• Title/Summary/Keyword: classification map

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Learning-based Detection of License Plate using SIFT and Neural Network (SIFT와 신경망을 이용한 학습 기반 차량 번호판 검출)

  • Hong, Won Ju;Kim, Min Woo;Oh, Il-Seok
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics and Information Engineers
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    • v.50 no.8
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    • pp.187-195
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    • 2013
  • Most of former studies for car license plate detection restrict the image acquisition environment. The aim of this research is to diminish the restrictions by proposing a new method of using SIFT and neural network. SIFT can be used in diverse situations with less restriction because it provides size- and rotation-invariance and large discriminating power. SIFT extracted from the license plate image is divided into the internal(inside class) and the external(outside class) ones and the classifier is trained using them. In the proposed method, by just putting the various types of license plates, the trained neural network classifier can process all of the types. Although the classification performance is not high, the inside class appears densely over the plate region and sparsely over the non-plate regions. These characteristics create a local feature map, from which we can identify the location with the global maximum value as a candidate of license plate region. We collected image database with much less restriction than the conventional researches. The experiment and evaluation were done using this database. In terms of classification accuracy of SIFT keypoints, the correct recognition rate was 97.1%. The precision rate was 62.0% and recall rate was 50.2%. In terms of license plate detection rate, the correct recognition rate was 98.6%.

Genesis and Classification of the Red-Yellow Podzolic soils derived from Residuum on Acidic and Intermediate Rocks -Vol. 1 (Jeonnam series) (산성암(酸性岩) 및 중성암(中性岩)의 잔적층에 발달(發達)된 적황색토(赤黃色土)의 생성(生成) 및 분류(分類) -제(第) 1 보(報) (전남통(全南統)에 관(關)하여))

  • Um, Ki Tae
    • Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer
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    • v.4 no.2
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    • pp.187-192
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    • 1971
  • This paper deals mainly with the genesis and classification of the Jeonnam series. These soils have brown to dark brown silt loam and silty clay loam A horizon(strong brown or reddish brown where eroded). Argillic B horizons are dominantly red or yellowish red silty clay loam to silty clay with moderately developed subangular blocky structure and with thin clay cutans on the ped faces. The C horizons are strongly and very deeply weathered strong brown, yellowish brown, pale brown and reddish yellow silty clay loam and sandy loam granitic saprolite. Content of clay increases with depth to a maximum between 100cm. Percolating water seems to be responsible for transportation and oriented deposition of clay. Chemically, soil reaction is strongly acid to medium acid throughout the profile. The content of organic matter is 1 to 2 percent, and decreases regularly with depth. Base saturation is low, based on amount of extractable cations. Characterisltically the Jeonnam series are similar to Red-Yellow Podzolic soils of the United States and are similar to Red-Yellow soils of the Japan. In the writer's opinion the Jeonnam soils are classified as Red Yellow soils. According to USDA 7th approximation, this soil can be classified as Typic Hapludults and in the FAO/UNESCO World Soil Map as Helvic Acrisols.

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Changes in Potential Distribution of Pinus rigida Caused by Climate Changes in Korea (기후변화에 따른 리기다소나무림의 잠재 생육적지 분포 변화 예측)

  • Kim, Yong-Kyung;Lee, Woo-Kyun;Kim, Young-Hwan;Oh, Suhyun;Heo, Jun-Hyeok
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.101 no.3
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    • pp.509-516
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    • 2012
  • In this research, it was intended to examine the vulnerability of Pinus rigida to climate changes, a major planting species in Korea. For this purpose, the distribution of Pinus rigida and its changes caused by climate changes were estimated based on the 'A1B' climate change scenario suggested by IPCC. Current distribution of Pinus rigida was analyzed by using the $4^{th}$Forest Type Map and its potential distribution in the recent year (2000), the near future (2050) and the further future (2100) were estimated by analyzing the optimized ranges of three climate indices - warmth index(WI), minimum temperature index of the coldest month (MTCI) and precipitation effectiveness index(PEI). The results showed that the estimated potential distribution of Pinus rigida declines to 56% in the near future(2050) and 15% in the further future (2100). This significant decline was found in most provinces in Korea. However, in Kangwon province where the average elevation is higher than other provinces, the area of potential distribution of Pinus rigida increases in the near future and the further future. Also the result indicated that the potential distribution of Pinus rigida migrates to higher elevation. The potential distributions estimated in this research have relatively high accuracy with consideration of classification accuracy (44.75%) and prediction probability (62.56%).

Development of Ridge Distinction Program of The Mountainous Districts using GIS Program (GIS를 이용한 산지의 능선구분 프로그램 개발)

  • Park, Young-Kyu;Kwon, Soon-Duk;Kim, Tae-Kyun
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.10 no.4
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    • pp.87-96
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    • 2007
  • In this study, a Ridge Distinction Program was developed to improve the elevation standard, which is one of standards for mountainous districts conversion permission regulated by the Management of Mountainous Districts Act. To distinguish mountainous districts from other land types, this program assumed that the lower end of the mountainous districts is the outlet points where catchment size is 30ha. Also the program used the halfway line between the ridge and the lower end of the mountainous districts to recognize the upper slope areas. To prevent potential errors within the classification process, the areas that were classified as non-mountainous districts by the current forest type map were removed. According to the classification results by using the developed program, the 58% of the mountainous districts ($696,300m^2$) was classified into the upper slope area, while the only 3% of the mountainous districts ($30,956m^2$) were classified by adopting the current standards for the mountainous districts conversion permission. This result shows that the size of the upper slope areas tends to be altered by the standards defining the area. Therefore, for better acceptance of the Ridge Distinction Program in the associated fields, it is necessary to prove the effectiveness of the program and to revise the current standards for the mountainous districts conversion permission.

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The suggestion for mosquito control methods on mosquito habitat by land cover map classification (토지피복도 분류체계와 연계한 모기 서식지와 적용가능 방제법 검토)

  • Kim, Jeong-Eun;Lee, Hwang-Goo;Kim, Dong-Gun
    • Korean Journal of Environmental Biology
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    • v.38 no.1
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    • pp.189-196
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    • 2020
  • Mosquitos serve as vectors for diseases, causing inconvenience as well as a threat to human life and health. Concern about mosquitos introducing and spreading new diseases has been intensifying. We observed a variety of mosquito habitats based on land cover classification from Korea's Ministry of Environment, and the mosquito species that could appear were classified according to the each habitat type. Finally, we suggested the best control methods for each type of habitat considering habitat characteristics and the ecological traits of mosquitos. Urban areas harbor various habitats for pests, contributing significantly to mosquito habitats. Control must be performed regarding larva and adults because various sources for habitats exist. Public mosquito control programs such as educational training, as well as information brochures can be effective in managing mosquito populations and public health. Agricultural areas show high densities of mosquito larva to lentic zones such as reservoirs, wetlands, paddy fields. So, biological control using natural predators may be effective in controlling mosquito populations. Forests are major habitats for Aedes albopctus, so physical controls should be deployed for residents living nearby, and excessive deforestation should be minimized. Other areas including aquatic ecosystems should be adopted regarding biological control using Bti (Bacillus thuringiensis var. israelensis) and chemical control for eradicating mosquitos. We classified habitats into four types of land cover patterns considering ecological traits and habitat preference, and suggest adequate control methods for each habitat type. Our suggestion can be used to positively contribute toward effective managing mosquito's density and reducing the damage to public health.

Distribution of the Kentish Plover (Charadrius Alexandrinus) Based on the 3rd National Ecosystem Survey and Its Adequacy as a Bioindicator (제 3차 전국자연환경조사를 이용한 흰물떼새(Charadrius alexandrinus)의 분포현황과 생물지표종의 제안)

  • Kim, Woo-Yuel;Bae, So-Yeon;Oh, Su-Jeung;Yoon, Hee-Nam;Lee, Jung-Hyo;Paek, Woon-Kee;Sung, Ha-Cheol
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.30 no.2
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    • pp.155-164
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    • 2016
  • In this study we analyzed the spatial and temporal distribution and preferred habitat type of the Kentish plover (Charadrius alexandrinus) based on the 3rd National Ecosystem Survey. Kentish plovers were observed in 97 maps out of a total 842 maps (11.8%) between 2006 and 2012, mainly along the western and southern coasts of Korea. They were also observed in the eastern coast of Korea, inland rivers (Han, Geum, Nakdong, Seomjin, and Yongsan River), the western and eastern coast of Jeju island, and Daecheong Island in the Yellow Sea. The observations were mainly made during the spring breeding season and migration seasons in spring and autumn. The occurrence of kentish plovers was positively influenced by the area of water and wetland according to the middle classification level of land cover type analysis and the area of coastal wetlands in the detailed classification level of land cover types. Most (90%) of the kentish plovers recorded maps had coastal wetlands. Kentish plovers were known to be susceptible to change of habitat. As the occurrence of kentish plovers could be associated with the habitat-change of coastal wetlands and it is possible to estimate the number of individuals, it is recommended that kentish plovers be used as a bioindicator species for the ecological assessment of ecosystem in intertidal zones.

The Analysis of Parcels for Land Alternation in Jinan-Gun jeollabuk-Do based on GIS (GIS 기반 전라북도 진안군의 토지이동 필지 분석)

  • Lee, Geun Sang;Park, Jong Ahn;Cho, Gi Sung
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.22 no.1
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    • pp.3-12
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    • 2014
  • Cadastre is a set of activity registering diverse land information in national scope land management works. A nation examine land information and register it in a cadastral book, and must update data when necessary to properly maintain the information. Currently, local governments execute work about parcels of land alternation by manual work based on KLIS road map. Therefore, it takes too much time-consuming and makes problem as missing lots of parcels of land alternation. This study suggests the method selecting the parcels of land alteration for Jinan-Gun of Jeollabuk-Do using the GIS spatial overlay and the following results are as belows. Firstly, the manual work on the parcels of land alteration was greatly improved through automatically extracting the number and area of parcels according to the land classification and ownership by GIS spatial overlay based on serial cadastral maps and KLIS road lines. Secondly, existing work based on KLIS road lines could be advanced by analyzing the parcels of land alternation using the actual-width of the road from new address system to consider all road area for study site. Lastly, this study can supply efficient information in determining the parcels of land alternation consistant with road condition of local governments by analyzing the number and area of parcels according to the land classification and ownership within various roadsides ranging from 3m, 5m, and 10m by GIS buffering method.

Classification and Mapping of Forest Type Using Landsat TM Data and B/W Infrared Aerial Photograph (Landsat TM Data와 흑백적외선(黑白赤外線) 항공사진(航空寫眞)을 이용(利用)한 임상구분(林相區分)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究))

  • Kim, Kap Duk;Lee, Seung Ho;Kim, Cheol Min
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.78 no.3
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    • pp.263-273
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    • 1989
  • Accurate and cost-effective classification of forest vegetation is the primary goal for forest management and utilization of forest resources. Aerial photograph and remote sensing are the most frequent and effective method in forest resources inventories. TM and MSS are the principal observing instruments on the Landsat-4 and -5 earth observing satellite. Especially TM has considerably greater spatial, spectral, and radiometric resolution power than MSS, that is, the IFOV of TM at a nadir is 30m compared to 80m for MSS. In this study, we used TM data to classify forest types and compared the result with forest type map manufactured by interpretation of B/W infrared photographs. As a result, land use types were well defined with TM data. But classifying forest types was a little difficult and indistinct. However, the spectral signatures of forest in every season and growing stages remained as problems to be solved, and also the most effective selection and combination method of bands for differentiating the spectral plots among classes.

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A Prediction of the Land-cover Change Using Multi-temporal Satellite Imagery and Land Statistical Data: Case Study for Cheonan City and Asan City, Korea (다중시기 위성영상과 토지 통계자료를 이용한 토지피복 변화 예측: 천안시·아산시를 사례로)

  • KIM, Chansoo;PARK, Ji-Hoon;JANG, Dong-Ho
    • Journal of The Geomorphological Association of Korea
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.41-56
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    • 2011
  • This study analyzes the change in land-cover based on satellite imagery to draw up land-cover map in the future, and estimates the change in land category using statistical data of the land category. To estimate land category, this study applied the double exponentially smoothing method. The result of the land cover classification according to year using satellite imagery showed that the type with the largest increase in area of land cover change in the cities of Cheonan and Asan was artificial structure, followed by water, grass field and bare land. However forest, paddy, marsh and dry field were reduced. Further, the result of the time-series analysis of the land category was found to be similar to the result of the land cover classification using satellite imagery. Especially, the result of the estimation of the land category change using the double exponentially smoothing method showed that paddy, dry field, forest and marsh are anticipated to consistently decrease in area from 2010 to 2100, whereas artificial structure, water, bare land and grass field are anticipated to consistently increase. Such results can be utilized as basic data to estimate the change in land cover according to climate change in order to prepare climate change response strategies.

Added Value of Chemical Exchange-Dependent Saturation Transfer MRI for the Diagnosis of Dementia

  • Jang-Hoon Oh;Bo Guem Choi;Hak Young Rhee;Jin San Lee;Kyung Mi Lee;Soonchan Park;Ah Rang Cho;Chang-Woo Ryu;Key Chung Park;Eui Jong Kim;Geon-Ho Jahng
    • Korean Journal of Radiology
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    • v.22 no.5
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    • pp.770-781
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    • 2021
  • Objective: Chemical exchange-dependent saturation transfer (CEST) MRI is sensitive for detecting solid-like proteins and may detect changes in the levels of mobile proteins and peptides in tissues. The objective of this study was to evaluate the characteristics of chemical exchange proton pools using the CEST MRI technique in patients with dementia. Materials and Methods: Our institutional review board approved this cross-sectional prospective study and informed consent was obtained from all participants. This study included 41 subjects (19 with dementia and 22 without dementia). Complete CEST data of the brain were obtained using a three-dimensional gradient and spin-echo sequence to map CEST indices, such as amide, amine, hydroxyl, and magnetization transfer ratio asymmetry (MTRasym) values, using six-pool Lorentzian fitting. Statistical analyses of CEST indices were performed to evaluate group comparisons, their correlations with gray matter volume (GMV) and Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE) scores, and receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves. Results: Amine signals (0.029 for non-dementia, 0.046 for dementia, p = 0.011 at hippocampus) and MTRasym values at 3 ppm (0.748 for non-dementia, 1.138 for dementia, p = 0.022 at hippocampus), and 3.5 ppm (0.463 for non-dementia, 0.875 for dementia, p = 0.029 at hippocampus) were significantly higher in the dementia group than in the non-dementia group. Most CEST indices were not significantly correlated with GMV; however, except amide, most indices were significantly correlated with the MMSE scores. The classification power of most CEST indices was lower than that of GMV but adding one of the CEST indices in GMV improved the classification between the subject groups. The largest improvement was seen in the MTRasym values at 2 ppm in the anterior cingulate (area under the ROC curve = 0.981), with a sensitivity of 100 and a specificity of 90.91. Conclusion: CEST MRI potentially allows noninvasive image alterations in the Alzheimer's disease brain without injecting isotopes for monitoring different disease states and may provide a new imaging biomarker in the future.