• Title/Summary/Keyword: conventional rice

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Gene flow from herbicide resistant genetically modified rice to conventional rice (Oryza sativa L.) cultivars

  • Han, Sung Min;Lee, Bumkyu;Won, Ok Jae;Hwang, Ki Seon;Suh, Su Jeoung;Kim, Chang-Gi;Park, Kee Woong
    • Journal of Ecology and Environment
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    • v.38 no.4
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    • pp.397-403
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    • 2015
  • Rice (Oryza sativa L.) is an important feeding crop in Asia, and utilization of genetically modified (GM) rice is highly demanding. For co-existence of GM rice and non-GM rice, the proper confinement measures should be provided. Thus, we surveyed gene flow from herbicide resistant GM rice to the conventional rice cultivars in the field tests. Gene flow frequency decreased with increasing distance between the pollen donor and recipients and did not exceed more than 1% even at the nearest distance. In single recipient model plot, a maximum gene flow frequency was observed at the shortest distance and hybrid was detected up to 12 m from the pollen donor. The direction of gene was coincided with the dominant wind direction. Gene flow assessment to multiple recipient plots was conducted under the high raining season by chance, and abrupt decline of gene flow frequency and maximum distance were resulted. According to the survey results, current regulation for isolation distance is reasonable for environmental safety or for general crop production. However, we suggest an alternative measure for GM rice cultivation that should be supplemented to overcome the out of estimation and in the environment asking higher security levels.

Fertilization of N and Si to Sustain Grain Yield and Growth Characteristics of Rice after Winter Greenhouse Water-melon Cropping

  • Cho, Young-Son;Jeon, Weon-Tae;Park, Chang-Young;Park, Ki-Do;Kang, Ui-Gum;Muthukumarasamy, Ramachandran
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    • v.51 no.6
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    • pp.505-512
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    • 2006
  • In Korea, silicate fertilization (SF) is being practiced every four years to enhance rice production. However, the relationship between nitrogen (N) and SF in view of growth characteristics and grain yield of rice has not been examined after watermelon cropping in plastic film house. This study was carried out to identify useful critical N and Si fertilizer levels to sustain grain yield and to improve N use efficiency for rice. The watermelon-rice cropping system has maintained for three seasons in each year from 1998 to 2001 by farmer before this experiment. Experiments on N and Si fertilization levels were evaluated with Hwayoungbyeo (Oryza sativa L.) in 2002 and 2003 at Uiryeong, Korea. The goal of this experiment was to find out the optimum N and Si levels to sustain rice yield by reducing excessive N fertilizer in watermelon-rice cropping system. Nitrogen fertilization (NF) levels were three ($0,\;57,\;114kg\;ha^{-1};0,\;50,\;100%$ of conventional NF amount) and five (0, 25, 50, 75, 100%) in 2002 and 2003, respectively, and combined with three SF levels ($70,\;130,\;180mg\;kg^{-1};100,\;150,\;200%$ which were adjusted with Si fertilizer in soil) were evaluated for the improvement of N and Si fertilization level in both years. Rice yielded 3.98-5.95 and 2.84-4.02 t/ha in 2002 and 2003, respectively. Our results showed the combinations of 50% and 100% of N with 200% level of Si produced the highest grain yield in both years, respectably. The grain yield was greatly improved in plot of N25% level when compared to conventional NF (Nl00%) in 2003. In conclusion, NF amount could be reduced about 50% compared to recommended level by specific fertilization of N and Si combination levels for rice growing and grain yield after cultivation watermelon in paddy field.

Economic Analysis of Rice Transplanting Method using Pot Raised Seedling for Environment-friendly Agriculture (친환경 쌀 생산을 위한 포트육묘 이앙의 경제성 분석)

  • Shin, Yong-Kyu;Choi, In-Young;Kwon, Young-Rip;Moon, Young-Hun;Choi, Dong-Chil;Lee, Wang-Hyu
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    • v.57 no.4
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    • pp.456-462
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    • 2012
  • In the new changing scenario, the goal of agriculture is shifting from traditional to sustainable and environment-friendly agriculture. Therefore, in this experiment, we analyzed economic efficiency of two methods of rice cultivation i.e. new cultural method and conventional method, at farmers' fields. In the new cultural method, cost of materials and machines (rice-transplanting and sowing machine) was found 245% higher than the conventional method. Depreciation of cost and working hours were also higher in the new cultural method by 1.9 and 1.1 time, respectively. However, cost of seeds and seedbed soil were 44.0% and 49.2% lower and total material cost was 4.4% lower than the conventional method. In the new cultural method, overall working cost of nursery raising and transplanting per 10a was 229.8% higher than the conventional method. However, in spite of high input cost, yield of rice in new cultural method was higher by 6.7% than the conventional method. Our results showed that new cultural method was better than the conventional method except the input cost. If government provide 80% subsidy for machine cost then its input cost will be reduced by 45.4% than the conventional method.

Karyotype Analyses of a Rice Cultivar 'Nakdong' and its Four Genetically Modified Events by Conventional Staining and Fluorescence in situ Hybridization

  • Jeon, Eun Jin;Ryu, Kwang Bok;Kim, Hyun Hee
    • Korean Journal of Breeding Science
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    • v.43 no.4
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    • pp.252-259
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    • 2011
  • Conventional staining and fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) karyotypes of the non-genetically modified (GM) parental rice line, 'Nakdong' (Oryza sativa L. japonica), and its four GM rice lines, LS28 (event LS30-32-20-1), Cry1Ac1 (event C7-1-9-1), and LS28 ${\times}$ Cry1Ac1 (events L/C1-1-3-1 and L/C1-3-1-1) were analyzed using 5S and 45S rDNAs as probes. Both parental and transgenic lines were diploids (2n=24) with one satellite chromosome pair. The lengths of the prometaphase chromosomes ranged from 1.50 to $6.30{\mu}m$. Four submetacentric and eight metacentric pairs comprised the karyotype of 'Nakdong' and its four GM lines. One pair of 5S rDNA signals was detected near the centromeric region of chromosome g in both the parental and transgenic lines. The 45S rDNA signals were detected on the secondary constrictions of the satellite chromosome pair in both the parental and transgenic lines. There was no significant difference in chromosome size, length, and composition between 'Nakdong' and its four GM lines. This research was conducted as a preliminary study for chromosomal detection of transgenes in GM rice lines and would be useful for their breeding programs.

Comparison of Growth, Yield and Quality between Organic Cultivation and Conventional Cultivation in Rice (Oryza sativa L.) Field (벼 유기재배와 관행재배의 생육 및 수량과 품질 비교)

  • Cha, Kwang-Hong;Oh, Hwan-Jung;Park, Ro-Dong;Park, Heung-Gyu;An, Kyu-Nam;Jung, Woo-Jin
    • Korean Journal of Organic Agriculture
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    • v.18 no.2
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    • pp.199-208
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    • 2010
  • To investigate a comparison of rice yield and quality between organic and conventional cultivation, study for occurrence of rice diseases carried out in rice (Oryza sativa L.) field of Noahn and Bannam region. The results obtained as following: 1) Bactericide and insecticide were applied twice and four times at Noahn and Bannam region in conventional cultivation (C.C) of rice field, respectively, it was applied twice at two region in organic cultivation (O.C). Rice strip virus, leaf blast, neck blast, sheath blight, bacterial leaf blight, rice water weevil, rice leaf folder, and plant hoppers were occurred mainly in rice field. Leaf blast, neck blast, and rice leaf folder were occurred highly at O.C compared with C.C. 2) Growth level of rice in clum and panicle length was lower at O.C than C.C. Number of panicles per hill was by 0.6 higher at O.C than C.C. Number of panicles per hill was by 0.6 higher at O.C than C.C in Noahn region. Number of spikelets per panicle, grain filling ratio, brown/rough rice ratio, and weight of 1,000 grains was lower at O.C than C.C. Number of panicles per hill was by 0.8 lower at O.C than C.C in Bannam region. Number of spikelets per panicle and grain filling ratio was higher at O.C than C.C while brown/rough rice ratio was lower at O.C. Total yield percentage of rice in O.C was level of 84% at Noahn region and 94% at Bannam region compared with C.C. 3) Head rice percentage was lower at in O.C than C.C at two region. Protein and palatability (Toyo value) were lower at O.C than C.C in Bannam region causing occurrence of neck blast and rice leaf folder by oversupply of nitrogen fertilizer. Protein, whiteness, and palatability (Toyo value) were adequate level at O.C in Noahn region by lower nitrogen fertilizer.

Comparison of Antioxidant Activities of Extruded Rice with Vegetables by Cold and Conventional Extrusion (저온 및 재래식 공정에 따른 쌀·야채류 압출성형물의 항산화 활성 비교)

  • An, Sang-Hee;Ryu, Gi-Hyung
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.44 no.8
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    • pp.1212-1218
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    • 2015
  • The study was designed to investigate the effects of cold and conventional extrusion on antioxidant properties of extruded rice with vegetables. Moisture content and screw speed were fixed at 25% and 150 rpm. Cold extrusion and conventional extrusion were adjusted at die temperature of $80^{\circ}C$ with a $CO_2$ injection rate of 300 mL/min and $140^{\circ}C$ without a $CO_2$ injection, respectively. Pumpkin, tomato, strawberry, and green tea powder of 10% were individually blended with rice flour. 1,1-Diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl radical-scavenging activity of extruded pumpkin and tomato mix by conventional extrusion was higher than that by cold extrusion. Total phenolic content in extruded pumpkin, tomato, and strawberry mix by cold extrusion was higher than that by conventional extrusion. Total flavonoid content was highest (18.82 mg/g) in extruded green tea by conventional extrusion. Total carotenoid content decreased in extruded pumpkin but increased in extruded tomato. Tomato extrudates with cold extrusion had higher lycopene content than conventional extrusion. Anthocyanin content of conventional extruded strawberry was higher than that of cold extrudates. Total chlorophyll contents decreased through the extrusion process.

Effects of Applied of Organic-Compound Fertilizer on the Weed Control and Rice Growth Condition in the Transplanting Rice Cultivation (벼 이앙재배에서 유기질 복합비료 시용이 잡초억제와 벼 생육환경에 미치는 영향)

  • An, Xue-Hua;Zhao, Xue-Ping;Lee, Sang-Bok;Im, Il-Bin;An, Wen-Hao
    • Korean Journal of Weed Science
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    • v.30 no.3
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    • pp.258-265
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    • 2010
  • The effects of organic-compound fertilizer on weed control and rice growth in the transplanting rice cultivation were researched in this article. The results showed that the growth of transplanted rice was promoted (the increased rate was 10.3~27.2%), but the plant number for Echinochloa crus-galli was controlled (the inhibition rate was 50.3~89.2%), besides, small amount of organic-compound fertilizer in controlling Aneilema keisak was highly effective when the transplanted rice was treated with 125~250 kg $10a^{-1}$ organic-compound fertilizer. Moreover, E. crus-galli, Monochoria vaginalis and A. keisak were inhibited largely by increasing the water depth (1~5 cm), whereas Eleocharis kuroguwai and other sedges weeds were not effected by water depth. Compared with the temperature of $20{\sim}35^{\circ}C$, the plant occurrence of E. crus-galli and M. vaginalis at high temperature was inhibited (the inhibition rate were 75.4~92.2% and 49.5%~81.6%, respectively). When the transplanted rice was treated with the above organic-compound fertilizer after 10day, the inhibition rate of plant occurrence for E. crus-galli and M. vaginalis was 33.7% and 23.3%, respectively. Similarly, in the later period of rice growth, the plant height and the numbers of tiller grew slowly in conventional soil in comparison with the soil treated with organic-compound fertilizer. It has been found that the rice yield in experimental soil was decreased by 4%. This result in the field experiment showed that organic material contents in conventional soil were lower than that in soil which used the organic-compound fertilizer. Weed control in experimental soil showed 60.5% lower effects than that in conventional soil.

A Potential Biological Weed Control by Golden Apple Snail(Pomacea canaliculata) in Wet Hill Seeded Rice with Iron-coated Seeds (벼 무논점파(철분코팅종자)재배에서 친환경 잡초관리를 위한 왕우렁이 이용 기술개발)

  • Park, Kwang-Ho
    • Korean Journal of Weed Science
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    • v.32 no.3
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    • pp.273-279
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    • 2012
  • This experiment was conducted to determine a potential effective biological weed control and/or rice young seedling injury by golden apple snail (Pomacea canaliculata) at wet hill seeded rice field. The rice seeds used were treated by iron-coating. The efficacy of weed control as affected by golden apple snail has been tested with twice applications of young golden apple snails of 12 kg (24,000 young snails, $0.5g{\pm}10%$ per young snail, 30~40 days after hatching) per ha at the same day after harrowing and applied with rate of 10 kg (20,000 young snails) per ha at 15days after seeding, respectively. The comparison of this experiment was of the conventional machine transplanted rice paddy field in terms of weed control and rice plant injury as a visual grade. The weed efficacy was of 100% similar with the conventional paddy field which was applied by systematic herbicides of pre-emergence and post-emergence chemical herbicides and there was 1~3% significant rice young seedling injury but no yield losses and grain quality due to the input of golden apple snail.

Weeding Effect of Using Soybean Cake and Cultivating Weeder Together in Rice Bran Farming (쌀겨 이용 잡초관리시 대두박 혼합 및 중경제초기 병용 효과)

  • Ahn, Seung-Hyun;Kim, Sun;Im, Il-Bin;Moon, Youn-Ho;Cha, Young-Lok;Bark, Surn-Teh;Koo, Bon-Cheo;Suh, Sae-Jung
    • Korean Journal of Weed Science
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    • v.30 no.3
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    • pp.266-271
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    • 2010
  • This study was conducted to improve weeding effect by rice bran farming technique. In the weeding effect experiment by application timing control of rice bran and soybean cake, weeding efficacy was the highest at the treatment of conventional application of rice bran. The treatment of soybean cake with rice bran was unfavorable, but Echinochloa crus-galli occurred little at the treatment of soybean cake at 5 days after transplanting, so it is thought that further study about inhibitor of early E. crus-galli occurrence in soybean cake is necessary. Cultivating weeder was effective at the treatments of rice bran and soybean cake together, of which weed occurrence was more than conventional rice bran, and precise experiments about cultivating weeding time and method will be necessary.

Occurence of Bakanae Disease (Gibberella fujikuroi) Growth Characteristics of Rice by Different Disinfection Methods (소독 방법에 따른 벼 키다리병 발생 및 생육 특성)

  • Kim, Se-Jong;Won, Jong-Gun;Ahn, Duok-Jong;Park, So-Deuk;Choi, Chung-Don
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    • v.53 no.4
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    • pp.417-420
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    • 2008
  • This study was carried out to compare the growth and yield characteristics between bakanae diseases (Gibberella fujikuroi) infected and uninfected rice plants with different disinfection mothods. The infected rice seeds, harvested previous year, were disinfected either with prochloraz for 48 hours at $33^{\circ}C$ in germinator or 24 hours at room temperature and not disinfected. In the methods of disinfection, it is more effective in disinfected by prochloraz for 48 hours at $33^{\circ}C$ using germinator near to 0% of infection rate, followed by conventional method as 5.0% and 76% in not disinfected rice seeds. In the rice yield components among the disinfection methods, panicles were increased about 11% in the disinfected seeds using germinator for 48 hours compared to conventional method. Ripening grain rate also increased at the disinfected using germinator as $80.3{\sim}80.3%$, improved more than $4.9{\sim}5.9%$ compared to the conventional disinfection. From these results, the rice yield was $512{\sim}517\;kg/1,000\;m^2$ at the disinfected using germinator which increased more than $6{\sim}7%$ compared to the conventional disinfection.