• Title/Summary/Keyword: color segmentation

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Exploiting Color Segmentation in Pedestrian Upper-body Detection (보행자 상반신 검출에서의 컬러 세그먼테이션 활용)

  • Park, Lae-Jeong
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics and Information Engineers
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    • v.51 no.11
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    • pp.181-186
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    • 2014
  • The paper proposes a new method of segmentation-based feature extraction to improve performance in pedestrian upper-body detection. General pedestrian detectors that use local features are often plagued by false positives due to the locality. Color information of multi parts of the upper body is utilized in figure-ground segmentation scheme to extract an salient, "global" shape feature capable of reducing the false positives. The performance of the multi-part color segmentation-based feature is evaluated by changing color spaces and the parameters of color histogram. The experimental result from an upper-body dataset shows that the proposed feature is effective in reducing the false positives of local feature-based detectors.

Color Object Segmentation using Distance Regularized Level Set (거리정규화 레벨셋을 이용한 칼라객체분할)

  • Anh, Nguyen Tran Lan;Lee, Guee-Sang
    • Journal of Internet Computing and Services
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    • v.13 no.4
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    • pp.53-62
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    • 2012
  • Object segmentation is a demanding research area and not a trivial problem of image processing and computer vision. Tremendous segmentation algorithms were addressed on gray-scale (or biomedical) images that rely on numerous image features as well as their strategies. These works in practice cannot apply to natural color images because of their negative effects to color values due to the use of gray-scale gradient information. In this paper, we proposed a new approach for color object segmentation by modifying a geometric active contour model named distance regularized level set evolution (DRLSE). Its speed function will be designed to exploit as much as possible color gradient information of images. Finally, we provide experiments to show performance of our method with respect to its accuracy and time efficiency using various color images.

Individual Tooth Image Segmentation with Correcting of Specular Reflections (치아 영상의 반사 제거 및 치아 영역 자동 분할)

  • Lee, Seong-Taek;Kim, Kyeong-Seop;Yoon, Tae-Ho;Lee, Jeong-Whan;Kim, Kee-Deog;Park, Won-Se
    • The Transactions of The Korean Institute of Electrical Engineers
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    • v.59 no.6
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    • pp.1136-1142
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    • 2010
  • In this study, an efficient removal algorithm for specular reflections in a tooth color image is proposed to minimize the artefact interrupting color image segmentation. The pixel values of RGB color channels are initially reversed to emphasize the features in reflective regions, and then those regions are automatically detected by utilizing perceptron artificial neural network model and those prominent intensities are corrected by applying a smoothing spatial filter. After correcting specular reflection regions, multiple seeds in the tooth candidates are selected to find the regional minima and MCWA(Marker-Controlled Watershed Algorithm) is applied to delineate the individual tooth region in a CCD tooth color image. Therefore, the accuracy in segmentation for separating tooth regions can be drastically improved with removing specular reflections due to the illumination effect.

A Study on the Color Image Segmentation Algorithm Based on the Scale-Space Filter and the Fuzzy c-Means Techniques (스케일 공간 필터와 FCM을 이용한 컬러 영상영역화에 관한 연구)

  • 임영원;이상욱
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Telematics and Electronics
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    • v.25 no.12
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    • pp.1548-1558
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    • 1988
  • In this paper, a segmentation algorithm for color images based on the scale-space filter and the Fuzzy c-means (FCM) techniques is proposed. The methodology uses a coarse-fine concept to reduce the computational burden required for the FCM. The coarse segmentation attempts to segment coarsely using a thresholding technique, while a fine segmentation assigns the unclassified pixels by a coarse segmentation to the closest class using the FCM. Attempts also have been made to compare the performance of the proposed algorithm with other algorithms such as Ohlander's, Rosenfeld's, and Bezdek's. Intensive computer simulations has been done and the results are discussed in the paper. The simulation results indicate that the proposed algorithm produces the most accurate segmentation on the O-K-S color coordinate while requiring a reasonable amount of computational effort.

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Enhancement Techniques of Color Segmentation for Detecting Missing Persons in Smart Lighting System using Radar and Camera Sensors (레이다 및 카메라 내장형 스마트 조명에서 실종자 탐지용 색상 검출 향상 기법)

  • Song, Seungeon;Kim, Sangdong;Jin, Young-Seok;Lee, Jonghun
    • Journal of Korea Society of Industrial Information Systems
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    • v.25 no.3
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    • pp.53-59
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    • 2020
  • This paper proposes color segmentation for detecting missing persons in a smart lighting system using radar and camera sensors. Recently, smart lighting systems built-in radar and cameras have been efficient in saving energy and searching for missing persons, simultaneously. In smart lighting systems, radar detects moving objects and then the lights turn on and camera records. The video recorded is useful to find out missing persons. The color of their clothes worn in missing persons is one of critical hints to look for missing persons. Therefore, color segmentation is an effective means for detecting the color of their clothes. In this paper, during the color segmentation step, the ROI(Region of interest) setting based on the size of an object is applied and the background is reduced. According to experimental results, the color segmentation has good accuracy of more than 97%.

Color-based Image Retrieval using Color Segmentation and Histogram Reconstruction

  • Kim, Hyun-Sool;Shin, Dae-Kyu;Kim, Taek-Soo;Chung, Tae-Yun;Park, Sang-Hui
    • KIEE International Transaction on Systems and Control
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    • v.12D no.1
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    • pp.1-6
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    • 2002
  • In this study, we propose the new color-based image retrieval technique using the representative colors of images and their ratios to a total image size obtained through color segmentation in HSV color space. Color information of an image is described by reconstructing the color histogram of an image through Gaussian modelling to its representative colors and ratios. And the similarity between two images is measured by histogram intersection. The proposed method is compared with the existing methods by performing retrieval experiments for various 1280 trademark image database.

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Segmentation of 3D Visible Human Color Images by Balloon (Balloon을 이용한 3차원 Visible human 컬러 영상의 분할 방법)

  • 김한영;김동성;강흥식
    • Proceedings of the IEEK Conference
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    • 2001.06e
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    • pp.73-76
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    • 2001
  • A segmentation is a prior processing for medical image analysis and 3D reconstruction. This Paper provides the method to segment 3D Visible Human color images. Firstly, the reference images that have a initial curve are segmented using Balloon and the results are propagated to the adjacent images. In the propagation processing, the result of the adjacent slice is modified by Edge-limited SRG Finally, the 3D Balloon improves the segmentation results of each 2D slice. the proposed method's performance was verified through the experiments to segment thigh muscles of Visible Human color images.

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Analysis of CIELuv Color feature for the Segmentation of the Lip Region (입술영역 분할을 위한 CIELuv 칼라 특징 분석)

  • Kim, Jeong Yeop
    • Journal of Korea Multimedia Society
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    • v.22 no.1
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    • pp.27-34
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    • 2019
  • In this paper, a new type of lip feature is proposed as distance metric in CIELUV color system. The performance of the proposed feature was tested on face image database, Helen dataset from University of Illinois. The test processes consists of three steps. The first step is feature extraction and second step is principal component analysis for the optimal projection of a feature vector. The final step is Otsu's threshold for a two-class problem. The performance of the proposed feature was better than conventional features. Performance metrics for the evaluation are OverLap and Segmentation Error. Best performance for the proposed feature was OverLap of 65% and 59 % of segmentation error. Conventional methods shows 80~95% for OverLap and 5~15% of segmentation error usually. In conventional cases, the face database is well calibrated and adjusted with the same background and illumination for the scene. The Helen dataset used in this paper is not calibrated or adjusted at all. These images are gathered from internet and therefore, there are no calibration and adjustment.

Content based image retrieval using maximum color

  • Park, Jong-An
    • The Journal of Korea Institute of Information, Electronics, and Communication Technology
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    • v.6 no.4
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    • pp.232-237
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    • 2013
  • This paper presents image database retrieval based on maximum color occurrenceusing Hue, Saturation and Value (HSV) color space. Our system is based on color segmentation. We dividedthe image into n number of areas based on different selected ranges of hue and value, then each area is partitioned into m number of segments based on the number of pixels it contains, after this we calculated the maximumcolor occurrence in each segment and used its HSV value. This is used as a feature vector.

Machine Vision Based Detection of Disease Damaged Leave of Tomato Plants in a Greenhouse (기계시각장치에 의한 토마토 작물의 병해엽 검출)

  • Lee, Jong-Whan
    • Journal of Biosystems Engineering
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    • v.33 no.6
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    • pp.446-452
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    • 2008
  • Machine vision system was used for analyzing leaf color disorders of tomato plants in a greenhouse. From the day when a few leave of tomato plants had started to wither, a series of images were captured by 4 times during 14 days. Among several color image spaces, Saturation frame in HSI color space was adequate to eliminate a background and Hue frame was good to detect infected disease area and tomato fruits. The processed image ($G{\sqcup}b^*$ image) by OR operation between G frame in RGB color space and $b^*$ frame in $La^*b^*$ color space was useful for image segmentation of a plant canopy area. This study calculated a ratio of the infected area to the plant canopy and manually analyzed leaf color disorders through an image segmentation for Hue frame of a tomato plant image. For automatically analyzing plant leave disease, this study selected twenty-seven color patches on the calibration bars as the corresponding to leaf color disorders. These selected color patches could represent 97% of the infected area analyzed by the manual method. Using only ten color patches among twenty-seven ones could represent over 85% of the infected area. This paper showed a proposed machine vision system may be effective for evaluating various leaf color disorders of plants growing in a greenhouse.