• Title/Summary/Keyword: conventional impellers

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Solid-Liquid Mass Transfer in Gas-Solid-Liquid 3-Phase System Agitated Vessel (기 - 액 - 고 3상계 교반조내의 고-액간 물질이동)

  • Lee, Young Sei;Kato, Yoshihito;Suzuki, Junichiro
    • Applied Chemistry for Engineering
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    • v.17 no.5
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    • pp.509-516
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    • 2006
  • The solid-liquid mass transfer coefficients kL in a gas-liquid-solid three phases agitated vessel were measured with conventional impellers (e.g. Rushton turbine, paddle, and propeller). For the conventional impellers the rotational speed for the complete suspension Njs changes with the impeller height and gas flow rate. Mass transfer coefficient of the Rushton turbin impeller, for which the particle suspension was independent of the aeration, is correlated only with Pgv. Mass transfer coefficients kL for the Rushton turbine, paddle and propeller impellers were affected by the impeller position.

Production of Bacterial Cellulose by Gluconacetobacter hansenii Using a New Bioreactor Equipped with Centrifugal Impellers (원심 임펠러가 장착된 발효조에서 G. hansenii에 의한 미생물셀룰로오스 생산)

  • Khan, Salman;Shehzad, Omer;Khan, Taous;Ha, Jung Hwan;Park, Joong Kon
    • Korean Chemical Engineering Research
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    • v.47 no.4
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    • pp.506-511
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    • 2009
  • In order to improve the bacterial cellulose(BC) production yield, centrifugal and inclined centrifugal impellers were developed. A 6 flat-blade turbine impeller was used as a control system. The flow pattern in the fermenter and volumetric oxygen transfer coefficient(kLa) of these fermentation systems were studied. Fermentations were carried out for the production of BC by G. hansenii PJK in a 2-L jar fermenter equipped with new impellers. Liquid medium was circulated from the bottom, through the cylinder of the impeller and to the wall. The volumetric oxygen transfer coefficients, kLa, of inclined centrifugal and centrifugal impeller systems at 100 rpm were 23 and 15% of the conventional turbine impeller system, respectively. However, the conversion of microbial cells to cellulose non-producing mutant decreased and this results in the increase in BC production at low rotating speed of impellers.


  • Kim, Myeong-Kuk;Jung, Yong-Soo;Park, No-gill
    • 유체기계공업학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 1998.12a
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    • pp.159-165
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    • 1998
  • Bearing design of turbo type geared centrifugal air compressor for low vibration level has been studied. The Transfer Matrix Method was used in this paper to analyze the air-compressor consisting of impellers, multi-stage geared rotors, and oil-film hearings. We have to consider this air-compressor as multi-geared rotating system, because characteristics of rotor-bearing system are different from conventional characteristics of non-rotating system. From the view point of Rotordynamics, the stiffness and damping coefficient of oil-film bearing in case of compressor system are more sensitive than other design parameters such as shaft length, shaft diameter and the weight of impellers, etc. Therefore, the stiffness and damping coefficients on each bearing were considered as design parameters. As the result of this study, turbo type air compressor with low vibration level can be achieved.

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Internal Flow Measurement of Very Low Specific Speed Semi-Open Impeller by PIV (PIV를 이용한 극저비속도 세미오픈임펠러의 내부유동 계측)

  • Nishino Koichi;Lee Young-Ho;Choi Young-Do
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers B
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    • v.29 no.7 s.238
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    • pp.773-783
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    • 2005
  • Internal flow measurement of very low specific-speed semi-open impellers has been carried out by PIV in order to understand better the internal flow patterns that are responsible fur the unique performance of these centrifugal pumps operating in the range of very low specific speed. Two types of impellers, one equipped with six radial blades (Impeller A) and the other with four conventional backward-swept blades (Impeller B), are tested in a centrifugal pump operating at a non-dimensional specific-speed of ns=0.24. Complex flow patterns captured by PIV are discussed in conjunction with the overall pump performance measured separately. It is revealed that Impeller A achieves higher effective head than Impeller B even though the flow patterns in Impeller A are more complex, exhibiting secondary flows and reverse flows in the impeller passage. It is shown that both the localized strong outward flow at the pressure side of each blade outlet and the strong outward through-flow along the suction side of each blade are responsible for the better head performance of Impeller A.

Rotordynamci Effects Due to Aerodynamic Instability in a Turbo-compressor with Air Foil Bearings (공기 포일 베어링으로 지지되는 터보 압축기의 공력 불안정성이 로터에 미치는 진동 영향)

  • Kim, Tae-Ho;Lee, Yong-Bok;Kim, Chang-Ho;Kim, Kwang-Ho;Lee, Nam-Soo
    • 유체기계공업학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2002.12a
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    • pp.191-198
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    • 2002
  • Oil-free turbo-compressor supported by compliant foil bearings which remove oil-contamination by elimination of the conventional ball bearing and oil lubrication systems is presented. Turbo-compressor makes two individual air compression with two impellers at operating speed, 39,000rpm. In this study, the rotordynamic effects caused by aerodynamic instability were investigated with variable mass flow rate. Correlation between frequencies of pressure fluctuation in two diffusers and those of excitation forces on rotor were clearly developed in aerodynamic unsteady region. Thus, these results show that it is beneficial to design high speed rotating turbomachinery considering coupling effect between aerodynamic instability and rotordynamic force.

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Rotordynamic Effects Due to Aerodynamic Instability in a Turbo-compressor with Air Foil Bearings (공기 포일 베어링으로 지지되는 터보 압축기의 공력 불안정성이 로터에 미치는 진동 영향)

  • Kim, Tae-Ho;Lee, Yong-Bok;Kim, Chang-Ho;Lee, Nam-Soo;Kim, Kwang-Ho;Shin, You-Hwan
    • The KSFM Journal of Fluid Machinery
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    • v.6 no.2 s.19
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    • pp.62-69
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    • 2003
  • An oil-free turbo-compressor supported by compliant foil bearings which remove oil-contamination by elimination of a conventional ball bearing and oil lubrication systems is presented. Turbo-compressor makes two individual air compressions with two impellers at a operating speed of 39,000 rpm. In this study, the rotordynamic effects caused by aerodynamic instability were investigated with variable mass flow rates. Correlations between frequencies of pressure fluctuation in two diffusers and those of excitation forces on rotor were clearly observed in an aerodynamic unsteady region. Thus, these results show that it is beneficial to design high-speed rotating turbomachinery by considering coupling effect between aerodynamic instability and rotordynamic force.

Cavitation in a Shaft-less Double Suction Centrifugal Miniature Pump

  • Zhuang, Baotang;Luo, Xianwu;Zhu, Lei;Wang, Xin;Xu, Hongyuan
    • International Journal of Fluid Machinery and Systems
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    • v.4 no.1
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    • pp.191-198
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    • 2011
  • Based on the consideration that the cavitation would affect the operation stability of miniature pumps, the 3-D turbulent cavitating flow in a test pump was simulated by using a mixed cavitation model and k-ω SST turbulence model. In order to investigate the influence of inlet geometry parameters on the cavitation performance of the miniature pump, two more impellers are designed for comparison. Based on the results, the following conclusions are drawn: 1) Cavitation performance of the double suction shaft-less miniature pump having different impeller is equivalent to the centrifugal pump having ordinary size, though the flow passage at impeller inlet is small; 2) The miniature pump having radial impeller can produce much higher pump head, but lower cavitation performance than that having the impeller based on the conventional design method; 3) It is believed that by applying the double suction design, the miniature pump achieved relatively uniform flow pattern upstream the impeller inlet, which is favorable for improving cavitation performance.

A Numerical Study on Tip Rake HAT Impeller Performance for Tidal Stream Power (조류발전용 팁 레이크 HAT 임펠러 성능 수치해석 연구)

  • Shin, Byung-Chul;Kim, Moon-Chan;Do, In-Rok;Rhee, Shin-Hyung;Hyun, Beom-Soo;Song, Mu-Seok
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Marine Environment & Energy
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    • v.13 no.4
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    • pp.263-269
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    • 2010
  • The present study deals with the investigation about the improvement of performance of tidal stream turbine blade (HAT) with tip rake. HAT impeller has sometimes experienced noise and vibration by Tip vortex which causes even erosion and severe efficiency loss to the blade, The newly proposed tip rake impeller can make the tip vortex week compared with a normal impeller by preventing the three dimensional effect at tip region. In order to find out the optimum rake impeller, three cases have been designed and the performance of the designed rake impellers has been validated by the commercial CFD code(Fluent). The efficiency of optimized rake impeller was up to 4.6% higher than the conventional impeller. The more parametric study for high efficiency and good cavitation performance is expected to be conducted in a near future.

Experimental Study for The Development of a Blower to Extend The Life of The Impeller and Reduce The Power Cost by Changing the Air Flow (공기흐름 변경으로 임펠러의 수명연장과 전력비 절감을 위한 송풍기 개발을 위한 실험적 연구)

  • Kim, Il-Gyoum;Park, Woo-Cheul;Sohn, Sang-Suk;Kim, Young-Nam
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.21 no.11
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    • pp.219-225
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    • 2020
  • In this study, the prototype of a blower was designed and made to develop a long-life blower with a volume flow rate of 10,000 ㎥/min with a required total pressure efficiency of 83% or more. Five experimental impellers with various lengths of dust deflectors were manufactured and used for the erosion experiments. The erosion test was conducted by operating for 160 hours in a self-produced closed loop-type erosion test apparatus. A prototype of a model blower was designed, fabricated, and tested. The results revealed a total pressure, air volume flow rate, and efficiency of 690.6 mmAq, 16,243.6 ㎥/min, and 83.6%, respectively, as the result of conversion to a blower based on the measured value of the blower model. The prototype was designed and fabricated as the experimental erosion equipment of the blower. A blower with a dust deflector was developed by performing the erosion experiments under harsh conditions. The blower showed an improved effect of more than 190% based on the wear thickness of the impeller compared to a conventional blower without a dust deflector.