• Title/Summary/Keyword: developed menu

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Awareness of Local Foods among the Visitors of Local Foods Restaurants and Development of Local Menu (향토음식점 방문객의 향토음식 인식과 향토메뉴 개발)

  • Min, Kye-Hong
    • Culinary science and hospitality research
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    • v.14 no.4
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    • pp.67-78
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    • 2008
  • This study is focused on developing traditional folk products by utilizing the representative crops and indigenous products of Wanju area on the basis of surveys on the visitors to the native local restaurants. The study examined 110 visitors of thirty native local foods restaurants in Wanju area from December 5, 2007 to January 5, 2008. The result of this study is as follows. First, the restaurant visitors presented different opinions about the competitiveness of Wanju foods and gender-wise differences in their food competitiveness, food information and food choice. This can be translated as men and women had different preferences in how much they spend for eating out and choosing foods. Second, their different age, incomes and jobs also indicated their different preferences. Third, they point out broth, cooked rice, and dessert as the native local menu that must be developed in Wanju area. Among the local menu to be developed were Wanju style mushroom rice, chicken stew, oriental herb duck soup and fruit dessert. The effort to exploit the native local menu of Wanju should contribute to activating the sales of restaurants and further to the economic development of the region.

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Analysis of Menu Management in Korean Welfare Institutions for Mental - Disorders (한국 정신 요양 시설의 식단관리 분석)

  • Lee, Jin-Mi
    • Journal of the Korean Dietetic Association
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    • v.7 no.3
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    • pp.274-281
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    • 2001
  • The purpose of this study was to improve menu management of welfare institutions for mental-disorders. Special objectives were: to analyze dietitians' special considerations for menu planning in the view of nutrition, recipients' food preferences, and foodservice management; and to interprete menus by food groups and food costs. An open-ended questionnaire was developed and sent to 55 dietitians of welfare institutions for mental-disorders by a fax. Dietitians were asked to write their special considerations for menu planning relating to the nutrition, recipients, and menu management. A total of 46 dietitians responded to the questionnaires. Also, 32 weekly menus were sent to analyze in this study. Results of this study showed that dietitians considered specially energy, proteins, vitamins, minerals, and fats for recipients's health conditions and daily RDA. However, dietitians wanted more information about right menu plan manuals for psychiatric patients. Analysis of weekly menus showed that milk and milk products were th most insufficient serving food group in these institutions. Also, snacks (p<0.05)and milk products (p<0.05) serving was significantly affected by higher food costs. The results implicated that future research on menu development should be necessary for nutritional balanced meal services in welfare institutions.

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The Influence of Seafood Education on Students' Preferences and Perceptions of Seafood Menu Items Provided by School Foodservice (수산물에 관한 교육경험에 따른 학교 급식에서 제공되는 수산물 음식의 기호도와 인식의 차이)

  • Kim, Yoo-Kyeong
    • Korean journal of food and cookery science
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    • v.26 no.3
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    • pp.330-334
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    • 2010
  • This study was performed to investigate the influence of seafood education on students' preferences and perceptions towards seafood menu items provided by school foodservice. The 62 representative menu items were selected from the complete menus provided by 10 high schools located in the Daegu Kyungpook area. Five hundred students were surveyed and 484 questionnaires were analyzed. The preference ($3.25{\pm}0.92$) of seafood menu items was not sufficiently high. The preference order of seafood menu items was rice > noodle > deep fry > grill> stir fry > seasoned dish > soup/stew > steam > pan fry > braise > fermented fish. Conversely, the most frequently provided menu items were soup/stew (31.34%), braise (18.06%), stir fry (15.61%), and seasoned dish (14.83%); the results showed no significant correlation between students' preference and the frequency with which the items were provided. Seafood education positively influenced the students' preference (p<0.001) and perceptions of the seafood acceptability (p<0.01), nutritional value (p<0.05), menu variety (p<0.05), diversity of cooking methods (p<0.001), cleanliness (p<0.001), and leftover amounts (p<0.01). However, more than half the students participating in this study have never received any type of education on seafood. Therefore, a practical program for seafood education should be developed to promote seafood consumption among young students.

Can Dining Alone Lead to Healthier Menu Item Decisions than Dining with Others? The Roles of Consumption Orientation and Menu Nutrition Information (혼밥이 건강한 메뉴 선택에 미치는 영향: 소비 목적 지향과 메뉴 영양 정보 표시의 역할)

  • Her, EunSol;Behnke, Carl;Almanza, Barbara
    • Korean Journal of Community Nutrition
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    • v.26 no.3
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    • pp.155-166
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    • 2021
  • Objectives: Driven by a growth of single-person households and individualized lifestyles, solo dining in restaurants is an increasingly recognizable trend. However, a research gap exists in the comparison of solo and group diners' menu-decision making processes. Based on the self-control dilemma and the temporal construal theory as a theoretical framework, this study compared the ordering intentions of solo vs. group diners with healthy vs. indulgent (less healthy) entrées. The mediating role of consumption orientation and the moderating role of amount of menu nutrition information were further explored to understand the mechanism and a boundary condition. Methods: A scenario-based online survey was developed using a 2 (dining social context: solo vs. with others) × 3 (amount of menu nutrition information: no nutrition information vs. calories vs. calories/fat/sodium), between-subjects, experimental design. Consumers' level of nutrition involvement was controlled. A nationwide survey data (n = 224) were collected from a crowdsourcing platform in the U.S. Data were analyzed using multivariate analysis of covariance, independent t-test, univariate analysis of covariance, and moderated mediation analyses. Results: Findings reveal that solo (vs. group) diners have less (vs. more) intentions to order indulgent menu items due to a more utilitarian (vs. more hedonic) consumption orientation in restaurant dining. Findings also show that solo (vs. group) diners have more (vs. less) intentions to order healthy menu items when the restaurant menu presented nutrition information including calories, fat, and sodium. Conclusions: The findings contribute to the literature of foodservice management, healthy eating, and consumer behavior by revealing a mechanism and an external stimuli of solo vs. group diners' healthy menu-decision making process in restaurants. Furthermore, the findings provide restauranteurs and health professionals with insights into the positive and negative impacts of menu nutrition labelling on consumers' menu-decisions.

Human performance models using neural network

  • Kwahk, Ji-Young;Han, Sung-H.
    • Journal of the Ergonomics Society of Korea
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.157-163
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    • 1996
  • A single line display menu (SDM) is widely used for the user interface of many electronic consumer products, and the designers need useful guidelines applicable to the SDM. In many studies on menus, major focus has been placed on the optimal menu structure, but only a few standard menu structures, such as $64^{1},8^{2},4^{3}$,and $2^{6}$ are usually tested for optimality. In many cases, however, ill defined or asymmetric structures are suggested as design alternatives. To determine the optimal menu structure, user performance should be obtained in terms of quantitative measures. Hence, a model is needed to provide a predicted value of user performance for a given menu structure. Altough several models have been proposed for ordinary menus, none is available for the SDM yet. To solve this problem a performance model was developed in this study using the neural network approach. This model is capable of providing quantitative measures of human performance for any menu structures without conducting additional experiments, which will save much time and reduce the design cost.

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Evaluation of Menu Pattern and Nutritional Contents of Snack Menus Provided by Child Care Information Centers in Seoul (서울시 소재 육아종합지원센터에서 제공하는 어린이집 간식 식단의 유형 및 영양소 평가)

  • Yeoh, Yoonjae;Kwon, Sooyoun;Lee, Youngmi
    • Journal of the East Asian Society of Dietary Life
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    • v.24 no.5
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    • pp.614-620
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    • 2014
  • This study was conducted to evaluate menu pattern and nutritional contents of snack menus provided by child care information centers in Seoul. Snack menus during March 2013 (morning snack : 125 cases, afternoon snack : 100 cases), including information on portion size, were collected from five child care information centers, after which the number of menu items, menu patterns, and nutritional contents were analyzed. About two-thirds of total snack menus included two menu items. There were significant differences in service time (morning & afternoon snacks). 'Beverage+Food' pattern (66.7%) was the most commonly used; 'Beverage' pattern was significantly higher in morning snacks (10.4%) than in afternoon snacks (1.0%). Morning and afternoon snacks provided 124.5 and 170.6 kcal of energy and 116.4 and 90.9 mg of calcium, respectively, which are 8.9% and 12.2% as well as 19.4%, and 15.2% of children's daily energy and calcium requirements. To improve the quality of food and nutrition offered to children through snacks at child carre centers, a more detailed snack menu plan as well as nutritional guidelines for institutions should be developed.

Evaluation of Menu Quality Mangement in Business & Industry Contract Foodservice on Customer's Viewpoint (사업체 위탁 급식소에서 제공되는 메뉴에 대한 고객 측면에서의 품질 관리 평가)

  • 이해영
    • Journal of Nutrition and Health
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    • v.32 no.8
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    • pp.967-973
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    • 1999
  • The purpose of this study was to analyze sensory evaluation, to assess visual serving size and plate waste estimates of daily menu, and the identify customer expectation, perception and satisfaction. Questionnaires of sensory evaluation, serving size and were waste were developed and hand-delivered to 2,520 people. A total of 2,255 questionnaires were usable: a 89.5% response rate. Customer satisfaction questionnaires were handed out to 700 customers: (100 each at seven operations). A total of 551 were returned completed (78.7%). The data was analyzed using the SAS package program for Descriptive Analysis, t-test and ANOVA. The result of sensory evaluation showed that 'taste' was 3.20, 'freshness' 3.17, 'temperature' 3.25, 'texture' 3.15, 'appearance' 3.12, 'overall evaluation' 3.21, so these were little higher than 「normal」, that is 3.0. There was positive correlation among 'taste', 'freshness', 'temperature', 'texture', 'appearance' and 'overall evaluation'(p<.001). Serving size score was 2.97 and plate waste was 4.87, thus plate waste percentage was about 22-33%. As the result of customer expectation, perception and satisfaction of menu quality, characteristics. Customer satisfaction was defined as the difference expectation and perception and customer perceptions in theis survey were lower than expectation, thus this result implied customers dissatisfied in all menu quality characteristics. IPA analysis showed that 'diversity of menu selection' and 'menu price' was included in A area 'Focus here'.

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Assessment of Dietitians in Elementary School Foodservice Program (급식학교 영양사의 직무개선을 위한 실태조사 및 평가)

  • 박영선
    • Korean journal of food and cookery science
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    • v.13 no.2
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    • pp.124-146
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    • 1997
  • The study was surveyed to evaluate the foodservice program. The survey was conducted based on instrument which was developed by reviewing previous research. The instrument was provided to 60 nutritionists at the elementary schools in Taegu area. The data include 4 major parts of task performance rate, delivery and service, menu management, and satisfaction of foodservice facilities. Data obtained from survey are analyzed by SPSS program. These results show that the performance rates of determination of nutritional needs and menu planning is high to 98.3% both and 23% of nutritionists don't perfomed nutrition education.

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Survey on Hanwoo Usage and Menu Development using Lean Cut Hanwoo for School Foodservice (학교급식의 한우 이용실태 조사 및 저지방 한우 부위를 이용한 학교급식 메뉴 개발)

  • Jeong, Hee Sun;Lee, Tae Nam;Yoon, Ji Young
    • The Korean Journal of Food And Nutrition
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    • v.26 no.4
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    • pp.620-632
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    • 2013
  • The purpose of this study is to analyze Hanwoo usage in school foodservices and to develop menus of lean cut Hanwoo. As a result, satisfaction of students, parents and teachers all increased regardless of school type after using Hanwoo. The high price compared to other meats (3.98) was the biggest difficulty for using lean cut Hanwoo followed by reduced taste preferences (2.84), lack of parent awareness (2.67) and lack of appropriate cooking facilities (2.13). According to the survey on how to increase the usage of lean cut Hanwoo, improvement of meat tenderness (3.80), development of various sauces (3.74) and development of seasoning for existing menu (3.61) were identified as major necessities. This analysis of Hanwoo utilization in school foodservice was used to develop menus of lean cut Hanwoo. The menu was particularly developed to overcome the supply-demand imbalance of different cuts. For the menu development process, potential Hanwoo utilization in school foodservice, cooking method, and diverse taste were considered. In order to evaluate the applicability in school foodservice, JARS was used and the final eight menus were selected. For the selected menu, a nutrition analysis was conducted. Further, systematic recipes with a mixing ratio;product process description and a simplified product process were also developed.

A Dynamic Menu Layout of the Board Writing Software for IWB system considering the Writing Position and the Frequency of Menu Usage (판서 위치와 메뉴 사용 빈도를 고려한 전자 칠판용 판서 소프트웨어의 동적 메뉴 배치)

  • Jeong, Si-Sik;Hwang, Min-Tae
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Information and Commucation Sciences Conference
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    • 2015.10a
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    • pp.906-909
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    • 2015
  • The smart educational environment using the IWB(Interactive White Board) system has been built and developed since e-learning industry was developed significantly in the early 2000's. Basically the IWB system includes the board writing software, and instructors can further increase the training effect by handwriting on the IWB. In this paper we propose new menu layout mechanism of board writing software that only a few menu buttons are displayed based on the frequency of menu usage and the position of menu layout is dynamically moved according to user's writing position. The implementation of our proposed mechanism shows that it is simple and easy to use without user's unnecessary movement. Therefore it is expected to contribute greatly to the development of a future smart education.

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