• Title/Summary/Keyword: cracks parameters

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Monitoring of Concrete Deterioration Caused by Steel Corrosion using Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy(EIS) (EIS를 활용한 철근 부식에 따른 콘크리트 손상 모니터링)

  • Woo, Seong-Yeop;Kim, Je-Kyoung;Yee, Jurng-Jae;Kee, Seong-Hoon
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Building Construction
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    • v.22 no.6
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    • pp.651-662
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    • 2022
  • The electrochemical impedance spectroscopy(EIS) method was used to evaluate the concrete deterioration process related to chloride-induced steel corrosion with various corrosion levels(initiation, rust propagation and acceleration periods). The impressed current technique, with four total current levels of 0C, 13C, 65C and 130C, was used to accelerate steel corrosion in concrete cylinder samples with w/c ratio of 0.4, 0.5, and 0.6, immersed in a 0.5M NaCl solution. A series of EIS measurements was performed to monitor concrete deterioration during the accelerated corrosion test in this study. Some critical parameters of the equivalent circuit were obtained through the EIS analysis. It was observed that the charge transfer resistance(Rc) dropped sharply as the impressed current increased from 0C to 13C, indicating a value of approximately 10kΩcm2. However, the sensitivity of Rc significantly decreased when the impressed current was further increased from 13C to 130C after corrosion of steel had been initiated. Meanwhile, the double-layer capacitance value(Cdl) linearly increased from 50×10-6μF/cm2 to 250×10-6μF/cm2 as the impressed current in creased from 0C to 130C. The results in this study showed that monitoring Cdl is an effective measurement parameter for evaluating the progress of internal concrete damages(de-bonding between steel and concrete, micro-cracks, and surface-breaking cracks) induced by steel corrosion. The findings of this study provide a fundamental basis for developing an embedded sensor and signal interpretation method for monitoring concrete deterioration due to steel corrosion at various corrosion levels.

Grouting diffusion mechanism in an oblique crack in rock masses considering temporal and spatial variation of viscosity of fast-curing grouts

  • Huang, Shuling;Pei, Qitao;Ding, Xiuli;Zhang, Yuting;Liu, Dengxue;He, Jun;Bian, Kang
    • Geomechanics and Engineering
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    • v.23 no.2
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    • pp.151-163
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    • 2020
  • Grouting method is an effective way of reinforcing cracked rock masses and plugging water gushing. Current grouting diffusion models are generally developed for horizontal cracks, which is contradictory to the fact that the crack generally occurs in rock masses with irregular spatial distribution characteristics in real underground environments. To solve this problem, this study selected a cement-sodium silicate slurry (C-S slurry) generally used in engineering as a fast-curing grouting material and regarded the C-S slurry as a Bingham fluid with time-varying viscosity for analysis. Based on the theory of fluid mechanics, and by simultaneously considering the deadweight of slurry and characteristics of non-uniform spatial distribution of viscosity of fast-curing grouts, a theoretical model of slurry diffusion in an oblique crack in rock masses at constant grouting rate was established. Moreover, the viscosity and pressure distribution equations in the slurry diffusion zone were deduced, thus quantifying the relationship between grouting pressure, grouting time, and slurry diffusion distance. On this basis, by using a 3-d finite element program in multi-field coupled software Comsol, the numerical simulation results were compared with theoretical calculation values, further verifying the effectiveness of the theoretical model. In addition, through the analysis of two engineering case studies, the theoretical calculations and measured slurry diffusion radius were compared, to evaluate the application effects of the model in engineering practice. Finally, by using the established theoretical model, the influence of cracking in rock masses on the diffusion characteristics of slurry was analysed. The results demonstrate that the inclination angle of the crack in rock masses and azimuth angle of slurry diffusion affect slurry diffusion characteristics. More attention should be paid to the actual grouting process. The results can provide references for determining grouting parameters of fast-curing grouts in engineering practice.

Arrangement of Agent Holes for Enhancing Crack Propagation in Structure Demolition Process using Soundless Chemical Demolition Agents (무소음화학팽창제를 이용한 구조물 해체시 균열진전 촉진을 위한 천공홀의 배치)

  • Nam, Yunmin;Kim, Kyeongjin;Park, Sanghyun;Sohn, Dongwoo;Lee, Jaeha
    • Journal of the Computational Structural Engineering Institute of Korea
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    • v.28 no.6
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    • pp.683-690
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    • 2015
  • For demolition of offshore facilities, traditional methods such as jackhammer and explosive methods have been often used in construction industry. However, prohibitions for use of those methods are becoming more rigorous especially in environmentally and historically sensitive areas. It was also reported that the explosive demolition method on maritime bedrock can cause a disturbance of ecosystem. For those reasons, use of soundless chemical demolition agent(SCDA) is getting the spotlight. However, researches regarding the mechanical point of SCDA have seldom performed. There is no industrial standard for use of SCDA yet. In this study, a pilot experimental study in order to measure the required expansive pressure that could be generated from SCDA was conducted. Numerical models were developed in order to estimate the required expansive pressures of SCDA for initiating cracks depending on selected key parameters. Obtained results indicate that the required pressure does not decrease linearly as increasing the hole diameter, the number of holes, and the ratio of hole-distance to hole-diameter.

Resistance Curves of Propagating Cracks for Concrete Three-Point Bend Specimens (콘크리트 삼점 휨시험편의 성장하는 균열에 대한 저항곡선)

  • 연정흠
    • Journal of the Korea Concrete Institute
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    • v.13 no.6
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    • pp.568-574
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    • 2001
  • From measured responses of concrete three-point bend tests, the average values of the responses have been calculated. The fracture behavior of continuously propagating concrete crack has been analyzed from the average responses. The experimental parameters of this study were the initial notch sizes of 25.4㎜ and 6.4 ㎜ and the processing times of 2,000 sec. and 20 sec . The different notch sizes were used for the effects of the size of fracture process zone and specimen geometry, and the processing times for those of initial creep. However the load-point displacement rate in this study did not affect the experimental responses seriously. The average loads were calculated from the average external work of a series of tests, and average crack lengths were determined by using strain gages. Before the peak load, the resistance curve could be determined from the size of fracture process zone, but unstable crack propagation of 88㎜ occurred at the load-point displacement of 0.088∼0.154㎜ after the peak load. The average fracture energy density G$\_$F/$\^$ave/ = 115 N/m occurred during the unstable crack propagation. The fracture process zones were fully developed at the crack length of 111㎜, and the sizes of fracture process zone for initial notches of 25.4㎜ and 6.4㎜ were 86㎜ and 105㎜, respectively. Average fracture energy densities of the resistance curves after full development of fracture process zone were 229 N/m for the initial notch of 25.4㎜ and 284 N/m for 6.4㎜. The values were more than twice of G$\_$F/$\^$ave/.

Inelastic Behavior of Post-tensioned Wide Beam System with different Reinforcement ratios within Column core (포스트텐션을 도입한 넓은 보에서 기둥 폭 내부에 배근된 보강재의 정착비에 따른 비탄성 거동 평가)

  • Choi Yun-Cheul;Lim Jae-Hyung;Moon Jeong-Ho;Lee Li-Hyung;Kwon Ki-Hyuk
    • Journal of the Korea Concrete Institute
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    • v.17 no.1 s.85
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    • pp.85-94
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    • 2005
  • Post-tensioned Precast concrete System(PPS) consists of U-shaped precast wide beams and concrete column. The continuity of beam-column joint is provided with floor concrete cast on the PC shell beam and post-tensioning. The purpose of this paper is to evaluate the response of PPS interior beam-column joint subjected to cyclic lateral loading. To this end, an experimental investigation was performed with three half-scale specimens of interior connection. The design parameters are the amount of beam reinforcement placed inside the joint core. The test results showed that cracks were distributed well without my significant degradation of strength and ductility. Also, it was found that the prestressing may affect to alter the torsional crack angle. And the specimens sufficiently resist up to limiting drift ratio of 0.035 in accordance with the provisional by ACl of acceptance criteria for concrete special moment frames.

Improvement of Au Leaching from Gold Concentrates Using a Microwave and Thiourea-mixed Solvent (마이크로웨이브를 이용한 금정광 내 금 용출 효율 증가 기작)

  • Kim, Bong-Ju;Kwon, Jang-Soon;Koh, Yong-Kwon;Park, Cheon-Young
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.53 no.2
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    • pp.159-166
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    • 2020
  • In this research, we investigate the effect of microwave pretreatment on the recovery of gold from the gold concentrates by thiourea leaching. The changes in mineral phases by decomposition of pyrites in the gold concentrates using microwave were observed, and the result of microwave irradiation showed that the temperature of the irradiated sample increases with increasing irradiation time. With the reaction of temperature increases, Sulfur (S) in pyrites was converted to sulfur dioxide (SO2), and then the content of S in the sample was reduced. The analytical results of XRD and SEM-EDS showed that pyrites are converted to magnetite and hematite, and its surfaces are changed to a porous shape where micro-cracks are developed. The Au leaching efficiency from the irradiated gold concentrates using thiourea-mixed solvent increased with the increases of irradiation time and solvent concentration. The experimental results considering leaching parameters indicate that the mechanism of microwave irradiation increases the maximum leaching efficiency and leaching rate of the gold concentrates, and the solvent does a role for the increasing of leaching rate constant.

Comparative study on dynamic properties of argillaceous siltstone and its grouting-reinforced body

  • Huang, Ming;Xu, Chao-Shui;Zhan, Jin-Wu;Wang, Jun-Bao
    • Geomechanics and Engineering
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    • v.13 no.2
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    • pp.333-352
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    • 2017
  • A comparison study is made between the dynamic properties of an argillaceous siltstone and its grouting-reinforced body. The purpose is to investigate how grout injection can help repair broken soft rocks. A slightly weathered argillaceous siltstone is selected, and part of the siltstone is mechanically crushed and cemented with Portland cement to simulate the grouting-reinforced body. Core specimens with the size of $50mm{\times}38mm$ are prepared from the original rock and the grouting-reinforced body. Impact tests on these samples are then carried out using a Split Hopkinson Pressure Bar (SHPB) apparatus. Failure patterns are analyzed and geotechnical parameters of the specimens are estimated. Based on the experimental results, for the grouting-reinforced body, its shock resistance is poorer than that of the original rock, and most cracks happen in the cementation boundaries between the cement mortar and the original rock particles. It was observed that the grouting-reinforced body ends up with more fragmented residues, most of them have larger fractal dimensions, and its dynamic strength is generally lower. The mass ratio of broken rocks to cement has a significant effect on its dynamic properties and there is an optimal ratio that the maximum dynamic peak strength can be achieved. The dynamic strain-softening behavior of the grouting-reinforced body is more significant compared with that of the original rock. Both the time dependent damage model and the modified overstress damage model are equally applicable to the original rock, but the former performs much better compared with the latter for the grouting-reinforced body. In addition, it was also shown that water content and impact velocity both have significant effect on dynamic properties of the original rock and its grouting-reinforced body. Higher water content leads to more small broken rock pieces, larger fractal dimensions, lower dynamic peak strength and smaller elastic modulus. However, the water content plays a minor role in fractal dimensions when the impact velocity is beyond a certain value. Higher impact loading rate leads to higher degree of fragmentation and larger fractal dimensions both in argillaceous siltstone and its grouting-reinforced body. These results provide a sound basis for the quantitative evaluation on how cement grouting can contribute to the repair of broken soft rocks.

Rotordynamic Analysis of a Dual-Spool Turbofan Engine with Focus on Blade Defect Events (블레이드 손상에 따른 이축식 터보팬 엔진의 동적 안정성 해석)

  • Kim, Sitae;Jung, Kihyun;Lee, Junho;Park, Kihyun;Yang, Kwangjin
    • Tribology and Lubricants
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    • v.36 no.2
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    • pp.105-115
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    • 2020
  • This paper presents a numerical study on the rotordynamic analysis of a dual-spool turbofan engine in the context of blade defect events. The blades of an axial-type aeroengine are typically well aligned during the compressor and turbine stages. However, they are sometimes exposed to damage, partially or entirely, for several operational reasons, such as cracks due to foreign objects, burns from the combustion gas, and corrosion due to oxygen in the air. Herein, we designed a dual-spool rotor using the commercial 3D modeling software CATIA to simulate blade defects in the turbofan engine. We utilized the rotordynamic parameters to create two finite element Euler-Bernoulli beam models connected by means of an inter-rotor bearing. We then applied the unbalanced forces induced by the mass eccentricities of the blades to the following selected scenarios: 1) fully balanced, 2) crack in the low-pressure compressor (LPC) and high pressure compressor (HPC), 3) burn on the high-pressure turbine (HPT) and low pressure compressor, 4) corrosion of the LPC, and 5) corrosion of the HPC. Additionally, we obtained the transient and steady-state responses of the overall rotor nodes using the Runge-Kutta numerical integration method, and employed model reduction techniques such as component mode synthesis to enhance the computational efficiency of the process. The simulation results indicate that the high-vibration status of the rotor commences beyond 10,000 rpm, which is identified as the first critical speed of the lower speed rotor. Moreover, we monitored the unbalanced stages near the inter-rotor bearing, which prominently influences the overall rotordynamic status, and the corrosion of the HPC to prevent further instability. The high-speed range operation (>13,000 rpm) coupled with HPC/HPT blade defects possibly presents a rotor-case contact problem that can lead to catastrophic failure.

Investigation on the Effective Moment of Inertia of Reinforced Concrete Flexural Members Under Service Load (사용하중 상태에서 철근콘크리트 휨부재의 유효 단면2차모멘트에 대한 고찰)

  • Lee, Seung-Bea;Park, Mi-Young;Jang, Su-Youn;Kim, Kang-Su;Kim, Sang-Sik
    • Journal of the Korea Concrete Institute
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    • v.20 no.3
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    • pp.393-404
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    • 2008
  • The approaches in many design codes for the estimation of the deflection of flexural reinforced concrete (RC) members utilize the concept of the effective moment of inertia which considers the reduction of flexural rigidity of RC beams after cracking. However, the effective moment of inertia in design codes are primarily based on the ratio of maximum moment and cracking moment of beam subjected to loading without proper consideration on many other possible influencing factors such as span length, member end condition, sectional size, loading geometry, materials, sectional properties, amount of cracks and its distribution, and etc. In this study, therefore, an experimental investigation was conducted to provide fundamental test data on the effective moment of inertia of RC beams for the evaluation of flexural deflection, and to develop a modified method on the estimation of the effective moment of inertia based on test results. 14 specimens were fabricated with the primary test parameters of concrete strength, cover thickness, reinforcement ratio, and bar diameters, and the effective moments of inertia obtained from the test results were compared with those by design codes, existing equations, and the modified equation proposed in this study. The proposed method considered the effect of the length of cracking region, reinforcement ratio, and the effective concrete area per bar on the effective moment of inertia, which estimated the effective moment of inertia more close to the test results compared to other approaches.

Interfacial Control of Multi-functional CNT and ITO/PET Nanocomposites having Self-Sensing and Transparency (자체-감지능 및 광투과도를 지닌 CNT 및 ITO/PET 다기능성 나노복합소재의 계면 조절 연구)

  • Wang, Zuo-Jia;Kwon, Dong-Jun;Gu, Ga-Young;Park, Joung-Man
    • Composites Research
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    • v.24 no.1
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    • pp.45-50
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    • 2011
  • Transparent and conductive carbon nanotube on polyethylene terephthalate (PET) were prepared by dip-coating method for self-sensing multi-functional nanocomposites. The changes in the electrical and optical properties of CNT coating mainly depended on the number of dip-coating, concentration of CNT solution. Consequently, the surface resistance and transmittance of CNT coating were sensitively controlled by the processing parameters. Surface resistance of CNT coating was measured using four-point method, and surface resistance of coated CNT could be better calculated by using the dual configuration method. Optical transmittance of PET film with CNT coating was evaluated using UV spectrum. Surface properties of coated CNT investigated by wettability test via static and dynamic contact angle measurement were consistent with each other. As dip-coating number increased, surface resistance of coated CNT decreased seriously, whereas the transmittance exhibited little lower due to the thicker CNT networks layer. Interfacial microfailure properties were investigated for CNT and indium tin oxide (ITO) coatings on PET substrates by electrical resistance measurement under cyclic loading fatigue test. CNT with high aspect ratio exhibited no change in surface resistance up to 2000 cyclic loading, whereas ITO with brittle nature showed a linear increase of surface resistance up to 1000 cyclic loading and then exhibited the level-off due to reduced electrical contact points based on occurrence of many micro-cracks.