• 제목/요약/키워드: core protein

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Quality Changes of Thawed Porcine Meat on the Thawing Methods (해동방법에 따른 해동돈육의 품질변화)

  • Kim, Young-Ho;Yang, Seung-Yong;Lee, Moo-Ha
    • Korean Journal of Food Science and Technology
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    • 제22권2호
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    • pp.123-128
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    • 1990
  • In order to establish the optimal thawing condition of frozen fork, hot-air thawing and microwave thawing were evaluated at various conditions. In hot-air thawing, the higher the air temperature and the lower the meat surface temperature, the grater the thawing rate was. In microwave thawing, the grater the power and the lower the meat core temperature, the faster the thawing rate was. Comparing the two methods, microwave thawing was found to be significantly faster than hot-air thawing. TBA value and cooking loss were higher in hot-air thawing than that of refrigeration thawing or microwave thawing. Total extractable protein tended to be lower in hot-air thawing than that of the other two thawing methods. WHC decreased with the increase of hot-air and meat surface temperature whereas no significant difference was observed in microwave thawing regardless of the thawing conditions. Total microbial counts of thawed meat by the hot-air or microwave thawing were lower than that of refrigeration thawing.

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Program Analysis Activities for Development of Componentization Methodology for of Legacy System (레가시 시스템의 컴포넌트화 방법론 개발을 위한 프로그램 분석 활동)

  • Cha, Jung-Eun;Kim, Cheol-Hong;Yang, Young-Jong
    • Annual Conference of KIPS
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    • 한국정보처리학회 2002년도 추계학술발표논문집 (하)
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    • pp.2119-2122
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    • 2002
  • 기업의 비즈니스 프로세스가 복잡, 다양해짐에 따라, 현재 운영 시스템에 대한 급격한 기술적 변화를 수용하고 이를 조직적 측면의 기업 프로세스로 적용하기 위해 레가시 시스템의 현대화가 요구된다. 따라서, 현재의 기업들은 다양한 사용자들이 각자 그들의 관점에서 필요한 비즈니스 요구들을 웹 상에서 처리시킬 수 있도록 J2EE, .NET 등으로 대표되는 컴포넌트 및 웹 서비스 기술을 적용한 새로운 e-business 환경을 수용해야만 한다. 하지만, 기업 조직의 중요한 지식과 프로세스들을 처리하는 시스템들은 대부분 과거(Legacy)의 기술에 의해 개발되어졌으며, 이러한 시스템들을 새로운 비즈니스 환경에 적용하기에는 웹 환경을 위한 분산 아키텍쳐의 결여와 개방성과 표준화 미흡으로 시스템의 유지보수에 많은 어려움을 가진다. 또한, 방법론 차원에서 재공학의 절차와 기법을 체계적으로 정의하고 지원하기 위한 노력이 매우 부족한 실정이다. 본 논문에서는 레거시 시스템을 새로운 시스템 환경으로의 변환 및 통합을 위한 재공학 방법론 개발을 목적으로 프로그램 분석 활동을 설명한다. 본 논문에서 개발하고자 하는 방법론은 다양한 추상화 수준에서 역공학 정보를 복구하고, 컴포넌트화 단계를 통해 새로운 시스템으로 진화할 수 있는 절차 및 기법들을 제공한다. 레거시 시스템 컴포넌트화 방법론은 변환계획 단계, 역공학 단계, 컴포넌트화 단계, 인도 단계의 4 단계로 구성되어 있으며, 본 논문에서는 전체 단계 중 가장 기초가 되고 중요한 단계인 역공학 단계에 초점을 두고 프로그램 분석을 위한 절차 및 과정의 주요 지침들을 제시한다.0보다 유의적으로 우수하였으며, 맛, 다즙성 및 전체적인 기호도는 TMR-0 및 TMR-1 사이에 유의성이 없었다(p<0.05).能性)을 알아보고자 본(本) 실험(實驗)을 실시(實施)한 결과(結果), 유의성(有意性) 있는 결과(結果)를 얻었기에 보고(報告)하는 바이다.또한 이들 상피세포(上皮細胞)들을 투과전자현미경적(透過電子顯微鏡的)으로 관찰(觀察)하였을 때 초미세구조(超微細構造)가 잘 보존(保存)되었으나 Langer-hans cell내(內)의 Birbeck granule은 유리전(遊離前) 피부상피조직내(皮膚上皮組織內)의 Langerhans cell내(內)의 Birbeck granule에 비(比)해 수적(數的)으로 현저히 감소(減少)되어 있었다. 그러나 Thy-1 양성(陽性) dendritic cell에서 볼 수 있는 dense-core 과립(顆粒)은 별변화(別變化)없이 쉽게 관찰(觀察)될 수 있었다. 조직배양(組織培養)을 한 견(犬)의 keratinocyte에 대(對)해 사람 pemphigus vulgaris의 항체(抗體)로 반응(反應)시킨 후 protein-A gold(15 nm)로 표식(標識)시킨 바 제일 바깥 상층(上層)의 keratinocyte에 있어서 세포막표면(細胞膜表面)을 따라 표식(標識)되어 세포막항원(細胞膜抗元)을 나타내었으며, 이와 같은 소견(所見)으로 미루어 정상피부(正常皮膚) 중층편평상피세포(重層扁平上皮細胞)에서도 동일(同一)한 소견(所見)을 관찰(觀察)할 수 있다고 본다.al remnants, Resorption of fetus로 관찰된 것이다. Fetal death는 수정후

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The Role of Bmi1 in Pilocarpine-induced Status Epilepticus in Mice (Pilocarpine에 의해 유도된 생쥐 경련중첩증에서 Bmi1의 역할)

  • Pyeon, Hae-In;Bak, Jia;Choi, Yun-Sik
    • Journal of Life Science
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    • 제30권6호
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    • pp.513-521
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    • 2020
  • B-cell-specific Moloney murine leukemia virus integration site 1 (Bmi1) is a polycomb group protein and a core component of polycomb repressive complex 1. Initial research into Bmi1 has focused on its role in tumorigenesis, and it is generally accepted that it is important for the proliferation and survival of cancer cells. However, more recent studies have revealed that Bmi1 is downregulated in brains with neurodegenerative disease and that it regulates the function of mitochondria and reactive oxygen species levels. In this study, we tested the therapeutic potential of Bmi1 in pilocarpine-induced seizures in Bmi1-knockout mice. Bmi1 expression transiently increased in the hippocampal CA1 and CA3 and the dentate gyrus following pilocarpine-induced status epilepticus (SE). In terms of seizure behavior, SE induction was 43.14% and 53.57% for Bmi1+/+ and Bmi1+/- mice, respectively. However, there was no significant difference in mortality or hippocampal damage between the two groups. Two months after SE induction, the frequency of epileptic seizures in the Bmi1+/- mice was 50% lower than in the control group, although the difference was not statistically significant. In addition, mossy fiber outgrowth in the Bmi1+/- mice was significantly higher than in their wild-type littermates. Taken together, these data indicate that reduced Bmi1 activity increases pilocarpine-induced seizure probability and mossy fiber outgrowth.

Effects of Atomoxetine on Hyper-Locomotive Activity of the Prenatally Valproate-Exposed Rat Offspring

  • Choi, Chang Soon;Hong, Minha;Kim, Ki Chan;Kim, Ji-Woon;Yang, Sung Min;Seung, Hana;Ko, Mee Jung;Choi, Dong-Hee;You, Jueng Soo;Shin, Chan Young;Bahn, Geon Ho
    • Biomolecules & Therapeutics
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    • 제22권5호
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    • pp.406-413
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    • 2014
  • to valproic acid (VPA) during pregnancy produces ASD-like core behavioral phenotypes as well as hyperactivity in offspring both in human and experimental animals, which makes it a plausible model to study ASD-related neurobiological processes. In this study, we examined the effects of two of currently available attention defecit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) medications, methylphenidate (MPH) and atomoxetine (ATX) targeting dopamine and norepinephrine transporters (DAT and NET), respectively, on hyperactive behavior of prenatally VPA-exposed rat offspring. In the prefrontal cortex of VPA exposed rat offspring, both mRNA and protein expression of DAT was increased as compared with control. VPA function as a histone deacetylase inhibitor (HDACi) and chromatin immunoprecipitation experiments demonstrated that the acetylation of histone bound to DAT gene promoter was increased in VPA-exposed rat offspring suggesting epigenetic mechanism of DAT regulation. Similarly, the expression of NET was increased, possibly via increased histone acetylation in prefrontal cortex of VPA-exposed rat offspring. When we treated the VPA-exposed rat offspring with ATX, a NET selective inhibitor, hyperactivity was reversed to control level. In contrast, MPH that inhibits both DAT and NET, did not produce inhibitory effects against hyperactivity. The results suggest that NET abnormalities may underlie the hyperactive phenotype in VPA animal model of ASD. Profiling the pharmacological responsiveness as well as investigating underlying mechanism in multiple models of ASD and ADHD may provide more insights into the neurobiological correlates regulating the behavioral abnormalities.

In vitro activity comparison of Erm proteins from Firmicutes and Actinobacteria (Firmicutes와 Actinobacteria에 속하는 세균들의 Erm 단백질 in vitro 활성 비교)

  • Jin, Hyung Jong
    • Korean Journal of Microbiology
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    • 제52권3호
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    • pp.269-277
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    • 2016
  • Erm proteins methylate the specific adenine residue ($A_{2058}$, E. coli numbering) on 23S rRNA to confer the $MLS_B$ (macrolidelincosamide-streptogramin B) antibiotic resistance on a variety of microorganisms ranging from antibiotic producers to pathogens. When phylogenetic tree is constructed, two main clusters come out forming each cluster of Actinobacteria and Firmicutes. Two representative Erm proteins from each cluster were selected and their in vitro methylation activities were compared. ErmS and ErmE from Actinobacteria cluster exhibited much higher activities than ErmB and ErmC' from Firmicutes: 9 fold difference when ErmC' and ErmE were compared and 13 fold between ErmS and ErmB. Most of the difference was observed and presumed to be caused by N-terminal and C-terminal extra region from ErmS and ErmE, respectively because NT59TE in which N-terminal end 59 amino acids was truncated from wild type ErmS exhibited only 22.5% of wild type ErmS activity. Meanwhile, even NT59TE showed three and 2.2 times more activity when it was compared to ErmB and C, respectively, suggesting core region from antibiotic producers contains extra structure enabling higher activity. This is suggested to be possible through the extra region of 197RWS199 (from both ErmS and ErmE), 261GVGGSLY267 (from ErmS), and 261GVGGNIQ267 (from ErmE) and 291SVV293 (from ErmS) and 291GAV293 (from ErmE) by multiple sequence alignment.

Comparison of Lidar data and NGIS digital topographic map data for an efficient flood configuration (효율적인 홍수범람모의용 지형자료구축을 위한 Lidar자료와 NGIS 수치지형도 자료의 비교)

  • Kwon, Oh-Jun;Kim, Kye-Hyun;Song, Yong-Cheol;Min, Sook-Joo;Kim, Kyung-Soon
    • 한국지형공간정보학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국지형공간정보학회 2004년도 추계학술발표대회 논문집
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    • pp.141-146
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    • 2004
  • 최근 들어 국내에서도 홍수에 의한 재산과 인명피해를 최소화하기 위해 지역특성에 알맞은 홍수지도를 제작 중에 있으며, 주로 LiDAR를 이용하여 홍수지도 지형자료를 구축하고 있다. 그러나 이에 많은 시간과 비용이 소요되기 때문에 이미 전국적으로 구축된 수치지형도를 이용한 홍수지도 지형자료 구축의 가능성과 타당성을 검증의 필요성이 제기되고 있다. 이에 따라 본 연구에서는 수치지형도를 이용한 홍수지도제작시 가장 핵심이 되는 정확한 지형자료구축을 위해서 Breakline처리기법과 하천종횡단자료 연계방안을 중심으로 구리시 일부지역을 대상으로 DEM을 시범제작 하였다. 수치지형도와 LiDAR를 이용하여 구축한 DEM을 검수점을 통한 RMSE오차를 이용하여 수직위치정확도를 비교분석하였다. 분석을 위하여 선행연구(홍수지도제작, 2002)에서 검수점으로 사용한 9점과 제방부분의 실측한 9점을 본 연구의 검수점으로 사용하였다. 비교 결과 RMSE가 수치지형도 DEM의 경우 ${\pm}2.658m$이고, LiDAR DEM의 경우 ${\pm}3.430m$로 나타났다. 두 자료 모두 알려진 오차범위보다 훨씬 높은 오차가 발생함을 알 수 있었다. 향후 수치지형도를 이용한 효율적인 홍수지도 지형자료 구축을 위해서는 수치지형도의 신속하고 지속적인 갱신이 필요할 것이며, 현재 도시지역에만 구축되어 있는 1:1,000 수치지형도를 주변 하천지역까지 확대해서 구축해야 할 필요성이 있을 것으로 사료된다. 아울러 도입초기단계의 LiDAR 측량기술의 보급과 관련모델의 기술의 발달로 인하여 정확도 높은 DEM이 요구된다면 고밀도의 방대한 양의 LiDAR 자료로 DEM을 구축하는 것이 바람직하다고 사료된다.및 이용대책을 수립하는 데 활용될 수 있다., $1,000-2,000{\mu}g\;g^{-1}$), 나머지 177종 식물은 살초활성을 나타내지 않았다. 높은 살초활성을 나타낸 식물로부터 분리되는 천연활성물질들은 향후 새로운 제초제 개발을 위한 모화합물 제공, 상호대립억제 작용성을 갖는 작물 품종 개발 혹은 개량에의 활용, 그리고 친환경 유기농업용 잡초방제에의 활용이 기대된다.내(皮膚上皮組織內)의 Langerhans cell내(內)의 Birbeck granule에 비(比)해 수적(數的)으로 현저히 감소(減少)되어 있었다. 그러나 Thy-1 양성(陽性) dendritic cell에서 볼 수 있는 dense-core 과립(顆粒)은 별변화(別變化)없이 쉽게 관찰(觀察)될 수 있었다. 조직배양(組織培養)을 한 견(犬)의 keratinocyte에 대(對)해 사람 pemphigus vulgaris의 항체(抗體)로 반응(反應)시킨 후 protein-A gold(15 nm)로 표식(標識)시킨 바 제일 바깥 상층(上層)의 keratinocyte에 있어서 세포막표면(細胞膜表面)을 따라 표식(標識)되어 세포막항원(細胞膜抗元)을 나타내었으며, 이와 같은 소견(所見)으로 미루어 정상피부(正常皮膚) 중층편평상피세포(重層扁平上皮細胞)에서도 동일(同一)한 소견(所見)을 관찰(觀察)할 수 있다고 본다.al remnants, Resorption of fetus로 관찰된 것이다. Fetal death는 수정후 $14{\sim}18$일까지의 사망으로써 Maceration of fetus로 관찰되는 것이다. 통계학적 분석은 각 Group의 착상 을과 자궁 내 사망 율을 산출할 때에는 각 임신마우스에 따라 발생빈도가 크

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Heterologous Expression of Yeast Prepro-$\alpha$-factor in Rat $GH_3$ Cells

  • Lee, Myung-Ae;Cheong, Kwang-Ho;Han, Sang-Yeol;Park, Sang-Dai
    • Animal cells and systems
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    • 제4권2호
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    • pp.157-163
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    • 2000
  • Yeast pheromone a-factor is a 13-amino acid peptide hormone that is synthesized as a part of a larger precursor, prepro-$\alpha$-factor, consisting of a signal peptide and a proregion of 64 amino acids. The carboxy-terminal half of the precursor contains four tandem copies of mature $\alpha$-factor. To investigate the molecular basis of intracellular sorting, proteolytic processing, and storage of the peptide hormone, yeast prepro-$\alpha$-factor precursors were heterologously expressed in rat pituitary $GH_3 cells. When cells harboring the precursor were metabolically labeled, a species of approximately 27 kD appeared inside the cells. Digestion with peptide: N-glycosidase F (PNG-F) shifted the molecular mass to a 19 kD, suggesting that the 27 kD protein was the glycosylated form as in yeast cells. The nascent polypeptide is efficiently targeted to the ER in the $GH_3 cells, where it undergoes cleavage of its signal peptide and core glycosylation to generate glycosylated pro-a-factor. To look at the post ER intracellular processing, the pulse-labelled cells were chased up to 2 hrs. The nascent propeptides disappeared from the cells at a half life of 30 min and only 10-25% of the newly synthesized, unprocessed precursors were stored intracellularly after the 2 h chase. However, about 20% of the pulse-labeled pro-$\alpha$-factor precursors were secreted into the medium in the pro-hormone form. With increasing chase time, the intracellular level of propeptide decreased, but the amount of secreted propeptide could not account for the disappearance of intracellular propeptide completely. This disappearance was insensitive to lysosomotropic agents, but was inhibited at $16^{circ}C or 20^{\circ}C$, suggesting that the turnover of the precursors was not occurring in the secretory pathway to trans Golgi network (TGN) or dependent on acidic compartments. From these results, it is concluded that a pan of these heterologous precursors may be processed at its paired dibasic sites by prohormone processing enzymes located in TGN/secretpry vesicles producing small peptides, and that the residual unprocessed precursors may be secreted into the medium rather than degraded intracellularly.

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Effects of Glutamine Deprivation and Serum Starvation on the Growth of Human Umbilical Vein Endothelial Cells (재대정맥 내피세포의 증식에 미치는 글루타민 및 혈청 결핍의 영향)

  • Jeong, Jin-Woo;Lee, Hye Hyeon;Park, Cheol;Kim, Wun-Jae;Choi, Yung Hyun
    • Journal of Life Science
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    • 제23권7호
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    • pp.926-932
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    • 2013
  • Glutamine and serum are essential for cell survival and proliferation in vitro, yet the signaling pathways that sense glutamine and serum levels in endothelial cells remain uninvestigated. In this study, we examined the effects of glutamine deprivation and serum starvation on the fate of endothelial cells using a human umbilical vein endothelial cell (HUVEC) model. Our data indicated that glutamine deprivation and serum starvation trigger a progressive reduction in cell viability through apoptosis induction in HUVECs as determined by DAPI staining and flow cytometry analysis. Although the apoptotic effects were more predominant in the glutamine deprivation condition, both apoptotic actions were associated with an increase in the Bax/Bcl-2 (or Bcl-xL) ratio, down-regulation of the inhibitor of apoptosis protein (IAP) family proteins, activation of caspase activities, and concomitant degradation of poly (ADP-ribose) polymerases. Moreover, down-regulation of the expression of Bid or up-regulation of truncated Bid (tBid) were observed in cells grown under the same conditions, indicating that glutamine deprivation and serum starvation induce the apoptosis of HUVECs through a signaling cascade involving death-receptor-mediated extrinsic pathways, as well as mitochondria-mediated intrinsic caspase pathways. However, apoptosis was not induced in cells grown in glutamine- and serum-free media when compared with cells exposed to glutamine deprivation or serum starvation alone. Taken together, our data indicate that glutamine deprivation and serum starvation suppress cell viability without apoptosis induction in HUVECs.

Influence of Silicate Application on Rice Grain Quality (규산 시용이 미입의 품질에 미치는 영향)

  • Kang, Yang-Soon;Lee, Jong-Hoon;Kim, Jeong-Ill;Lee, Jae-Saeng
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    • 제42권6호
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    • pp.800-804
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    • 1997
  • To evaluate the characters related to rice grain quality as affected by silicate application, the ripened color, appearence and physicochemical properties of rice grain which were produced at the silt-loam paddy field of National Yeongnam Agricultural Exeperiment Station with a little poor drainage for trials on long-term effects of continuous application of same fertilizer were analyzed comparing with the NPK fertilizer an the NPK+compost in 1995. The whiteness value and color space value in ripened color of rice hull by silicate application were higher than those in the plots of NPK and NPK+compost, because of low percentage of rusty grain and sooty grain, The percentage of perfect grain in brown rice and in milled rice by the silicate application increased by 6.1~7.5% and by 1.8~3.5% respectively, as compared with the NPK application and white core and white belly of milled rice were decreased, The amylose content, protein content and starch-iodine blue value of milled rice by silicate application were lower than those in the plots of NPK and NPK+compost, while the peak point and breakdown viscosity of gelatinized rice flour on amylograph, and tastes value evaluated as a indicater of pannel test by nireco tester were higher. By silicate application these factors could be affected toward better in eating quality.

  • PDF

Effect of Phytohormones and Chemical Inhibitors on Pathogenesis-related Genes Identified by Differential Hybridization in Rice Suspension Culture Cells

  • Kim, Sang-Gon;Wu, Jing-Ni;Wang, Yiming;White, Ethan E.;Choi, Young-Whan;Kim, Keun-Ki;Choi, In-Soo;Kim, Yong-Cheol;Kim, Sun-Hyung;Kang, Kyu-Young;Kim, Sun-Tae
    • The Plant Pathology Journal
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    • 제26권4호
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    • pp.386-393
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    • 2010
  • In order to study disease resistance mechanisms in rice against the rice blast fungus Magnaporthe grisea, we screened fungal elicitor-responsive genes from rice suspension-cultured cells treated with fungal elicitors employing differential hybridization (DH). By DH screening, 31 distinct rice clones were isolated and a majority of them were full-length cDNAs encoding pathogenesisrelated (PR) genes. Sixteen of the 31 genes were upregulated at 4, 8, and 12 h following fungal elicitor treatment. To elucidate the effect of signal molecules and biotic elicitors on the regulation of rice defense genes, we further characterized the transcriptional expression patterns of representative isolated PR genes; OsGlu1, OsGlu2, OsTLP, OsRLK, and OsPR-10, following treatment with fungal elicitor, phytohormones, cycloheximide, and inhibitors of protein phosphorylation. Jasmonic acid (JA) induced transcriptional expression of OsGlu1, OsTLP, and OsRLK, but not of OsGlu2 and OsPR-10 at any of the tested time points. Salicylic acid (SA) and abscisic acid weakly induced the expression of OsTLP and OsRLK. SA showed an antagonistic effect with fungal elicitor and JA. Cycloheximide suppressed all these genes upon elicitor treatment, except for OsGlu2. Staurosporine only induced the expression of OsRLK. Application of calyculin A strongly induced OsRLK expression, but suppressed the expression of OsGlu2. Our study yielded a number of PR genes that play a role in defense mechanisms against the rice blast fungus, as well as contribute towards the elucidation of crosstalk between phytohormones and other modifications during defense signaling.