• Title/Summary/Keyword: continuing professional development

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A Proposal for the Future of Medical Education Accreditation (의학교육 평가인증의 미래를 위한 제언)

  • Lim, Ki-Young
    • Korean Medical Education Review
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    • v.22 no.1
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    • pp.28-31
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    • 2020
  • For the past 20 years, the medical education accreditation program of Korean Institute of Medical Education and Evaluation (KIMEE) has contributed greatly to the standardization and improvement of the quality of basic medical education in Korea. Now, it contributes to establishing and promoting the future of medical education. Since its inception in 2019, Accreditation Standard of KIMEE 2019 (ASK2019) aims to achieve world-class medical education through the application of learner-centered curriculum using a continuum framework for the three phases of formal medical education: basic medical education, post-graduate medical education, and continuing professional development. ASK2019 also promotes medical education which meets community needs and employs systematic assessments throughout the education process. These are important changes that can be used to gauge the future of the medical education accreditation system. Furthermore, internationalization, interprofessional education, health systems science, and on-going, permanent self-assessment systems in every medical school are emerging as important topics for the future of medical education. It's time for the medical education accreditation system in Korea to observe and adopt new trends in global medical education.

A Study on Policy for Data Convergence infrastructure of e-Learning Industry (이러닝산업의 데이터융합 기반 구축 정책과제 제안)

  • Ju, Seong-Hwan;Noh, Kyoo-Sung
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.77-83
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    • 2015
  • This study, according as the limits on learning and unsatisfaction about e-learning are emerging and the structural contradictions of the e-learning industry are continuing, was carried out to present the policy alternatives for solving these. As a means for overcoming the limitations of e-learning and the healthy growth of e-learning industry, this study presents the application of Bigdata in e-learning and proposes several practical challenges of policy. Policy action plans are technology development support, professional manpower support, SME application support, legal improvement.

Organization of Independent Work of Students of Higher Pedagogical Universities of Ukraine by Means of Moodle

  • Alla, Lukіianchuk;Dmytro, Yefimov;Oksana, Biletska;Andrii, Hrytsenko;Oxana, Hevko
    • International Journal of Computer Science & Network Security
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    • v.22 no.7
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    • pp.421-426
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    • 2022
  • This study aimed to determine the effectiveness of the Moodle system in the organization of independent work of students of pedagogical profile.The purpose of the article is to analyze the Moodle platform as an innovative element of educational and pedagogical strategies and a component of the educational and methodological content for the self-study of students.Methodology is divided into clusters: general scientific (analysis, classification), ICT methods (modeling, informatization), and philosophical (synergetics). The study revealed the reorientation of Moodle from an auxiliary element to an alternative format in the organization of independent work of student teachers. Prospects for further scientific research determined in the interest of all participants in the educational process in the further development of Moodle as an effective tool for self-education of future teachers.

Information Technologies in the Formation of Environmental Consciousness in Future Professionals

  • Tomchuk, Mykhailo;Khrolenko, Maryna;Volokhata, Kateryna;Bakka, Yuliia;Ieresko, Oleg;Kambalova, Yanina
    • International Journal of Computer Science & Network Security
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    • v.22 no.1
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    • pp.331-339
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    • 2022
  • The global process of transition from industrial to information society, as well as socio-economic changes taking place in Ukraine, require significant changes in many areas of state activity. It is especially connected with the reforms in the sphere of education. Today, national programs provide for the development of education on the basis of new progressive concepts, the introduction of the educational process of new pedagogical technologies and scientific achievements, the creation of a new system of information education, entrance of Ukaine into the transcontinental computer information system. Information technologies are qualitatively changing the key resources of development: this is no longer a space with fixed production, but primarily mobile finance and intelligence. They have a direct impact on the formation of personal growth, professional content and self-organization, emotional and psychological maturity and consciousness, and so on. One of the main factors in ensuring the stability and social education of the country's citizens is the culture of security, the formation and development of which is an urgent problem today. Comprehensive and systematic development of security culture will significantly increase the readiness of the population, the level of environmental, labor and patriotic education, reduce human losses, material damage from emergencies. Ecological education can be carried out more successfully only gradually and in accordance with the socio-psychological periods of one's development: kindergarten - school - college - university. The creation of such a system of environmental education should be enshrined as the basis of state environmental policy as a constitutional norm with the usage of information technology. Graduates of universities, who are the future of our country, after mastering the skills of basic environmental education must have a high level of environmental culture, which is, in turn, part of general human culture, and investigate environmental issues from the standpoint of their profession. It is known that with the help of environmental education the collective intelligence of society is formed, which can predict human activities and processes occurring in nature, and in some way to help with the elimination of crises. It is through environmental education that another system of human values is being formed, which places great emphasis on intangible wealth and solidarity, and great responsibility of humanity for the ecological state of the native country; provides a higher standard of living as a result of sustainable development, through the introduction of information technology in this system. To improve the quality of life, we need better knowledge, which must be implemented through information technology at the international level.

Factors Influencing The Perception of Continuing Medical Education for Radiological Technologist (방사선사 보수교육 인식에 영향을 미치는 요인)

  • Yang, Sung-Hee;Lee, Dong-Yeon
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.21 no.7
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    • pp.629-636
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    • 2021
  • The study analyzes the relationship between demand, satisfaction, and perception for non-face-to-face continuing medical education(CME) conducted in 2020 for 225 radiological technologist license holders working in the Busan area, and the factors that influence the positive perception of CME. T-test and one way ANOVA were used, and stepwise multiple regression analysis was performed. As a result, there were high demands for mobile publicity, professional radiological technologist, educational expenses support from institution heads, and CME. Male radiological technologist, over 50 years of age, and the more experienced they had a job chance, the more they had a positive perception. In the correlation between variables, the perception of the education system and the need for education showed a positive correlation. The higher the satisfaction with the education system, the higher the perception of the need for education. About 53% of the content was satisfied. Therefore, in order to raise awareness of CME, it is considered that policy changes to the education system are necessary first of all. It is considered that the search for the development of education content and educational content is necessary above all.

Physical Therapist's Understanding and the Usage of Assessment Tools for Children With Delayed Development and Cerebral Palsy (발달지연 아동 및 뇌성마비 아동의 평가실태와 물리치료사들의 평가에 대한 인식도 조사)

  • Park, Hey-Jeong;Yi, Chung-Hwi;Cho, Sang-Hyun;Kwon, Hyuk-Cheol
    • Physical Therapy Korea
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.1-21
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    • 2000
  • The purposes of this study were to research the current state of evaluation of children with delayed development and cerebral palsy and determine pediatric physical therapists' knowledge of assessment tools and their use. The subjects were 130 pediatric physical therapists (general hospitals, university-related hospitals, rehabilitation centers, etc.). Data was obtained from August 24, 1999 to October 18, 1999 by means of a survey questionnaire. The results were as follows: 1. The current state of pediatric physical therapist evaluation of children with delayed development and cerebral palsy. 1) Tools used to assess functional areas of children with cerebral palsy were: subjective description format-128 (47.1%); the GMFM-58 (21.3%); facility-generated tool-51 (18.8%); and DDST-15 (5.5%). 2) Tools used to assess developmentally delayed children were: subjective description format-121 (50.6%); the GMFM-43 (18.0%); facility-generated tool-41 (17.2%); and DDS T-14 (5.9%). 3) After their college or university study, therapists who had attended lectures on evaluation were 113 (86.9%); 13 (10.0%) therapists had not attended any lectures on evaluation 2. Test scores of physical therapists' professional knowledge of evaluation procedures: high (more than 36 points)-74 (56.9%); moderate (18~35 points)-39 (30.0%); and low (below 17 points)-none. 1) For therapists treating cerebral palsied children, 73 (65.2%) were in the high range, 39 (34.8%) were in the moderate range and none were in the low range. 2) For therapists treating children with delayed development, 71 (65.7%) were in the high range, 37 (34.3%) were in the moderate range and none were in the low range. Although the general degree of professional knowledge of evaluation was quite high, there was a lack of variety in the assessment tools used With a large number of therapists depending on subjective description. Possible reasons for the low rate of objective asses sment tool use: 1) Poor clinical environment: too many clients and lirnited treatment time. 2) Lack of any medical insurance fee category for specific assessment tools. 3) Lack of continuing education opportunities in pediatric evaluation skills during or after either college-based (3 year) or university-based (4 year) education programs. Based on the study results, provision of more extended educational opportunities would promote the use of a greater variety of objective assessment tools by pediatric physical therapists.

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Review of Communal Housing for the Elderly in the UK (영국의 노인공동생활주택에 대한 검토)

  • 홍형옥
    • Journal of Families and Better Life
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    • v.19 no.4
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    • pp.49-68
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    • 2001
  • The purpose of this study was 1) to review communal housing in the UK, 2) to consider the policy implications for elderly communal housing in Korea. The research methods used were 1) literature review about communal housing and related policy in the UK 2) field survey in the UK 3) interpretative suggestion for the proper policy implication to develope communal housing for the elderly in Korea. Sheltered housing in the UK had been developed as communal housing for the elderly with special needs since the 1970s. The type of sheltered housing were category 1 and category 2. Very sheltered housing with more facilities and meal services was added in 1980s. Sheltered housing was evaluated as the most humanistic solution for older people in the UK in 1980s. Because of the policy of moving institutional care to community care, sheltered housing became less in demand because of more options for older people including being able to stay in their own home. So new completion of sheltered housing by registered social landlords reduced saliently. Sheltered housing already totalled over half million units in which 5% of all elderly over 65 still lived and a small quantity of private sector for sale schemes emerged in the 1990s. The reason why the residents moved to sheltered housing was for sociable, secure, and manageable living arrangements. In general the residents were satisfied with these characteristics but dissatisfied with the service charge and quality of meals, especially in category 2.5 schemes. The degree of utilisation of communal spaces and facilities depended on the wardens ability and enthusiasm. Evaluation of sheltered housing indicated several problems such as wardens duty as a \"good neighbour\" ; difficult-to-let problems with poor location or individual units of bedsittiing type with shared bathroom ; and the under use of communal spaces and facilities. Some ideas to solve these problems were suggested by researchers through expanding wardens duty as a professional, opening the scheme to the public, improving interior standards, and accepting non-elderly applicants who need support. Some researchers insisted continuing development of sheltered housing, but higher standards must be considered for the minority who want to live in communal living arrangement. Recently, enhanced sheltered housing with greater involvement of relatives and with tied up policy in registration and funding suggested as an alternative for residential care. In conclusion, the rights of choice for older people should be policy support for special needs housing. Elderly communal housing, especially a model similar to sheltered housing category 2 with at least 1 meal a day might be recommended for a Korean Model. For special needs housing development either for rent or for sale, participation of the public sector and long term and low interest financial support for the private sector must be developed in Korea. Providing a system for scheme managers to train and retrain must be encouraged. The professional ability of the scheme manager to plan and to deliver services might be the most important factor for the success of elderly communal housing projects in Korea. In addition the expansion of a public health care service, the development of leisure programs in Senior Citizens Centre, home helper both for the elderly in communal housing and the elderly in mainstream housing of the community as well. Providing of elderly communal housing through the modified general Construction Act rather than the present Elderly Welfare Act might be more helpful to encourage the access of general people in Korea. in Korea.

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A Study on Two Nursing Organization;Choseon Ganhoboohoi(賴健看議婚會) Tried to Improve the Standard of Nursing and Choseon Ganhoboohyophoi (朝鮮看護婦協會) Tried to do Social Activities (일제시대의 두 간호단체에 관한 고찰(考察);조선간호부회(朝鮮看護婦會)의 간호수준 향상 노력과 조선간호부협회(朝鮮看護婦協會)의 사회 활동)

  • Yi, Gaod-Me
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing Administration
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    • v.6 no.3
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    • pp.421-429
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    • 2000
  • Two nurses' assications were organized in Korea during Japanese colonial period One was Choseon Ganhoboohoi(朝餘看護續會, the Korean Nurses' Association)started in 1923 and the other was Choseon Ganhoboohoiphoi started in 1924. Two nursing associations were very different in their members and activities. Choseon Ganhoboohoi was organized and lead by Western missionary nurses in Korea and their Korean pupil nurses. The aim of Choseon Ganhoboohoi was to become a member of ICN. Choseon Ganhoboohoi united with the Western Graduate nurses' Association in Korea, tried to raise the standard of nursing education, and became a branch of Japan Imperial Nurses' Association. All was to become a member of ICN. It continued 15 years and was quite active. But after the half of 1930s Japan's ruling policy became more and more suppressive and western missionaries were expelled from Korea so it could not but discontinue it's activities. Choseon Ganhoboohoiphoi(朝鮮觸護續協會) was organized and lead by Korean nurses. The aim of it was to do the role of nurses by social activities. So it tried health education for the public, It continued only about 2 years, But the leaders of Choseon Ganhoboohoiphoi moved to women's liberation movement and Korean liberation movement and tried to solve the problems of colonized women. The organizations and activities of Choseon Ganhoboohoi and Choseon Ganhoboohoi were two trends to develop Korean nursing during Japaneses Colonial period. The former asked for international cognizance by the raise of nursing standard, and the latter asked for national cognizance by social activities. Although two nurses' associations were different in their ways but quite same in the aspect that both tried for the development of nursing in Korea. But the colonial situation prevented them from continuing their activities. This means that the colonial situation of national level influenced deeply on the development of nursing profession.

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The Analysis of Professional Education Needs for the Competencies of Occupational Therapists in Cognitive Rehabilitation: Focusing on the Professors in Occupational Therapy Departments of Universities/Colleges in Korea (작업치료사의 인지재활 직무역량에 대한 교육요구도 분석: 국내 대학 작업치료(학)과 교수자를 중심으로)

  • Hong, Seung-Pyo;Lee, Hee-Ryoung;Han, Dae-Sung;Ju, Yu-Mi;Kim, Young-Geun
    • Therapeutic Science for Rehabilitation
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    • v.12 no.3
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    • pp.45-59
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    • 2023
  • Objective : This study aims to identify the status of education in cognitive rehabilitation (CR) in occupational therapy departments of Korean universities/colleges and to analyze the educational needs for professional competencies. Methods : This study was conducted by distributing a questionnaire to professors. The questionnaire extracted items related to professional competencies from the results of a previous Delphi study. A total of 39 respondents from 32 (51.6%) of 62 universities/colleges were analyzed. The questionnaire analysis was conducted using Excel 2010 and SPSS 18.0 to analyze the Borich requirements and the priority of education through the Locus for focus model. Results : The priority of competency in CR was followed by "clinical reasoning ability to explain cognitive problems from the occupational performance perspective", "ability to manage insurance billing for CR", "ability to establish a CR plan based on outcome evaluation", "ability to perform occupation-oriented CR", and "ability to solve problems that occur during CR evaluation and intervention". In the Locus for focus model, items such as occupation-based cognitive assessment, intervention, and skills for documentation were high priorities for education. Conclusion : This study is expected to reflect educational competencies for CR and establish a plan for CR specialists through continuing education.

The Issues in the Revised National Certification of Sports Coaches (개정된 체육지도자 국가자격제도의 쟁점)

  • Cho, Min-Haeng
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.21 no.8
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    • pp.440-446
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    • 2020
  • This article highlights the issues and problems in the revised National Sports Promotion Act, Article 11(Fostering of certified sports leaders) and Article 11-2(Designation, etc. of qualifying examination institutions and training institutions) that were amended by Presidential decrees and Ordinances of the Ministry to implement the acts, July. 4, 2014. The national certification that was introduced to promote job career and to effectively manage human resource is forming a strong link with the education and labor market. Given the numerous human resources majoring in sports and exercise of the higher education and as they are providing them with professionalization of curriculum and instruction in higher education, the national sports promotion act administrative legislation article 8-2(offering certification for any person aged over 18 years old) should be omitted. The national sports promotion act administrative legislation article 12(Training course) that requires 90 hours of professional development should be revised to a few hours of continuing professional development every year.