• Title/Summary/Keyword: color images

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Merging of KOMPSAT-1 EOC Image and MODIS Images to Survey Reclaimed Land (간척지 조사를 위한 KOMPSAT-1 EOC 영상과 MODIS 영상의 중합)

  • 신석효;김상철;안기원;임효숙;서두천
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry, and Cartography Conference
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    • 2003.04a
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    • pp.171-180
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    • 2003
  • The merging of different scales or multi-sensor image data is becoming a widely used procedure of the complementary nature of various data sets. Ideally, the merging method should not distort the characteristics of the high-spatial and high-spectral resolution data used. To present an effective merging method for survey of reclaimed land, this paper compares the results of Intensity Hue Saturation (IHS), Principal Component Analysis (PCA), Color Normalized(CN) and High Pass Filter(HPF) methods used to merge the information contents of the high-resolution (6.6 m) Electro-Optical Camera (EOC) panchromatic image of the first Korea Multi-Purpose Satellite 1 (KOMPSAT-1) and the multi-spectral Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) image data. The comparison is made by visual evaluation of three-color combination images of IHS, PCA, CN and HPF results based on spatial and spectral characteristics. The use of a contrasted EOC panchromatic image as a substitute for intensity in merged images with MODIS bands 1, 2 and 3 was found to be particularly effective in this study.

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Merging of SPOT P-mode and XS-mode Images using Color Transformation and Image Enhancement (색변환과 영상개선기법을 이용한 SPOT P-mode와 XS-mode 영상합성)

  • 손덕재;이종훈
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.103-113
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    • 1991
  • The accuracy of input coordinates of ground control points and check points affects great influences to the results of ground coordinate computation in using SPOT digital image data. The original SPOT images displayed on CRT are not usually adequate for identifying the object features and determining the point positioning. Hence, appropriate image processing techniques such as contrast enhancement, subpixel interpolation, edge enhancement, and spatial filtering are needed. In this study, the principles of digital image processing needed for accurate three dimensional positioning and spectral characteristic analysis are investigated. The algorithms for the actual applications are developed and programmed. And using the developed image processing software, some SPOT P-mode and XS-mode images are merged into the SPOT P+XS, the high-resolution color composite image.

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Altered Image of make-up Advertisement with Changing of the Colors

  • Kwon, Ku-Jung
    • Journal of Fashion Business
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    • v.11 no.3
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    • pp.106-123
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    • 2007
  • The purpose of this research is to study if the images that make-up advertisement tries to symbolize can be altered with changes only in the colors of make-up and without any changes in other factors and if colors can be tools of communication in image. Also, we studied the interaction between the partial changes of eyes and lips. The results are as follows. First, we studied if the images that make-up advertisement tries to symbolize can be altered with changes only in the colors of make-up and without any changes in other factors. The study revealed more or less differences, however, when we applied colors of each image on photos, people had higher recognition on that image more than other images. Therefore, we can conclude that the image can be changed merely with the change from colors of make-up. Second, we changed the make-up colors of lips and eyes separately and studied the interaction of the two. When natural colors and elegant color were applied, there was no interaction of color application between eyes and lips within 0.1 significance level. In the case of romantic colors, there was interaction of applying colors between lips and eyes within 0.1 significance level. When we applied gorgeous colors and modern colors, there was interaction of applying colors between lips and eyes within 0.1 significance level. Therefore, from the interaction of the two, it was recognized to be most gorgeous or most modern when gorgeous colors or modern colors were applied in both lips and eyes.

Implementation of a Robust Visual Surveillance Algorithm under outdoor environment (옥외 환경에강인한 영상 감시알고리듬구현)

  • Jung, Yong-Bae;Kim, Tea-Hyo
    • Journal of the Institute of Convergence Signal Processing
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.112-119
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    • 2009
  • This paper describes a robust visual surveillance algorithm under outdoor environment. One of the difficult problems for outdoor is to obtain effective updating process of background images. Because background images generally contain the shadows of buildings, trees, moving clouds and other objects, they are changed by lapse of time and variation of illumination. They provide the lowering of performance for surveillance system under outdoor. In this paper, a robust algorithm for visual surveillance system under outdoor is proposed, which apply the mixture Gaussian filter and color invariant property on pixel level to update background images. In results, it was showed that the moving objects can be detected on various shadows under outdoor.

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Improvement of Temporal Resolution for Land Surface Monitoring by the Geostationary Ocean Color Imager Data

  • Lee, Hwa-Seon;Lee, Kyu-Sung
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.32 no.1
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    • pp.25-38
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    • 2016
  • With the increasing need for high temporal resolution satellite imagery for monitoring land surfaces, this study evaluated the temporal resolution of the NDVI composites from Geostationary Ocean Color Imager (GOCI) data. The GOCI is the first geostationary satellite sensor designed to provide continuous images over a $2,500{\times}2,500km^2$ area of the northeast Asian region with relatively high spatial resolution of 500 m. We used total 2,944 hourly images of the GOCI level 1B radiance data obtained during the one-year period from April 2011 to March 2012. A daily NDVI composite was produced by maximum value compositing of eight hourly images captured during day-time. Further NDVI composites were created with different compositing periods ranging from two to five days. The cloud coverage of each composite was estimated by the cloud detection method developed in study and then compared with the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) Aqua cloud product and 16-day NDVI composite. The GOCI NDVI composites showed much higher temporal resolution with less cloud coverage than the MODIS NDVI products. The average of cloud coverage for the five-day GOCI composites during the one year was only 2.5%, which is a significant improvement compared to the 8.9%~19.3% cloud coverage in the MODIS 16-day NDVI composites.

A Study of Fashion and Makeup Style based on Image -focusing on Daejeon and Gyeonggi University Students- (이미지에 따른 패션 및 메이크업 스타일 연구 - 대전과 경기지역 대학생을 중심으로-)

  • Cha, Su-Joung
    • Journal of Fashion Business
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    • v.20 no.4
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    • pp.96-109
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    • 2016
  • This objectives of this research was to look into the actual state of fashion wearing purchase and makeup purchase to recognize the interrelationship between fashion and makeup styles by selecting words used for fashion image and cosmetic style. Such study can offer basic materials for choice of makeup style by each fashion style. Most information on fashion and cosmetics were obtained through the internet. However, a lot of information on cosmetics were also obtained through TV. Therefore, if fashion companies use both internet and TV for advertising, more effect on purchasing might be obtained. The design and color are important standards for selecting clothes. However, the quality and price of clothes are essential standards for purchasing cosmetics. Therefore, for fashion companies, they need to pay more attention to design and color. However, for cosmetic companies, they need to take notice of quality and price. When image words were extracted, fashion images showed the following words: natural, romantic, elegance, casual, and avant-garde, while makeup images showed romantic-casual, elegance, avant-garde, and natural. Regarding the interrelationship between fashion style and makeup style, natural and casual fashion style were harmonized with natural makeup while romantic fashion style was associated with romantic makeup. The fashion style of elegance and avant- garde was associated with elegance makeup. Therefore, similar images were found between fashion and makeup styles.

Pacman Game Using Hand Motion Recognition (손동작 인식에 의한 Pacman 게임)

  • Shin, Seong-Yoon;Baek, Jeong-Uk;Rhee, Yang-Won
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Information and Commucation Sciences Conference
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    • 2010.10a
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    • pp.329-330
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    • 2010
  • Classic game Pac-Man (Pacman) is playing a game using a somple hand gasture without using a keyboard or a mouse. In other words, it is a joystick game by motion to replace the arrow keys using the center coordinates of the hand. In addition, the pointer of hand is extracted by accepting images to MFC dialog using cam. Thus, movements of the monsters is to be replaced by hand movements. In this paper, smoothing, expansion, and erosion operation for the skin color extraction, and RGB images are converted to YCbCbr images.

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A Coherent Algorithm for Noise Revocation of Multispectral Images by Fast HD-NLM and its Method Noise Abatement

  • Hegde, Vijayalaxmi;Jagadale, Basavaraj N.;Naragund, Mukund N.
    • International Journal of Computer Science & Network Security
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    • v.21 no.12spc
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    • pp.556-564
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    • 2021
  • Numerous spatial and transform-domain-based conventional denoising algorithms struggle to keep critical and minute structural features of the image, especially at high noise levels. Although neural network approaches are effective, they are not always reliable since they demand a large quantity of training data, are computationally complicated, and take a long time to construct the model. A new framework of enhanced hybrid filtering is developed for denoising color images tainted by additive white Gaussian Noise with the goal of reducing algorithmic complexity and improving performance. In the first stage of the proposed approach, the noisy image is refined using a high-dimensional non-local means filter based on Principal Component Analysis, followed by the extraction of the method noise. The wavelet transform and SURE Shrink techniques are used to further culture this method noise. The final denoised image is created by combining the results of these two steps. Experiments were carried out on a set of standard color images corrupted by Gaussian noise with multiple standard deviations. Comparative analysis of empirical outcome indicates that the proposed method outperforms leading-edge denoising strategies in terms of consistency and performance while maintaining the visual quality. This algorithm ensures homogeneous noise reduction, which is almost independent of noise variations. The power of both the spatial and transform domains is harnessed in this multi realm consolidation technique. Rather than processing individual colors, it works directly on the multispectral image. Uses minimal resources and produces superior quality output in the optimal execution time.

A Survey of Globular Cluster Systems of Massive Compact Elliptical Galaxies in the Local Universe

  • Kang, Jisu;Lee, Myung Gyoon
    • The Bulletin of The Korean Astronomical Society
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    • v.45 no.1
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    • pp.32.2-32.2
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    • 2020
  • Massive Compact Elliptical Galaxies (MCEGs) found in the local universe are as massive as normal galaxies but extremely compact (M∗ > 1011 Msun, Reff < 1.5 kpc). They are considered to be the relics of red nugget galaxies found at high redshift. They are not likely to have undergone many mergers, keeping their original mass and size. Moreover, it is expected that they host a dominant population of red (metal-rich) globular clusters rather than blue (metal-poor) ones. Indeed, Beasley et al. (2018) found that the color distribution of the cluster system of NGC 1277 is unimodal, showing only a red population. However, NGC 1277 is the only case whose cluster system was studied among MCEGs. In this study, we investigate globular cluster systems of 14 nearby MCEGs with a homogeneous data set of HST/WFC3 F814W/F160W archive images. We detect tens to hundreds of globular clusters in each galaxy and examine their color distributions. Surprisingly, the fractions of red globular clusters are similar to those of normal galaxies, and are much lower than that of NGC 1277. We additionally obtain Gemini/GMOS-N g'r'i' images of PGC 70520, one of the 14 nearby MCEGs, to detect more globular clusters from deeper and wider images. We will discuss the results from the Gemini data combined with the results from the HST data in relation with the formation of MCEGs.

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Create a hybrid algorithm by combining Hill and Advanced Encryption Standard Algorithms to Enhance Efficiency of RGB Image Encryption

  • Rania A. Tabeidi;Hanaa F. Morse;Samia M. Masaad;Reem H. Al-shammari;Dalia M. Alsaffar
    • International Journal of Computer Science & Network Security
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    • v.23 no.10
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    • pp.129-134
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    • 2023
  • The greatest challenge of this century is the protection of stored and transmitted data over the network. This paper provides a new hybrid algorithm designed based on combination algorithms, in the proposed algorithm combined with Hill and the Advanced Encryption Standard Algorithms, to increase the efficiency of color image encryption and increase the sensitivity of the key to protect the RGB image from Keyes attackers. The proposed algorithm has proven its efficiency in encryption of color images with high security and countering attacks. The strength and efficiency of combination the Hill Chipper and Advanced Encryption Standard Algorithms tested by statical analysis for RGB images histogram and correlation of RGB images before and after encryption using hill cipher and proposed algorithm and also analysis of the secret key and key space to protect the RGB image from Brute force attack. The result of combining Hill and Advanced Encryption Standard Algorithm achieved the ability to cope statistically