• Title/Summary/Keyword: color images

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A Study on Fashion Design Applied from Color-Field Abstract of Matk Rothko: Focusing on Needle-Punching Felt Technique

  • Park, Kyung-Mi;Lee, Mi-Ryang
    • The International Journal of Costume Culture
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    • v.13 no.2
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    • pp.141-153
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    • 2010
  • Fashion needs to be understood as practicality and creative behavior and various movements of paintings act as inspirations of original design for fashion designers. This study seeks to find sources of fashion designs in the works of Mark Rothko who is in the center of color-field abstract. Color-field of Rothko provides infinite inspirations as colors are identically treated as shapes and lighting and textures are all included on top of it. In this study, the purpose is to create color focused artistic fashion design by exploring the possibility of expression with the colors of Rothko as the main motive. The study method is as follows. First, the concept and significance of color-field abstract are researched through documented data. Works of Rothko is divided into three periods according to their characteristics. The background of the formation of color-field abstract of Rothko is understood by analyzing the trends of the works in each period. Second, twenty representative works from 1949 to 1969 are selected and analyzed in formative components of color, shape and textures in order to more accurately understand shape of colors, brilliance, simplicity that appear in the mature color-field abstract of Rothko. Third, preexisting methods of color-field of paintings developed into motives of clothing are studied focusing on the collections from 1997 to 2006. Examples of applications of color-field images in modern fashion designs are analyzed. Fourth, motives are selected based on general characteristics of color-field abstract of Rothko and the results of the formative analysis. Clothing is produced that expresses the colors of the paintings of Rothko more effectively. As the results of the study, restrained shapes and textures and various forms of color combinations shown in color-field abstract of Rothko provided deep inspirations on material composition and color planning for fashion design focused on colors. Additionally, needle-punching technique using wool for the production technique enabled relief texture expressions of materials by colors and effective applications of soft and warm atmosphere of color-field abstract of Rothko on clothing. Especially, the ideology of color-field abstract of Rothko of shaping of colors could be expressed and the direction of the development of motives could be presented at the same time by specifically applying color combination method using horizontal division of atypical color-field from the formative characteristics of color-field abstract of Rothko.

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The determination of reference material for bone density by using bone phantom (골판톰을 이용한 골밀도측정 참조체의 결정)

  • Kim Jae-Duk
    • Imaging Science in Dentistry
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    • v.32 no.3
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    • pp.135-139
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    • 2002
  • Purpose: To determine the proper reference step wedge for digital Cu-Equivalent Image analyzing systems for measurement of bone density. Meterials and Methods : Radiograms of lumbar vertebrae phantom (1g/㎠) with 3 test copper step wedges of 0.03, 0.05 and, 0.1 mm thickness unit were taken and analyzed using NIH image software on a Macintosh personal computer. Measured densities of the lumbar areas in the Cu-Equivalent images made by utilizing 3 different copper stepwedges were compared with a known bone density. Results: The values of r2 for all copper equivalent images were over 0.99. The mean Cu-Eq value of lumbar in copper equivalent image made by a 0.1 mm copper stepwedge was 0.22 ± 0.06 mm and converted to hydroxyapatite density of 1.03 g/㎠. The stepwedges of 0.03 and 0.05 mm produced results having higher values than the actual known bone density. They did not show the blue and green color level that appeared in lumbar on color enhanced image. Conclusion : A copper stepwedge of adequate thickness and range of steps which can express the range of density of bone being measured should be used.

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Image Retrieval Using Entropy-Based Image Segmentation (엔트로피에 기반한 영상분할을 이용한 영상검색)

  • Jang, Dong-Sik;Yoo, Hun-Woo;Kang, Ho-Jueng
    • Journal of Institute of Control, Robotics and Systems
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    • v.8 no.4
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    • pp.333-337
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    • 2002
  • A content-based image retrieval method using color, texture, and shape features is proposed in this paper. A region segmentation technique using PIM(Picture Information Measure) entropy is used for similarity indexing. For segmentation, a color image is first transformed to a gray image and it is divided into n$\times$n non-overlapping blocks. Entropy using PIM is obtained from each block. Adequate variance to perform good segmentation of images in the database is obtained heuristically. As variance increases up to some bound, objects within the image can be easily segmented from the background. Therefore, variance is a good indication for adequate image segmentation. For high variance image, the image is segmented into two regions-high and low entropy regions. In high entropy region, hue-saturation-intensity and canny edge histograms are used for image similarity calculation. For image having lower variance is well represented by global texture information. Experiments show that the proposed method displayed similar images at the average of 4th rank for top-10 retrieval case.

An Effective Similarity Measure for Content-Based Image Retrieval using MPEG-7 Dominant Color Descriptor (내용기반 이미지 검색을 위한 MPEG-7 우위컬러 기술자의 효과적인 유사도)

  • Lee, Jong-Won;Nang, Jong-Ho
    • Journal of KIISE:Computing Practices and Letters
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    • v.16 no.8
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    • pp.837-841
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    • 2010
  • This paper proposes an effective similarity measure for content-based image retrieval using MPEG-7 DCD. The proposed method can measure the similarity of images with the percentage of dominant colors extracted from images. As the result of experiments, we achieved a significant improvement of 18.92% with global DCD and 47.22% with local DCD in ANMRR than the result by QHDM. This result shows that the proposed method is an effective similarity measure for content-based image retrieval. Especially, our method is useful for region-based image retrieval.

Detection of Faces Located at a Long Range with Low-resolution Input Images for Mobile Robots (모바일 로봇을 위한 저해상도 영상에서의 원거리 얼굴 검출)

  • Kim, Do-Hyung;Yun, Woo-Han;Cho, Young-Jo;Lee, Jae-Jeon
    • The Journal of Korea Robotics Society
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    • v.4 no.4
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    • pp.257-264
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    • 2009
  • This paper proposes a novel face detection method that finds tiny faces located at a long range even with low-resolution input images captured by a mobile robot. The proposed approach can locate extremely small-sized face regions of $12{\times}12$ pixels. We solve a tiny face detection problem by organizing a system that consists of multiple detectors including a mean-shift color tracker, short- and long-rage face detectors, and an omega shape detector. The proposed method adopts the long-range face detector that is well trained enough to detect tiny faces at a long range, and limiting its operation to only within a search region that is automatically determined by the mean-shift color tracker and the omega shape detector. By focusing on limiting the face search region as much as possible, the proposed method can accurately detect tiny faces at a long distance even with a low-resolution image, and decrease false positives sharply. According to the experimental results on realistic databases, the performance of the proposed approach is at a sufficiently practical level for various robot applications such as face recognition of non-cooperative users, human-following, and gesture recognition for long-range interaction.

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Integration of Multiple Segmentation Methods based on Evaluation Functions for Segmentation of Visible Human Color Images (평가함수에 의해 혼합된 다수의 분할 방법을 적용한 Visible Human컬러 영상의 분할)

  • 김한영;김동성;강흥식
    • Journal of KIISE:Software and Applications
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    • v.30 no.3_4
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    • pp.308-315
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    • 2003
  • This paper proposes an approach integrating multiple segmentation methods in a systematic way, which can improve overall accuracy without deteriorating accuracy of highly confident segments of boundaries generated by constituent methods. A segmentation method produces boundary segments, which are then evaluated with an evaluation function considering pros/cons of the current and next methods to apply. Boundary segments with low confidence are replaced by a next method while the other segments are kept. These steps are repeated until all segmentation methods are applied. The proposed approach is implemented for the segmentation of muscles in the Visible Human color images. A Balloon method, a minimum cost path finding method, and a Seeded Region Growing method are integrated. The final segmentation results showed improvements in both overall evaluation and segment-based evaluation.

Image Retrieval Considering Shape Information of Projection Vector (투영 벡터의 형상 정보를 이용한 영상검색)

  • Kwon, Dong-Hyun;Yi, Tai-Hong
    • Journal of KIISE:Information Networking
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    • v.28 no.4
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    • pp.651-656
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    • 2001
  • Histogram intersection method, that counts the occurrence of color pixels, is one of the easy and simple color image retrieval methods. The method has an appropriate global property but does not contain the knowledge of shape for images. The absence of spatial information makes it difficult to discriminate images of the similar histogram. The application of one-dimensional projection to each image enables to obtain shape or spatial information of image. But in this case there is another problem having different length of the projection vector according to the size of each image. Thus this paper proposes a method that uses relative distances between peaks and their maximum value in the projection vector. In order to verify retrieval performance, the experimental results between the histogram intersection method, the projection only method, and the proposed one are compared and analyzed.

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Physical Properties Analysis of Mango using Computer Vision

  • Yimyam, Panitnat;Chalidabhongse, Thanarat;Sirisomboon, Panmanas;Boonmung, Suwanee
    • 제어로봇시스템학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2005.06a
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    • pp.746-750
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    • 2005
  • This paper describes image processing techniques that can detect, segment, and analyze the mango's physical properties such as size, shape, surface area, and color from images. First, images of mangoes taken by a digital camera are analyzed and segmented. The segmentation is done based on constructed hue model of the sample mangoes. Some morphological and filtering techniques are then applied to clean noises before fitting spline curve on the mango boundary. From the clean segmented image, the mango projected area can be computed. The shape of the mango is then analyzed using some structuring models. Color is also spatially analyzed and indexed in the database for future classification. To obtain the surface area, the mango is peeled. The scanned image of its peels is then segmented and filtered using similar approach. With calibration parameters, the surface area could then be computed. We employed the system to evaluate physical properties of a mango cultivar called "Nam Dokmai". There were sixty mango samples in three various sizes graded by an experienced farmer's eyes and hands. The results show the techniques could be a good alternative and more feasible method for grading mango comparing to human's manual grading.

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Accelerating Distance Transform Image based Hand Detection using CPU-GPU Heterogeneous Computing

  • Yi, Zhaohua;Hu, Xiaoqi;Kim, Eung Kyeu;Kim, Kyung Ki;Jang, Byunghyun
    • JSTS:Journal of Semiconductor Technology and Science
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    • v.16 no.5
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    • pp.557-563
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    • 2016
  • Most of the existing hand detection methods rely on the contour shape of hand after skin color segmentation. Such contour shape based computations, however, are not only susceptible to noise and other skin color segments but also inherently sequential and difficult to efficiently parallelize. In this paper, we implement and accelerate our in-house distance image based approach using CPU-GPU heterogeneous computing. Using emerging CPU-GPU heterogeneous computing technology, we achieved 5.0 times speed-up for $320{\times}240$ images, and 17.5 times for $640{\times}480$ images and our experiment demonstrates that our proposed distance image based hand detection is robust and fast, reaching up to 97.32% palm detection rate, 80.4% of which have more than 3 fingers detected on commodity processors.

An Analysis of a Wicked Women Costume Colors and Images in a Fairy Tale (동화 속 악녀 의상의 색채와 이미지 분석)

  • Nam, Yoon-Sook;Kim, Bok-Hee
    • Journal of the Korea Fashion and Costume Design Association
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    • v.11 no.3
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    • pp.73-85
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    • 2009
  • This study aims to analysis the costume colors and images of wicked women in fairy tale. For the most costume applied to the relationship between color kind, brightness, and saturation. so, this study investigated the costume colors put on by wicked women in fairy tales and analysed and interpreted them by inputting data. First, mostly the costume colors applied to transfer the image of wicked women were dark blue, red, violet, bluish green, green, and purple. Second, the colors feeling cool and cold such as dark blue, bluish green, green, and blue were applied more frequently than the colors feeling warm and mild. Third, the deep and dark color tones with low brightness and low saturation affected by the mixture ratio of black were applied frequently for the use of wicked woman colors. Fourth, the colors mentioned above have the meaning of men, powerful, authority, cruel, angry, brutal, mysterious, and evil, that have the property of attacking and strong wicked women. They were expressed by the costume put on by wicked women.

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