• Title/Summary/Keyword: color simulation

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Hybrid Color and Grayscale Images Encryption Scheme Based on Quaternion Hartley Transform and Logistic Map in Gyrator Domain

  • Li, Jianzhong
    • Journal of the Optical Society of Korea
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.42-54
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    • 2016
  • A hybrid color and grayscale images encryption scheme based on the quaternion Hartley transform (QHT), the two-dimensional (2D) logistic map, the double random phase encoding (DRPE) in gyrator transform (GT) domain and the three-step phase-shifting interferometry (PSI) is presented. First, we propose a new color image processing tool termed as the quaternion Hartley transform, and we develop an efficient method to calculate the QHT of a quaternion matrix. In the presented encryption scheme, the original color and grayscale images are represented by quaternion algebra and processed holistically in a vector manner using QHT. To enhance the security level, a 2D logistic map-based scrambling technique is designed to permute the complex amplitude, which is formed by the components of the QHT-transformed original images. Subsequently, the scrambled data is encoded by the GT-based DRPE system. For the convenience of storage and transmission, the resulting encrypted signal is recorded as the real-valued interferograms using three-step PSI. The parameters of the scrambling method, the GT orders and the two random phase masks form the keys for decryption of the secret images. Simulation results demonstrate that the proposed scheme has high security level and certain robustness against data loss, noise disturbance and some attacks such as chosen plaintext attack.

A Facial Region Detection using the Skin Color and Edge Information at YCbCr (YCbCr 색공간에서 피부색과 윤곽선 정보를 이용한 얼굴 영역 검출)

  • 권혁봉;권동진;장언동;윤영복;안재형
    • Journal of Korea Multimedia Society
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.27-34
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    • 2004
  • This thesis proposes a face detection algorithm using the color and edge informations in color image. The proposed algorithm segments skin color by Cb and Cr in YCbCr coordinates. Then face candidate regions are made after morphological filtering and labeling. For the regions, the Sobel vortical operation and horizontal projection are performed in the Y luminance components. The peak value indicates the eye location. Similarly, the chin location is detected by the Sobel horizontal operation and horizontal projection. The computer simulation shows that the proposed method gains similar detection rates of previous method and prevent facial region from including neck by detection of chin.

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The Proposal of the Robust Fuzzy Wavelet Morphology Neural Networks Algorithm for Edge of Color Image (컬러 영상 에지에 강건한 퍼지 웨이브렛 형태학 신경망 알고리즘 제안)

  • Byun, Oh-Sung
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.12 no.2 s.46
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    • pp.53-62
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    • 2007
  • In this paper, it can propose that Fuzzy Wavelet Morphology Neural Networks for the edge detection algorithm with being robustly a unclear boundary parts by brightness difference and being less sensitivity on direction to be detected the edges of images. This is applying the Fuzzy Wavelet Morphology Operator which can be simple the image robustly without the loss of data to DTCNN Structure for improving defect which carrys out a lot of operation complexly. Also, this color image can segment Y image with YCbCr space color model which has a lossless feature information of edge boundary sides effectively. This paper can offer the simulation of color images of 50ea for the performance verification of the proposal algorithm.

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A Study on illusion of Clothing Design Factors Variation Effecting Perception of Face (의복디자인 요소 변화에 의한 착시현상이 얼굴지각에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Mi-Jeong;Kim, Jun-Beom;Lee, In-Ja
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles
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    • v.21 no.8
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    • pp.1287-1296
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    • 1997
  • The purpose of the study is to make experimental whether three-dimensional body (especially face) has illusion based on theoretical background of form dimensions and color bright among precedent multi-form illusion, using the function of computer simulation. To investigate illusion that factors of clothing design(line, color, material) effect face, as the following is tried to solve giving change to neckline, collar, scarf which is believed to influence near face. How to make experiment as follows watching in order 13 scenes of a pair of with basic design and experiment design. Then the data were subjected to analysis of variance and Duncan's multiple range test. The result of this studying as follows, 1. Face looks larger in complex neckline than simple neckline. The larger collar is the larger face looks. 2. In white jacket, illusion(the lower luminosity of scarf color gets, the brighter face brightness gets) is shown. In black jacket, also illusion(the higher luminosity of scarf color gets, the darker face brightness gets) is shown. 3. In experiment on hardness and softness of face impression according to the material of collar, collar of knit and fur gives us assimilation illusion bring softer impression of face.

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The Optical Properties of Sb2O3/Na3AlF6/Sb2O3/Cr Multi Layered Thin Films by EMP Simulation (EMP시뮬레이션을 활용한 Sb2O3/Na3AlF6/Sb2O3/Cr 다층박막의 광 특성)

  • Kim, Jun-Sik;Jang, Gun-Eik
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Electrical and Electronic Material Engineers
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    • v.21 no.4
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    • pp.376-380
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    • 2008
  • The optical properties of multi layered thin films with $Sb_2O_3/Na_3AlF_6/Sb_2O_3/Cr$ were simulated by using EMP(Essential Macleod Program). EMP is a comprehensive software package to design and analyse the optical characteristics of multi-layered thin film. $Sb_2O_3$ and $Na_3AlF_6$ were selected as a high refractive index and low refractive index material respectively. Additionally Cr was chosen as mid reflective material. Optical properties including color effect were systematically studied in terms of different optical thickness of low refractive index material. The optical thickness of $Na_3AlF_6$ was changed as 0.25, 0.5, 0.75 and $1.0\lambda$. The film with 0.25, 0.5, 0.75 and $1.0\lambda$ of optical thickness showed mixed color range between purple and red range, yellowish green and bluish green, purple and mixed color range of green and purple respectively.

Comparison of visual blood loss estimates and subjective emergency according to clothing color : quasi-experimental study using bleeding simulation (의복의 색상에 따른 시각적 출혈량 추정값의 정확도와 주관적 응급도의 차이 비교 : 출혈모의환자를 이용한 유사실험연구)

  • Park, Si-Eun;Kwak, Yumi
    • The Korean Journal of Emergency Medical Services
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    • v.24 no.2
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    • pp.111-121
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    • 2020
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study was to compare visual blood loss estimation and subjective emergency according to clothing color. Methods: This is a quasi-experimental study which involved the use of mock bleeding patients wearing different colors tops. Results: Differences in visual estimates according to clothing color were significant in both paramedic students (F=6.69, p=.002) and the general department students (F=20.92, p=.000). When looking specifically at the accuracy of visual estimates, the paramedic students group tended to underestimate (50% white, 62.5% black, 32.5% yellow) the actual blood volume in all experimental conditions. On the other hand, the general department group tended to overestimation (45% white, 40% black, 67.5% yellow). The subjective emergency was also found to differ between paramedic students (F=13.58, p=.000) and general department students (F=9.67, p=.000). Conclusion: Paramedics treating bleeding patients at pre-hospital stages need to pay attention to blood loss estimations depending on clothing color, a factor not to be neglected or underestimated.

Simulation and Comparison of the Lighting Efficiency for Household Illumination with LEDs and Fluorescent Lamps

  • Sun, Wen-Shing;Tien, Chuen-Lin;Pan, Jui-Wen;Yang, Tsung-Hsun;Tsuei, Chih-Hsuan;Huang, Yi-Han
    • Journal of the Optical Society of Korea
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    • v.17 no.5
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    • pp.376-383
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    • 2013
  • The design of the LEDs lighting in general household illumination was proposed and compared with the fluorescent lighting in this study. Using the LED as a light source would promote energy saving lighting for household illumination purposes. We used the LightTools and DIALux software to design and simulate different standards of illuminance, different correlated color temperatures and different color rendering indices for household environments. The power consumption and efficiency of traditional illuminated light sources and an LED light source with the same standard of illuminance for lighting the household environment were analyzed and compared with each other. Finally, our results show the advantages of using white-light LEDs for lighting and household illumination.

Analysis of Vibration in Cello Bridge (첼로 브릿지의 진동 분석)

  • Choi Gi-Sang
    • The Journal of the Acoustical Society of Korea
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    • v.25 no.5
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    • pp.197-206
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    • 2006
  • Vibration of string is transmitted to the front plate through bridge to cause resonance of the instrument body in viol family string instruments. Therefore. the properties. geometrical shape. and positioning of the bridge are expected to have some effect on the sound color. In this study the strain and the stress in the bridge. and the force exerted on the top plate by the bridge as the string vibrates the bridge in cello are calculated through simulation based on the theory of elasticity. The modes of vibration and the characteristic frequencies are also found. Furthermore. the effect of geometric shape of bridge on sound color is studied in terms of frequency response. The results of this study show that the vibration characteristics of bridge is quite complex and the properties and the geometrical shape of bridge have significant effect on sound color, and therefore. the sound color of a cello can be controlled by changing the geometrical shape of bridge.

Shadow Modeling using Z-map Algorithm for Process Simulation of OLED Evaporation

  • Lee, Eung-Ki
    • 한국정보디스플레이학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2004.08a
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    • pp.487-490
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    • 2004
  • In order to simulate OLED evaporation process, modeling of directional distribution of the vaporized organic materials, film thickness distribution profile and pattern-mask shadow effect are required In accordance with many literatures; all of them except shadow effect modeling are studied and developed. In this paper, modeling algorithm of evaporation shadow is presented for process simulation of full-color OLED evaporating system. In OLED evaporating process the offset position of the point cell-source against the substrate rotation axis and the usage of the patterned mask are the principal causes for evaporation shadow. For geometric simulation of shadow using z-map, the film thickness profile, which is condensed on a glass substrate, is converted to the z-map data. In practical evaporation process, the glass substrate is rotated. This physical fact is solved and modeled mathematically for z-map simulation. After simulating the evaporation process, the z-map data can present the shadow-effected film thickness profile. Z-map is an efficient method in that the cross-sectional presentations of the film thickness profile and thickness distribution evaluation are easily and rapidly achieved.

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Analysis of Uncertainty in Ocean Color Products by Water Vapor Vertical Profile (수증기 연직 분포에 의한 GOCI-II 해색 산출물 오차 분석)

  • Kyeong-Sang Lee;Sujung Bae;Eunkyung Lee;Jae-Hyun Ahn
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.39 no.6_2
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    • pp.1591-1604
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    • 2023
  • In ocean color remote sensing, atmospheric correction is a vital process for ensuring the accuracy and reliability of ocean color products. Furthermore, in recent years, the remote sensing community has intensified its requirements for understanding errors in satellite data. Accordingly, research is currently addressing errors in remote sensing reflectance (Rrs) resulting from inaccuracies in meteorological variables (total ozone, pressure, wind field, and total precipitable water) used as auxiliary data for atmospheric correction. However, there has been no investigation into the error in Rrs caused by the variability of the water vapor profile, despite it being a recognized error source. In this study, we used the Second Simulation of a Satellite Signal Vector version 2.1 simulation to compute errors in water vapor transmittance arising from variations in the water vapor profile within the GOCI-II observation area. Subsequently, we conducted an analysis of the associated errors in ocean color products. The observed water vapor profile not only exhibited a complex shape but also showed significant variations near the surface, leading to differences of up to 0.007 compared to the US standard 62 water vapor profile used in the GOCI-II atmospheric correction. The resulting variation in water vapor transmittance led to a difference in aerosol reflectance estimation, consequently introducing errors in Rrs across all GOCI-II bands. However, the error of Rrs in the 412-555 nm due to the difference in the water vapor profile band was found to be below 2%, which is lower than the required accuracy. Also, similar errors were shown in other ocean color products such as chlorophyll-a concentration, colored dissolved organic matter, and total suspended matter concentration. The results of this study indicate that the variability in water vapor profiles has minimal impact on the accuracy of atmospheric correction and ocean color products. Therefore, improving the accuracy of the input data related to the water vapor column concentration is even more critical for enhancing the accuracy of ocean color products in terms of water vapor absorption correction.