• Title/Summary/Keyword: commercial success factors

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Review of Danish Agricultural Advisory Service and Its Implications (덴마크 농촌지도사업의 현황과 시사점)

  • Shim, Mi-Ok;Kim, Ji-Sung
    • Journal of Agricultural Extension & Community Development
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.153-197
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    • 2011
  • The purpose of this study is to look at the development and status of Danish Agricultural Advisory Service (DAAS) and to find some implications on Korean agricultural and rural extension. Agriculture is main industry contributed to economic growth in Denmark. Main factors of this success would be strong farmers' organizations, commercial co-operatives, farmers' active participation in training and education, and independent advisory service owned and managed by farmers. DAAS has unique developmental history. First service was started by local farmer's organization in 1871. Farmers themselves wanted to start advisory service in order to improve the quality of butter. National center of DAAS was established in 1971 in order to disseminate knowledge to local centers, to develop new activities and computer programs, and to deliver in-service training of local advisors. In 2010, one national center with 550 employees and 32 local centers with 2,900 employes are serving for 48,000 farms. The service covers almost all farmers' needs such as production, finance, tax, buildings, crops, livestock, organic production, environment, legal matter. DAAS Academy tries to offer relevant, just-in-time training activities in order to develop the competences of advisors effectively.

A Study on the History and Development of Serious Games for Education in Korea (한국 교육용 기능성 게임의 역사와 발전 방향 고찰)

  • Yoon, Hyung Sup
    • Journal of Korea Game Society
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    • v.20 no.4
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    • pp.101-110
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    • 2020
  • In this study I divided the development history of educational serious games into three periods. from 1995 to 2020 in Korea. I drew out some characteristics of each period. And I analyzed the correlation between the level of technology and learning effects or fun. so I found out some results. According to my analysis, the level of technology and learning effects and fun are not related to successful factors. While play style which is familiar and accessible to students like casual game has been commercially successful. It also confirmed that well-balanced games between fun and learning effects are a key factor in commercial success.

Dutch Architecture Policy and Institutional Infrastructure since the 1990's

  • Kresse, Klaas
    • Architectural research
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    • v.18 no.2
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    • pp.49-58
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    • 2016
  • This paper examines the Dutch policy for architecture and spatial design within the framework of the theory of creative industries. Creative industries are a young concept that emerged in the mid 1980's as a form of commercial cultural production associated with consumerism. The definition of the cultural industry is rather ambiguous in terms of its scope and its relation to the traditional field of art and cultural heritage. The paper describes the theory of the creative industry and relates the Dutch policy for architecture and spatial design to the creative industries theory. The sector of architecture and spatial design in the Netherlands has since the early 1990's been systematically supported by a national policy. Within this period a sophisticated infrastructure of institutions and funding incentives has created a successful and active culture of architecture, spatial design, architectural curating, architecture criticism, education, talent development, and research. Critical success factors for the Dutch policy are the separation of the cultural policy for architecture and spatial design from the art and cultural heritage sector, the 'depth' of the Dutch policy extending into fields not directly related to architecture and spatial design as well as the pro active role of the public sector assigning a central role to the architect and involving him in the beginning of the process.

Analysis the Commercial Success Factors of the One Source Multi-Use Contents (One Source Multi-Use 콘텐츠의 흥행요소 분석)

  • Park, Chan-Ik
    • Proceedings of the KAIS Fall Conference
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    • 2010.05b
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    • pp.788-791
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    • 2010
  • One Source Multi-Use(원 소스 멀티 유스)'란 하나의 소재를 서로 다른 장르에 적용해 파급효과를 노리는 마케팅 전략을 말한다. 이 같은 '원 소스 멀티 유스'의 대표적인 소재가 바로 만화다. 그러나 근래에 들어서는 만화를 비롯하여 소설, 게임, 애니메이션, 영화 등을 원천소스로 하여 다양한 장르로 변형되고 있다. 그중 대표적인 것이 '공포의 외인구단'과 '바람의 나라'를 들 수 있다. '공포의 외인구단'은 이현세의 원작이고(1982-1983)이고 '바람의 나라'는 김진의 만화가 원전이다(1992-2008현재). '공포의 외인구단은 곧바로 영화화 됐으며 20년 후인 2009년에 드라마로 만들어 졌다. '바람의 나라는' 1997년 국내 최초의 온라인게임으로 만들어져 현재까지 많은 사랑을 받으며 서비스되는 게임이며 또한 2006년과 2007년에는 뮤지컬로도 만들어졌고 최근에는 TV드라마로 만들어져 많은 인기를 얻고 있다. 또 다른 예로는 '툼레이더'를 들 수 있는데 이는 게임이 원작이고 게임의 인기를 업고 영화로 만들어졌으며 세계적인 흥행성공에 힘입어 속편까지 제작된 상태이다. 이에 본 연구에서는 '원 소스 멀티 유스'의 대표적인 성공사례인 '바람의 나라'와 '툼 레이더'의 여러 요소 중 시각적인 요소인 캐릭터와 영상이미지의 분석을 통해 흥행요인을 도출하고자 한다.

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A Study on the Development Trend and Strategies of Digital Contents in the Ubiquitous Era (유비쿼터스 시대(時代) 디지털콘텐츠의 발전방향(發展方向)과 개발전략(開發戰略)에 관한 연구(硏究))

  • Shim, Sang-Ryul
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    • v.29
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    • pp.121-142
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    • 2006
  • With the advent of Ubiquitous era, Korean government understood its strategic importance and formulated 'IT839 Strategies' with various action plans not to miss the great opportunities which it may allow and eventually to realize u-Korea. As a result, m-Commerce is actualized and new types of Ubiquitous services such as digital multimedia broadcasting(DMB) and wireless broadband Internet(WiBro) are now on their commercial stages. Digital contents are the key success factors of these new services. Digital contents industry is regarded as next generation of growth engine in the digital economy, because it is knowledge-based and high value-added global industry affecting positively on the whole private and public sectors. This paper reviewed the characteristics, business models, technical and market trend of digital contents to be compatible with Ubiquitous environment. Also, it reviewed the development strategies of DMB and WiBro services, which are newly introduced and commercialized in Korea to make it as world leader in these fields. It may be concluded that Korea should make more efforts to development market-oriented digital contents for Ubiquitous era and to realize the sustained economic growth.

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Analysing Decision Making Factors of IT Investment Projects (IT 프로젝트의 기본속성과 사전타당성 분석결과가 투자의사결정에 미치는 영향요인)

  • Koo, Bon-Jae;Lee, Kuk-Hie
    • Information Systems Review
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.161-189
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    • 2007
  • The purposes of this dissertation are to identify various factors affecting the outcomes of feasibility analysis and investment decision makings of new IT project plans and empirically analysis the relationships among them. 9 variables which have been drawn from prior studies and industry practices are the amount of the necessary resource such as development budget and time, the expect financial benefits, the degree of alignments between IT projects and the business strategy, the estimated risk, and the investment priority as the dependent variable. Data from 125 IT projects of K bank, the leading commercial bank in Korea, have been collected and Regression Analysis and ANOVA have been performed. As results, 5 out of 8 hypothesis have been accepted partially or totally.

The Effect of Corporate Strategy and IT Role on the Intent for IT Outsourcing Decision (조직의 전략과 정보기술 역할이 아웃소싱 의도결정에 미치는 영향)

  • Cho, Dong-Hwan
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.8 no.2
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    • pp.182-194
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    • 2008
  • Corporate managers look at IT outsourcing as long-term strategic choices not as short-term tactical ones, and maximizing the effect that IT outsourcing brings about is the main concern to them. Emerging different types of IT outsourcing and their effects on the corporate business decisions necessitate the research on this subject. According to previous researches, the Intent for IT outsourcing is categorized as IS Improvement, Business Impact, and Commercial Exploitation. The decison factors for these IT outsourcing include corporate strategy types, IT role, and interaction between these two. Firm size and IT maturity are selected as moderating factors to add the credibility to the research of the effect of IT outsourcing decision making. Analyzing collected data revealed that corporate strategy rather than IT role is more significant factor affecting the intent for IT outsourcing decision. Defenders(as in corporate strategy types) tend to use IT outsourcing more as a means to improve information systems, compared to analyzers and reactors. Prospectors tend to use IT outsourcing more as a commercial exploitation, compared to analyzers and reactors. These outcomes prove that corporate strategy characteristics reflect outsourcing intent. There were previous researches that showed outsourcing decision depends on IT role, however the hypothesis was rejected that IT role determines outsourcing intent. It was also rejected that the interaction between corporate strategy types and IT role determines outsourcing intent. Corporate decision makers should first analyze corporate strategy, and reflect it on the outsourcing intent when they make IT outsourcing decisions. Only the precise defining of IT outsourcing intent will lower the risk and increase the possibility of success.

Regional Innovation Systems of the California Wine Cluster: the Case of Napa and Sonoma (미국 캘리포니아의 와인생산 클러스터에 관한 연구: 나파.소노마 지역을 사례로)

  • Shin, Dong-Ho
    • Journal of the Economic Geographical Society of Korea
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.130-147
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    • 2008
  • Spanish missionaries started to grow vine grapes and make wines in California 230 years ago. Earlier pioneers of the land started to do the same works for commercial purposes 130 years ago. Now California became one of the most important wine making places of the world. The quality of California wines in fact have been acknowledged as the best in the world by being ranked on the top in international wine tasting competition, such as Paris Tasting. A large wine cluster, consisted of grape growing, wine making, wine tours, and research and education, has been created in the area centered by Napa and Sonoma, California. In this context, this paper examines the process of formulating the cluster, factors contributing the success, articulates core actors, and draws policy and theoretical implications. It concludes that innovative actors, such as winery founders, local universities, and business organizations, have played key roles in establishing the California wine cluster.

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Characteristics Analysis of '3.1 Phillip Lim' Brand in order to Create Korean Luxury Fashion Brands (국내 패션브랜드의 명품화를 위한 '3.1 필립 림'의 브랜드 특성 분석)

  • Jung, Kyung-Hee;Bae, Soo-Jeong
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Costume
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    • v.61 no.6
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    • pp.131-145
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    • 2011
  • The purpose of this study is to provide preliminary data on strategies to create a domestic prestige brand based on Korean traditional designs. This study also deals with how to promote this brand around the world. The two points mentioned above will be accomplished by examining the characteristics of the brand '3.1 Phillip Lim' which succeeded in both design and marketing during a short period of time. The method of the study will be followed. Firstly, the basic design and philosophical background of Phillip Lim was investigated, after reviewing the global luxury market and current status of overseas expansion of Korean designers through paper study and antecedent workups. Secondly, for the practical stage, design characteristics and marketing strategies were reviewed with the collections of '3.1 Phillip Lim'. Three factors found in '3.1 Phillip Lim's design success are as follows: First, practical and simple designs using fabrics of high quality. Second, handcraft elements and interesting details that differentiates his design identity. Third, femininity expressed in the feminine silhouette and color. The marketing elements that made '3.1 Phillip Lim' as a successful brand are: First, differentiated positioning as a luxurious contemporary brand. Second, brand promotion through various collaborations. Third, the gradual expansion of women's, men's, kids' apparel to accessory, lingerie and the stable flagship stores. Thus, '3.1 Phillip Lim' has combined modern and classic styles using high quality fabrics and practical designs with unique details. Through it's differentiated marketing strategy targeting New York's market, which prefers popular 'luxury contemporary brand's rather than high-end luxury brands, this brand's creativity and commercial aspects contributed to make '3.1 Phillip Lim' into a luxury brand that represents New York fashion. Korean designers who seek to enter the global fashion industry should consider applying Korean traditional designs on global designs to make favorable products and localize these products according to regional characteristics.


    • Acta Via Serica
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    • v.3 no.1
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    • pp.103-117
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    • 2018
  • This article aims to examine European reactions against the Ottoman mission headed by Enver Pasha, who was dispatched to China during the 'Boxer Uprising' in 1901. Based on Western archival documents, we can find reliable and informative correspondence about the attitude of the European countries toward the sultan's mission and its pan-Islamic plans in China. The coming of the Ottoman mission caused great reaction in such European countries as Britain, France, Germany and Russia, who were engaged in a competitive power struggle for an influential political and economic position in China. They kept a close watch on the sultan's envoy to find out his secret mission on the one hand and tried to persuade Enver Pasha not to work against their advantage in China on the other. From time to time, Abdul Hamid II (r. 1876-1909), the sultan of the Ottoman Empire, sent China an official mission and secret agents, through whom he tried to subjugate Chinese Muslims for his own advantage. The significance for the Ottoman Empire of any success in penetrating China by way of a pan-Islamic approach cannot be overrated, not only for political advantage but also for commercial and cultural benefit. Like other European countries, Ottomans could retain or gain rights which might bring them opportunities for free trade in opium and in other commodities. The sultan believed that they would constitute a great political factor to his advantage, because most of the tens of millions of Chinese Muslims recognized the Ottoman sultan as their caliph and praised him in their Friday sermon (Khutuba). Taking these factors into consideration, he decided to dispatch the Enver Pasha mission during the Boxer Uprising (1898-1901), responding to the suggestion of German Kaiser Wilhelm II. However, when the Ottoman mission arrived in China, the uprising had already been suppressed. This unexpected situation made the envoy initiate meaningful contacts with Chinese Muslims during its stay in China.