• Title/Summary/Keyword: classification map

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The Design and Implementation of Natural Environmental/Ecological Information System using GIS and RS Data (GIS 및 RS 데이터를 이용한 자연환경/생태계 정보시스템 설계 및 구현)

  • Hwang, Jae Hong;Kim, Sang Ho;Ryu, Keun Ho
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.4 no.3
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    • pp.1-12
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    • 2001
  • This thesis represents the integrated 3D DEM using both the process of satellite image and the real value of topographic maps. This DEM is draped on satellite image processed to improve representations of the real world. The 3D visualization and 3D animation with satellite imagery data enables to depict more vivid and realistic world. The paper also describes and implements the natural environmental/ecological information system that consists of 7 modules to manage environmental data systematically through an enhanced user interface. We make use of topographic map, satellite imagery data and several thematic maps. Each module has a user interface enabling to assist particular needs of decision-making for ecological/environmental assessments associated with spatial analysis of ecosystem and classification of the environmental status quo and other purposes.

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Classification of Obstacle Shape for Generating Walking Path of Humanoid Robot (인간형 로봇의 이동경로 생성을 위한 장애물 모양의 구분 방법)

  • Park, Chan-Soo;Kim, Doik
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers A
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    • v.37 no.2
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    • pp.169-176
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    • 2013
  • To generate the walking path of a humanoid robot in an unknown environment, the shapes of obstacles around the robot should be detected accurately. However, doing so incurs a very large computational cost. Therefore this study proposes a method to classify the obstacle shape into three types: a shape small enough for the robot to go over, a shape planar enough for the robot foot to make contact with, and an uncertain shape that must be avoided by the robot. To classify the obstacle shape, first, the range and the number of the obstacles is detected. If an obstacle can make contact with the robot foot, the shape of an obstacle is accurately derived. If an obstacle has uncertain shape or small size, the shape of an obstacle is not detected to minimize the computational load. Experimental results show that the proposed algorithm efficiently classifies the shapes of obstacles around the robot in real time with low computational load.

Oxidative Stress and Antioxidants in Disease and Cancer: A Review

  • Gupta, Rakesh Kumar;Patel, Amit Kumar;Shah, Niranjan;Choudhary, Arun Kumar;Jha, Uday Kant;Yadav, Uday Chandra;Gupta, Pavan Kumar;Pakuwal, Uttam
    • Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention
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    • v.15 no.11
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    • pp.4405-4409
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    • 2014
  • Reactive oxygen species (ROS), highly reactive molecules, are produced by living organisms as a result of normal cellular metabolism and environmental factors, and can damage nucleic acids and proteins, thereby altering their functions. The human body has several mechanisms to counteract oxidative stress by producing antioxidants. A shift in the balance between oxidants and antioxidants in favor of oxidants is termed as "oxidative stress". Paradoxically, there is a large body of research demonstrating the general effect of oxidative stress on signaling pathways, less is known about the initial and direct regulation of signaling molecules by ROS, or what we term the "oxidative interface." This review focuses on the molecular mechanisms through which ROS directly interact with critical signaling molecules to initiate signaling in a broad variety of cellular processes, such as proliferation and survival (MAP kinases and PI3 kinase), ROS homeostasis, and antioxidant gene regulation (Ref-1 and Nrf-2). This review also deals with classification as well as mechanisms of formation of free radicals, examining their beneficial and deleterious effects on cellular activities and focusing on the potential role of antioxidants in preventing and repairing damage caused by oxidative stress. A discussion of the role of phytochemical antioxidants in oxidative stress, disease and the epigenome is included.

Homogeneous Regions Classification and Regional Differentiation of Snowfall (적설의 동질지역 구분과 지역 차등화)

  • KIM, Hyun-Uk;SHIM, Jae-Kwan;CHO, Byung-Choel
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.20 no.3
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    • pp.42-51
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    • 2017
  • Snowfall is an important natural hazard in Korea. In recent years, the socioeconomic importance of impact-based forecasts of meteorological phenomena have been highlighted. To further develop forecasts, we first need to analyze the climatic characteristics of each region. In this study, homogeneous regions for snowfall analysis were classified using a self-organizing map for impact-based forecast and warning services. Homogeneous regions of snowfall were analyzed into seven clusters and the characteristics of each group were investigated using snowfall, observation days, and maximum snowfall. Daegwallyeong, Gangneung-si, and Jeongeup-si were classified as areas with high snowfall and Gyeongsangdo was classified as an area with low snowfall. Comparison with previous studies showed that representative areas were well distinguished, but snowfall characteristics were found to be different. The results of this study are of relevance to future policy decisions that use impact-based forecasting in each region.

Mapping 3D Shorelines Using KOMPSAT-2 Imagery and Airborne LiDAR Data (KOMPSAT-2 영상과 항공 LiDAR 자료를 이용한 3차원 해안선 매핑)

  • Choung, Yun Jae
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.33 no.1
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    • pp.23-30
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    • 2015
  • A shoreline mapping is essential for describing coastal areas, estimating coastal erosions and managing coastal properties. This study has planned to map the 3D shorelines with the airborne LiDAR(Light Detection and Ranging) data and the KOMPSAT-2 imagery, acquired in Uljin, Korea. Following to the study, the DSM(Digital Surface Model) is generated firstly with the given LiDAR data, while the NDWI(Normalized Difference Water Index) imagery is generated by the given KOMPSAT-2 imagery. The classification method is employed to generate water and land clusters from the NDWI imagery, as the 2D shorelines are selected from the boundaries between the two clusters. Lastly, the 3D shorelines are constructed by adding the elevation information obtained from the DSM into the generated 2D shorelines. As a result, the constructed 3D shorelines have had 0.90m horizontal accuracy and 0.10m vertical accuracy. This statistical results could be concluded in that the generated 3D shorelines shows the relatively high accuracy on classified water and land surfaces, but relatively low accuracies on unclassified water and land surfaces.

A Study on the Leisure Clothing Design for Elderly with Mild Dementia (경증(輕症) 치매노인人)을 위한 여가복(閭家服) 디자인 연구(硏究))

  • Park, Hye-Won;Lee, Hyun-Young
    • Journal of Fashion Business
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    • v.11 no.4
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    • pp.42-51
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    • 2007
  • The purpose of this study is to develop clothing design for mild dementia patients who display positive action in clothing for the improvement of the quality of life of the dementia patients following the symptoms of patients in accordance with the clinical classification to provide the functional assistance for ordinary living as well as emotional stability and aesthetic functions for the dementia elderly. The method of research is performed for theories through the advanced research and documentary data, and interpreted in functional and aesthetic level on the basis of the result of advance survey related to the characteristics of the mild dementia patients and clothing conduct of elderly with light dementia to select the material, color, decoration and functional design with four pairs for women and two pairs for men. Designs for the total of six have been actually produced by making the map, including the material swatch, color and others. The questionnaire as the measuring tool is used and the assessment category is made for the adaptability of design on each category. On the six clothes that are produced for the mild dementia patients, the statistics package SPSS Ver 12.0 is used for the data analysis on questions 8-10 for the frequency analysis. In overall, the leisure clothing for mild dementia patients developed from this research are generally satisfied, and overall type, material, color, detail and arrangement are generally evaluated highly, and have the assessment of normal or better in the color size and type.

Classification of Vegetation Units and Its Detailed Mapping for Urban Forest Management - On Mt. Moodeung in Kwangju, Korea - (도시림(都市林) 관리(管理)를 위(爲)한 식생단위구분(植生單位區分)과 정밀식생도(情密植生圖) 작성(作成) - 광주광역시(光州廣域市) 무등산(無等山)을 중심(中心)으로 -)

  • Cho, Hyun-Je;Cho, Jae-Hyong;Lee, Chang-Seok
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.89 no.4
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    • pp.470-479
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    • 2000
  • Management units of forest vegetation established on Mt. Moodeung (1,186.8m), a typical urban forest at Kwangju city located in the southwestern Korea, was classified phytosociologically and its spatial distribution mapped out with special reference to its ecological conservation and management. Management units of this area were classified into three categories; twenty-one higher units, ten lower units and nine lowest units, giving a total of 31 zones. Total area for detailed mapping was 2,779.5ha, of which natural vegetation accounted for 2192.0ha (78.9%), residing in most part of this area, artificial vegetation for 159.1ha (5.7%), and non-forested area including arable area, burned area and others for 428.4ha (15.5%). The ratio of natural forest element showed 93.2%, which is much higher when compared with those of other urban forests.

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An Analysis of Biotope Structure in Terms of Species and Biotope Preservation in Metropolitan Area -In the case of Soosung District in Daegu- (생물종 및 서식지 보전의 관점에서 본 대도시의 비오톱 구조분석 -대구광역시 수성구를 중심으로-)

  • 나정화;이석철;사공정희;류연수
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.28 no.6
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    • pp.29-51
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    • 2001
  • The purpose of this research is to analyze of biotope structure focused on the evaluation for the species and biotope preservation in the case of Soosung District in Daegu metropolitan city. We analyzed the structure of urban biotope, and investigated the disposition of space and several characteristics through the material collection relating to the existing urban ecological material and the field investigation. The results of this study were as follows; 1) The result of biotope type classification was divided into 17 biotope type groups and 90 biotope types belonging to them. 2) The biotope type of mixed forest(QD) has the highest rate in occupation area, 1.764ha and the biotope type of cultivation areas by vinyle-hothouse(KC) has the lowest rate, 0.3ha. 3) In the result of the first evaluation for the species and biotope preservation, biotope types such as QB, QI, PA, PB, NB and NC etc. possess great value. Particulary, these biotope types come from forest areas and transition zone. They have not appeared in the inner of cities. 4) The biotope types such as CA, NA, NB, ND and PB are proved to possess high value in the result of rarity and riskiness evaluation. There appear EE, MA, NB, QC and QD in IV grade which is impossible to have them regenerative. They usually have appeared in forest areas. 5) There emerge 3a biotope type that has the highest value in the result of the second evaluation such as CC, EE, KF, LD, MB, NC, PB, QB and QI etc. Most of them were presented into the large area of site size and were distributed in the forest areas intensively. So, it is certain that the space for the species and biotope preservation connected with residential district is scarce. 6) The detailed biotope plan must be made out specially continuously. It is about biotope spaces that are especially important for the species and biotope preservation from the result of this research. Also, the study on the detailed index settlement of the urban landscape plan based on the biotope map must be continued.

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Delineating Forest Patches around the Geumbuk Mountains from a Landscape Ecological Perspective (금북정맥 주변 산림조각의 경관생태학적 해석)

  • Jang, Gab-Sue
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.35 no.1 s.120
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    • pp.79-87
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    • 2007
  • The objective of this study was to delineate forest patches in the cities around the Geum-buk mountains at the north of the Geum River using multiplesatellite remote sensing data. Landsat visible and near-infrared satellite images obtained at multiple dates in the growing season were used to create a forest distribution map. Fragstats 3.3 was used to get the landscape indices delineating the distribution of forest patches. Additional ground truth data was used to assess the accuracy of the classification. Factor analysis was used to get the 26 landscape indices clustered into 4 factors. Factor I was labeled as' size of forest patches', factor II as 'fragmentation of forest patches', factor III as 'shape of forest patches', and factor IV as 'complexity of forest patches'. Factor I described large patches and their core area, while others did small patches and their shape and complexity. Cities including Cheonan, Gongju, Cheongyang, and Boryeong near the main ridge of the Geumbuk Mtns. had a small number of large-sized forest patches. However, cities including Taean, Seosan, Dangjin, Hongseong near the ridge of the western Geumbuk Mtns. had a large number of small-sized forest patches. Finally, this study showed that the region near the coast line in Chung-nam province has various types of forest patches having an irregular forest edge due to the elevation and slope lower than the one of the region far from the coast line which is near the ridge of the Geum-buk Mountains. Remote sensing data were useful to understand the distribution of forest patches, and landscape indices could be keys to delineate the relationship between forest patches. And the factor analysis, which simplified 26 landscape indices into 4 landscape patterns allowed us to understand the distribution and relationship of forest patches in an easy way.

Web Mining Using Fuzzy Integration of Multiple Structure Adaptive Self-Organizing Maps (다중 구조적응 자기구성지도의 퍼지결합을 이용한 웹 마이닝)

  • 김경중;조성배
    • Journal of KIISE:Software and Applications
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    • v.31 no.1
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    • pp.61-70
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    • 2004
  • It is difficult to find an appropriate web site because exponentially growing web contains millions of web documents. Personalization of web search can be realized by recommending proper web sites using user profile but more efficient method is needed for estimating preference because user's evaluation on web contents presents many aspects of his characteristics. As user profile has a property of non-linearity, estimation by classifier is needed and combination of classifiers is necessary to anticipate diverse properties. Structure adaptive self-organizing map (SASOM) that is suitable for Pattern classification and visualization is an enhanced model of SOM and might be useful for web mining. Fuzzy integral is a combination method using classifiers' relevance that is defined subjectively. In this paper, estimation of user profile is conducted by using ensemble of SASOM's teamed independently based on fuzzy integral and evaluated by Syskill & Webert UCI benchmark data. Experimental results show that the proposed method performs better than previous naive Bayes classifier as well as voting of SASOM's.