• Title/Summary/Keyword: cyclic lateral loading

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Experimental study on component performance in steel plate shear wall with self-centering braces

  • Liu, Jia-Lin;Xu, Long-He;Li, Zhong-Xian
    • Steel and Composite Structures
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    • v.37 no.3
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    • pp.341-351
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    • 2020
  • Steel plate shear wall with self-centering energy dissipation braces (SPSW-SCEDB) is a lateral force-resisting system that exhibits flag-shaped hysteretic responses, which consists of two pre-pressed spring self-centering energy dissipation (PS-SCED) braces and a wall plate connected to horizontal boundary elements only. The present study conducted a series of cyclic tests to study the hysteretic performances of braces in SPSW-SCEDB and the effects of braces on the overall hysteretic characteristics of this system. The SPSW-SCEDB with PS-SCED braces only exhibits excellent self-centering capability and the energy loss caused by the large inclination angle of PS-SCED braces can be compensated by appropriately increasing the friction force. Under the combined effect of the two components, the SPSW-SCEDB exhibits a flag-shaped hysteretic response with large lateral resistance, good energy dissipation and self-centering capabilities. In addition, the wall plate is the primary energy dissipation component and the PS-SCED braces provide supplementary energy dissipation for system. The PS-SCED braces can provide up to 90% self-centering capability for the SPSW-SCEDB system. The compressive bearing capacity of the wall plate should be smaller than the horizontal remaining restoring force of the braces to achieve better self-centering effect of the system.

Evaluation of cyclic behavior of lateral load resisting system with eccentric brace and steel plate

  • Reza Khalili Sarbangoli;Ahmad Maleki;Ramin K. Badri
    • Structural Engineering and Mechanics
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    • v.89 no.3
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    • pp.239-252
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    • 2024
  • Steel plate shear walls (SPSWs) are classified as lateral load-resisting systems. The feasibility of openings in the steel plate is a characteristic of SPSWs. The use of openings in SPSWs can lower the load capacity, stiffness, and energy dissipation. This study proposes a novel form of SPSWs that provides convenient access through openings by combining steel plates and eccentrically braced frames (EBFs). The proposed system also avoids a substantial reduction in the strength and stiffness. Hence, various geometric forms were analyzed through two different structural approaches. Groups 1, 2, and 3 included a steel EBF with a steel plate between the column and EBF in order to improve system performance. In Group 4, the proposed system was evaluated within an SPSW with openings and an EBF on the opening edge. To evaluate the performance of the proposed systems, the nonlinear finite element method (NL-FEM) was employed under cyclic loading. The hysteresis (load-drift) curve, stress contour, stiffness, and damping were evaluated as the structural outputs. The numerical models indicated that local buckling within the middle plate-EBF connection prevented a diagonal tension field. Moreover, in group 4, the EBF and stiffeners on the opening edge enhanced the structural response by approximately 7.5% in comparison with the base SPSW system.

Cyclic tests and numerical study of composite steel plate deep beam

  • Hu, Yi;Jiang, Liqiang;Zheng, Hong
    • Earthquakes and Structures
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.23-34
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    • 2017
  • Composite steel plate deep beam (CDB) is proposed as a lateral resisting member, which is constructed by steel plate and reinforced concrete (RC) panel, and it is connected with building frame through high-strength bolts. To investigate the seismic performance of the CDB, tests of two 1/3 scaled specimens with different length-to-height ratio were carried out under cyclic loads. The failure modes, load-carrying capacity, hysteretic behavior, ductility and energy dissipation were obtained and analyzed. In addition, the nonlinear finite element (FE) models of the specimens were established and verified by the test results. Besides, parametric analyses were performed to study the effect of length-to-height ratio, height-to-thickness ratio, material type and arrangement of RC panel. The experimental and numerical results showed that: the CDBs lost their load-carrying capacity because of the large out-of plane deformation and yield of the tension field formed on the steel plate. By increasing the length-to-height ratio of steel plate, the load-carrying capacity, elastic stiffness, ductility and energy dissipation capacity of the specimens were significantly enhanced. The ultimate loading capacity increased with increasing the length-to-height ratio of steel plate and yield strength of steel plate; and such capacity increased with decreasing of height-to-thickness ratio of steel plate and gap. Finally, a unified formula is proposed to calculate their ultimate loading capacity, and fitting formula on such indexes are provided for designation of the CDB.

A Study on the Effect of Steel Fiber in Reinforced Concrete Coupling Beam Subjected to Cyclic Loading (반복하중을 받는 철근콘크리트 연결보에서 강섬유의 보강효과에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Jin-Sung;Bae, Baek-Il;Choi, Chang-Sik
    • Journal of the Architectural Institute of Korea Structure & Construction
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    • v.35 no.10
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    • pp.181-190
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    • 2019
  • In this study, four reinforced concrete coupling beams were subjected to cyclic lateral loading test to evaluate the structural performance of coupling beam according to volume fraction of steel fiber. For this purpose, the volume fraction of steel fiber(0%, 1%, 2%) and transverse reinforcement spacing were determined as the main parameter. According to the test results, the maximum strength of D-40C-s100-0 was 1.15, 1.13, 1.05 times higher than D-40C-s300-0, D-40C-s300-1, D-40C-s300-2, respectively. The maximum strength of coupling beams with mitigated rebar details increases as the volume fraction of steel fiber increases. Although steel fiber 2% reinforced specimen(D-40C-s300-2) did not satisfy the amount of transverse reinforcement required for seismic design of coupling beam, the overall performance including to maximum strength, ductility and energy dissipation capacity was similar to the control specimen(D-40C-s100-0). As a result, the use of steel fiber with 2% reinforcement can partially replace the transverse reinforcement in diagonally reinforced concrete coupling beam.

Evaluation of Structural Performance the Hollow PC Column Joint Subjected to Cyclic Lateral Load (반복 횡하중을 받는 유공 PC 기둥 접합부의 구조성능 평가)

  • Seo, Soo-Yeon;Yoon, Seong-Joe;Lee, Woo-Jin
    • Journal of the Korea Concrete Institute
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    • v.20 no.3
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    • pp.335-343
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    • 2008
  • In order to improve the workability in erecting Precast Concrete (PC) members and enhance the seismic resistance capacity of the joints in PC moment frames, a new PC column and its construction process are introduced in this paper. This column is manufactured by centrifugal force in keeping the hollow tube inside; the hollow is little bit wide and the grout can be poured from top to bottom after erection at site so that more compact grouting is possible in horizontal joint. The repeated cyclic loading test for four full scaled specimens was conducted to evaluate the seismic resistance capacity of the joint designed by the proposed system. For the continuity of main reinforcements in column, two connecting methods are used in designing specimens; one is to use mechanical connector and other is lab splice. From the cyclic lateral loading test, it was found that the seismic capacity of the developed PC column joint is comparable to that of monolithic joint.

An Estimation of Shear Capacity of Hexagonal Masonry Walls Under Cyclic Loading (반복하중을 받는 육각형 블록 벽체 전단내력평가)

  • Chang, Gug-Kwan;Seo, Dae-Won;Han, Tae-Kyoung
    • Journal of the Korea institute for structural maintenance and inspection
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    • v.14 no.6
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    • pp.205-214
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    • 2010
  • Masonry structures have been used throughout the world for the construction of residential buildings. However, from a structural point of view, the masonry material is characterized by a very low tensile strength. Moreover, the bearing and shear capacity of masonry walls have been found to be vulnerable to earthquakes. In this study, to improve the seismic performance of masonry walls, hexagonal blocks were developed and six masonry walls made with hexagonal block were tested to failure under reversed cyclic lateral loading. This paper focuses on an experimental investigation of different types of wall with hexagonal blocks, i.e. walls with different hexagonal blocks and with different reinforcing bar arrangements, subjected to applied cyclic loads. The cracking, damage patterns and hysteretic feature were evaluated. Results from the hexagonal masonry wall were shown more damage reduction and less brittle failure in comparison to the existing rectangular masonry walls.

Experimental studies on steel frame structures of traditional-style buildings

  • Xue, Jianyang;Qi, Liangjie
    • Steel and Composite Structures
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    • v.22 no.2
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    • pp.235-255
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    • 2016
  • This paper experimentally investigated the behavior of steel frame structures of traditional-style buildings subjected to combined constant axial load and reversed lateral cyclic loading conditions. The low cyclic reversed loading test was carried out on a 1/2 model of a traditional-style steel frame. The failure process and failure mode of the structure were observed. The mechanical behaviors of the steel frame, including hysteretic behaviors, order of plastic hinges, load-displacement curve, characteristic loads and corresponding displacements, ductility, energy dissipation capacity, and stiffness degradation were analyzed. Test results showed that the Dou-Gong component (a special construct in traditional-style buildings) in steel frame structures acted as the first seismic line under the action of horizontal loads, the plastic hinges at the beam end developed sufficiently and satisfied the Chinese Seismic Design Principle of "strong columns-weak beams, strong joints-weak members". The pinching phenomenon of hysteretic loops occurred and it changed into Z-shape, indicating shear-slip property. The stiffness degradation of the structure was significant at the early stage of the loading. When failure, the ultimate elastic-plastic interlayer displacement angle was 1/20, which indicated high collapse resistance capacity of the steel frame. Furthermore, the finite element analysis was conducted to simulate the behavior of traditional-style frame structure. Test results agreed well with the results of the finite element analysis.

Response of square anchor plates embedded in reinforced soft clay subjected to cyclic loading

  • Biradar, Jagdish;Banerjee, Subhadeep;Shankar, Ravi;Ghosh, Poulami;Mukherjee, Sibapriya;Fatahi, Behzad
    • Geomechanics and Engineering
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.165-173
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    • 2019
  • Plate anchors are generally used for structures like transmission towers, mooring systems etc. where the uplift and lateral forces are expected to be predominant. The capacity of anchor plate can be increased by the use of geosynthetics without altering the size of plates. Numerical simulations have been carried out on three different sizes of square anchor plates. A single layer geosynthetic has been used as reinforcement in the analysis and placed at three different positions from the plate. The effects of various parameters like embedment ratio, position of reinforcement, width of reinforcement, frequency and loading amplitude on the pull out capacity have been presented in this study. The load-displacement behaviour of anchors for various embedment ratios with and without reinforcement has been also observed. The pull out load, corresponding to a displacement equal to each of the considered maximum amplitudes of a given frequency, has been expressed in terms of a dimensionless breakout factor. The pull out load for all anchors has been found to increase by more than 100% with embedment ratio varying from 1 to 6. Finally a semi empirical formulation for breakout factor for square anchors in reinforced soil has also been proposed by carrying out regression analysis on the data obtained from numerical simulations.

Post-peak response analysis of SFRC columns including spalling and buckling

  • Dhakal, Rajesh P.
    • Structural Engineering and Mechanics
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    • v.22 no.3
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    • pp.311-330
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    • 2006
  • Standard compression tests of steel fiber reinforced concrete (SFRC) cylinders are conducted to formulate compressive stress versus compressive strain relationship of SFRC. Axial pullout tests of SFRC specimens are also conducted to explore its tensile stress strain relationship. Cover concrete spalling and reinforcement buckling models developed originally for normal reinforced concrete are modified to extend their application to SFRC. Thus obtained monotonic material models of concrete and reinforcing bars in SFRC members are combined with unloading/reloading loops used in the cyclic models of concrete and reinforcing bars in normal reinforced concrete. The resulting path-dependent cyclic material models are then incorporated in a finite-element based fiber analysis program. The applicability of these models at member level is verified by simulating cyclic lateral loading tests of SFRC columns under constant axial compression. The analysis using the proposed SFRC models yield results that are much closer to the experimental results than the analytical results obtained using the normal reinforced concrete models are.

Seismic Response Analysis of Reinforced Concrete Wall Structure Using Macro Model

  • Kim, Dong-Kwan
    • International Journal of Concrete Structures and Materials
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    • v.10 no.1
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    • pp.99-112
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    • 2016
  • During earthquake, reinforced concrete walls show complicated post-yield behavior varying with shear span-to-depth ratio, re-bar detail, and loading condition. In the present study, a macro-model for the nonlinear analysis of multi-story wall structures was developed. To conveniently describe the coupled flexure-compression and shear responses, a reinforced concrete wall was idealized with longitudinal and diagonal uniaxial elements. Simplified cyclic material models were used to describe the cyclic behavior of concrete and re-bars. For verification, the proposed method was applied to various existing test specimens of isolated and coupled walls. The results showed that the predictions agreed well with the test results including the load-carrying capacity, deformation capacity, and failure mode. Further the proposed model was applied to an existing wall structure tested on a shaking table. Three-dimensional nonlinear time history analyses using the proposed model were performed for the test specimen. The time history responses of the proposed method agreed with the test results including the lateral displacements and base shear.