• Title/Summary/Keyword: demand density

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Characteristics of Soil Disturbance Caused by Passages of Harvester and Forwarder in Cut-to-Length Harvesting Operations (단목생산작업에 있어서 하베스터와 포워더의 임내주행에 따른 토양교란 특성)

  • Han, Sang-Kyun;Lee, Kyeong-Cheol;Oh, Jae-Heun;Mun, Ho-Seong;Lee, Sang-Tae;Choi, Yun-Sung;Choi, Byoung-Koo
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.108 no.1
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    • pp.67-76
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    • 2019
  • With an increasing demand of timber production, the use of heavy machinery in forest management has significantly increased, causing the changes of soil physical properties and the decline of long-term site productivity. This study was conducted to evaluate the effects of logging slash (non-slash, slash $7.3kg/m^2$, and slash $11.5kg/m^2$) and machine passes(harvester 1 pass and forwarder 1 to 10 passes) on soil physical properties at 10 cm, 20 cm and 30 cm soil depths in harvester and forwarder operations and also to estimate the degree of soil surface disturbance. The results indicated that soil bulk density in the non-slash treatment site increased 10 %~29 % (25~139 % in soil penetration resistance) at all soil depths, compared with the slash treatment site(slash $11.5kg/m^2$). Therefore, the creation of a slash mat could be an effective way to minimize the changes of soil physical properties. In addition, 92 % of total soil compaction in slash treatment site was created within harvester 1 pass and forwarder 5 passes. In non-slash treatment site, 84 % of total soil compaction was created within first harvester and forwarder passes. The results showed that slash treatment was effective to reduce soil compaction caused by machine passes and also it is necessary to create designed forwarding trails for minimizing soil compaction area at timber harvesting sites.

Distribution of Agalmatolite Mines in South Korea and Their Utilization (한국의 납석 광산 분포 현황 및 활용 방안)

  • Seong-Seung Kang;Taeyoo Na;Jeongdu Noh
    • The Journal of Engineering Geology
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    • v.33 no.4
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    • pp.543-553
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    • 2023
  • The current status of domestic a agalmatolite mines in South Korea was investigated with a view to establishing a stable supply of agalmatolite and managing its demand. Most mined agalmatolite deposits were formed through hydrothermal alteration of Mesozoic volcanic rocks. The physical characteristics of pyrophyllite, the main constituent mineral of agalmatolite, are as follows: specific gravity 2.65~2.90, hardness 1~2, density 1.60~1.80 g/cm3, refractoriness ≥29, and color white, gray, grayish white, grayish green, yellow, or yellowish green. Among the chemical components of domestic agalmatolite, SiO2 and Al2O3 contents are respectively 58.2~67.2 and 23.1~28.8 wt.% for pyrophyllite, 49.2~72.6 and 16.5~31.0 wt.% for pyrophyllite + dickite, 45.1 and 23.3 wt.% for pyrophyllite + illite, 43.1~82.3 and 11.4~35.8 wt.% for illite, and 37.6~69.0 and 19.6~35.3 wt.% for dickite. Domestic agalmatolite mines are concentrated mainly in the southwest and southeast of the Korean Peninsula, with some occurring in the northeast. Twenty-one mines currently produce agalmatolite in South Korea, with reserves in the order of Jeonnam (45.6%) > Chungbuk (30.8%) > Gyeongnam (13.0%) > Gangwon (4.8%), and Gyeongbuk (4.8%). The top 10 agalmatolite-producing mines are in the order of the Central Resources Mine (37.9%) > Wando Mine (25.6%) > Naju Ceramic Mine (13.4%) > Cheongseok-Sajiwon Mine (5.4%) > Gyeongju Mine (5.0%) > Baekam Mine (5.0%) > Minkyung-Nohwado Mine (3.3%) > Bugok Mine (2.3%) > Jinhae Pylphin Mine (2.2%) > Bohae Mine. Agalmatolite has low thermal conductivity, thermal expansion, thermal deformation, and expansion coefficients, low bulk density, high heat and corrosion resistance, and high sterilization and insecticidal efficiency. Accordingly, it is used in fields such as refractory, ceramic, cement additive, sterilization, and insecticide manufacturing and in filling materials. Its scope of use is expanding to high-tech industries, such as water treatment ceramic membranes, diesel exhaust gas-reduction ceramic filters, glass fibers, and LCD panels.

Development of deep learning network based low-quality image enhancement techniques for improving foreign object detection performance (이물 객체 탐지 성능 개선을 위한 딥러닝 네트워크 기반 저품질 영상 개선 기법 개발)

  • Ki-Yeol Eom;Byeong-Seok Min
    • Journal of Internet Computing and Services
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    • v.25 no.1
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    • pp.99-107
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    • 2024
  • Along with economic growth and industrial development, there is an increasing demand for various electronic components and device production of semiconductor, SMT component, and electrical battery products. However, these products may contain foreign substances coming from manufacturing process such as iron, aluminum, plastic and so on, which could lead to serious problems or malfunctioning of the product, and fire on the electric vehicle. To solve these problems, it is necessary to determine whether there are foreign materials inside the product, and may tests have been done by means of non-destructive testing methodology such as ultrasound ot X-ray. Nevertheless, there are technical challenges and limitation in acquiring X-ray images and determining the presence of foreign materials. In particular Small-sized or low-density foreign materials may not be visible even when X-ray equipment is used, and noise can also make it difficult to detect foreign objects. Moreover, in order to meet the manufacturing speed requirement, the x-ray acquisition time should be reduced, which can result in the very low signal- to-noise ratio(SNR) lowering the foreign material detection accuracy. Therefore, in this paper, we propose a five-step approach to overcome the limitations of low resolution, which make it challenging to detect foreign substances. Firstly, global contrast of X-ray images are increased through histogram stretching methodology. Second, to strengthen the high frequency signal and local contrast, we applied local contrast enhancement technique. Third, to improve the edge clearness, Unsharp masking is applied to enhance edges, making objects more visible. Forth, the super-resolution method of the Residual Dense Block (RDB) is used for noise reduction and image enhancement. Last, the Yolov5 algorithm is employed to train and detect foreign objects after learning. Using the proposed method in this study, experimental results show an improvement of more than 10% in performance metrics such as precision compared to low-density images.

A Study on The Performance and Fuel Economy of Diesel Vehicles According to Change in Fuel Properties (연료물성에 따른 경유 차량의 성능 및 에너지소비효율 연구)

  • Noh, Kyeong-Ha;Lee, Min-Ho;Kim, Ki-Ho;Lee, Jung-Min
    • Journal of the Korean Applied Science and Technology
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    • v.35 no.3
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    • pp.667-675
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    • 2018
  • Increasing emissions regulations and demand of high-efficiency cars that travels a lot of distance with less fuel, there is growing interest in Energy Consumption Efficiency. Korean energy consumption efficiency compute combined Fuel Economy by driven city & highway driving mode and present final Energy Consumption Efficiency as using 5-cycle correction formula. Energy consumption efficiency is computed Carbon-balance-method, when used burning fuel play a key role in vehicle performance & Energy Consumption Efficiency. In Korea, vehicle fuel is circulate by Petroleum and Petroleum Alternative Business Act, there is property difference in quality standard because petroleum sector's refine method or type of crude oil. It does not appear a big difference according to fuel, because it sets steady quality standard, it may affect the performance of automobile. Thus, in research We purchase a few diesel fuel which circulated in the market in summer season though directly-managed-gas station by petroleum sector, resolve property each of fuel, we compute Fuel Economy each of them. We analyze into change depend on applying for property as nowadays utilizing Energy Consumption Efficiency calculating formula of gasoline and diesel fuel. As result, Density each of sample fuel has a maximum difference roughly 0.9%, net heat value each of sample fuel has difference 1.6%, result of current Energy Consumption Efficiency each of sample fuel has a difference roughly 1% at city drive mode, 1.4% at highway drive mode. Result of use gasoline calculator formula shows less 6% result than nowadays utilizing Energy Consumption Efficiency calculating formula, each of sample's Energy Consumption Efficiency shows maximum roughly 1.4% result in city & highway drive mode.

Numerical Simulation of the Formation of Oxygen Deficient Water-masses in Jinhae Bay (진해만의 빈산소 수괴 형성에 관한 수치실험)

  • CHOI Woo-Jeung;PARK Chung-Kill;LEE Suk-Mo
    • Korean Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
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    • v.27 no.4
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    • pp.413-433
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    • 1994
  • Jinhae Bay once was a productive area of fisheries. It is, however, now notorious for its red tides; and oxygen deficient water-masses extensively develop at present in summer. Therefore the shellfish production of the bay has been decreasing and mass mortality often occurs. Under these circumstances, the three-dimensional numerical hydrodynamic and the material cycle models, which were developed by the Institute for Resources and Environment of Japan, were applied to analyze the processes affecting the oxygen depletion and also to evaluate the environment capacity for the reception of pollutant loads without dissolved oxygen depletion. In field surveys, oxygen deficient water-masses were formed with concentrations of below 2.0mg/l at the bottom layer in Masan Bay and the western part of Jinhae Bay during the summer. Current directions, computed by the $M_2$ constituent, were mainly toward the western part of Jinhae Bay during flood flows and in opposite directions during ebb flows. Tidal currents velocities during the ebb tide were stronger than that of the flood tide. The comparision between the simulated and observed tidal ellipses showed fairly good agreement. The residual currents, which were obtained by averaging the simulated tidal currents over 1 tidal cycle, showed the presence of counterclockwise eddies in the central part of Jinhae Bay. Density driven currents were generated southward at surface and northward at the bottom in Masan Bay and Jindong Bay, where the fresh water of rivers entered. The material cycle model was calibrated with the data surveyed in the field of the study area from June to July, 1992. The calibrated results are in fairly good agreement with measured values within relative error of $28\%$. The simulated dissolved oxygen distributions of bottom layer were relatively high with the concentration of $6.0{\sim}8.0mg/l$ at the boundaries, but an oxygen deficient water-masses were formed within the concentration of 2.0mg/l at the inner part of Masan Bay and the western part of Jinhae Bay. The results of sensitivity analyses showed that sediment oxygen demand(SOD) was one of the most important influence on the formation of oxygen depletion. Therefore, to control the oxygen deficient water-masses and to conserve the coastal environment, it is an effective method to reduce the SOD by improving the polluted sediment. As the results of simulations, in Masan Bay, oxygen deficient water-masses recovered to 5.0mg/l when the $50\%$ reduction in input COD loads from Masan basin and $70\%$ reduction in SOD was conducted. In the western part of Jinhae Bay, oxygen deficient water-masses recovered to 5.0mg/l when the $95\%$ reduction in SOD and $90\%$ reduction in culturing ground fecal loads was conducted.

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Characteristics of Hydrodynamics, Heat and Mass Transfer in Three-Phase Inverse Fluidized Beds (삼상 역 유동층의 수력학, 열전달 및 물질전달 특성)

  • Kang, Yong;Lee, Kyung Il;Shin, Ik Sang;Son, Sung Mo;Kim, Sang Done;Jung, Heon
    • Korean Chemical Engineering Research
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    • v.46 no.3
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    • pp.451-464
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    • 2008
  • Three-phase inverse fluidized bed has been widely adopted with its increasing demand in the fields of bioreactor, fermentation process, wastewater treatment process, absorption and adsorption processes, where the fluidized or suspended particles are small or lower density comparing with that of continuous liquid phase, since the particles are frequently substrate, contacting medium or catalyst carrier. However, there has been little attention on the three-phase inverse fluidized beds even on the hydrodynamics. Needless to say, the information on the hydrodynamics and transport phenomena such as heat and mass transfer in the inverse fluidized beds has been essential for the operation, design and scale-up of various reactors and processes which are employing the three-phase inverse beds. In the present article, thus, the information on the three-phase inverse fluidized beds has been summarized and reorganized to suggest a pre-requisite knowledge for the field work in a sense of engineering point of view. The article is composed of three parts; hydrodynamics, heat and mass transfer characteristics of three-phase inverse fluidized beds. Effects of operating variables on the phase holdup, bubble properties and particle fluctuating frequency and dispersion were discussed in the section of hydrodynamics; effects of operating variables on the heat transfer coefficient and on the heat transfer model were discussed in the section of heat transfer characteristics ; and in the section of mass transfer characteristics, effects of operating variables on the liquid axial dispersion and volumetric liquid phase mass transfer coefficient were examined. In each section, correlations to predict the hydrodynamic characteristics such as minimum fluidization velocity, phase holdup, bubble properties and particle fluctuating frequency and dispersion and heat and mass transfer coefficients were suggested. And finally suggestions have been made for the future study for the application of three-phase inverse fluidized bed in several available fields to meet the increasing demands of this system.

Preparation and Properties of Eco-friendly Waterborne Polyurethane-urea Primer for Thermoplastic Polypropylene Applied to Automobile Interiors (자동차 내장재용 열가소성 폴리프로필렌에 적용되는 선처리제용 친환경 수분산 폴리우레탄-우레아의 제조 및 성질)

  • Shin, Jong Sub;Park, Jin Myeong;Lee, Young Hee;Kim, Han Do
    • Clean Technology
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    • v.20 no.3
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    • pp.232-240
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    • 2014
  • The significance of thermoplastic polyolefin polypropylene (PP) lies in its potential to replace polyvinyl chloride (PVC), the most widely used material for automobile interiors (door trim, dash board), which discharges harmful compounds in certain conditions. Another benefit of PP (0.855 amorphous - 0.946 crystalline $g/cm^3$) is its low density compared to that of PVC ($1.1-1.45g/cm^3$), which reduces vehicle weight. Market demand for eco-friendly water-based adhesive/coating material is rising significantly as a substitute for solvent-based adhesive/coating material which emits VOC and causes harmful working conditions. Under such context, in this study, a series of eco-friendly waterborne polyurethane-urea primer (a paint product that allows finishing paint to adhere much better than if it were used alone) for hydrophobic PP were prepared from different mix of DMPA content, NCO/OH molar ratio, various wt% of silicone diol and various soft segment content, among which DMPA of 21 mole %, NCO/OH molar ratio of 1.2, modified silicone diol of 5 wt% and soft segment content of 73 wt% led to good adhesion strength. Additionally, the incorporation of optimum content of additives (0.5 wt% dispersing agent, 0.5 wt% levelling agent, 1.5 wt% antifoaming agent, 3.0 wt% matting agent) into the optimum waterborne polyurethane-urea also enabled good stability, levelling, antifoaming and non-glossy.

Growth and Physiological Characteristics of Five Common Foliage Plant Species Grown under the Influence of Static Magnetic Field (정자기장 처리에 따른 실내 관엽식물의 생육 및 생리적 특성 변화)

  • Lee, Seong Han;Woo, Su Young;Kwak, Myung Ja
    • Horticultural Science & Technology
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    • v.30 no.5
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    • pp.484-492
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    • 2012
  • The present study aimed to investigate the effect of static magnetic field (SMF) on the growth and physiological characteristics of common indoor plant species. Five foliage plant species, Spathiphyllum spp., Ardisia pusilla DC., Syngonium podophyllum, Peperomia pereskiifolia, and Pilea cadierei were potted into plastic pot equipped with round type anisotropic sintered NdFeB permanent magnet inside the pot. The surface magnetic flux density of each magnet was 3,500 G. After 6 months of growth period, the biomass accumulations of Spathiphyllum, A. pusilla, and P. cadierei under SMF were statistically higher than those of controls. Tissue water content also increased under the influence of SMF in most species. The photosynthetic rate of Spathiphyllum under SMF significantly increased but other species showed no significant difference compared with control. Although there was no significant increase in the photosynthetic rates of A. pusilla, and P. cadierei, they showed remarkable increase in total fresh weight under SMF. This suggests that the demand of assimilates for normal metabolism could be decreased under magnetic influence and thereby biomass accumulation could be more favored. But this is not always true for all plant species because P. pereskiifolia in this experiment, showed no changes in both photosynthetic rate and biomass accumulation. Leaf nitrogen and chlorophyll contents were enhanced significantly in most plant species under influence of SMF. Chlorophyll a/b ratio also increased by SMF. Although there might be a limitation depending on plant species, these results suggest that long-term exposure to SMF might allow plant to have an enhanced acclimation capacity against environmental fluctuations and optimal application of SMF could increase the practical use of indoor plants such as an attempt to improve indoor air quality.

The PRISM-based Rainfall Mapping at an Enhanced Grid Cell Resolution in Complex Terrain (복잡지형 고해상도 격자망에서의 PRISM 기반 강수추정법)

  • Chung, U-Ran;Yun, Kyung-Dahm;Cho, Kyung-Sook;Yi, Jae-Hyun;Yun, Jin-I.
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural and Forest Meteorology
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    • v.11 no.2
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    • pp.72-78
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    • 2009
  • The demand for rainfall data in gridded digital formats has increased in recent years due to the close linkage between hydrological models and decision support systems using the geographic information system. One of the most widely used tools for digital rainfall mapping is the PRISM (parameter-elevation regressions on independent slopes model) which uses point data (rain gauge stations), a digital elevation model (DEM), and other spatial datasets to generate repeatable estimates of monthly and annual precipitation. In the PRISM, rain gauge stations are assigned with weights that account for other climatically important factors besides elevation, and aspects and the topographic exposure are simulated by dividing the terrain into topographic facets. The size of facet or grid cell resolution is determined by the density of rain gauge stations and a $5{\times}5km$ grid cell is considered as the lowest limit under the situation in Korea. The PRISM algorithms using a 270m DEM for South Korea were implemented in a script language environment (Python) and relevant weights for each 270m grid cell were derived from the monthly data from 432 official rain gauge stations. Weighted monthly precipitation data from at least 5 nearby stations for each grid cell were regressed to the elevation and the selected linear regression equations with the 270m DEM were used to generate a digital precipitation map of South Korea at 270m resolution. Among 1.25 million grid cells, precipitation estimates at 166 cells, where the measurements were made by the Korea Water Corporation rain gauge network, were extracted and the monthly estimation errors were evaluated. An average of 10% reduction in the root mean square error (RMSE) was found for any months with more than 100mm monthly precipitation compared to the RMSE associated with the original 5km PRISM estimates. This modified PRISM may be used for rainfall mapping in rainy season (May to September) at much higher spatial resolution than the original PRISM without losing the data accuracy.

A study of Establishment on Radiomap that Utilizes the Mobile device Indoor Positioning DB based on Wi-Fi (Wi-Fi 기반 모바일 디바이스 실내측위 DB를 활용한 라디오맵 구축에 관한 연구)

  • Jeong, In Hun;Kim, Chong Mun;Choi, Yun Soo;Kim, Sang Bong;Lee, Yun
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.22 no.3
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    • pp.57-69
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    • 2014
  • As of 2013, Korean population density is 505 persons per $1km^2$ and is ranked 3rd place in the most densely populated countries exception of city-states. It shows clearly the population is concentrated in the city area. To fulfil this urban concentration population demand, the enlargement and complexation of buildings, subway and other underground spaces connection tendency has been intensified, and it is need to construct the indoor spatial information DB as well as the accurate indoor surveying DB to promote people's safety and social welfare. In this study, Sadang station and Incheon National Airport were aimed for the construction of Wi-Fi AP location DB and RadioMap DB by collecting the indoor AP raw datas by using mobile device and those collected results were ran through the process of verification, supplementation, and analyzation. To evaluate the performance of constructed DB, 10 points in Incheon Airport- 3rd flr in block A, and 9 points in Sadang station-B1 were selected and calculated the estimated points and ran evaluation experiment using survey positioning error, which is distance between real position and the estimated position. The result shows that Incheon international airport's average and standard deviation was separately 17.81m, 17.79m and Sadang station's average and standard deviation was separately 22.64m, 23.74m. In Sadang station's case, the areas near the exit has low performance of surveying position due to fewer visible AP points than other areas. As total datas were examined except those position, it was verified that the user's location was mapping close position in surveying positioning by using constructed DB. It means that constructed DB contains correct Wi-Fi AP locations and radio wave patterns in object region, so it is considered that the indoor spatial information service based on constructed DB would be available.