• Title/Summary/Keyword: developed menu

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MenuGen: Menu Planning and Recommended Menu Search System for Promotion of Self Sufficiency of Korean Food (MenuGen: 한국 식량자급률 향상을 위한 인터넷 기반의 권장식단검색 및 식단작성 프로그램)

  • Hong, Sun-Myeong;Bae, Jae-Hak;Kim, Gon;Choe, Jeong-Suk;Kim, Yeong-Ok
    • Journal of the Korean Dietetic Association
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    • v.10 no.3
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    • pp.272-283
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    • 2004
  • This study was conducted to develop menugen program: Korean recommended menu planning and search based on internet to promote self sufficiency of food in Korea. This program manipulate menu and search 432 Korean recommended menus which have been developed in combination of population characteristics of 9 age level, 3 residential areas, 3 income groups, four seasons and male or female. Clients can select the high self sufficiency recommended menu by inputting their age, residental area, income, season and sex in using Menugen program. MenuGen can analyze nutrients and compare with Korean Recommended Allowance about clients' menu based on their age and sex. It can access the food, dish and menu databases. And also client can use MenuGen program for menu planning and analysis nutrients. Client's menu data can be store, delete, modify and print through MenuGen too. It will be able to read the nutrition analysis data of the foods, the dishes and the menu. Therefore it provides convenient user interface to not only users but also dietitians and nutritionists, who take charge of making a menu, and experts in the field of food and nutrition. MenuGen will help the nutrition policy accomplishment and the food self-supply rate improvement of the nation with use of menu drawing up program of internet base.

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Queueing Analysis by Menu Management Systems in Cafeteria of the Business Foodservices (카페테리아 식단을 제공하는 사업체 급식소의 식단운영 형태에 따른 대기행렬 분석)

  • 양일선
    • Journal of Nutrition and Health
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    • v.31 no.8
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    • pp.1347-1354
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    • 1998
  • The purposes of this study were to : (a) anlayze wating time, service rate, arrival rate, and coustomer expectations/satisfaction in cafeteria business foodservices and (b) identify the differences in those factors between foodservices by menu managmenet systems. The samples were two business foodservices operated by contract management in Seoul. The queue, laptime , service rate, and arrival rate were measured at each foodservice by stopwatch observation. The menu type, delivery system, number of meals served , servide time, and turnover rate of each foodservic was investigated. Questionnaires were developed to survey customer expectations and satisfaction. Satistical data analysis was completed using the SAS package programs for descriptive analysis and t-test. The mean waiting time of island type dafeteria system with separte set -menu was shorter than that of the other. In both foodservices, arrival rates were not significantly different from one another , but sevice rates were significnatly high in dafeteria menu systems. The peak time of the queue was found out at combination set menu line. The separate set menu line had a higher servide rate than the combination set menu line. The mean waiting time of the island type cafeteria line was shorter than that of the straifth type . At the straight type dafeterial line, both arrival rate and service rate were higher than those of island-type. The results of this study suggested that a separate set-menu would be more desirable than a combination set-menu in case of providing set menu with cafeteria menu.

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Development and Field Application of Meal Service Menu for the Elderly on Busy Farming Season in Hongchun, Gangwon (강원 홍천군 거주 노인의 농번기 급식용 메뉴개발과 적용)

  • Kim, Hye-Yeong;Kim, Haeng Ran
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.38 no.12
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    • pp.1785-1793
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    • 2009
  • Meal service menu for the elderly on busy farming season in Hongchun, Gangwon was developed and applied using seasonal foods from local crops. Acceptance of each menu right after the meal service was investigated while unit cost and leftover of each menu were also monitored. Acceptance of the staple food in Menu 4 showed the highest value with a score of 8.97.and side dishes of Menu 4 were greatly prdferred with a score of 8.69(p<0.05). General preference on menu was the highest at Menu 4 scoring 8.87(p<0.05). The amount of leftover for a special meal of Menu 3 was 75.80 g, which was the highest (p<0.05). Males left the least of Menu 4(30.82 g) whereas females did of Menu 2 (10.63 g, p<0.05). The foeld application of preference and satisfaction, and the small amount of leftover of the supplied meals.

A Study on the Development of a Computerized Nutritional and Health Guide Program Based on Periodic Health Examination at Work Sites (근로자 정기건강검진을 기초로 한 영양 및 건강관리 전산화 프로그램 개발에 관한 연구)

  • 조여원;노성윤
    • Korean Journal of Community Nutrition
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    • v.7 no.2
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    • pp.266-276
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    • 2002
  • In this study, a computerized nutritional and health guide program for workers was developed. The dietitian at the work site could utilize periodically conducted medical examination data to develop an effective health care counseling model based on the developed Nutritional and Health Guide Program. A personal computer (Pentium II PC MMX-150, 32MB RAM, 2.95 GB HDD) with Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0 Enterprise Edition and Microsoft Access 97 installed, was used. The Nutritional and Health Guide Program consisted of seven main menus and 43 sub-menus. Included in the main menu were Basic Information, Periodic Health Check-ups, Visitors' Consultations, Nutritional/Health Tips, Nutritional Education according to Diseases, Help and Exit. In the Periodic Health Check-up menu, dieticians could input the health examination data of employees and touch for the recommended treatments for diseases such as obesity, diabetes, high cholesterol, hypertension and hepatitis. The Visitors'Consultation menu has been designed to compile health information about the employees who sought consultations. The Nutritional/Health Tips menu was designed to provide 14 kinds of programmed nutritional educational media and information. In the Nutritional Education According to Diseases menu, the dietitian could judge the subject's willingness to obtain treatment based on the Stage of Change Model. According, the content of the administered respective nutritional education was classified by stages. The Help menu, provide a chart of the method and procedure used as nutritional guidelines, by which the results of the health examination were classified as people in good health and those requiring special medical attention. The results of the evaluation of this program showed highly positive rates for usefulness (4.09), convenience (4.04), lettering size (4.02), interest (3.93), design (3.49). It also showed that 97.5% of the subjects thought that this program would be helpful for implementation of their company's nutritional educational program. Therefore, this menu could help dietitians plan, conduct, and evaluate their nutritional guidelines for employees. It is expected that The Nutritional and Health Guide Program developed in this study will play a role as a scientific and effective guide in conjunction with health examination results.

A Study on the Menu Planning Program by Food Exchange Group (식품교환군을 이용한 식단 작성 프로그램 개발에 대한 연구)

  • kang, Hyeon-Ju;Kim, Kyung-Ja;Kim, Il
    • Journal of Nutrition and Health
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    • v.31 no.7
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    • pp.1192-1205
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    • 1998
  • The purpose of this study was to develop a software system for computerized menu planning program by food exchange group. In this research, Powerbuilder 5.0 was used. This study provides food service manegers with more effective manegement system and scientific menu. Software programs developed in this study were summerized as follows : 1) Programs for outputing standard amounts of the exchange food groups fir calories. 2) Programs for inputing the cooking type code, the food code and the food amount of the menu. 3) Programs for outputing distribution of the exchange food groups of the computerized menu. 4) Programs f0r calculating the price of each food and menu. 5) Programs for calculating the nutrient contents of each food and menu. 6) Programs for calculating fatty acids of dietary intake. 7) Programs for calculating PUFA : MUFA : SEA ratio and $\omega$$_{6}$ : $\omega$$_{3}$ ratio and evaluating the status of dietary intake. 8) Programs for inputing the purchasing amount of food. 9) Programs for outputing the menu table. 10) Programs for inputing and modifing the cooking types in the cooking types file. 11) Programs for inputing and modifing the prices in the food prices file.e.

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Design and Evaluation of Hierarchical Menu Structure Related to Human Association Structure: Spreading Activation Model Approach (인간의 연상 구조에 적합한 메뉴의 설계 및 평가: 활성화 확산 모델 접근 방법)

  • Park, Sangsoo;Myung, Rohae
    • Journal of Korean Institute of Industrial Engineers
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    • v.30 no.1
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    • pp.17-26
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    • 2004
  • In this study, the usability evaluation of a menu-structure was performed using spreading activation model with respect to human's memory retrieval. Spreading Activation Model is effectively used to understand the process of information retrieval, so it can be used as a theoretical background for modeling of the process of human's information retrieval. For spreading activation test (SAT), subjects were presented with 67 pairs of menu titles, which consist of a menu title in the high level menu item and a menu title for the next lower level menu item, from Korea University's web site. For performance tests, three scenarios were developed with longer reaction times and ambiguous associations found in the SAT to reflect the existing problems of the website. As a result, the SAT was found to bean effective tool to enhance the website usability because the SAT could bea substitute for the performance test with a high correlation $({\rho}=0.735,\;{\alpha}=0.05)$. After remaining menu titles with slow reaction times and ambiguous associations found in SAT, the website usability was significantly improved with faster reaction times and less ambiguous associations proven with smaller number of web-page visits. Therefore, the SAT could be used as a methodology to design and evaluate the user-centered menu structure related to human's association structure.

Development and Application of Menu Engineering Technique for University Residence Hall Foodservice (대학 기숙사 급식의 메뉴 운영 특성을 고려한 Menu Engineering기법 개발 및 적용)

  • 양일선;이해영;신서영;도현욱
    • Korean Journal of Community Nutrition
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.62-70
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    • 2003
  • This article aims to summarize the development and application of menu engineering technique, 'Menu Engineering Modified by Preference (MEMP)'. The site selected for this project was a foodservice operation in Yonsei University residence hall. Sales and food costs data were collected from the daily sales reports for 1 month, and the survey of food preference was conducted during May, 1999. Statistical data analysis was completed using the SAS/Win 6.12 for descriptive analysis. The calculation for menu analysis were carried out with MS 2000 Excel spreadsheet program. This MEMP technique developed had 6 category criteria and 2 dimensions of the contribution margin (CM) and the menu mix modified% (MMM%) . The MMM% was calculated by the sales volumes and also weighted by food preference. The CM and MMM% for each item were compared with a mean menu CM as well as a 70% rule. Four possible classifications by MEMP were fumed out as 'STAR', 'PLOWHORSE', 'PUZZLE', 'DOG'. 'STAR' items were the most popular and profitable items and required to maintain rigid specifications for quality. The decision actions for 'PLOWHORSE' menu items which were relatively popular, but yield a low menu average CM included combining a plowhorse item with lower cost products and reducing the frequency of serving or serving size. There was a need for 'PUZZLE' items to be changed in the menu combination, improve recipe, and promote menu. The last DOG' items were desired to be deleted. This study demonstrates that menu information can be interpreted more easily with MEMP. The use of MEMP is therefore an effective way to improve management decisions about menu of university residence hall foodservice.

A Study on Menu Planning in Foodservice Enterprises - Focused on Menu of Theme Restaurants - (외식 창업 메뉴 기획에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Jae-Hyun
    • Culinary science and hospitality research
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    • v.12 no.2 s.29
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    • pp.121-136
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    • 2006
  • This study conducted a survey on 290 employees in 6 theme western restaurants, proposing differences in the menu planning of western food enterprises based on the factors that influence on the inside and outside of western restaurants as well as the theme industries in order to clear up the characteristics peculiar to and factors related to the menu planning of western food enterprises. The results are as follows. According to the results, even with same foodservice industries, they have to search for their own exclusive menu from a marketing aspect because of the full of ups and downs based on the dealing items: for six western restaurants by theme, it showed that there is a significant difference in marketing factors. Particularly, they have to plan these points- considered menu, given that general flavor is the most important point, followed by environment or atmosphere and service. In the result, it should not only apply the developed menu according to industries and dealing items differently, but also arrange a comfortable atmosphere and kind services, centering on health food in the select menu of mid and low prices verified above, through a sufficient location survey in advance and a firm preparation accompanied by consumers.

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Effect and Interrelationship of Evaluation System in Employee's Job Satisfaction at Deluxe Hotel Kitchen (호텔 조리종사자의 메뉴개발 직무만족도에 대한 평가시스템의 영향 및 상호관계)

  • Lee, Jung-Ho;Kang, Kun-Og
    • Journal of the East Asian Society of Dietary Life
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    • v.25 no.2
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    • pp.363-371
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    • 2015
  • This study investigated the effect and interrelationship of evaluation system in employee's job satisfaction at deluxe hotel kitchen in the Seoul area. The questionnaires developed for this study were distributed to 400 chefs during June to August, 2012. A total of 364 questionnaires were used for analysis (91.0%) and the statistical analysis was completed using PASW (SPSS) 18. The status of operating menu evaluation and menu development was analyzed by dividing the questionnaires into three categories: 'menu idea', 'menu evaluator' and 'menu evaluation system'. The 'menu idea' category showed the highest concern for 'Is the selected idea differentiated from competitors' menu?' (3.10 Likert scale), the 'menu evaluator' category showed the highest concern for 'Do the evaluator's individual factors affect menu evaluation?' ($3.88{\pm}0.96$), and the 'menu evaluation system' showed the highest concern for 'Is the menu commercialized by the menu evaluation system?' (3.32 Likert scale). Overall job satisfaction was studied into three categories: 'human field', 'material field' and 'evaluation field'. Overall satisfaction about one's job was 3.24 Likert scale. For satisfaction in each category, satisfaction for 'human field' was the highest with 3.30 Likert scale compared to 'material field' and 'evaluation field' with 2.76 Likert scale and 3.27 Likert scale, respectively. In conclusion, establishment of a unified evaluation system to improve employee's job satisfaction related to menu development is needed.

A Study on the Choosing Behavioral Factor of Restaurant Menus in Hotels (호텔레스토랑 이용객의 메뉴선택행동요인에 관한 연구 -서울 시내 특 1등급 관광호텔 양식당 중심으로-)

  • 김기영;김신정
    • Culinary science and hospitality research
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    • v.6 no.3
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    • pp.25-55
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    • 2000
  • AS the number of tourist has been increased. hotel industry will be able to not be existed and developed if not adapted to the need of customer's which is changed according to the change of Hotel's function. Traditionally. F&B department is enlarged compared to the past. But. it cause negative result in terms of clear profit. A menu is a marketing tool which delivers restaurant's image aid message to customers and communicate need and wants to restaurant. So far, studies on menu have been done in an analytical way from a management's viewpoint and inadequate to reflect customer's need and wants. A research on customer's menu selection procedure is critical to satisfying their needs and wants yield profit. This study examined the theories on menu-design and customer behavior through literature review and verified hypotheses through an empirical analysis. A questionnaire-survey had been used in luxury hotel's main grills and all most restaurants in Seoul. Collected data were analyzed. using SPSS/PC+ package. The important findings are as follows. In this study is to examine the factors that have an influence on customer's menu selection. The factors affected the customers' menu selection of hotel restaurant in the four factors. Four factors are hotel's restaurant of environmental factor. menu-choice factor. value of menu items, information. Correction between the evaluation criteria and selection of menu was examined. All four evaluation criteria, menu-choice factor was found to be most strongly collected with selection of menu. In conclusion, As a study on the Customer' menu Selection Behavior factor of Restaurant Menus in Hotels, It raises to exert us in the menu management of hotel restaurant.

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