• Title/Summary/Keyword: construction projects

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Study on the Environmental Quality Assessment of River Revetment Technique by Life-Cycle-Assessment (전과정 평가에 의한 하천 호안 공법의 환경성 평가에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Kook-Il;Ahn, Won-Sik
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.40 no.6 s.179
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    • pp.485-494
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    • 2007
  • This study was performed to evaluate the environmental qualities of the revetment construction methods and the river-facility materials using Life-Cycle-Assessment(LCA) for the nature-friendly design of close-to-nature river, The investigation results on the environmental qualities of energy and materials used to the close-to-nature river plan showed that the environmental impacts per unit weight increased in the order of gasoline > diesel > cement > wood. The environmental impacts per unit area of revetment construction method exhibited that the environmental loadings increased in the order of gabion > revetment > cribwork. In addition, it was observed that the environmental impact was reduced by improving the materials of zinc-galvanized wire. The model basin investigated in this study was the $0.3km^2$ area of river improvement works in Kyung stream, which is a tributary to the Seomjin river and the second regional stream. The research was conducted based on the 30years by life expectancy of artificial facilities. For the comparisons of revetment techniques with respect to the environmental qualities, the method resulted in the highest environmental loadings. The method using ready-mixed concrete ranked second in the environmental loadings of revetment techniques. The present results of this study are expected to play a beneficial role in the nature-friendly design of close-to-nature river by quantitatively identifying the environmental quality of total procedures (i.e., combination of techniques, selection of river-facility materials, maintenance of river-facility) applied to close-to-nature river plan.

Construction of the Terminology Dictionary for National R&D Information Utilization (국가R&D정보활용을 위한 전문용어사전 구축)

  • Kim, Tae-Hyun;Yang, Myung-Seok;Choi, Kwang-Nam
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.19 no.10
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    • pp.217-225
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    • 2019
  • National research and development(R&D) information is information generated in the process of performing R&D based on programs and projects issued by national government departments, and includes information from various research fields as ordered by various departments. Therefore, for efficient R&D information retrieval, it is necessary to build a national R&D terminology dictionary that can reflect the characteristics of such national R&D information. In this study, we propose a method for constructing a national R&D terminology dictionary by applying the classification of science and technology standards used to specify the research field in national R&D information. We will discuss the structural characteristics of national R&D project information and the usefulness of the project keyword, and explain the status of national R&D information by the National Standard Science and Technology Classification(NSSTC) Codes and the characteristics of the national R&D terminologies. Based on this, a method for building a national R&D terminology dictionary is defined in terms of the type and structure of the terminology dictionary, preliminary construction procedures, and refining rules. The national R&D terminology dictionary built on the basis of this study can be used in various ways such as expansion of search terms using Korean-English equivalent words and synonyms when searching national R&D information, clarifying the scope of search using NSSTC, and providing user convenience functions using term explanation information.

Case study of design and construction for cutter change in EPB TBM tunneling (EPB 쉴드 TBM 커터 교체 설계 및 시공 사례 분석)

  • Lee, Jae-won;Kang, Sung-wook;Jung, Jae-hoon;Kang, Han-byul;Shin, Young Jin
    • Journal of Korean Tunnelling and Underground Space Association
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    • v.24 no.6
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    • pp.553-581
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    • 2022
  • Shortly after tunnel boring machine (TBM) was introduced in the tunneling industry, the use of TBM has surprisingly increased worldwide due to its performance together with the benefit of being safely and environmentally friendly. One of the main cost items in the TBM tunneling in rock and soil is changing damaged or worn cutters. It is because that the cutter change is a time-consuming and costly activity that can significantly reduce the TBM utilization and advance rate and has a major effect on the total time and cost of TBM tunneling projects. Therefore, the importance of accurately evaluating the cutter life can never be overemphasized. However, the prediction of cutter wear in soil, rock including mixed face is very complex and not yet fully clarified, subsequently keeping engineers busy around the world. Various prediction models for cutter wear have been developed and introduced, but these models almost usually produce highly variable results due to inherent uncertainties in the models. In this study, a case study of design and construction of disc cutter change is introduced and analyzed, rather than proposing a prediction model of cutter wear. As the disc cutter is strongly affected by the geological condition, TBM machine characteristic and operation, authors believe it is very hard to suggest a generalized prediction model given the uncertainties and limitations therefore it would be more practical to analyze a real case and provide a detailed discussion of the difference between prediction and result for the cutter change. By doing so, up-to-date idea about planning and execution of cutter change in practice can be promoted.

A Study on Prediction Model Conformity of Line Source in Urban Area (도시지역에서의 선오염원 예측모델 적합성에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Jin Hong;Park, Sun hwan;Chang, Yoon young
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Urban Environment
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    • v.18 no.4
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    • pp.511-521
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    • 2018
  • Despite the limitations and difficulty in the application of CALINE3 model for air dispersion prediction of roads and tunnels construction businesses in South Korea, the model is being used in all roads construction projects. This study compared the predicted values of CALINE3 and AERMOD model that is suggested by the US EPA, to the values of GRAL model, a Lagrangian particle tracking model developed in Europe, by applying the models to the existing roads of the urban areas. The result showed low relevance to the actual measurement value in the case of CALINE3 model, thus displaying a low trusted value when applying to the urban areas. In the case of using AERMOD model, the predicted values were overly expressed compared to the actual measurement value, thus leading to the need of adding a No2 conversion method to the model in the future. In the case of GRAL model, a Lagrangian particle tracking model, the relevance between the actual and predicted values were high as the model considers the surrounding topography and the buildings all together, thus confirming that the model can be used for air dispersion prediction of the roads in the urban areas. Lastly, the result of this study testing the air prediction models in Jeongneung Measuring Station points that it is necessary for the future studies to expand the testing areas and test the validity of the models continuously.

Development of KBIMS Architectural and Structural Element Library and IFC Property Name Conversion Methodology (KBIMS 건축 및 구조 부재 라이브러리 및 IFC 속성명 변환 방법 개발)

  • Kim, Seonwoo;Kim, Sunjung;Kim, Honghyun;Bae, Kiwoo
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Building Construction
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    • v.20 no.6
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    • pp.505-514
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    • 2020
  • This research introduces the method of developing Korea BIM standard (KBIMS) architectural and structural element library and the methodology of converting KBIMS IFC property names with special characters. Diverse BIM tools are utilizing in project, however BIM library researches lack diversity on BIM tool selection. This research described the method to generate twelve categories and seven hundred and ninety-three elements library containing geometrical and numerical data in CATIA V6. KBIMS has its special property data naming systems which was the challenge inputting to ENOVIA IFC database. Three mapping methods for special naming characters had been developed and the ASCII code method was applied. In addition, the convertor prototype had been developed for searching and replacing the ASCII codes into the original KBIMS IFC property names. The methodology was verified by exporting 2,443 entities without data loss in the sample model conversion test. This research would provide a wider choice of BIM tool selection for applying KBIMS. Furthermore, the research would help on the reduction of data interoperability issues in projects. The developed library would be open to the public, however the continuous update and maintenance would be necessary.

Applying CVM for the Reinvestment Ratio of Development Profits Generated by Renewing Old Industrial Park in Daegu Metropolitan City (CVM 분석을 이용한 개발이익 재투자 비율 설정에 관한 연구: 대구광역시 노후산업단지 재생사업을 중심으로)

  • Shin, Woo-Hwa;Shin, Woo-Jin
    • Land and Housing Review
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    • v.13 no.4
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    • pp.27-44
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    • 2022
  • In December 2019, the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport announced the revision of the Enforcement Decree of the Industrial sites and Development Act. In this revision, the reinvestment ratio of development profits generated by renewing the old industrial park is delegated to the local government ordinance. According to this announcement, the reinvestment ratio can be adjusted to less than 50% of sales revenue from construction projects and 25% of land sales for non-industrial use depending on local government conditions. This study aims to investigate the policy rationale for the adjusted ratio of reinvestment in development profits and explore how Daegu City can use this policy when revising ordinances in the future. A survey was conducted with a total of 320 experts, including public corporations, public officials, and industrial site workers in the Industrial Complex Committee. We employ contingent value measurement (CVM) based on 262 valid responses. The results showed that 27% of sales from the construction business and 22% of sales from non-industrial land were derived with an appropriate reinvestment ratio. Although the results in this study might not be generalized in other regions, we provide a potential reference for other local governments who are interested in ordinance revisions in the future. Another contribution of this study is to suggest the statistical method to derive the relevant ratio.

The Analysis of Coastal Erosion and Erosion Impact Assessment in the East Coast (동해안 침식 원인분석 및 침식 영향도 평가)

  • Park, Seon Jung;Seo, Heui Jung;Park, Seung Min;Park, Seol Hwa;Ahn, Ike Jang;Seo, Gyeong Sik
    • Journal of Korean Society of Coastal and Ocean Engineers
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    • v.33 no.6
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    • pp.246-256
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    • 2021
  • Various development projects occurring on the coast cause an imbalance of surface sediments, causing coastal disasters or irreversible coastal erosion. Coastal erosion caused by the influence of various port structures built through coastal development can be directly identified by evaluating changes in the sediment budget, longshore sediment, and cross-shore sediment. In other words, it will be possible to evaluate the causality between coastal development and coastal erosion by classifying regions due to single cause and regions due to multiple causes according to the changes in the sediment classified into the three types mentioned above. In this study, the cause of long-term and continuous erosion was analyzed based on the analysis results of the coastal development history and the Coastal Erosion Monitoring targeting the coast of Gangwon-do and Gyeongsangbuk-do on the east coast. In addition, in order to evaluate the degree of erosion caused by the construction of artificial coastal structures, the concept of erosion impact assessment was established, three methods were proposed for the impact assessment. The erosion impact of Hajeo port was assessed using the results of satellite image analysis presented in the Coastal Erosion Monitoring Report, it was assessed that the development of Hajeo port had an impact of 93.4% on erosion, and that of the coastal road construction had an impact of 6.6%.

Appropriateness Evaluation of Train Vibration Evaluation Method Considering Vibration Levels of Retaining Wall Adjacent to Railway Tunnels (철도터널과 인접한 흙막이 가시설의 진동 수준을 고려한 열차진동 평가방법의 적정성 평가)

  • Donghee Woo;Yeongjin Lee;Yongjae Song;Kangil Lee
    • Journal of the Korean GEO-environmental Society
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    • v.24 no.10
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    • pp.5-13
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    • 2023
  • With the recent increase in development projects centered on urban areas, the construction of building structures is increasing in areas adjacent to the urban railway operation section. In this case, since ground vibration is generated by the train in operation and affects the adjacent structure, the building structure needs appropriate vibration reduction against train vibration generated at the adjacent location from the desing phase. However, the vibration levels calculated vary depending on the train vibration evaluation method, which means that the implementation of vibration reduction may vary depending on the train vibration evaluation method. Therefore, this study calculated the vibration level according to ground conditions, tunnel depth and separation distance between vibration sources and adjacent structures using numerical analysis and train vibration evaluation methods, and compared them to designning phase. And the appropriate separation distance between the tunnel and the adjacent structure was evaluated by comparing the vibration level with the allowable standards. As a result of the study, the Ungar and Bender evaluation method is evaluated as the most appropriate among the train vibration evaluation methods, and the appropriate separation distance between the tunnel and the adjacent structure is evaluated to be more than 4.5D.

A Study on the Identity and Activities of the Anti-US and Pro-Joseon Comfort group - New China's Culture Politics through the Korean War ('항미원조'(抗美援朝) 위문단의 실체와 활동 양상 -한국전쟁을 통한 신중국의 문화정치)

  • LI, FU-SHI
    • (The) Research of the performance art and culture
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    • no.43
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    • pp.173-202
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    • 2021
  • During the Korean War, China dispatched 'the Anti-US and Pro-Joseon Comfort' group to North Korea 3 times. The purpose of the comfort group was to comfort the Chinese People's Supporting Soldiers and Joseon People's Army fighting the US imperial forces and at the same time, inform them of China's situation to booster their morale. Another purpose was to promote the socialism construction projects in the new China. Namely, China wanted to propagate various heroic achievements of the Chinese soldiers and accuse the US imperialist soldiers and thereby, inspire Chinese people's international sense and patriotism for the new China to mobilize the people for the war and promote the construction of the new China effectively. The comfort group consisted of diverse classes (laborers, farmers, intellectuals, women, students, soldiers, etc.) in various areas such as politics, military, ethnic, society, culture, education, etc. Their activities were conducted in various forms such as consolation, legwork, meeting and performances. Their activities were full of anger and compassion, sacrifice and emotion, battle and romance, impression and comfort. Such emotion was delivered intact to the Chinese people through the comfort group's propaganda activities back home in China. The Anti-US and Pro-Joseon Comfort' group revealed their identity of socialists New China in terms of their organization and their specific performances. Their identity claimed for democracy and equality, internationalism empathizing world peace and solidarity of the proletariats, and patriotism supporting the communists regime. The comfort group played a role in propagating such identity of new China effectively by crossing the border. It was a political and cultural performance that stipulated the political meaning of the Anti-US and Pro-Joseon Chosun Comfort' group

Evaluation Model for Lateral Flow on Soft Ground Using Commitee and Probabilistic Neural Network Theory (군집신경망과 확률신경망 이론을 이용한 연약지반의 측방유동 평가 모델)

  • Kim, Young-Sang;Joo, No-Ah;Lee, Jeong-Jae
    • Journal of the Korean Geotechnical Society
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    • v.23 no.7
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    • pp.65-76
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    • 2007
  • Recently, there have been many construction projects on soft ground with growth of industry and various construction problems concerning soft soil behavior also have been reported. Especially, foundation piles of abutments and (or) buildings which were constructed on the soft ground have been suffering from a lot of stability problems of inordinary displacement due to lateral flow of soft ground. Although many researches for this phenomena have been carried out, it is still difficult to assess the mechanism of lateral flow on soft ground quantitatively. And reliable design method for judgement of lateral flow occurrence is not established yet. In this study, PNN (probabilistic neural network) and CNN (committee neural network) theories were applied for judgment of lateral flow occurrence based on eat data compiled from Korea and Japan. Predictions of PNN and CNN models for new data which were not used during model development are compared with those predicted by conventional empirical methods. It was found that the developed PNN and CNN models can predict more precise and reliable judgment of lateral flow occurrence than conventional empirical methods.