• Title/Summary/Keyword: constructing the region

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Development of Automatic Design Program for Small Scale Vinyl House by Regions (지역별 단동비닐하우스 자동설계프로그램 개발)

  • Lee, Suk-Gun;Lee, Jong-Won;Lee, Hyun-Woo
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Agricultural Engineers Conference
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    • 2003.10a
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    • pp.327-330
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    • 2003
  • The objectives of this study are to develope the automatic design programs to offer the data when constructing a small scale vinyl-house by region. This program consists of four subroutines. The first is an automatic greenhouse modeling program, the second is a calculating design load program by region, the third is a structural analysis program and the last is a optimum shape design program. The structural analysis can be conducted by simple date input and considering the design load of the install regions into account. The shape of input data is very simple, and the program reflects the design load by region. The output data can be obtained from the automatical calculation processing after structural analysis. The program was verified by compared with outputs of a common use structural analysis program and the results are the same. It was concluded that the developed program could be used efficiently in optimum design of small scale vinyl house.

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The estimation of the behavior of urban shallow subway tunnels being applied external load (외력 작용시 도심지 얕은 지하철 터널의 거동평가)

  • Lee, Jeung-Suk;You, Kwang-Ho;Park, Yeon-Jun;Baek, Kyung-Jong
    • Journal of Korean Tunnelling and Underground Space Association
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    • v.5 no.2
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    • pp.101-113
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    • 2003
  • Nowadays, the construction of new ground structures, which can influence the stability of existing underground structures, is increasing. Consequently, many technical problems occur during the design and construction stage of the new structures. In constructing a neighboring structure, reasonable design and construction is strongly required to balance between the stability of the existing underground structures and the economy of construction of the new structure in terms of the importance of the existing underground structures. Many researches have been performed to estimate the safe region and behavior of underground structures. Constructing a new ground structure above the existing underground structure, external loads are to be applied to the existing underground structure. In this study, therefore, the stability and safe region of the existing underground structure was re-established with respect to the relative location of the new ground structure with the underground structure, the depth from surface to top of the underground structures, and ground conditions.

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The Confidence Regions for the Logistic Response Surface Model

  • Cho, Tae-Kyoung
    • Journal of Korean Society for Quality Management
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    • v.25 no.2
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    • pp.102-111
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    • 1997
  • In this paper I discuss a method of constructing the confidence region for the logistic response surface model. The construction involves a, pp.ication of a general fitting procedure because the log odds is linear in its parameters. Estimation of parameters of the logistic response surface model can be accomplished by maximum likelihood, although this requires iterative computational method. Using the asymptotic results, asymptotic covariance of the estimators can be obtained. This can be used in the construction of confidence regions for the parameters and for the logistic response surface model.

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Constructing Nonlinear Sliding Surface for Spacecraft Attitude Control Problems

  • Cheon, Yee-Jin
    • 제어로봇시스템학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 1999.10a
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    • pp.41-44
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    • 1999
  • Nonlinear sliding surface design in variable structure systems for spacecraft attitude control problems is studied. A robustness analysis is performed for regular form of system, and calculation of actuator bandwidth is presented by reviewing sliding surface dynamics. To achieve non-singular attitude description and minimal parameterization, spacecraft attitude control problems are considered based on modified Rodrigues parameters(MRP). It is shown that the derived controller ensures the sliding motion in pre-determined region irrespective of unmodeled effects and disturbances.

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Adaptive Delaunay Mesh Generation Technique Based on a Posteriori Error Estimation and a Node Density Map (오차 예측과 격자밀도 지도를 이용한 적응 Delaunay 격자생성방법)

  • 홍진태;이석렬;박철현;양동열
    • Transactions of Materials Processing
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    • v.13 no.4
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    • pp.334-341
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    • 2004
  • In this study, a remeshing algorithm adapted to the mesh density map using the Delaunay mesh generation method is developed. In the finite element simulation of forging process, the numerical error increases as the process goes on because of discrete property of the finite elements and distortion of elements. Especially, in the region where stresses and strains are concentrated, the numerical error will be highly increased. However, it is not desirable to use a uniformly fine mesh in the whole domain. Therefore, it is necessary to reduce the analysis error by constructing locally refined mesh at the region where the error is concentrated such as at the die corner. In this paper, the point insertion algorithm is used and the mesh size is controlled by using a mesh density map constructed with a posteriori error estimation. An optimized smoothing technique is adopted to have smooth distribution of the mesh and improve the mesh element quality.

Optimal Designs for the Experiments related with Marine Environment (해양환경에 관련된 실험을 위한 최적실험계획)

  • 김재환
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Marine Environment & Safety
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    • v.3 no.2
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    • pp.93-103
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    • 1997
  • This paper develops a new heuristic, the Excursion Algorithm(EA), for constructing optimal designs for the experiments related with marine environment. The proposed EA consists of three parts: 1) construction of an initial feasible solution, 2) excursions over a bounded region, and 3) stopping rules. It is the second part that distinguishes the EA from the other existing heuristic methods. It turns out that excursions over a bounded feasible and/or infeasible region is effective in alleviating the risks of being trapped at a local optimum. Since this problem is formulated for the first time thesis, other heuristic algorithms do not exist. Therefore, global optimal solutions are obtained by complete enumeration for some cases, and the performance of the EA is evaluated in terms of solution quality. Computational results show that the proposed EA is effective in finding good(or, in many cases, global) solutions to the constrained optimal experimental design problems.

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Usage of Indigenous Material for Sustainable Construction at Mae-Hae, Thailand - Focused on Rammed Earth Method - (태국 매해 지역에서의 지속가능한 건축재료 활용연구 - 흙다짐 공법을 중심으로 -)

  • Kim, Doo-Soon;Jeong, Sang-Mo
    • KIEAE Journal
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    • v.13 no.2
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    • pp.33-38
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    • 2013
  • Limited resources for construction material in the Mae-Hae region, a remote Northern Thailand, acted as an impetus to introduce a new way for constructing their dwellings. The new construction material brought new construction methodology, namely, using earth and bamboo which are indigenous materials, readily available for them to use. Using indigenous material at Mae-Hae region was most ecological and logical method for establishing sustainable dwellings both in terms of monetary and ecological reasons. Prior to the construction at Mae-Hae, Thailand, series of experimental tests on the strength of rammed earth were performed off site at our university and also brought soil samples from the actual job site at Mae-Hae for detailed soil analysis. Through the tests, integrity of the earth and characteristics of the soil were established to build a small senior citizen center as an example. This appropriate technology is expected to contribute to the sustainable construction at Mae-Hae.

Constructing Efficient Regional Hazardous Weather Prediction Models through Big Data Analysis

  • Lee, Jaedong;Lee, Jee-Hyong
    • International Journal of Fuzzy Logic and Intelligent Systems
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.1-12
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    • 2016
  • In this paper, we propose an approach that efficiently builds regional hazardous weather prediction models based on past weather data. Doing so requires finding the proper weather attributes that strongly affect hazardous weather for each region, and that requires a large number of experiments to build and test models with different attribute combinations for each kind of hazardous weather in each region. Using our proposed method, we reduce the number of experiments needed to find the correct weather attributes. Compared to the traditional method, our method decreases the number of experiments by about 45%, and the average prediction accuracy for all hazardous weather conditions and regions is 79.61%, which can help forecasters predict hazardous weather. The Korea Meteorological Administration currently uses the prediction models given in this paper.

An Web-based Mapping by Constructing Database of Geographical Names (지명 데이터베이스 구축을 통한 웹지도화 방안)

  • Kim, Nam-Shin
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.16 no.4
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    • pp.428-439
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    • 2010
  • Map of geographical names can give us information for understanding of region because geographical name reflects regional perception of human. This study aimed to make an web-based map by constructing database of geographical names. Main contents carried out research on methods for classification of geographical names, database construction, and mapping on the website. Geographical name classified into four categories of the physical geography, culture and historical geography, economic geography, and the other and also, 18 sub-categories by classification criteria. Geographical name designed to input by collecting geographical names from paper-based maps and vernacular place names only known to the local region. Fields of database consisted of address, coordinates, geographical name(hangeul, hanja), classification, explanation, photographs. Map of geographical names can be represented with regional geographical information. The result of research is expected to offer information for distribution of geographical names as well as regional interpretation.

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  • Choi, Joon-Soo;Cha, Young-Min;Heo, Jae-Wee;Ryu, Young-Soo;Kim, Choen;Oh, Seung-Jun
    • Proceedings of the KSRS Conference
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    • 2008.10a
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    • pp.7-10
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    • 2008
  • We present a technique for constructing a digital elevation model (DEM) from contours. The elevation of each ground point in DEM is computed by interpolating the heights of the two adjacent contours of the point. The technique decomposes each sub-domain between adjacent contours into a set of sub-regions. The decomposition is accomplished by constructing a medial axis of the sub-domain. Each sub-region in the decomposition is classified into a variety of terrain features like hillsides, valleys, ridges, etc. The elevations of points are interpolated with different methods according to terrain features they belong to. For a given point in hillside, an approximate gradient line passing through the point is determined and the elevation of the point is interpolated from the known elevations of the two adjacent contours along the approximate gradient line. The univariate monotone rational Hermite spline is used for the interpolation. The DEM constructed by the technique is to be used to orthorectify the high-resolution KOMPSAT3 imagery.

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