• Title/Summary/Keyword: color images

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A Comparative Study on Expressive Methods of Finishing Materials for Space Image and Emotional Vocabulary (공간이미지와 감성어휘에 따른 마감재 표현방법 비교 연구)

  • Seo, Ji-Eun;Lee, Gok-Sook
    • Korean Institute of Interior Design Journal
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    • v.21 no.3
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    • pp.111-118
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    • 2012
  • The purpose of this study is to focus on living rooms that are preferred as a place for changing space image to the maximum and to find a method how finishing materials are expressed by selecting space with mix & match of many images. The study methods are as follows. First, understand the expressive trend of space images through the precedent studies and magazines, and examine its relationship with finishing materials. Second, select space images based on the contents understood earlier and extract adjective words that represent each space image through an expert survey. Third, find the cases where space images are expressed based on the extracted words and analyze expression methods of finishing materials. The results of the study are as follows. First, it was confirmed that recent space images are actively expressed through finishing materials. Second, space images selected through data related to the trend were classified as modern+natural, modern+traditional, modern+retro, classic+natural, classic+humor, and futurism+natural and 4 adjective words for each space image were extracted. Third, expressive elements of finishing materials were extracted as 'material'. 'texture', 'color', and 'pattern' through the precedent studies. Fourth, expressive methods of finishing materials for each space image could be suggested by analyzing the examples that show mix & match based on the contents extracted earlier. Lastly, it is expected to find various methods that lead space image into finishing materials by evaluating responses and changes in visual perception of residents according to expression of finishing materials based on this study.

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Adaptive Color Correction Method to Monitor in Color Laser Printer (모니터에 적응적인 칼라 레이저 프린터의 색 변환 방법)

  • Jang, In-Su;Son, Chang-Hwan;Kim, Kyung-Man;Ha, Yeong-Ho
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea SP
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    • v.47 no.4
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    • pp.63-68
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    • 2010
  • The Color Management System in recent printers adopts ICC profiles for both monitors and printers. However, the ICC profile doesn't contain the characteristics of reproduced color on each monitor, because the color on each monitor is changed by user adjustment such as color temperature, brightness, and contrast adjustment. It is also depended on the backlight type and lifetime. As a result, unwanted color is reproduced on the printed paper, not like that on the monitor. To overcome the color difference between monitors and printers, it is needed to control the information of ICC profile. That is, first, the ICC profile is generated by the measurement of monitors having user set, then, through the CMS, the color on monitors can be produced on printed paper. However, it is difficult to apply the above system for normal users due to absence of measuring equipment and time consuming process. Therefore, this paper proposes a novel color matching technique based on the estimation of condition for each monitor having user set. The estimation is performed by a simple comparison visual test using a test image on printed paper and monitor. Then, the condition of monitor is applied to the ICC profile. As a result, the new ICC profile contains the color difference between user monitor and printer. The experimental results show the printed images using our proposed method have almost similar color with those on monitors.

Predicting Unsaturated Soil Water Content Using CIELAB Color System-based Soil Color (CIELAB 색 표시계 기반 토색을 활용한 불포화토 함수비 예측 연구)

  • Baek, Sung-Ha;Park, Ka-Hyun;Jeon, Jun-Seo;Kwak, Tae-Young
    • Journal of the Korean Geotechnical Society
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    • v.39 no.2
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    • pp.31-42
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    • 2023
  • A study was conducted to use soil color obtained from digital im ages as an indicator of soil water content. Digital images of Jumoonjin standard sand with five different water contents were captured under nine different lighting conditions. Through digital image processing, the soil color of the sample was obtained based on the CIELAB color system, and the effect of lighting conditions and water content on the soil color was analyzed. The results indicated that L* showed a high correlation with illuminance, whereas a* and b* showed a high correlation with color temperature. As the water content increased, L*, which represents the brightness of the soil color, decreased, and a* and b* increased. Therefore, the soil color changed from green and blue to red and yellow. Based on the regression analysis results of lighting conditions, water content, and soil color, a water content predicting method based on the soil color of silica-based sand photographed under irregular light conditions was proposed. The proposed method can predict the water content with a m axim um error of 0.29%.

The Near-Infrared Imaging Spectroscopy to Visualize the Distribution of Sugar Content in the Flesh of a Melon

  • Tsuta, Mizuki;Sugiyama, Junichi;Sagara, Yasuyuki
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Near Infrared Spectroscopy Conference
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    • 2001.06a
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    • pp.1526-1526
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    • 2001
  • To improve the accuracy of sweetness sensor in automated sorting operations, it is necessary to clarify unevenness of the sugar content distribution within fruits. And it is expected that the technique to evaluate the content distribution in fruits contribute to the development of the near-infrared (NIR) imaging spectroscopy. Sugiyama (1999) had succeeded to visualize the distribution of the sugar content on the surface of a half-cut green fresh melon. However, this method cannot be applied to red flesh melons because it depends on information of the absorption band of chlorophyll (676 nm), which is affected by the color of the fresh. The objective of this study was to develop the universal visualization method depends on the absorption band of sugar, which can be applied to various kinds of melons and other fruits. The relationship between the sugar contents and absorption spectra of both green and red fresh melons were investigated by using a NIR spectrometer to determine the absorption band of sugar. The combination of 2$\^$nd/ derivative absorbances at 902 nm and 874 nm was highly correlated with the sugar contents. The wavelength of 902 nm is attributed to the absorption band of sugar. A cooled charge-coupled device (CCD) imaging camera which has 16 bit (65536 steps) A/D resolution was equipped with rotating band-pass filter wheel and used to capture the spectral absorption images of the flesh of a vertically half-cut red fresh melon. The advantage of the high A/D resolution in this research is that each pixel of the CCD is expected to function as a detector of the NIR spectrometer for quantitative analysis. Images at 846 nm, 874 nm, 902 nm and 930 nm were acquired using this CCD camera. Then the 2$\^$nd/ derivative absorbances at 902 nm and 874 nm at each pixel were calculated using these four images. On the other hand, parts of the same melon were extracted for capturing the images and squeezed for the measurement of sugar content. Then the calibration curve between the combination of 2$\^$nd/ derivative absorbances at 902 nm and 874 nm and sugar content was developed. The calibration method based on NIR spectroscopy techniques was applied to each pixel of the images to convert the 2$\^$nd/ derivative absorbances into the Brix sugar content. Mapping the sugar content value of each pixel with linear color scale, the distribution of the sugar content was visualized. As a result of the visualization, it was quantitatively confirmed that the Brix sugar contents are low at the near of the skin and become higher towards the seeds. This result suggests that the visualization technique by the NIR imaging spectroscopy could become a new useful method fer quality evaluation of melons.

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A Wavelet-Domain IKONOS Satellite Image Fusion Algorithm Considering the Spectrum Range of Multispectral Images (다중분광 영상의 색상별 스펙트럼 영역을 고려한 웨이블릿 변역 IKONOS 위성영상 융합 알고리즘)

  • Lee, Young-Gun;Kuk, Jung-Gap;Cho, Nam-Ik
    • Journal of Broadcast Engineering
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.14-22
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    • 2011
  • The conventional satellite image fusion methods usually add the same amount of higher frequency components extracted from the panchromatic image to all the multispectral images. However, it is noted that each of multispectral images has different amount of overlap with the panchromatic image in terms of its spectrum, and also has different intensities. Thus giving the same amount of high frequency contents to all the spectral bands does not match with this observation, which causes color distortion in the fused image. In this paper, we propose a new wavelet-domain satellite image fusion algorithm that can compensate for these differences in intensity and spectrum overlap. For the compensation of intensity differences, we first estimate the high resolution multispectral images from P, considering the relative intensity ratios. For the compensation of the amount of spectral overlap, their wavelet coefficients are appended to the conventional wavelet-domain method where the coefficients for the addition is determined by the amount of spectrum overlap. Experiments are conducted for the IKONOS satellite images whose spectrums are well known, and the results show that the proposed algorithm gives higher PSNR and correlation coefficients compared to the conventional methods.

Manufacture of 3-Dimensional Image and Virtual Dissection Program of the Human Brain (사람 뇌의 3차원 영상과 가상해부 풀그림 만들기)

  • Chung, M.S.;Lee, J.M.;Park, S.K.;Kim, M.K.
    • Proceedings of the KOSOMBE Conference
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    • v.1998 no.11
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    • pp.57-59
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    • 1998
  • For medical students and doctors, knowledge of the three-dimensional (3D) structure of brain is very important in diagnosis and treatment of brain diseases. Two-dimensional (2D) tools (ex: anatomy book) or traditional 3D tools (ex: plastic model) are not sufficient to understand the complex structures of the brain. However, it is not always guaranteed to dissect the brain of cadaver when it is necessary. To overcome this problem, the virtual dissection programs of the brain have been developed. However, most programs include only 2D images that do not permit free dissection and free rotation. Many programs are made of radiographs that are not as realistic as sectioned cadaver because radiographs do not reveal true color and have limited resolution. It is also necessary to make the virtual dissection programs of each race and ethnic group. We attempted to make a virtual dissection program using a 3D image of the brain from a Korean cadaver. The purpose of this study is to present an educational tool for those interested in the anatomy of the brain. The procedures to make this program were as follows. A brain extracted from a 58-years old male Korean cadaver was embedded with gelatin solution, and serially sectioned into 1.4 mm-thickness using a meat slicer. 130 sectioned specimens were inputted to the computer using a scanner ($420\times456$ resolution, true color), and the 2D images were aligned on the alignment program composed using IDL language. Outlines of the brain components (cerebrum, cerebellum, brain stem, lentiform nucleus, caudate nucleus, thalamus, optic nerve, fornix, cerebral artery, and ventricle) were manually drawn from the 2D images on the CorelDRAW program. Multimedia data, including text and voice comments, were inputted to help the user to learn about the brain components. 3D images of the brain were reconstructed through the volume-based rendering of the 2D images. Using the 3D image of the brain as the main feature, virtual dissection program was composed using IDL language. Various dissection functions, such as dissecting 3D image of the brain at free angle to show its plane, presenting multimedia data of brain components, and rotating 3D image of the whole brain or selected brain components at free angle were established. This virtual dissection program is expected to become more advanced, and to be used widely through Internet or CD-title as an educational tool for medical students and doctors.

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Simulation and Evaluation of the KOMPSAT/OSMI Radiance Imagery (다목적 실용위성 해색센서 (OSMI)의 복사영상에 대한 모의 및 평가)

  • 반덕로;김용승
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.131-146
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    • 1999
  • The satellite visible data have been successfully applied to study the ocean color. Another ocean color sensor, the Ocean Scanning Multi-spectral Imager (OSMI) on the Korea Multi-Purpose Satellite (KOMPSAT) will be launched in 1999. In order to understand the characteristics of future OSMI images, we have first discussed the simulation models and procedures in detail, and produced typical patterns of radiances at visible bands by using radiative transfer models. The various simulated images of full satellite passes and Korean local areas for different seasons, water types, and the satellite crossing equator time (CET) are presented to illustrate the distribution of each component of radiance (i.e., aerosol scattering, Rayleigh scattering, sun glitter, water-leaving radiance, and total radiance). A method to evaluate the image quality and availability is then developed by using the characteristics of image defined as the Complex Signal Noise Ratio (CSNR). Meanwhile, a series of CSNR images are generated from the simulated radiance components for different cases, which can be used to evaluate the quality and availability of OSMI images before the KOMPSAT will be placed in orbit. Finally, the quality and availability of OSMI images are quantitatively analyzed by the simulated CSNR image. It is hoped that the results would be useful to all scientists who are in charge of OSMI mission and to those who plan to use the data from OSMI.

Illuminant Color Estimation Method Using Valuable Pixels (중요 화소들을 이용한 광원의 색 추정 방법)

  • Kim, Young-Woo;Lee, Moon-Hyun;Park, Jong-Il
    • Journal of Broadcast Engineering
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.21-30
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    • 2013
  • It is a challenging problem to most of the image processing when the light source is unknown. The color of the light source must be estimated in order to compensate color changes. To estimate the color of the light source, additional assumption is need, so that we assumed color distribution according to the light source. If the pixels, which do not satisfy the assumption, are used, the estimation fails to provide an accurate result. The most popular color distribution assumption is Grey-World Assumption (GWA); it is the assumption that the color in each scene, the surface reflectance averages to gray or achromatic color over the entire images. In this paper, we analyze the characteristics of the camera response function, and the effect of the Grey-World Assumption on the pixel value and chromaticity, based on the inherent characteristics of the light source. Besides, we propose a novel method that detects important pixels for the color estimation of the light source. In our method, we firstly proposed a method that gives weights to pixels satisfying the assumption. Then, we proposed a pixel detection method, which we modified max-RGB method, to apply on the weighted pixels. Maximum weighted pixels in the column direction and row direction in one channel are detected. The performance of our method is verified through demonstrations in several real scenes. Proposed method better accurately estimate the color of the light than previous methods.

Color decomposition method for multi-primary display using 3D-LUT in linearized LAB space (멀티프라이머리 디스플레이를 위한 3D-LUT 색 신호 분리 방법)

  • Kang Dong-Woo;Cho Yang-Ho;Kim Yun-Tae;Choe Won-Hee;Ha Yeong-Ho
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea SP
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    • v.42 no.6
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    • pp.9-18
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    • 2005
  • This paper proposes the color decomposition method for multi-primary display (MPD) using a 3-dimensional look-up-table (3D-LUT) in a linearized LAB space. The proposed method decomposes conventional three-primary colors into the multi-primary control values of a display device under constraints of tristimulus match. To reproduce images on the MPD, the color signals should be estimated from a device-independent color space, such as CIEXYZ and CIELAB. In this paper, the linearized LAB space is used due to its linearity and additivity in color conversion. The proposed method constructs the 3-D LUT, which contain gamut boundary information to calculate color signals of the MPD. For the image reproduction, standard RGB or CIEXYZ is transformed to the linearized LAB and then hue and chroma are computed to refer to the 3D-LUT. In the linearlized LAB space, the color signals of a gamut boundary point with the same lightness and hue of an input point are calculated. Also, color signals of a point on gray axis are calculated with the same lightness of an input. With gamut boundary points and input point, color signals of the input points are obtained with the chroma ratio divided by the chroma of the gamut boundary point. Specially, for the hue change, neighboring boundary points are employed. As a result the proposed method guarantees the continuity of color signals and computational efficiency, and requires less amount of memory.

A Study on the Moderating Factors of the Relationship between Artwork Color Series and Visitor Satisfaction in Commercial Spaces (상업공간에서 미술품 색 계열과 방문객 만족도 관계의 조절요인에 관한 연구)

  • Wang, YeunJu;Lee, SeungHyun;Bae, JiHye;Kim, SunYoung
    • Korean Association of Arts Management
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    • no.58
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    • pp.121-152
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    • 2021
  • This study attempted to analyze the effect of the color series of artworks installed as environmental stimuli in commercial spaces on the satisfaction of visitors and the moderating effect of the relationship. To this end, based on the SOR model of Stimulate-Organism-Response applied to burial environment research in the field of environmental psychology, and the preceding research using the SOR model, artwork color series(S)-mood and spaace amenity(O)-A research framework for satisfaction(R) was developed. In the experiment, an online questionnaire was conducted for domestic college students and graduate students by producing images with two conditions depending on the case where warm colors and cold colors were installed for the color series of artworks. As a result of verifying the difference in satisfaction of respondents corresponding to the two conditions through regression analysis, it was found that the warm color(vs. cold color) of the artwork color series induces higher visitor satisfaction. In addition, as a result of verifying the controlling factors of mood and space amenity variables in this relationship of influence, a significant moderating effect was found when the positive mood of warm colors(vs. cold colors) in the artwork color series was felt higher than the average. And, of the four types of space amenity, it was found that a significant moderating effect appeared when only comfort and aesthetics were measured as moderating variables. The result of this study proves that the warm color series of artworks that stimulate the physical environment of commercial spaces has a more positive effect on the satisfaction of visitors than the cold color series, and this is reinforced by positive mood, comfort, and aesthetics. It adds understanding and provides useful implications for marketing strategies for building an effective spatial image.