• Title/Summary/Keyword: concentration ratio

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The Effects of Drawing Conditions on Physical Properties of the Drawn Worsted Yarns (I) (연신공정 조건이 소모연신사의 물성에 미치는 영향 (I))

  • Han, Won-Hee;Kim, Seung-Jin;Kim, Sang-Ryong
    • Textile Coloration and Finishing
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    • v.22 no.1
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    • pp.51-60
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    • 2010
  • This research works on the effects of drawing conditions on the physical properties of the drawn worsted yarns. The drawn worsted yarns were made by the yarn drawing system under various drawing conditions such as concentration of reducing agent, draw ratio, setting time of drawn yarn, and concentration of oxidizing agent. The drawn worsted yarns from 2/80Nm to 2/90Nm were obtained from 2/60Nm worsted yarns, the surface and cross-sectional shapes and tensile properties of these various specimens were measured and discussed with the various drawing conditions. The drawing of worsted yarn made constituent wool fiber scratched and made it changing to polygonal cross-sectional shape. The tenacity and modulus were increased with draw ratio and concentration of reducing agent. And tensile strain was increased with draw ratio, which decreased with concentration of reducing agent.

Candida parapsilosis에 의한 Xylitol 생성시 포도당의 영향

  • 오덕근;김종화
    • Microbiology and Biotechnology Letters
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    • v.24 no.2
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    • pp.149-154
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    • 1996
  • Effect of glucose addition to xylose medium on xylitol production was investigated by using Candida parapsilosis ATCC 21019 mutant. With increasing the ratio of glucose to xylose in total amount of 50 g/l as glucose and/or xylose, xylitol production was decreased but ethanol and glycerol production were increased. Ethanol and glycerol concentration were maxmum in 10 g/l of xylose and 40 g/l of glucose medium as 21.5 g/l and 3.6 g/l, respecti- vely. No xylitol was formed in glucose medium without xylose because xylitol could be not produced from glucose. With increasing the ratio of glucose to xylose, the activity of xylose reductase which converted xylose to xylitol were decreased. The activities of xylitol dehydrogeiiase which converted xylitol to xylulose and then cell materials were found to be constant regardless of the ratio of glucose to xylose. This results indicated that glucose addition to xylose medium on cell growth was not affected. In order to prevent the inhibitory effect of glucose on xylitol production, glucose in a fermentor was fed with low concentration and then ethanol and glycerol was critically decreased and the xylitol yield from xylose of the culture with glucose feeding was recovered the almost same as that with only 50 g/l of xylose. However, the xylitol yield from total sugars (xylose and glucose) was decreased and glucose was not contributed to xylitol production. Therefore, the fermentation at high concentration of xylose without glucose was carried out. A final xylitol concentration of 242 g/l which corresponding 80.7% of xylitol yield was obtained from 300 g/l of xylose for 273 hours.

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Accumuation Pattern of Nitrate-Nitrogen in Sorghum And Maize Plants as Affected by Morphological Characteristics And Environmental Temperature (Sorghum 및 옥수수의 형태적 특성과 재배온도가 Nitrate-Nitrogen 축적에 미치는 영향)

  • 김정갑
    • Journal of The Korean Society of Grassland and Forage Science
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    • v.7 no.3
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    • pp.146-152
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    • 1987
  • Sorghum cv. Pioneer 93 1, sorghum-sudangrass hybrid cv. Sioux and maize plant cv. Blizzard were assayed for toxic concentrations of nitrate-nitrogen ($NO_3$-N) and their relationship to morphological characteristics and environmental temperature in a field and phytotron trial. In the phytotron, sorghum and maize plants ranging from emergence to heading stage, were grown under different day/night temperatures of 30125, 25/20,28/18 and 1818 degree C. Nitrate-nitrogen in sorghum and maize plants was accumulated mainly in stems. Therefore nitrate concentration in the young plants was increased as development of stalks advanced and was highest at the stage of 3-4 leaves, when the plants had a leaf weight ratio 0.78-0.80 g/g plant weight. However, nitrate concentrations of the plant decreased as morphological development progressed, especially from the stage of growing point differentiation. Correlation coefficients showed a positive correlation of nitrate concentration with leaf weight ratio, leaf area ratio and specific leaf area, while plant height, dry matter percentage and absolute growth rate showed a negative association with TEX>$NO_3$-N ($P{\le}0.1$%). Cyanogenic glycosides, total nitrogen and crude protein were close associated with nitrate accumulation, and positively significant ($P{\le}0.1$%). High temperature over 30/25^{\circ}C.$ for 3 weeks increased N-uptake and dry matter accumulation, but reduced nitrate concentration. Under cold temperature below 18/8^{\circ}C.$ concentration of nitrate-N was increased in spite of its limited nitrogen uptake and plant growth.

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Effect of Precursor Concentration on the Structural, Morphological, and Optical Properties of TiO2 Nano-Flowers

  • Anwar, M.S.;Danish, Rehan;Park, Keun Young;Koo, Bon Heun
    • Korean Journal of Materials Research
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    • v.25 no.5
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    • pp.247-252
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    • 2015
  • The effect of precursor concentration on the structural, morphological, and optical properties of $TiO_2$nano-flowers was investigated in this study. An increase in crystallite size was observed with an increase in the concentration of the precursor (titanium butoxide). The FE-SEM micrographs of the as-prepared samples show a three-dimensional flower-like morphology. The flowers consist of several nanorods coming out of a single core and have very sharp edges. Also, the variation in the aspect ratio of the nanostructure was observed with the concentration of the precursor. The photocatalytic properties of the samples show that the sample that has a high aspect ratio (AR~9) has a much better photocatalytic activity compared to the nano-crystal with a low aspect ratio (AR~6.1). It is believed that the excellent photocatalytic performance and short time synthesis of $TiO_2$nano-flowers using the microwave hydrothermal method can have potential applications in the field of photocatalysis.

Utilization Trends and Concentration Ratio of Korean Medicine: Based on the National Health Insurance Data

  • Lee, Hye-Jae;Jeong, Hye In;Kim, Kyeong Han
    • Journal of Pharmacopuncture
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    • v.24 no.3
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    • pp.142-151
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    • 2021
  • Objectives: Although Korean Medicine (KM) subsidized by the National Health Insurance (NHI) has been used for a long time, there has been no active analysis using claims data. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to examine the NHI KM utilization trend using NHI statistics and to measure the level of market concentration by year. Methods: By restructuring the contents of NHI Statistics for Pharmaceuticals for 2010-2019, the claim cases, costs, and annual growth rates of KM were demonstrated by year, sex, age group, region, therapeutic group, and KM treatment. The proportion of highly used k treatments in cost was calculated as the concentration ratio (CR) k and its trend by year was investigated. Results: In 2019, the NHI cost on KM amounted to ₩38.2 billion KRW, increasing by 11.6% per year on average in 2010-2019. Notably, KM was used more frequently among women and patients aged ≥ 65 years, and the mixed formulation accounted for 95% of the total cost of KM. The CR of the simple formulation increased rapidly, whereas that of the mixed formulation remained constant. In 2019, three simple formulation treatments- peony, licorice, and ginseng- accounted for 93.8% of the total cost for KM (CR3 = 93.8%). Conclusion: NHI KM is rapidly increasing. Investigating the CR of KM confirmed that KM prescriptions have been concentrated in small numbers over the past 10 years.

Effect of broccoli sprouts germination by soaking water condition (침지조건이 브로콜리 발아에 미치는 영향)

  • Park, Ju-Young;Yoo, Chang-Hoon;Lee, In-Hwa;Hong, Seung-Ho;Cha, Jin-Myeong
    • KSBB Journal
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    • v.23 no.6
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    • pp.551-553
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    • 2008
  • In order to optimization germination condition of broccoli, we carried out germination ratio experiment under soaking time, soaking temperature, oxygen concentration. The germination ratio results 98.5% following as soaking water having 10 ppm DO(demanded oxygen) during 4 hr at $20{\sim}30^{\circ}C$. The result of provide the dissolved oxygen water, when the concentration of oxygen water were 7, 12 ppm, germination ratio were observed about 76%, 92%. Also, we showed the growth rate of 2 times in 12 ppm compared with 7 ppm. Consequently, germination ratio of broccoli increased cultivation condition at soaking water having high concentration oxygen more than supply to oxygen water of high concentration.

Statistical Analysis on Water Quality Characteristics of Large Lakes in Korea (우리나라 주요 호소의 수질특성에 대한 통계적 분석)

  • Kong, Dongsoo
    • Journal of Korean Society on Water Environment
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    • v.35 no.2
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    • pp.165-180
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    • 2019
  • Water quality data of 81 lakes in Korea, 2013 ~ 2017 were analyzed. Most water quality parameters showed left-skewed distribution, while dissolved oxygen showed normal distribution. pH and dissolved oxygen showed a positive correlation with organic matter and nutrients, which appeared to be a nonsense correlation mediated by the algae. The ratio of $BOD_5$ and $COD_{Mn}$ to CBOD was 21 % and 52 % in the freshwater lakes, respectively. TOC concentration appeared to be underestimated by the UV digestion method, when salinity exceeds $700{\mu}S\;cm^{-1}$. In terms of nitrogen/phosphorus ratio, the limiting factor for algal growth seemed to be phosphorus in most of the lakes. Chlorophyll ${\alpha}$ increased acutely with decrease of N/P ratio. However, it seemed to be a nonsense correlation mediated by phosphorus concentration, since the N/P ratio depended on phosphorus. The N/P ratio of brackish lakes was lower than that of the freshwater, at the same concentration of phosphorus. It is worth examining denitrification that occurs, in bottom layer and sediment, during saline stratification. $Chl.{\alpha}$ concentration decreased in the form of a power function with increase of mean depth. The primary reason is that deep lakes are mainly at the less-disturbed upstream. However, it is necessary to investigate the effect of sediment, on water quality in shallow lakes. Light attenuation in the upper layer, was dominated by tripton (non-algal suspended solids) absorption/scattering (average relative contribution of 39 %), followed by CDOM (colored dissolved organic matter) (average 37 %) and $Chl.{\alpha}$ (average 21 %).

Growth Response in Culture Condtions for a Clone of Marine Diatom Melosira nummuloides Isolated from Jeju Coastal Waters (제주 연안해역에서 분리한 규조류 Melosira nummuloides의 성장 특성)

  • Ga-Young Kim;Keon-Gang Jang;Gyung-Min Go;Hyung-Seop Kim
    • Ocean and Polar Research
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    • v.45 no.4
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    • pp.201-209
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    • 2023
  • Melosira nummuloides (KNU-HAPCC-101), which is a biological resource for fucoxanthin extraction, was separated from single cells, and optimal growth conditions were derived according to temperature, salinity, light intensity, light emitting diode, N:P ratio of culture medium, and dilution ratio of culture medium. These parameters were assessed to ascertain the best culture conditions for the most economical and efficient indoor mass production. The specific growth rate was the highest at 25℃ in temperature, but there was no significant difference between 15℃ and 20℃. M. nummuloides died at 0 psu in salinity, and the specific growth rate was the highest at 30 psu in respect to salinity. The light intensity was similar in all experimental groups except for 5 µmol photons m-2 s-2. The maximum biomass and specific growth rate in the light-emitting diode experiment were revealed at the red wavelength, but the concentration of chlorophyll-a was the lowest at the red wavelength whereas the white wavelength produced the highest chlorophyll-a concentration. In the experiment according to the ratio of nitrogen and phosphorus (N:P) based on the f/2 culture medium, the growth rate was significantly higher in the 15:1 to 50:1 ratio range. The growth rate according to the dilution concentration of the f/2 culture medium was the highest in the f/2 culture medium, but did not show a significant difference from the f/4 culture medium. M. nummuloides can be mass-cultured under conditions of a temperature of 15-25℃, a salinity of 15-35 psu, light intensity of 25-150 µmol photons m-2 s-2, and f/4 media concentration level with an N:P ratio 15:1 or more. Based on the data of this study, it is expected that fucoxanthin can be produced in a highly efficient manner through the development of a mass culture system.

A Study on the Calculation of Storage Volume of Storm-Water Detention Basins for Small Urban Catchments (도심지 소유역에 적용 가능한 우수저류조의 용량 산정에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Dae Geun;Koh, Young Chan
    • Journal of Korean Society of Water and Wastewater
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    • v.19 no.5
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    • pp.619-624
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    • 2005
  • This work is for examining a simplified equation based on the rational formula, which can easily decide storm-water detention volume in small urban catchments. The storm-water detention volume is determined by the inflow hydrograph flowing to detention basin and the outflow hydrograph discharged from the detention basin. The ratio of average outflow over the period of rainfall duration against allowable discharge was 0.5 in former simplified equation. But this research has found that the average outflow ratio depends on the storage methodology. In the case of the on-line storage method, the average outflow ratio is a function of the time of concentration of the catchments and rainfall duration, which ranged from 0.5~1.0. In the case of the off-line storage method, the average ratio is a function of peak discharge and allowable discharge except above time of concentration and rainfall duration, where its function value ranged from 1.0~2.0. When applying this equation to small catchment in Mokpo city, South Korea, we could easily calculate the relation curve between the storm-water detention volume and allowable discharge.

Process Development of Alcohol Production by Extractive Fermentation(III) -An Optimum Composition of PEG/Dx for Extractive Alcohol Fermentation- (추출발효에 의한 알코올.제조공정 개발(III) -추출 알코올 발효에 최적인 PEG/Dx의 조성-)

  • 허병기;김진한목영일
    • KSBB Journal
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    • v.8 no.2
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    • pp.178-184
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    • 1993
  • Extractive fermentations with the extract of Jerusalem artichoke in an aqueous-two-phase-system of polyethyleneglycol(PEG) and dextran(Dx) were investigated to obtain the effects of composition of PEG and Dx on both fermentation ,characteristics and partition ratio of alcohol. The specific growth rate of K. Fraglis CBS 1555 increased with a decrease of concentration of PEG and Dx. It augmented along with concentration of initial sugar up to 80g/l but decreased thereafter. The specific production rate of alcohol showed a rising tendency up to 100g/lof initial sugar, whereafter represented a decreasing trend. The partition ratio of alcohol between two phases augmented according to decrease of Dx comic. and increase of PEG cone. regardless of initial sugar concentrations. The ratio, however, decreased with Increment of initial sugar concentration at constant composition of PEG and Dx. The partition coefficient of alcohol had an ascending effect to the increase of PEG cone, but it had little effect on the changes of concentrations of Dx and initial sugar. The present study suggests that the optimum composition of PEG and Dx in the aqueous-two-phase-system by extractive fermentation were around 6.5%(w/v) of PEG and 3%(w/v) of Dx in considerations of emulsion state, sedimentation and separation of two phases, alcohol partition ratio, and specific growth rate.

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