This sudy was conductted for the purpose of determining the optimal amounts of soy tauce, soy bean paste and hot pepper paste, in 3 different Korean soups and comparing the effect of condiments such as salt, soy sauce, black pepper, and Mono Sodium Glutamate, on the taste of two basic Korean Stocks, The results estimated by Palatability Test were as follows: 1. The average NaCl contents of two kinds of commercial soysauce were 15.9%, 25.6%, respectively. 2. The NaCl contents of 2% sardine stock, and 19% beef stock were 0.16~1.17%, 0.17~0.18% respectively. 3. @ According to Saltiness in sardine stock, there was no difference between the soy sauce-added group and the salt-added group. However, for the removing effect of Off-flavor, and Overall Taste, the soy sauce-group had higher score than salt-added group respectively. (p>.0.1) ⓑ In beef stock, there was no difference between the soysauce-added group and the salt-added group in Saltiness test. The soy sauce-added group had higher score in removing effect of Off-flavor (p>.0.1). On other hand, in Overall Taste, the salt- added group was more effective than the soy sauce-added (p>.0.1). 4 @ According to Saltiness test in beef stock, there was no difference between the black pepper-added and non-added group. However, for the removing effect of Off-flavor and, Overall Taste, the added group had higher score than the non-added group, respectively. (p>.10, p>.0.5) ⓑ Also, according to Saltiness test in beef stock, there was no diffetrence between the MSG-added group and non-added group. However for the removing effect of Off-flavor, and Overall taste, the MSG-added group was more effective than the non-added group. (p>.01) 5. The best recipes of soybean sprouts soup for S persons, in this experiment, were soybean sprouts 180 g, sardine 28 g, soysauce 1/2 T.S., salt 7 g, green onion 15 g, choppedgarlic It. s., against 7 C of water, and total cooking time was 20 minutes. 6. The best recipes of clear-beef soup were beef 200 g, radish 200 g, tangle weed 10 g, sesame oil 1/2 t.s., green onion 15 g, chopped garlic 1 t.s., black Pepper 1/8 1.s., and soy sauce 1 T.S., salt 7 g or soy sauce 2 T S., salt 3.5 g. The total cooking time was minutes. 7, The best recipes of soybean pasted Chinese cabbage soup were Chinese cabbage 300 g, sardine 28 g, green onion 15 g, chopped garlic 1 t.s., and bean paste 50 g, hot pepper paste 13 g, salt 3g or bean paste 65 g, hot pepper paste 16 g, salt 1.5 g. And the total cooking time was 25 minutes. 8. Soy sauce, black pepper, M.S.G., bean paste and hot pepper paste were effective on removing Off-flavor of experimental soups.