air conditioning system was developed. Dynamic models for an absorption chiller, a cooling tower, an air handling unit, a boiler, a three way valve, a controller, and a duct were developed and programed. Control algorithms for the absorption chiller, the cooling tower, and the air handling unit were selected, and analyzed to show the effectiveness of dynamic models. From the simulation results, it may be concluded that this simulation program may be effectively used for the development of optimal control algorithms of the absorption air conditioning system.

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An introduction to the MMI system of strip casting Process (박판주조공정의 MMI 시스템 소개)

  • Joo, Moon-G.;Lee, D.S.;Kim, Y.H.;Kang, T.
    • Proceedings of the KIEE Conference
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    • 2000.07d
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    • pp.2778-2780
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    • 2000
  • MMI system for strip caster 2 is described. It has been developed as a PC-based MMI system whose data is collected from the VME-based control system by ETHERNET. MMI elements that mimic the caster and its utilities are designed by using commercial program. In order to implement the UDP/IP communication in MMI, UDP/IP manager program with DDE that is a intercommunication protocol in MS-window is developed and connected with MMI mimics. Operator commands in MMI system are carried out immediately in VME system and the responses are displayed on MMI system. The developed MMI system has been proven to be convenient and stable through the operation of the past 5 years.

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A Study on the Development and Application of the Field-University-Government Cooperation Oriented Supervision Program for Child-care Centers (산.학.관 협력 어린이집 장학프로그램의 개발 및 적용)

  • Nam, Mi Kyoung
    • Korean Journal of Childcare and Education
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    • v.8 no.6
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    • pp.193-217
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    • 2012
  • This study developed and applied the 'field-university-government cooperation oriented supervision program' for child-care centers. A draft of the 'field-university-government cooperation oriented supervision program' was drawn up from the Delpi method with a panel consisting of experts, and from teachers's perception on it's adequacy. And then it was applied to A child-care center. Participating subjects consisted of a panel of 20 experts, 153 child care center teachers and 1 director and 4 teachers in child care centers, 1 professor in an university. The step by step results of the study are 1) the developed draft of the 'field-university-government cooperation oriented supervision program', included two categories and consisted of a total 63 items; 2) when the program was applied, participant' responses through the supervision was summarized as 2 key words, 'new attempt vs limits of unprepared collaboration', 'confusion and further possibility'. In conclusion, this program showed both possibility and limitations.

Development and Application of a Community-based Meal Program Model for the Elderly in Rural Area (농촌지역 노인을 위한 공동 급식프로그램 개발을 위한 시범급식사업 결과의 적용 방안 연구)

  • Heo, Young-Ran;Shin, Jun-Ho;Kim, Kyung-Sun;Kim, Bok-Hee
    • Journal of the Korean Dietetic Association
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    • v.14 no.1
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    • pp.23-35
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    • 2008
  • Improved nutritional intake contributes to maintaining health and quality of life in elderly population and also reducing individual and social medical costs. Most of nutrition assistance programs for elderly, such as congregate or home-delivered meal programs, are not currently serviced in rural communities mainly due to low cost efficiency of program operation. However, the needs and necessity of such programs are presumed to be higher in rural area where the population density of elderly at nutritional risk is relatively high. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to develop a community-based meal program for the rural elderly. In 2007, four rural communities located in Jeon-Nam province were selected and the pilot meal program was applied for three months. Following are key features of the meal program model developed in this study: 1) meal production and service are operated by elderly participants to overcome the voluntary personnel shortage 2) utilization of locally-produced foods is maximized to reduce the meal cost, 3) traditional cooking methods are applied to adjust the food preference of elderly, and 4) foods are serviced on site to minimize the food safety problem possibly caused by delivery process. The pilot programs resulted in high satisfaction with the programs of participating elderly. The community-based meal program model developed in this study is expected to be used as an effective nutrition and health intervention model for the rural elderly.

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Effects of the Self-help Group Program for Promoting Self-Transcendence in Women with Breast Cancer (유방암 환자의 자기초월감 증진을 위한 자조집단과정 개발 및 운영 효과)

  • Kwon, In-Gak;Park, Eun-Young;Ham, Yun-Hee;Rhoo, Sung-Suk;Lee, Eun-Ok
    • Asian Oncology Nursing
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    • v.1 no.2
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    • pp.217-228
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    • 2001
  • Cancer survivor's self-help group may promote psychosocial adjustment in cancer patients. Self-transcendence has been shown to be related with crisis and adjustment in women with breast cancer. The purpose of this study is to determine the effectiveness of self-transcendence promoting program to facilitate self-transcendence, physical, and emotional well-being in women with breast cancer. Thirty patients who received mastectomy were recruited, but 9 subjects of experimental group and 14 subjects of control group participated in this study. Subjects of experimental group attended the self-help group for self-transcendence once a week for 6 weeks. Each session of program was proceeded for 2hours and the program contained activities for promoting self-transcendence, stress management, communication skill, exercise and relaxation, symptom management, and family support. Data were collected by self-reporting questionnaires within seven days after mastectomy and after the program was finished in experimental group, within 7 days after mastectomy and after 3 months in control group. Self-transcendence was assessed using the self-transcendence scale (STS) developed by Reed. Physical well being was assessed using Symptom distress scale (SDS) developed by McCorkle and Young and emotional well being was assessed using Profile of mood states (POMS). As a result, no significant differences were found between both groups in changes of self-transcendence, emotional well-being, and physical well-being. Self-transcendence score was significantly decreased in control group (p =0.16). But that of experimental group showed no decrease. In conclusions, when the self-transcendence promoting program is provided to the patients with breast cancer, it can be helpful for promoting self- transcendence. For the further study, repeated research with appropriate sample size and more intensive nursing intervention to promote self-transcendence is suggested. And reassessment after 6 months is recommended for testing long term effects of the program.

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A Study on Design and Development Plan of Program Content for Enhancing the Career·Learning Competency of University Freshmen -Focusing on H university case- (대학신입생의 진로·학습 역량 강화 프로그램 콘텐츠 설계 및 개발 방안 연구 - H대학의 사례를 중심으로-)

  • Kim, Kyung-Hwa;Kim, Jin-Sook
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.17 no.7
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    • pp.384-396
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    • 2017
  • The purpose of this study is to design career learning program content and to suggest a development plan in order to assist in freshmen's successful adaptation. To accomplish this goal, first, we reviewed the precedent studies on the situations and problems of freshmen and education programs for freshmen. H. university freshmen's needs for support programs were analyzed. Second, a career learning program conceptual model was developed based on the results of precedent studies and program needs analysis. Third, the program contents for enhancing career learning competency were designed, and we suggested a development plan focusing on customized content, emotional support, and on-off line convergence program. It developed career learning tracks, big data analysis, and action planning as main content. The results of this study are expected to be used as basic data for the development and implementation of competency-based customized career learning programs for freshmen, which will help improve the quality of career learning programs and freshmen's adaptability.

Development and Application of Primary Puzzle-Based Learning Program for Computer Science Education (컴퓨터 과학 교육을 위한 초등 퍼즐 기반 학습 프로그램 개발 및 적용)

  • Oh, JungCheol;Kim, JaeHyeong;Kim, JongHoon
    • The Journal of Korean Association of Computer Education
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    • v.17 no.3
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    • pp.11-23
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    • 2014
  • Developing computational thinking ability is crucial for those living in the 21st century. However, the current computational education system cannot satisfy this need. Current computational education tends to be limited to the teaching of the use of application programs or the teaching of the programming language. This is why the primary puzzle-based learning program was developed. This program promotes the development of the learner's computational thinking ability and understanding of the principles of the computer science as opposed to the fragmented, uniform programing education. In order to prove the effectiveness of this newly developed program, a 35-hour study was conducted to 41 students from grade 3 to 6 classrooms in Jeju Province. It was proved that this program brings positive changes in creativie problem-solving ability and problem-solving abilities in computer science. This paper is to provide the ground for the development of an educational program and to prove the effectiveness of thereof, and finally introduce the Primary Puzzle-Based Learning Program as the alternative computational education.

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