• Title/Summary/Keyword: depth effect

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A clinical study of the effect of Nd:YAG laser irradiation on inflamed gingiva (염증성 치은에 대한 Nd:YAG laser 조사효과에 관한 임상적 연구)

  • Cho, Hyung-Soo;Kim, Hyun-Sup;Lim, Kee-Jung;Kim, Byung-Ock;Han, Kyung-Yoon
    • Journal of Periodontal and Implant Science
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    • v.26 no.2
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    • pp.531-541
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    • 1996
  • Periodontal disease is characterized by destruction of supporting tissues caused by invasion of plaque bacteria and defense mechanism of host. Many dentists are very interested in laser therapy on various intraoral soft tissue lesions including inflammatory periodontal pocket. In order to determine the therapeutic effect of intrapocket irradiation of a pulsed- Nd : YAG laser on the inflammatory periodontal pockets, bilateral 60 teeth with 4-6mm in probing pocket depth and gingival inflammation were selected and evaluated by sulcus bleeding index(SBI), and plaque index(pI) for baseline record. Intrapocket irradiation($300{\mu}m$ fiber optic, I.5W power, for 2 min.) of a pulsed-Nd : YAG laser(EL.EN.EN060, Italy) was applied on half of them. As the control group, the same procedure except power-off was repeated on the contralateral 30 teeth. At 1-, 2-, 3-, and 4-week after intrapocket manipulation, every tooth was reevaluated by the same clinical indices. And the difference between the lased group and control group was statistically analyzed by paired t-test and Chi-square test in Microstat program. Following results were obtained: 1. Until I-week and 2-week after intrapocket manipulation, SBI was lowered in both lased group and control group, compared to baseline SBI, but from 3-week after, the recovering tendency toward baseline was noted, and at only 2-week after, the number of teeth showing lowered SBI was significantly more in lased group than in control group(p<0.05). 2. PI of both lased group and control group was lowered through whole experimental period from I-week to 4-week after, compared to baseline PI(p<0.05), but there was no significant difference between lased group and control group(p>0.1). The results suggest that intrapocket irradiation of a pulsed-Nd:YAG laser may lead somewhat remission of gingival inflammation, but for more favorable therapeutic result the thorough root planing should be necessarily accompanied with gingival curettage.

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Evaluation of interleukin-$1{\beta}$ and 8 in gutka chewers with periodontitis among a rural Indian population

  • Jacob, Pulikottil Shaju;Nath, Sonia;Patel, Ritu Prabha
    • Journal of Periodontal and Implant Science
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    • v.44 no.3
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    • pp.126-133
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    • 2014
  • Purpose: Smokeless tobacco-based oral-use products like gutka are popular in India. Gutka usage leads to increased periodontal destruction and inflammation; however, the relevant mechanism remains unknown. This study aimed to elucidate the role of gutka in periodontitis by examining its effect on the levels of interleukin (IL) $1{\beta}$ and IL-8 from the gingival crevicular fluid (GCF). Methods: A total of 45 patients were enrolled in this study. Thirty patients with periodontitis (15 gutka chewers [GCP] and 15 nongutka chewers [NGC]) and 15 periodontally healthy controls (HC) were selected. The full-mouth plaque index (PI), gingival index (GI), probing depth (PD), clinical attachment level (CAL), and recession (RC) were recorded. The IL-$1{\beta}$ and IL-8 levels in the GCF of all subjects were assessed through an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (Quantikine). Results: The IL-$1{\beta}$ and IL-8 levels were not significantly higher in the GCP group (IL-$1{\beta}$, $369.01{\pm}273.44{\mu}L$; IL-8, $205.97{\pm}196.78{\mu}L$) as compared to those in the NGC group (IL-$1{\beta}$, $195.57{\pm}96.85{\mu}L$; IL-8, $178.61{\pm}149.35{\mu}L$). More gingival RC and loss of attachment was seen among the GCP group (RC: $2.02{\pm}0.31$, P=0.013; CAL: $4.60{\pm}0.56$, P<0.001) than among the NGC group (RC, $1.21{\pm}1.15$; CAL, $3.70{\pm}0.32$); however, PD was deeper among the NGC subjects (P=0.002). PI and GI were significantly higher for the periodontitis group (P<0.001) when compared to the HC, but there was no difference among gutka chewers and non-chewers (P=0.22 and P=0.89). A positive correlation was found between the IL-8 levels and the duration of gutka chewing (r=-0.64, P<0.01). Conclusions: Gutka chewing leads to increased gingival RC and clinical loss of attachment. There was no effect seen in the proinflammatory cytokine levels in the GCF of gutka users.

A Stochastic Numerical Analysis of Groundwater Fluctuations in Hillside Slopes for Assessing Risk of Landslides (산사태 위험도 추정을 위한 지하수위 변동의 추계론적 수치 해석)

  • 이인모
    • Geotechnical Engineering
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    • v.3 no.4
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    • pp.41-54
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    • 1987
  • A stochastic numerical analysis for predicting the groundswater fluctuations in hillside slopes is performed in this paper to account for the uncertainties associated with the rainfall and site characteristics. The effect of spatial variabilities of aquifer parameters and the effect of temporal variability of recharge on the groundwater fluctuations are studied in depth. The Kriging is used to account for the spatial tariabilities of aquifer parameters. This technique prolevides the best linear unbiased estimator of a parameter and its minimum variance from a litsitem number of measured data. A stochastic one-dimensional numerical model is delreloped b) combining the groundwater flow model, the Kriging, and the first-order second-moment analysis. In addition, a two dimensional detelministic groundwater model is developed to study the change of ground water surfas in the transverse direction as well as in the downslope direction. It is revealed that the undulations of the impervious bedrock in addition to the permeability and the specific yield have an important influence on the fluctuations of the groundwater surface. It is also found that th'e groundwater changes significantly in the transverse direction as well as in the downslope direction. The results obtained in this analysis may be used for evaluation of landslide risks due to high porewater pressure.

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A Study on Electrical Properties of $Ta_2O_{5-x}$ Thin-films Obtained by $O_2$ RTA ($O_2$RTA 방법으로 제조된 $Ta_2O_{5-x}$ 박막의 전기적 특성)

  • Kim, In-Seong;Song, Jae-Seong;Yun, Mun-Su;Park, Jeong-Hu
    • The Transactions of the Korean Institute of Electrical Engineers C
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    • v.51 no.8
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    • pp.340-346
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    • 2002
  • Capacitor material utilized in the downsizing passive devices and integration of passive devices requires the physical and electrical properties at given area such as capacitor thickness reduction, relative dielectric constant increase, low leakage current and thermal stability. common capacitor materials, $Al_2O_3$, $SiO_2$, $Si_3N_4$, $SiO_2$/$Si_3N_4$, TaN and et al., used until recently have reached their physical limits in their application to integration of passive devices. $Ta_2O_{5}$ is known to be a good alternative to the existing materials for the capacitor application because of its high dielectric constant (25~35), low leakage current and high breakdown strength. Despite the numerous investigations of $Ta_2O_{5}$ material, there have little been established the clear understanding of the annealing effect on capacitance characteristic and conduction mechanism. This study presents the dielectric properties $Ta_2O_{5}$ MIM capacitor structure Processed by $O_2$ RTA oxidation. X-ray diffraction patterns showed the existence of amorphous phase in $600^{\circ}C$ annealing under the $O_2$ RTA and the formation of preferentially oriented-$Ta_2O_{5}$ in 650, $700^{\circ}C$ annealing and the AES depth profile showed $O_2$ RTA oxidation effect gives rise to the $O_2$ deficientd into the new layer. The leakage current density respectively, at 3~1l$\times$$10_{-2}$(kV/cm) were $10_{-3}$~$10_{-6}$(A/$\textrm{cm}^2$). In addition, behavior is stable irrespective of applied electric field. the frequency vs capacitance characteristic enhanced stability more then $Ta_2O_{5}$ thin films obtained by $O_2$ reactive sputtering. The capacitance vs voltage measurement that, Vfb(flat-band voltage) was increase dependance on the $O_2$ RTA oxidation temperature.

The Fabrication of Poly-Si Solar Cells for Low Cost Power Utillity (저가 지상전력을 위한 다결정 실리콘 태양전지 제작)

  • Kim, S.S.;Lim, D.G.;Shim, K.S.;Lee, J.H.;Kim, H.W.;Yi, J.
    • Solar Energy
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    • v.17 no.4
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    • pp.3-11
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    • 1997
  • Because grain boundaries in polycrystalline silicon act as potential barriers and recombination centers for the photo-generated charge carriers, these defects degrade conversion effiency of solar cell. To reduce these effects of grain boundaries, we investigated various influencing factors such as thermal treatment, various grid pattern, selective wet etching for grain boundaries, buried contact metallization along grain boundaries, grid on metallic thin film. Pretreatment above $900^{\circ}C$ in $N_2$ atmosphere, gettering by $POCl_3$ and Al treatment for back surface field contributed to obtain a high quality poly-Si. To prevent carrier losses at the grain boundaries, we carried out surface treatment using Schimmel etchant. This etchant delineated grain boundaries of $10{\mu}m$ depth as well as surface texturing effect. A metal AI diffusion into grain boundaries on rear side reduced back surface recombination effects at grain boundaries. A combination of fine grid with finger spacing of 0.4mm and buried electrode along grain boundaries improved short circuit current density of solar cell. A ultra-thin Chromium layer of 20nm with transmittance of 80% reduced series resistance. This paper focused on the grain boundary effect for terrestrial applications of solar cells with low cost, large area, and high efficiency.

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Effects of Balletfit on the Body Shape (발레핏(Balletfit)프로그램이 체형 변화에 미치는 효과 연구)

  • LEE, Jaesun
    • Trans-
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    • v.4
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    • pp.111-134
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    • 2018
  • The purpose of this study is to understand the principles of Balletfit and its program structure and to establish Balletfit's effects on body shape change and postural correction. Interview, the most commonly used method of qualitative research, was chosen as the research method. Ten Balletfit class participants, who have attended private lessons twice per week, for three to six months period of time, were selected. These participants were chosen from participants of private lessons instead of group lessons for in-depth insights. The research was limited to a small group of participants and therefore, it is difficult to standardize the result. Also, because this study is based on the opinions of the participants, not by a posture measuring device, the accuracy of the result is limited as well. The followings are the conclusion of this research. First, the participation motive was either internet research or acquaintance's recommendation. Secondly, the effort to change the body shape. After experiencing Balletfit classes, the participants became aware of their body and made an effort to recover their posture by holding the stomach tight and sitting up correctly. Thirdly, their posture became ideal. Most participants became aware of what an ideal posture is and as their body became ideal, the participants also recovered their health by becoming aware of their inner and outer body. Lastly, they tend to prefer beautiful body line. After the experience, all participants became interested in the body line and preferred to build a beautiful body line with correct postures. The most significant effect of Balletfit was the body line. Therefore, the experience of Balletfit develops the inner and outer body awareness and also can be consider to effect the change of the body shape. Balletfit will become a satisfying exercise for modern people, who desire a beautiful, healthy body.

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Filter Media Specifications for Low Impact Development: A Review of Current Guidelines and Applications (LID 시설 여재에 관한 기술지침 및 적용에 관한 고찰)

  • Guerra, Heidi B.;Kim, Lee-Hyung;Kim, Youngchul
    • Journal of Wetlands Research
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    • v.21 no.4
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    • pp.321-333
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    • 2019
  • A primary aspect of low impact development (LID) design that affects performance efficiency, maintenance frequency, and lifespan of the facility is the type of filter media as well as the arrangement or media profile. Several LID guidelines providing media specifications are currently available and numerous studies have been published presenting the effectiveness of these systems. While some results are similar and consistent, some of them still varies and only a few focuses on the effect of filter media type and arrangement on system performance. This creates a certain level of uncertainty when it comes to filter media selection and design. In this review, a synthesis of filter media specifications from several LID design guidelines are presented and relevant results from different laboratory and field studies are highlighted. The LID systems are first classified as infiltration or non-infiltration structures, and vegetated or non-vegetated structures. Typical profiles of the media according to classification are shown including the different layers, materials, and depth. In addition, results from previous studies regarding the effect of filter media characteristics on hydraulic and hydrologic functions as well as pollutant removal are compared. Other considerations such as organic media leaching, clogging, media washing, and handling during construction were also briefly discussed. This review aims to provide a general guideline that can contribute to proper media selection and design for structural LIDs. In addition, it also identifies opportunities for future research.

Development of a Pump Operation Rule in a Drainage Pump Station using a Real Time Control Model for Urban Drainage System (내배수시스템 실시간 운영 모형을 이용한 배수펌프장 운영기법 개발)

  • Lee, Jung-Ho;Lee, Yang-Jae;Kim, Joong-Hoon;Jun, Hwan-Don
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.40 no.11
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    • pp.877-886
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    • 2007
  • An urban drainage system consists of two major systems : flood drainage facilities and operating practices. The facilities are composed of sewer networks, gates, and pumping stations and the operating practice consists of pump or gate operation. Then, a real time simulation system which is able to simulate urban runoff and the pump operation and to consider the backwater effect is required to operate efficiently the pump. With this system, the efficient pump operating rule can be developed to diminish the possible flood damage on urban areas. In this study, a real time simulation system was developed using the SWMM 5.0 DLL and Visual Basic 6.0 equipped with EXCEL. Also, for developing efficient pump operating Rules, two new Rules were suggested. The first Rule is designed to operate pumps considering the condition of sewer networks such as depths of each junction. The second is to discharge all the amount of inflow at each time step. Results obtained by those Rules were compared with one by the current pump operating Rule which is able to consider only the depth of the retard basin. The developed model was applied to Joonggok retard basin and verified their applicability.

Sulfate reduction and sulfur isotopic fractionation in marine sediments (해양퇴적물내에서의 황산염 환원과 황의 안정동위원소 분화)

  • 한명우
    • Journal of Environmental Science International
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    • v.2 no.1
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    • pp.43-49
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    • 1993
  • Concentrations of sulfate and 6-values of sulfate, $({\delta}^{34}SO_4_){pw}$, dissolved In pore waters were measured from the sediment cores of the two different marine environments : deep northeast Pacific (57-1) and coastal Kyunggi Bay of Yellow Sea (57-2) . Sulfate concentration in pore waters decreases with depth at both cores, reflecting sulfate reduction in the sediment columns. However, much higher gradient of pore water sulfate at 57-2 than 57-1 indicates more rapid sulfate reduction at 57-2, because of high sedimentation rate at the coastal area compared to the deep-sea. The measured 6-values, $({\delta}^{34}SO_4_){pw}$, follow extremely well the predicted trend of the Rayleigh fractionation equation. The range of 26.756 to 61.35% at the coastal core 57-2 is not so great as that of 32.4$\textperthousand$ to 97.8$\textperthousand$ at the deep-sea core 57-1. Despite greater graclient of pore water sulfate at 57-2, the 6-values become lower than those of the deep- sea core 57-1. This inverse relation between the 6-values and the gradients of pore water sulfate could be explained by the combination of the two subsequent factors : the kinetic effect by which the residual pore water sulfate becomes progressively enriched with respect to the heavy isotope of $^{34}S$ as sulfate reduction proceeds, and the intrinsic formulation effect of the Rayleigh fractionation equation in which the greater becomes the fractionation factor, the more diminished values of $({\delta}^{34}SO_4_){pw}$ are predicted.

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Validity and Expected Effect of International Marketing Cooperative for Korean Animation (애니메이션 해외 배급 활성화를 위한 마케팅 협동조합 도입의 타당성 연구)

  • Kim, Young Jae
    • Cartoon and Animation Studies
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    • s.36
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    • pp.121-145
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    • 2014
  • Operating under the principle of user-benefit maximization and democratic user-control, cooperatives are being spot-lighted as a business model satisfying the various social, financial needs. In Korea, the Law of Cooperative was enacted as of December 2012, which has enabled the establishment of cooperatives in variety of industry fields. This study is to discuss the expected effect and validity of marketing cooperative as a solution for insufficient sales revenue in international distribution of Korean animation. The interviews with Korean animation studios found out the key problems of overseas distribution, which are; 1) lack of marketing expertise and weak organization, 2) lack of ancillary rights exploitation due to the deals based upon all rights package with the broadcasters who are not interested in ancillary business, 3) lack of localized marketing support in each territory. The solution for these problems takes large and long-term marketing investment and it is far beyond the capabilities of small Korean animation studios. Marketing cooperative can provide services not available otherwise such as in-depth market research which will help the improvement of international marketing expertise. Also. as the cooperative carries enough volume of animation catalogue, it can increase negotiation power satisfying the various needs of buyers. Also, it can provide the precise marketing support for each territory by integrating every process of value chain, from TV broadcasting, merchandising, and digital media platform. Above all, a clear benefit of marketing cooperative is that, because of its user-benefit and user-control principle, the principal-agent problem can be minimized while it maximizes the profit for member studios.