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A Deep Learning Based Recommender System Using Visual Information (시각 정보를 활용한 딥러닝 기반 추천 시스템)

  • Moon, Hyunsil;Lim, Jinhyuk;Kim, Doyeon;Cho, Yoonho
    • Knowledge Management Research
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    • v.21 no.3
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    • pp.27-44
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    • 2020
  • In order to solve the user's information overload problem, recommender systems infer users' preferences and suggest items that match them. The collaborative filtering (CF), the most successful recommendation algorithm, has been improving performance until recently and applied to various business domains. Visual information, such as book covers, could influence consumers' purchase decision making. However, CF-based recommender systems have rarely considered for visual information. In this study, we propose VizNCS, a CF-based deep learning model that uses visual information as additional information. VizNCS consists of two phases. In the first phase, we build convolutional neural networks (CNN) to extract visual features from image data. In the second phase, we supply the visual features to the NCF model that is known to easy to extend to other information among the deep learning-based recommendation systems. As the results of the performance comparison experiments, VizNCS showed higher performance than the vanilla NCF. We also conducted an additional experiment to see if the visual information affects differently depending on the product category. The result enables us to identify which categories were affected and which were not. We expect VizNCS to improve the recommender system performance and expand the recommender system's data source to visual information.

A Study on the Introduction of Effective Route Exchange System in the VTS Area (해상교통관제해역 내 효과적 경로교환 체계 도입에 관한 연구)

  • Pak, Chae-Hong;Jung, Chang-Hyun;Park, Sung-Hyeon
    • Journal of Navigation and Port Research
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    • v.38 no.3
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    • pp.217-225
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    • 2014
  • The system that covers gathering, integrating, exchanging, presenting and analyzing of information within ships and shores for the safety and security in Marine Environment is known as e-Navigation Policy. Northern Europe has been conducting research and development. It came up into a concept that deals with ship's route information between vessels as well as vessels to shores which is better known as route exchange system. The research showed substantial advantages on navigational safety by exchanging the route information between vessels in vicinity and vessels to shores. Therefore, upon the adaptation of route exchange System as a major function in integrated navigational system, the existing procedures in VTS could be changed for betterment. In this study, it was verified the effectiveness of route exchange system by the adaptation of a recent collision accident occurred in Korean coast and suggested that route exchange system which would be carried out by the discretion of VTS center in VTS area. Finally, it proposed the new functions for outstanding services and procedures of integrating traffic organization services on coastal VTS for an effective route exchange system in Korean coastal area.

High safety battery management system of DC power source for hybrid vessel (하이브리드 선박 직류전원용 고 안전 BMS)

  • Choi, Jung-Leyl;Lee, Sung-Geun
    • Journal of Advanced Marine Engineering and Technology
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    • v.40 no.7
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    • pp.635-641
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    • 2016
  • In order to drive a hybrid propulsion device which combines an engine and an electric propulsion unit, battery packs that contain dozens of unit cells consisting of a lithium-based battery are used to maintain the power source. Therefore, it is necessary to more strictly manage a number of battery cells at any given time. In order to manage battery cells, generally voltage, current, and temperature data under load condition are monitored from a personal computer. Other important elements required to analyze the condition of the battery are the internal resistances that are used to judge its state-of-health (SOH) and the open-circuit voltage (OCV) that is used to check the battery charging state. However, in principle, the internal resistances cannot be measured during operation because the parallel equivalent circuit is composed of internal loss resistances and capacitance. In most energy storage systems, battery management system (BMS) operations are carried out by using data such as voltage, current, and temperature. However, during operation, in the case of unexpected battery cell failure, the output voltage of the power supply can be changed and propulsion of the hybrid vehicle and vessel can be difficult. This paper covers the implementation of a high safety battery management system (HSBMS) that can estimate the OCV while the device is being driven. If a battery cell fails unexpectedly, a DC power supply with lithium iron phosphate can keep providing the load with a constant output voltage using the remainder of the batteries, and it is also possible to estimate the internal resistance.

A Molecular Dynamics Simulation Study of Hydroxyls in Dioctahedral Phyllosilicates (분자동역학 시뮬레이션을 이용한 이팔면체 점토광물 수산기 연구)

  • Son, Sangbo;Kwon, Kideok D.
    • Journal of the Mineralogical Society of Korea
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    • v.29 no.4
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    • pp.209-220
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    • 2016
  • Clay minerals are a major player to determine geochemical cycles of trace metals and carbon in the critical zone which covers the atmosphere down to groundwater aquifers. Molecular dynamics (MD) simulations can examine the Earth materials at an atomic level and, therefore, provide detailed fundamental-level insights related to physicochemical properties of clay minerals. In the current study, we have applied classical MD simulations with clayFF force field to dioctahedral clay minerals (i.e., gibbsite, kaolinite, and pyrophyllite) to analyze and compare structural parameters (lattice parameter, atomic pair distance) with experiments. We further calculated vibrational power spectra for the hydroxyls of the minerals by using the MD simulations results. The MD simulations predicted lattice parameters and interatomic distances respectively deviated less than 0.1~3.7% and 5% from the experimental results. The stretching vibrational wavenumber of the hydroxyl groups were calculated $200-300cm^{-1}$ higher than experiment. However, the trends in the frequencies among different surface hydroxyl groups of each mineral was consistent with experimental results. The angle formed by the surface hydroxyl group with the (001) plane and hydrogen bond distances of the surface hydroxyls were consistent with experimental result trends. The inner hydroxyls, however, showed results somewhat deviated from reported data in the literature. These results indicate that molecular dynamics simulations with clayFF can be a useful method in elucidating the roles of surface hydroxyl groups in the adsorption of metal ions to clay minerals.

On Ensuring the Safety Integrity of the BCT System through Linkage Safety Analysis Techniques and SysML-based Architecture Artifact (안전분석 기법과 SysML 기반의 아키텍처 산출물의 연계성 확보를 통한 BCT 시스템의 안전 무결성 확보에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Joo-Uk;Oh, Se-Chan;Sim, Sang-Hyun;Kim, Young-Min
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.17 no.8
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    • pp.352-362
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    • 2016
  • Today, it appears that the rapid advances in technology have allowed broadening both the system technology and the business opportunities in the rail industry. Owing to the developments in technology and the industry, and also due to the hearth, the latest high-speed trains and a variety of unattended operations in rail systems are being developed and are operational. In particular, this study covers the existing railway rolling stock and signaling systems that operate in an environment more complex than the concept of localized management, so the introduction of a new signaling system is needed. In addition, developments based on the existing signal system concepts for passenger railways need to minimize human injury. In this study, to participate in the development of new systems in a variety of domains and to provide an integrated common vision methodology as an engineer on the basis of efficient signal system design and safety would like to present the methodology for action. Therefore, each different linkage through the next new domain zone system design: design through to secure the integrity of safety than can secure methodology.

Hedge Effectiveness in Won-Dollar Futures Markets (원 달러 선물시장을 이용한 헤지효과성)

  • Hong, Chung-Hyo;Moon, Gyu-Hyun
    • The Korean Journal of Financial Management
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    • v.21 no.1
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    • pp.231-253
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    • 2004
  • We examine hedge strategies that use Won-dollar futures to hedge the price risk of the Won-dollar exchange rate. We employ the naive hedge model, minimum variance hedge model and bivariate ECT-ARCH(1) model as hedge instruments, and analyze their hedge performances. The sample period covers from January 2, 2001 to December 31, 2002 with sub-samples such as daily, weekly, bi-weekly prices of the Won-dollar futures and cash. The important findings may be summarized as follows. First, there is no significant difference in hedge ratio between the risk minimum variance model and bivariate ECT-ARCH(1) model that controls for the cointegration relationship of the Won-dollar futures and cash. Second, hedge performance of the naive model and minimum variance model with constant hedge ratios is not far behind that of bivariate ECT-ARCH(1) model with time-varying hedge ratios. This results imply that investors are encouraged to use the minimum variance hedge model to hedge Won-dollar exchange rate with Won-dollar futures. Third, hedge performance and effectiveness of each model is also analyzed with respect to hedge period appear to be greater over long than over the short period. This evidence supports the hypothesis that futures prices would have more time to respond to the greater cash price changes over the longer holding period, leading to an improved hedge performance.

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Application of Gamma Ray Densitometry in Powder Metallurgy

  • Schileper, Georg
    • Proceedings of the Korean Powder Metallurgy Institute Conference
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    • 2002.07a
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    • pp.25-37
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    • 2002
  • The most important industrial application of gamma radiation in characterizing green compacts is the determination of the density. Examples are given where this method is applied in manufacturing technical components in powder metallurgy. The requirements imposed by modern quality management systems and operation by the workforce in industrial production are described. The accuracy of measurement achieved with this method is demonstrated and a comparison is given with other test methods to measure the density. The advantages and limitations of gamma ray densitometry are outlined. The gamma ray densitometer measures the attenuation of gamma radiation penetrating the test parts (Fig. 1). As the capability of compacts to absorb this type of radiation depends on their density, the attenuation of gamma radiation can serve as a measure of the density. The volume of the part being tested is defined by the size of the aperture screeniing out the radiation. It is a channel with the cross section of the aperture whose length is the height of the test part. The intensity of the radiation identified by the detector is the quantity used to determine the material density. Gamma ray densitometry can equally be performed on green compacts as well as on sintered components. Neither special preparation of test parts nor skilled personnel is required to perform the measurement; neither liquids nor other harmful substances are involved. When parts are exhibiting local density variations, which is normally the case in powder compaction, sectional densities can be determined in different parts of the sample without cutting it into pieces. The test is non-destructive, i.e. the parts can still be used after the measurement and do not have to be scrapped. The measurement is controlled by a special PC based software. All results are available for further processing by in-house quality documentation and supervision of measurements. Tool setting for multi-level components can be much improved by using this test method. When a densitometer is installed on the press shop floor, it can be operated by the tool setter himself. Then he can return to the press and immediately implement the corrections. Transfer of sample parts to the lab for density testing can be eliminated and results for the correction of tool settings are more readily available. This helps to reduce the time required for tool setting and clearly improves the productivity of powder presses. The range of materials where this method can be successfully applied covers almost the entire periodic system of the elements. It reaches from the light elements such as graphite via light metals (AI, Mg, Li, Ti) and their alloys, ceramics ($AI_20_3$, SiC, Si_3N_4, $Zr0_2$, ...), magnetic materials (hard and soft ferrites, AlNiCo, Nd-Fe-B, ...), metals including iron and alloy steels, Cu, Ni and Co based alloys to refractory and heavy metals (W, Mo, ...) as well as hardmetals. The gamma radiation required for the measurement is generated by radioactive sources which are produced by nuclear technology. These nuclear materials are safely encapsulated in stainless steel capsules so that no radioactive material can escape from the protective shielding container. The gamma ray densitometer is subject to the strict regulations for the use of radioactive materials. The radiation shield is so effective that there is no elevation of the natural radiation level outside the instrument. Personal dosimetry by the operating personnel is not required. Even in case of malfunction, loss of power and incorrect operation, the escape of gamma radiation from the instrument is positively prevented.

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Analysis of Landslide Hazard Map during Earthquake with Various Degrees of Saturation and Cohesion Values (포화도 및 점착력 변화에 따른 지진시 산사태 위험도 분석)

  • Lee, Joonyong;Han, Jin-Tae
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.35 no.3
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    • pp.599-606
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    • 2015
  • Damage of landslide due to earthquake covers a considerable part of total damage due to earthquake. Landslide due to earthquake affects direct damage of human lives and structures, and social system can be paralyzed by losing functions of roads, basic industries, and so on. Therefore, systematic and specialized research examining the factors affecting the slope stability by earthquakes should be needed. However, method of evaluation of slope stability problems due to earthquake contains somewhat uncertainty since many soil properties are predicted or assumed. In this study, influences of change of soil properties such as degree of saturation and cohesion value are analyzed in factor of safety and displacement using seismic landslide hazard maps based on GIS. As the degree of saturation increases or cohesion decreases, it is found that seismic landslide hazard area marked with factors of safety or displacements tends to increase. Therefore, to draw more exact landslide hazard map during earthquake, it is necessary to obtain accurate soil property information preferentially from site investigation data in the field.

Application of a Convolution Method for the Fast Prediction of Wind-Induced Surface Current in the Yellow Sea and the East China Sea (표층해류 신속예측을 위한 회선적분법의 적용)

  • 강관수;정경태
    • Journal of Korean Society of Coastal and Ocean Engineers
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    • v.7 no.3
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    • pp.265-276
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    • 1995
  • In this Paper, the Performance of the convolution method has been investigated as an effort to develop a simple system of predicting wind-driven surface current on a real time basis. In this approach wind stress is assumed to be spatially uniform and the effect of atmospheric pressure is neglected. The discrete convolution weights are determined in advance at each point using a linear three-dimensional Galerkin model with linear shape functions(Galerkin-FEM model). Four directions of wind stress(e.g. NE, SW, NW, SE) with unit magnitude are imposed in the model calculation for the construction of data base for convolution weights. Given the time history of wind stress, it is then possible to predict with-driven currents promptly using the convolution product of finite length. An unsteady wind stress of arbitrary form can be approximated by a series of wind pulses with magnitude of 6 hour averaged value. A total of 12 pulses are involved in the convolution product To examine the accuracy of the convolution method a series of numerical experiments has been carried out in the idealized basin representing the scale of the Yellow Sea and the East China Sea. The wind stress imposed varies sinusoidally in time. It was found that the predicted surface currents and elevation fields were in good agreement with the results computed by the direct integration of the Galerkin model. A model with grid 1/8$^{\circ}$ in latitude, l/6$^{\circ}$ in longitude was established which covers the entire region of the Yellow Sea and the East China Sea. The numerical prediction in terms of the convolution product has been carried out with particular attention on the formation of upwind flow in the middle of the Yellow Sea by northerly wind.

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The Implication of Bandura's Vicarious Reinforcement in Observational Learning for Christian Education (관찰학습에서의 반두라 대리강화에 대한 기독교교육적 함의)

  • Lee, Jongmin
    • Journal of Christian Education in Korea
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    • v.61
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    • pp.81-107
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    • 2020
  • This study reviews Bandura's vicarious reinforcement in observational learning process and implies this concept into Christian education in terms of spiritual role modeling. The first part of this study answers three questions: "what is vicarious reinforcement?" "how does vicarious reinforcement take place in observational learning?" and "how does vicarious reinforcement affect observer's behavior change?" Bandura conceptualizes the learning process with observational learning and imitative or non-imitative performance. Based on this concept, Bandura define the roles of vicarious reinforcement in the four steps of observational learning process: attention, retention, motor reproduction, and motivational process. Also, the three effects of vicarious reinforcements are explained in the following categories: the observational learning effect, inhibitory or disinhibitory effects, and eliciting effect. Adapting the structure of observational learning theory in terms of the effect of vicarious reinforcement and the function of role models, the second part of this study examines the biblical concept of imitation of Christ and the modeling strategy of discipleship. Especially Paul's spiritual role model serves as positive vicarious reinforcement for the Christian believers to perform the desired behaviors. Also, Paul's condemnation serves as explicit negative vicarious reinforcement. Then, the last part of this study covers the implication of these findings from observational learning and empirical studies in terms of spiritual role modeling to Christian education.