• 제목/요약/키워드: composition table

검색결과 239건 처리시간 0.021초

Current Composition Table of Foods in Japan and Future Trends

  • Watanabe, Tomoko
    • Journal of Community Nutrition
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    • 제5권2호
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    • pp.65-71
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    • 2003
  • In Current Standard Tables of Food Composition in Japan (Fifth Revised Edition), standard composition values of food used regularly in Japan are shown by values per 100g of their edible portion, with one value of standard composition per one foodstuff as a rule. In the Explanation (Chapter 1) and Reference Data (Chapter 4) of the original table, the most important matters are mentioned, including the table of the weight change rate by cooking, the table of the outline of the cookery, and the formula of the actual amount of intake nutrition. These are helpful for an understanding of the actual amount of intake nutrition. The formula for the amount of purchase in consideration of the amount of refuse is also shown. Information concerning foodstuffs and composition items in the table as well as important points in the reference column are concurrently written in English. As related studies, the composition tables by values per 100m1 or considered loss, the table or the formula for estimation of the amount of sucrose, and the list of the composition extant rate after cooking, among others, are also provided. Users should understand the original composition table, and then suggest how to utilize it. (J Community Nutrition 5(2) : 65∼71, 2003)

국제비교를 통한 우리나라 식품성분표의 개정방향에 대한 연구 (A Study on Revision Direction of Korean Food Composition Table Through International Comparison)

  • 김은영
    • Journal of Nutrition and Health
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    • 제27권2호
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    • pp.192-206
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    • 1994
  • This study was conducted to find out the weak points of present Korean food composition table, so that to suggest the revision direction. Korean food composition table in Appendix of Recommended Dietary Allowances for Korean, 5th edition, was analyzed by comparing with 6 other food composition tables such as one other Korean food composition table, and those of Japan(two), U.S.A., East Asia and Near East. The content analysis was applied as the method of this study. As result, many drawbacks like classification of food components, etc. were pointed out. The best solution to improve these drawbacks in present food composition table is establishing on organization entirely in charge of food composition table. In this way the organization can carry out food analysis systematically and continuously. Then new food items can be added, old food items be eliminated based upon people's food consumption pattern change. Also we need to analyze our own foods consumed by our people instead of borrowing the other country's data.

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한국, 미국, 일본의 식품성분표 비교 (International Comparison of Food Composition Table)

  • 최정숙;전혜경;박홍주
    • 한국지역사회생활과학회지
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    • 제12권2호
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    • pp.119-135
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    • 2001
  • This study was conducted to compare the composition table of Korean food with that of foreign food. Analysis was made for Korean food composition table($5^{th}$ revision), Korean food composition table in Appendix of Recommended Dietary Allowances for Korean(6$^{th}$ th/ edition), Standard tables of food composition in Japan($5^{th}$ revised edition) and USDA Composition of Foods - Raw, Processed, Prepared. The method of content analysis was applied for this study and such differences were pointed out as the classification of food items, food items enlisted, the content unit of food and food components presented etc. To improve Korean food composition table, new food items and components should be added and old food items be eliminated based on the change of people's food consumption pattern. Also analysis for the domestic foods consumed by local people should be accomplished rather than borrowing foreign country's data.

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ABS 수지상의 화학도금에서의 최적 Eteching 조건에 관한 연구

  • 김원택;이인배
    • 한국표면공학회지
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    • 제5권2호
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    • pp.1-4
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    • 1972
  • We have studied about the optimum chemical etching and sensitizing conditions of the plating on plastics. As specimen 'Mitzubishi Nobren MM2A' was used. The results were as follow. 1) The optimum chemical etching conditions. Etched the specimens for $10{\sim}40$ minutes at $70{\sim}80^{\circ}C$ with the etching solution of table 1, and for $10{\sim}15$ minutes at $65{\sim}70^{\circ}C$ with the etching solution of table 2 Table 1. Etching solution (I) Composition : $H_2SO_4(95%)-Component : 250 ml, Composition : $H_3PO_4(85%)$ - Component : 75ml, Composition : $K_2Cr_2O_7$ - Component : 12.5g, 2) The optimum sensitizing conditions. Sensitized the specimens for $60{\sim}90$ seconds at $25^{\circ}C$ with the sensitizing solution of table 3 Table 2. Etching solution (II) Composition : $H_2SO_4(95%)$ - Component : 22.5ml, Composition : $H_3PO_4(85%)$ - Component : 15ml, Composition : $CrO_3$ - Component : 105g, Composition : Water - Component : 150 ml, Table 3. Sensitizing solution Composition : $SnCl_2$ - Component : 9g, Composition : HCl(35%) - Component : 36ml, Composition : Water - Component : 300 ml

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식품 영양 연구, 정책, 산업의 기반이 되는 국가표준식품성분표의 활용 (National Standard Food Composition Tables Provide the Infrastructure for Food and Nutrition Research According to Policy and Industry)

  • 임성희;김정봉;조영숙;최용민;박홍주;김세나
    • 한국식품영양학회지
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    • 제26권4호
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    • pp.886-894
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    • 2013
  • The National Standard Food Composition Table published by the Rural Development Administration (RDA) provides the foundations in research, nutrition monitoring, policy and dietary practices in Korea. This databases consists of several sets of data including food descriptions, nutrients, portion weights, and source of data. The National Standard Food Composition Table have been published since 1970 and, recently, new version (8th edition) of Food Composition Table which has quantitative and qualitative nutrient data is released in 2011. In addition, the User-friendly Food Composition Table is divided into adult, children, and elderly categories depending on the subjects because we need different nutrients according to various ages. The Tables of Food Functional Composition is firstly edited in 2009. RDA published the minerals and fatty acids composition table, tables of amino acid, fat-soluble vitamin composition table, and the cholesterol table. The resulting database will be widely used. The users of the databases are from diverse fields, includeing federal agencies, the food industry, health professionals, restaurants, software application developers, academia and research organizations, international organizations, and foreign governments ect. Therefore, consistent improvements of the database is important, so that people can better address such health challenges by providing reliable and accurate data.

Evaluation of the Korean National Food Composition Tables

  • Park, Hong-Ju;Chun, Hye-Kyung;Lee, Sung-Hyeon
    • Preventive Nutrition and Food Science
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    • 제9권2호
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    • pp.190-193
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    • 2004
  • This review was conducted to evaluate the 'Korean Food Composition Table' and establish it as an internationally accepted database by examining its contents and evolution over time. The food composition table has been published by National Rural Living Science Institute, every 5 years, listing the nutrient content for each food, as both the raw agricultural product and processed foods, since the 1$^{st}$ edition in 1979 by RDA (Rural Development Administration). This is the basic data applied to the evaluation of the nutritional value of foods in Korea. The data is used as a useful tool in many fields, not only for the establishment of the National Food Supply Plan but also for nutritional research, the draft of National Food Policy, and in clinical and epidemiological research. The database is also utilized by food service providers and food processors, etc. Consumers and the international society have been interested in the quality and safety of foods and raw agricultural products. As these data expand in volume, the type of foods included in the composition table is expanded to cover new additions for the convenience of users of the 'Nutrient Data Base' as judged by the publishers. The form of these reports varies, according to the current information, from a simple booklet to CD-ROM and to the Web service. We expect to continue to make improvements in the National Standard Table for food composition through expanding both the quantity and quality of data in an orderly manner. This effort can help food composition data to be comprehensively developed systematically and gradually at the national level.l.

영양가 계산을 위한 새로운 식품코드화 (New Food Code Numbering for Calculation of Nutritive Value)

  • 김상애
    • 한국식품영양과학회지
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    • 제23권5호
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    • pp.774-783
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    • 1994
  • New food item numbers for each food included in Food Composition Table in Korea (4th ed) and other Food Composition Table. New Food item numbers classified to base 5-basic food groups and its classification was as follows. 1 As for the 1569 food items , they were classified as 20 food sub-groups(82 food sorts) for 5-basic food groups. 2. As for the 82 food sorts, they were individually classified with raw prepared , fat sugar content and arranged in order, ㄱ , ㄴ and ㄷ and made the item number. 3. The data set of nutritive value of food with new item numbers was accessed on computer files. 4. The Food & Description Table was drafted as 1572 food items were arranged in order, ㄱ, ㄴand ㄷ. 5. The Food Table arranged in the order or each nutrient content (energy, carbohydrate, protein , etc....) was drafted. Clipper program for computing nutritive values and tabulation of nutrients of daily diet were coded by applying new food item numbers. It is expected that should utilized as a basic data of computer program for calculating the nutritive value of diet, evaluating the nutrition and counseling the nutrition.

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조지 포크가 경험한 1884년 조선의 음식문화 (Joseon Dynasty's Food Culture Experienced by George C. Foulk in 1884)

  • 박채린
    • 한국식생활문화학회지
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    • 제35권2호
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    • pp.127-142
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    • 2020
  • This research is the first known to introduce and analyze food-related content among the records left by George Clayton Foulk (1856-1893), a naval attache dispatched as part of a U.S. delegation to Korea during the Joseon dynasty in the 19th century. Sketches and memos by Foulk provide important clues in understanding the food culture during the late Joseon dynasty. By analyzing the types of foods, table composition, and intervals between serving the nine rounds of food from the rural government office, which Foulk ate during his local trip, he was able to confirm that there was a starter ('preliminary table' or 'hors d'œuvre') before the main table and that it was served before the main dish.

시판 가공식품의 영양성분 및 영양강조 표시 실태에 대한 연구 (A Study on Nutrition Composition Labeling and Nutrition Claim Practices for the Processed Foods)

  • 오세인;장영애
    • 한국식품조리과학회지
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    • 제20권1호
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    • pp.100-111
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    • 2004
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate the status of current nutrition labeling on the packaging of the processed foods that provide consumers with a reliable and consistent source of information, which has been considered as a useful aid for food selection and a potent educational tool for nutrition in daily life. The 2,160 processed foods purchased at the supermarket on September, 2002, were divided by food category issued from the 2002 food codes and assessed in the terms of the nutrition composition labeling and nutrition claims. Nutrition composition labeling was found on 356 of the 2160 processed foods items. Milk and dairy products had 49.7% of nutrition composition labeling, which was the largest number among the food category. Tables were most frequently used as the type of nutrition composition labeling (79.8%). Nutrition composition including many different ways of expression, such as a table of nutrition composition, indication of nutrition composition, analysis table of nutrition composition and comparative table of nutrition composition, made frequent use of nutrition composition labeling titles (78.7%). The various unit of measures were use in the nutrition labeling of the processed foods, per l00g or 100$m\ell$ was the highest (44.6%) under the currently practiced nutrition labeling. The correct labeling standard with nutrient content and % RDA except energy, was used on 47.8% of labels, and those with only liability indication nutrient and liability indication nutrients plus discretion indication nutrients were 25.3 and 22.5% respectively. The processed foods with nutrition claims were 8.0% (172 items). Nutrition claims were divided in two ways: nutrient content claims and nutrient comparative claims. The most frequently used claims were contained in the former (44.4%) and more or plus in the latter case (16.3%). Ca was the most popular item as a nutrition claim nutrient (50.6%).

EJB와 COM+ 결합을 위한 모델기반 컴포넌트 변환 기법 (A Component Transformation Technique based on Model for Composition of EJB and COM+)

  • 최일우;신정은;류성열
    • 한국정보과학회논문지:소프트웨어및응용
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    • 제30권12호
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    • pp.1172-1184
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    • 2003
  • 현재 EJB(Enterprise Java Beans), COM+(Component Object Model+)등의 서로 다른 컴포넌트 참조 모델(Component reference model)을 기반으로 한, 상이한 컴포넌트 시스템 간 통합(Integration)에 대한 새로운 기술들이 제기되고 있다. 동일한 컴포넌트 플랫폼에서 컴포넌트 간 운용은 소스레벨의 결합(Composition)을 통해 이루어진다. 그러나 상이한 컴포넌트 플랫폼의 경우, 유사 도메인 컴포넌트임에도 불구하고 컴포넌트 간 결합은 불가능한 실정이다. 본 논문에서는 상이한 컴포넌트 플랫폼 즉, EJB와 COM+ 컴포넌트 간의 결합 문제를 모델기반의 컴포넌트 변환 기법으로 해결 하였다. EJB, COM+ 컴포넌트 간 결합을 위해 각 참조모델을 비교, 분석하여 구현 독립적(Implementation Independent)인 가상 컴포넌트 모델(Virtual Component Model)과 상호 변환을 위한 구현 테이블(Implementation Table)을 제시하였다. 가상 컴포넌트 모델과 구현 테이블을 참조, 각 구현 모델을 가상 컴포넌트 모델로 일반화하거나 가상 컴포넌트 모델링을 통하여 플랫폼의 구현 독립적인 가상 컴포넌트 모델을 작성하고, 선택적으로 EJB와 COM+로 변환 가능하게 한다. 상이한 컴포넌트 플랫폼으로의 효율적인 모델변환 방법을 제시함으로서 EJB와 COM+ 컴포넌트간의 결합이 가능하다.