• 제목/요약/키워드: detection of antibody

검색결과 614건 처리시간 0.028초

Generation of a Human Monoclonal Antibody to Cross-Reactive Material 197 (CRM197) and Development of a Sandwich ELISA for CRM197 Conjugate Vaccines

  • Kim, Dain;Yoon, Hyeseon;Kim, Sangkyu;Wi, Jimin;Chae, Heesu;Jo, Gyunghee;Yoon, Jun-Yeol;Kim, Heeyoun;Lee, Chankyu;Kim, Se-Ho;Hong, Hyo Jeong
    • Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology
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    • 제28권12호
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    • pp.2113-2120
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    • 2018
  • Cross-reactive material 197 ($CRM_{197}$) is a non-toxic mutant of diphtheria toxin containing a single amino acid substitution of glycine 52 with glutamic acid. $CRM_{197}$ has been used as a carrier protein for poorly immunogenic polysaccharide antigens to improve immune responses. In this study, to develop a sandwich ELISA that can detect $CRM_{197}$ and $CRM_{197}$ conjugate vaccines, we generated a human anti-$CRM_{197}$ monoclonal antibody (mAb) 3F9 using a phage-displayed human synthetic Fab library and produced mouse anti-$CRM_{197}$ polyclonal antibody. The affinity ($K_D$) of 3F9 for $CRM_{197}$ was 3.55 nM, based on Bio-Layer interferometry, and it bound specifically to the B fragment of $CRM_{197}$. The sandwich ELISA was carried out using 3F9 as a capture antibody and the mouse polyclonal antibody as a detection antibody. The detection limit of the sandwich ELISA was <1 ng/ml $CRM_{197}$. In addition, the 3F9 antibody bound to the $CRM_{197}$-polysaccharide conjugates tested in a dose-dependent manner. This ELISA system will be useful for the quantification and characterization of $CRM_{197}$ and $CRM_{197}$ conjugate vaccines. To our knowledge, this study is the first to generate a human monoclonal antibody against $CRM_{197}$ and to develop a sandwich ELISA for $CRM_{197}$ conjugate vaccines.

Nano-Scale Immobilization of Antibody for the Construction of Immunosensor

  • Cho, Il-Hoon;Paek, Se-Hwan
    • 한국생물공학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국생물공학회 2003년도 생물공학의 동향(XIII)
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    • pp.701-705
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    • 2003
  • Performance of an immunosensor can usually be assessed in terms of its analytical sensitivity and specificity. Sensitivity, i.e., the detection limit of analyte, is particularly determined by the amount of analyte molecules bound to the capture antibody immobilized onto a solid surface. In order to increase the binding complexes, we have investigated an immobilization method of antibody allowing for a molecular arrangement of the protein on a selective surface of a nano-patterned solid substrate. This has not been accomplished only by a surface treatment with a chemical, but also by fragmentation of immunoglobulin. Such approach would offer a protocol of antibody immobilization for the construction of nano-immunosensor and eventually improve the sensitivity of detection.

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미소유체 칩 상에서 Quantum Dot 및 마이크로 비드를 이용한 생체물질 분석 (Microbead-based bio-assay using quantum dot fluorescence in a microfluidic chip)

  • 윤광석;이도훈;김학성;윤의식
    • 센서학회지
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    • 제14권5호
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    • pp.308-312
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    • 2005
  • We present a microfluidic chip designed for the detection of antibody by using quantum dots fluorescence and a microbead-based assay. A custom designed PDMS microfluidic chip with multi-layer channel is utilized for capturing microbeads; antibody injection into each micro-well; QD injection; and fluorescence detection. The experiment using the fabricated microfluidic chip has been performed on solutions with various concentrations of antibody and has shown correlated fluorescent intensities.

Rapid Detection of Ovarian Cancer from Immunized Serum Using a Quartz Crystal Microbalance Immunosensor

  • Chen, Yan;Huang, Xian-He;Shi, Hua-Shan;Mu, Bo;Lv, Qun
    • Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention
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    • 제13권7호
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    • pp.3423-3426
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    • 2012
  • Background: The objective of this study was to measure the antibody content of NuTu-19 ovarian cancer cells in serum samples using a quartz crystal microbalance (QCM) immunosensor. Materials and Methods: NuTu-19 cells were first cultured onto the electrode surfaces of crystals in Dulbecco's modified Eagle medium, and then specified amounts of immunized serum samples of immunized rabbit were also added. The change in mass caused by specific adsorbtion of antibodies of NuTu-19 to the surfaces of the crystals was detected. Results: The change in resonance frequency of crystals caused by immobilization of NuTu-19 cells was from 83 to 429Hz. The antibody content of NuTu-19 detected was 341ng/ul. The frequency shifts were linearly dependent on the amount of antibody mass in the range of 69 to 340ng. The positive detection rate and the negative detection rate were 80% and 100%, respectively. Conclusion: This immunoassay provides a viable alternative to other early ovarian cancer detection methods and is particularly suited for health screening of the general population.

Detection of Aspergillus, Penicillium, and Fusarium Species by Sandwich Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay Using Mixed Monoclonal Antibodies

  • Kwak, Bo-Yeon;Kwon, Byung-Joon;Kweon, Chang-Hee;Shon, Dong-Hwa
    • Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology
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    • 제14권2호
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    • pp.385-389
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    • 2004
  • The antibody-mix sandwich enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (Ab-mix sELlS A) system was developed in order to simultaneously detect the extracellular polysaccharide (FPS) of Aspergillus, Penicillium, or Fusarium species using one detection system. The detection limit and detection range of the Ab-mix sELISA towards EPS of Penicilliun citrinum were not changed, and those towards Fusarium moniliforme EPS were changed a little compared to that of individual sandwich ELISA [9, 10]. The fungal culture filtrates of Aspergillus and Penicillium species showed nearly similar reactivity towards Ab-mix sELISA as that of sELISA using the MAb lB8 alone [9]. Also, the fungal culture filtrates of Fusarium species showed nearly the same reactivity towards Ab-mix sELISA as that of sELISA using the MAb lB8 alone [10]. Thus, this ELISA system showed that the three genera of molds, Aspergillus, Penicillium, or Fusarium, which are three major important molds producing mycotoxins in food or agricultural commodities, could be detected at the same time, using one detection system.

Escherichia coli O157 : H7 탐지용 면역센서스트립 제작 조건 최적화 (Optimization of Fabrication Conditions for Immunosensor Strip to Detect Escherichia coli O157 : H7)

  • 박소정;김영기
    • KSBB Journal
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    • 제24권3호
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    • pp.253-258
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    • 2009
  • 본 연구에서는 ELISA와 면역-크로마토그래피 스트립기술을 결합하여 E. coli O157 : H7을 탐지할 수 있는 면역스트립 센서를 제작하기 위한 제작조건의 최적화 연구를 수행하였다. 포획항체 농도, 탐지항체 농도, 완충용액 첨가제 조성의 면역스트립 제작 또는 운전인자들의 최적화 조건을 결정하였다. 포획항체의 농도는 1 mg/mL를 최적 조건으로 선정하였고, 탐지항체의 최적 농도도 1 mg/mL로 결정하였다. 비특이적 결합을 방지하기 위한 시료 희석용 완충용액의 첨가제 조성으로는 0.5% Tween 20와 3% BSA 혼합 사용을 선정하였다.

효소면역측정법 (ELISA)을 이용한 유전자 재조합 히루딘의 정량 (Quantitation of Recombinant Hirudin by Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay)

  • 최윤주;한범수;안미영;박병근;손정훈;최의성;이상기;김영식
    • 약학회지
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    • 제41권1호
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    • pp.74-80
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    • 1997
  • A polygonal antibody against recombinant hirudin was raised for the development of a ELISA in biological fluids. Recombinant hirudin was conjugated to maleimide activated carrie r protein, KLH and injected to a rabbit. The third booster collection of antiserum was used as primary antibody for the ELISA. The titer for the detection antibody was determined. The direct ELISA could determine the concentration of hirudin in the range of ~10ng/ml. Affinity pulified IgG was obtained and conjugated to horseradish peroxidase. Purified IgG and IgG-HRP could be used as capture and detection antibody, respectively. Although sandwich ELISA would not give the satisfactory results. it could apply for the detection of hirudin level in the range of ~20 ${\mu}$g/ml.

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Specific Detection of Acanthamoeba species using Polyclonal Peptide Antibody Targeting the Periplasmic Binding Protein of A. castellanii

  • Kim, Min-Jeong;Quan, Fu-Shi;Kong, Hyun-Hee;Kim, Jong-Hyun;Moon, Eun-Kyung
    • Parasites, Hosts and Diseases
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    • 제60권2호
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    • pp.143-147
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    • 2022
  • Acanthamoeba keratitis (AK) is a rare ocular disease, but it is a painful and sight-threatening infectious disease. Early diagnosis and adequate treatment are necessary to prevent serious complications. While AK is frequently diagnosis via several PCR assays or Acanthamoeba-specific antibodies, a more specific and effective diagnostic method is required. This study described the production of a polyclonal peptide antibody against the periplasmic binding protein (PBP) of A. castellanii and investigated its diagnostic potential. Western blot analysis showed that the PBP antibody specifically reacted with the cell lysates of A. castellanii. However, the PBP antibody did not interact with human corneal epithelial (HCE) cells and the other 3 major causative agents of keratitis. Immunocytochemistry (ICC) results revealed the specific detection of A. castellanii trophozoites and cysts by PBP antibodies when A. castellanii were co-cultured with HCE cells. PBP antibody specificity was further confirmed by co-culture of A. castellanii trophozoites with F. solani, S. aureus, and P. aeruginosa via ICC. The PBP antibody specifically reacted with the trophozoites and cysts of A. polyphaga, A. hatchetti, A. culbertsoni, A. royreba, and A. healyi, thus demonstrated its genus-specific nature. These results showed that the PBP polyclonal peptide antibody of A. castellanii could specifically detect several species of Acanthamoeba, contributing to the development of an effective antibody-based AK diagnostics.

A Biologically Inspired New Hardware Fault Detection: immunotronic and Genetic Algorithm-Based Approach

  • Lee, Sanghyung;Kim, Euntai;Park, Mignon
    • International Journal of Fuzzy Logic and Intelligent Systems
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    • 제4권1호
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    • pp.7-11
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    • 2004
  • This paper proposes a new immunotronic approach for the fault detection in hardware. The suggested method is, inspired by biology and its implementation is based on genetic algorithm. Tolerance conditions in the immunotronic system for fault detection correspond to the antibodies in the biological immune system. A novel algorithm of generating tolerance conditions is suggested based on the principle of the antibody diversity and GA optimization is employed to select mature tolerance conditions in immunotronic fault detection system. The suggested method is applied to the fault detection for MCNC benchmark FSMs (finite state machines) and its effectiveness is demonstrated by the computer simulation.

한국산 겨우살이 렉틴 (KML-C)에 대한 단일크론항체의 생산과 특성 (Production of Monoclonal Antibodies Specific to Korean Mistletoe pectin (KML-C) and Their Characterization)

  • 윤택준;유영춘;강태봉;김성훈;김갑수
    • 약학회지
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    • 제45권2호
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    • pp.180-189
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    • 2001
  • We have reported that water-extracted Korean mistletoe (KM-110) had various biological activities such as antitumor and immunomodulatory activity, and the pectin fraction (KML-C) of the extract was one of major factors related to its biological functions. In this paper, we produced murine monoclonal antibody (mAb) against KML-C. The cAbs obtained were largely classified into two groups according to specificity to KML-C and ML-I, a pectin from European mistletoe. One group mAbs (9H7-D10 and 3C2-lH4) strongly reacted with KML-C, but not ML-I. In contrast, another group cAbs (8Bll-2C5, BE12-3E9 and 5E10-Fl) reacted with both KML-C and ML-1. The subisotypes of these mobs were shown to be IgGl (9H7-lD10, 3C2-lH4 and 8Bll-2C5) or IgM (8E12-3E9 and 5E10-Fl). To develop an assay system for determination of the amount of KML-C, we established the sandwich ELISA (enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay) method using these mAbs and horse radish peroxidase (HRP)-labelled cAbs. In various combinations of the cAbs for coated antibody and detection antibody, the sandwich ELISA quantitatively detected KML-C, showing the detection limit ranging from 7-5,000 ng/ml. Especially reproducibility (C.V) of the sandwich ELISA, in which 8E12-3E9 was used for coating antibody and 8Bll-2C5-HRP for detection antibody, was 4.59-5.83 in intra assay, and 3.9-9.4 in inter assay.

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