• Title/Summary/Keyword: consumer preferences

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Determining Food Nutrition Information Preference Through Big Data Log Analysis (빅데이터 로그분석을 통한 식품영양정보 선호도 분석)

  • Hana Song;Hae-Jeung, Lee;Hunjoo Lee
    • Journal of Food Hygiene and Safety
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    • v.38 no.5
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    • pp.402-408
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    • 2023
  • Consumer interest in food nutrition continues to grow; however, research on consumer preferences related to nutrition remains limited. In this study, big data analysis was conducted using keyword logs collected from the national information service, the Korean Food Composition Database (K-FCDB), to determine consumer preferences for foods of nutritional interest. The data collection period was set from January 2020 to December 2022, covering a total of 2,243,168 food name keywords searched by K-FCDB users. Food names were processed by merging them into representative food names. The search frequency of food names was analyzed for the entire period and by season using R. In the frequency analysis for the entire period, steamed rice, chicken, and egg were found to be the most frequently consumed foods by Koreans. Seasonal preference analysis revealed that in the spring and summer, foods without broth and cold dishes were consumed frequently, whereas in fall and winter, foods with broth and warm dishes were more popular. Additionally, foods sold by restaurants as seasonal items, such as Naengmyeon and Kongguksu, also exhibited seasonal variations in frequency. These results provide insights into consumer interest patterns in the nutritional information of commonly consumed foods and are expected to serve as fundamental data for formulating seasonal marketing strategies in the restaurant industry, given their indirect relevance to consumer trends.

Preferences for Fashion Jewelry Depending on Consumption Value (소비가치에 따른 패션주얼리의 선호도)

  • Kim, Min-Ho
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.12 no.12
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    • pp.567-576
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    • 2012
  • This study aimed to analyze preferences depending on consumption value in relation to fashion jewelry design, colors, and materials. For this, 156 female consumers participated in it as subjects, and for a research tool of consumption value, VALS (Values and Life Style) technique was employed to make an empirical analysis by dividing it into three types such as principle-oriented value, status-oriented value and behavior-oriented value. Research findings indicate that above all, there are differences in preferences depending on characteristics of fashion jewelry design depending on consumption value. It was found that there are differences in preferences depending on numbers of setting of fashion jewelry depending on consumption value, but it was found that there are no differences in preferences depending on jewelry materials. In addition, it was observed that for color characteristics of fashion jewelry, there are differences in preferences depending on consumption value. There are differences in preferences for fashion jewelry depending on consumption value, which indicates that preferences for products change depending on consumers' consumption value rather than use value. And it can be an explanation for this reason. Therefore, it is necessary to work out a more efficient strategy through a process of setting up a target according to consumption value.

Consumer Preferences for Tea-Related Smartphone Applications: Focus on 20's Consumers ('차(茶)' 관련 스마트폰 앱에 대한 소비자 선호도와 특성: 20대를 중심으로)

  • Yoo, Yang-Seok
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.15 no.3
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    • pp.352-361
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    • 2015
  • Tea is one of the three most consumed drinks in the world along with coffee and cocoa, and it represents culture and tradition. There are more than 1,000 tea-related smartphone applications registered in the Apple App Store and Google Play. This study examined, for the consumers of the 20's, if there are differences in consumer preferences for tea-related applications based on gender, age, tea consumption amount and tea drinking duration. Based on surveys of 169 tea consumers, this study found that there were significant differences in consumer preferences for tea-related applications based on age and tea drinking amount. The applications of 'tea places,' 'entertainment,' and 'tea timer' were preferred by the consumers of 20's and 'etiquette,' 'tea ceremony,' 'teaware,'and 'tea information recording' were favored by the consumers of 30's and older. The consumers with higher drinking amount showed higher preferences for tea etiquette related applications. There were no significant differences for tea-related applications based on gender and tea drinking duration. The result of the study is expected to contribute to the development of tea related applications with higher appeals to consumers as well as traditional Korean drinks.

Study on analysis with partial least square path modeling using multiple factor analysis (다중요인분석을 이용한 부분 최소제곱 경로 모형에 대한 고찰)

  • Park, Ri-Ra;Lee, Eun-Kyung
    • The Korean Journal of Applied Statistics
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    • v.31 no.3
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    • pp.315-328
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    • 2018
  • In this paper, we examine the methodology to predict consumer preferences using several groups of attributes of products and application to real data. In the food industry, studies are in progress to investigate the relationship between product attributes and consumer preferences; consequently, various methodologies are proposed. Among these methodologies, we consider multiple factor analysis (MFA). The result of the MFA enable the division of consumers into four clusters with similar liking and the defining of preference characteristics for each cluster. Also, using the results of multiple factor analysis, we find the partial least squares path model to predict consumer preferences through the characteristics of the product and the characteristics evaluated by consumers. We can understand the relationship between the cluster of consumers and the preferred/undesirable characteristics of products through the partial least squares path model applied to two clusters with different liking. When multiple factor analysis is used in the partial least squares path model, it is possible to investigate relationships between products and consumers by analyzing product characteristics and consumer preferences simultaneously. The results can be applied to product developments and sales which makes this methodology important and useful.

Forecasting Future Broadcasting Service Market based on the Consumer Preferences for the Attributes of New Convergence Broadcasting Services (신규 융합형 방송서비스 속성에 대한 소비자 선호 분석을 통한 미래 방송서비스 시장 예측)

  • Koh Dae-Young;Kim Tai-Yoo;Lee Jong-Su
    • Journal of Technology Innovation
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    • v.14 no.1
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    • pp.227-254
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    • 2006
  • Under the recent trend of telecommunications and broadcasting convergence, much more various forms of new convergence broadcasting services are being introduced than ever before. Owing to the unique advantages, new convergence broadcasting services are expected to bring drastic changes to the current broadcasting service market. In this research, we attempt to examine what kind of attributes critically affect the competition among new convergence broadcasting services, and how much competitive they will be, based on the quantitative information about consumer preferences for the important attributes of new convergence broadcasting services. Conjoint survey was used in order to obtain stated preference data of consumers. From the results, some implications are obtained as follows. First, even though new convergence broadcasting services have many unique advantages, still price is the most important for the consumers. Second, it is expected that considerable consumer valuation exists for the unique advantages of new convergence broadcasting services like mobility and dual-way interactivity, which will add the competitiveness of those services in the future. Third, since midterm advertising puts negative utility on consumers, broadcasting services with midterm advertising will not be preferred to those with neither advertising nor midterm advertising. Fourth, service coverage and the number of consumers using the same broadcasting service have a significant feedback effect on the competition between broadcasting services from the dynamic aspect. Lastly, the consumer preference can be affected by demographic variables like age and gender, and broadcasting service usage patterns such as channel switchover for escaping advertisement and frequency of using other recorded media. Main findings of our research might become useful information for both telecommunication and broadcasting companies, contents providers, advertisers, and policy and regulation makers to cope with the uncertain environment of telecommunication and broadcasting convergence.

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Quality Characteristics of Jelly added with Peach(Prunus persica L. Batsch) Powder (복숭아 분말 첨가 젤리의 품질특성)

  • Lee, Jeong-Ae
    • Culinary science and hospitality research
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    • v.22 no.3
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    • pp.108-120
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    • 2016
  • This study investigated the quality characteristics of jelly containing peach powder, which is well known for its various functions and biological activity. The feasibility of incorporating peach powder as a value-added food ingredient, using a model food system of jelly, was investigated. Peach powder was incorporated into jelly at 0, 5, 10, 15, and 20% levels. To analyze quality characteristics, pH of the jelly, spread factor, moisture content, color(L, a, b), hardness, DPPH radical scavenging activity, and sensory properties were measured. Qualities, such as pH content, color, hardness, and consumer preferences were determined. Lightness decreased, but redness and yellowness increased significantly (p<0.001). The antioxidative activity measured by DPPH (2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl) radical scavenging activity of the jelly increased as the concentrations of peach powder increased. Lastly, the consumer acceptance test indicated that the highest level of incorporation (15%) had a considerable adverse effect on consumer preferences in all attributes. The jelly with 15% peach powder is recommended (with respect to overall preference score) for taking advantage of the functional properties of peach powder without sacrificing consumer acceptability.

Quality Characteristics of Jelly Incorporated with Sweet Pumpkin Powder (단호박 분말을 첨가한 젤리의 품질특성)

  • Lee, Jun Ho;Lee, Myung Kyung
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.42 no.1
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    • pp.139-142
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    • 2013
  • The feasibility of incorporating sweet pumpkin powder as a value-added food ingredient, using a model food system of jelly, was investigated. Sweet pumpkin powder was incorporated into jelly at 0, 2, 4, 6, and 8% (w/w) levels. Qualities, such as moisture content, pH, soluble solids content, color, hardness, and consumer preferences were determined. The moisture content of jelly decreased, but pH and soluble solids content increased significantly with increasing levels of sweet pumpkin powder (p<0.05). Lightness decreased but redness and yellowness increased significantly (p<0.05). Hardness also increased significantly with higher amounts of sweet pumpkin powder in the formulation (p<0.05). Finally, the consumer acceptance test indicated that the highest level of incorporation (8%, w/w) had a considerable adverse effect on consumer preferences in all attributes. The jellies with 2% sweet pumpkin powder are recommended (with respect to overall preference score) for taking advantage of the functional properties of sweet pumpkin powder without sacrificing consumer acceptability.

A Study on the Change of Beef Consumption and Recognition of Aged Meat (소고기 소비성향 변화와 숙성육 인식에 관한 연구)

  • Shin, Jeong-Seop
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.21 no.9
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    • pp.373-379
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    • 2020
  • The purpose of this study is to investigate the factors affecting change in consumers' consumption tendency and the perception of aged meat. This study compared 2012 and 2019 results from beef consumer surveys. The importance of quality judgment criteria, taste determinants, and the perception that marbling is harmful to health were analyzed using regression analysis through the backward elimination method. As a result of the analysis, it was determined that the importance had increased for recognizing freshness, juiciness, tenderness, and ripening period, and for knowing that marbling was harmful to the health. Also shown was that the intention to purchase aged meat had an influence on whether the consumer favorably perceived the freshness, tenderness, and ripening period. This study analyzed how consumers' consumption tendencies changed to cope with these changes in consumer preferences. The basic data of the research analyzed consumption propensity, the intention to consume beef, and what factors influence the perception of mature meat. It is thought that there is a need to raise awareness about aged meat for diversification of consumer preferences and rational production and consumption in the future.

Preference and Satisfaction Regarding the Type of Fashion Retailer's Sales Promotion Based on Consumer's Empirical Characteristics (소비자의 경험적 특성에 따른 패션기업의 판매촉진 유형별 선호 및 만족)

  • Hwang, Jeong-In;Lee, Ji-Yeon;Park, Jae-Ok
    • The Research Journal of the Costume Culture
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    • v.20 no.2
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    • pp.169-183
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    • 2012
  • This study was aimed at finding out the preferences and satisfaction levels regarding the type of fashion retailer's sales promotion based on consumers' empirical characteristics. A total of 223 questionnaires were used for the survey of this study. The methods of this study were descriptive analysis, factor analysis, reliability tests, one-way ANOVA, $t$-tests and ${\chi}^2$-test. The consumer groups were divided by habitual experience and self-evaluated knowledge relate to apparel product. The results of this study showed that consumers have different preferences and post-utilization satisfaction regarding the type of sales promotion offered by fashion retailers. Consumers with more experiences in apparel product and with higher self-evaluated knowledge were more active in utilizing the benefits offered through the value-added type of sales promotions, such as the gift certificate or coupon. Consumers with more experience in apparel product also showed higher satisfaction with both the utilitarian and hedonic types of sales promotions, such as gift certificate offer, special price, price discount event, and coupon or courtesy card offer. Furthermore, consumers with higher self-evaluated knowledge showed higher satisfaction with the utilitarian types of sales promotion, such as gift certificate offer and regular sale. Therefore, by identifying the accurate understanding of consumers'empirical characteristics, an enterprise might be able to satisfy consumer by offering more appropriate and subdivided types of sales promotion.

Analysis of Consumer Preferences for Branded and Imported Pork (국내 브랜드 돈육과 수입산 돈육의 선호도 분석)

  • Kim, Gyewoong;Kim, Minjin;Ok, Youngsoo;Kim, Hackyoun
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Culture
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    • v.29 no.4
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    • pp.342-347
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    • 2014
  • This survey was conducted to investigate consumer preferences for branded and imported pork, including favorite cooking styles. Data were collected from a total of 252 consumers and analyzed. The results are summarized as follows. Consumers of branded pork showed a moderate preference "moderate" (54%). There was no significant difference in consumer preference for branded pork according to educational level or living area. However, there was a significant difference according to yearly income (p<0.05). Consumers in the high-income group preferred branded pork more than those in the low-income group. Most consumers did not like imported pork (64.6%). There was no significant difference in consumer preference for imported pork according to educational level or living area, whereas there was in the yearly income group (p<0.05). Whereas low-income consumers did not like imported pork, high-income consumers did. The royalty for purchasing of branded pork was shown "3.65" out of 5 points. Whereas there was no significant difference according to educational level, there was for living area and yearly income (p<0.05). Consumers living in large cities or having low income showed high royalty of purchase for branded pork. The royalty for purchase of imported pork was "2.08" out of 5 points. Significant differences for purchase royalty of imported pork were observed according to educational level, living area, and yearly income group (p<0.05). Consumers responded that they liked roasted pork (47.6%). Secondly, consumers liked stew (16.7%). There were no significant differences among various cooking styles in any of the groups.