• Title/Summary/Keyword: city classification

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A Study on the Status of Physical Exercise of Community People in City Area (도시지역주민의 운동실태와 관련요인)

  • 한중호;남철현
    • Korean Journal of Health Education and Promotion
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.68-86
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    • 1991
  • This study was carried out to investigate consciousness level of physical exercise and analyze factors affection to the practice of exercise. The main purpose of the study was to give basic and necessary data in developing of program regarding to the physical exercise of the people and social athletics. This study was conducted by trained surveyers, for dweller in three cities(Seoul, Taegu and Ulsan) during January 4. 1990 to January 24. 1990. The results of this study can be summarized as follows 1. The subject of criticism an investigation for general charactristic be conducted in Seoul, Taegu and Ulsan city area an objective 417 person, 432 person and 366 person was among those comparatively little more by male was higher rate than female. Those in classification was adopted by age group 20 years old adult 41.3% of most higher rate, age group evaluation, were 24.9% and other group were 18.4% comprehensively appearanced by adult group has most many value rate. 2. An objective of investigation survey was made to personnel were comparative an educated level significantly higher such as college graduated 48.8% this rate of value has most higher, High school graduated ; 30.1% and middle School gratuated were 11.7%. In addition the native comes from large city, Farming and fishing villages an rural area rate were shown as 29.6%, 28.4% and 19.9% each other. There by classification of occupational job was shown by students has 27.4% are most higher significantly, also there sales and service field job appearanced 15.1% and expert technical job is 9.0% Although nonreligion person rate were 37.3%, buddist, Christianity, Roman Catholicism all them each other shown 33.6%, 16.7% and 12.4%. An evaluation in economic situation value rate was appearanced by middle class level 61.7% and higher and low level are 14.4% and 23.9% with each other and married were 59.2%. 3. The people resident in cities area has pratice of health development by exercise person were 43.5% and value of rate for male has exercise practice is 52.5%, was significantly higher than female has by age group 10 years old and age group 50 years old is 52.6% and 47.3% was comparative higher rate also age group 30 is 35.1% of low factor was indicated. Although evaluated an economic situation rate was higher level get more taken the practice of health develop exercise(higher level 60.0% and low level is 32.9%). Although by higher level of educated were more taken pratice of their proper physical exercise(college graduated rate ; 52.2% of most higher and high school graduted ; 39.7% and then middle school graduated is 19.1%) unmarried taken exercise rate ; 48.4% is significantly higher than married person rate ; 40.8%. Although objective of native area of exercise rate of Urban area cities ; 52.5% are significantly higher farming and fishing native person rate ; 40.4% shown is most low.

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Comparative Analysis of Predictors of Depression for Residents in a Metropolitan City using Logistic Regression and Decision Making Tree (로지스틱 회귀분석과 의사결정나무 분석을 이용한 일 대도시 주민의 우울 예측요인 비교 연구)

  • Kim, Soo-Jin;Kim, Bo-Young
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.13 no.12
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    • pp.829-839
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    • 2013
  • This study is a descriptive research study with the purpose of predicting and comparing factors of depression affecting residents in a metropolitan city by using logistic regression analysis and decision-making tree analysis. The subjects for the study were 462 residents ($20{\leq}aged{\angle}65$) in a metropolitan city. This study collected data between October 7, 2011 and October 21, 2011 and analyzed them with frequency analysis, percentage, the mean and standard deviation, ${\chi}^2$-test, t-test, logistic regression analysis, roc curve, and a decision-making tree by using SPSS 18.0 program. The common predicting variables of depression in community residents were social dysfunction, perceived physical symptom, and family support. The specialty and sensitivity of logistic regression explained 93.8% and 42.5%. The receiver operating characteristic (roc) curve was used to determine an optimal model. The AUC (area under the curve) was .84. Roc curve was found to be statistically significant (p=<.001). The specialty and sensitivity of decision-making tree analysis were 98.3% and 20.8% respectively. As for the whole classification accuracy, the logistic regression explained 82.0% and the decision making tree analysis explained 80.5%. From the results of this study, it is believed that the sensitivity, the classification accuracy, and the logistics regression analysis as shown in a higher degree may be useful materials to establish a depression prediction model for the community residents.

The Change of Economic Space and the Classification of Urban-Rural Consolidated Cities in Gyeonggi-do (경기도 도농복합시의 경제공간 변화와 유형 분류)

  • Son, Seungho
    • Journal of the Economic Geographical Society of Korea
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.45-59
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    • 2015
  • The urban-rural consolidated city has emerged in order to promote the balanced development of urban region and rural region. Targeted 11 urban-rural consolidated cities in Gyeonggi Province, this paper investigated the changes of economic space in accordance with the location of industrial activities. The number of establishments has increased in all cities. From the analysis of the changes in the economic space divided into urban regions and rural regions, concentration phenomenon of economic activities in urban regions was strengthened in 9 cities with the exception of Icheon-si and Anseong-si. Concentration of economic activities in urban region was noticeable in Namyangju-si, Pocheon-si, and Yongin-si. 5 types were derived from the classification on the basis of locational changes of economic activities in urban region and rural region. They are 1) urban-rural gap deepen type, 2) urban region growth slowdown type, 3) rural region growth type, 4) urban-rural balanced growth type, and 5) urban region-led growth type. While urban-rural gap of the cities close to highly urbanized city or metropolis has intensified, the growth of urban region was weakened in the cities located away from the metropolis.

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Plant Community Structure for Five Major Valleys in Bukhansan National Park (북한산 국립공원 주요 5개 계곡의 식물군집구조)

  • Lee, Kyung-Jae;Cho, Woo;Hwang, Seo-Hyun
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.15-29
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    • 1995
  • To investigate plant community structure of Uiryung valley, Harujae valley, Kugi valley, Songchu valley, Tobongsan valley in Bukhansan National Park, each thirty eight, forty, twenty six. twenty eight, thirty six plots (plot size 100$m^2$) were set up and surveyed. The surveyed data were integrated and classification by TWINSPAN and DCA ordination techniques were applied to the study area. The plant community were divided into nine groups in seventy nine plots by TWINBPAN and the dividing groups were Carpinus laxiflora community(I), Quercus mongolica community(II), Pinus densiflora community(III), Q. mongolica-P. densiflora community(IV) Q. mongolica-Q. serrata- Prunus sargentii community(V), Q. mongolica Q. variabilis community(Ⅵ), Robinia pseudoacacia-Q. serrata community(Ⅶ). P. rigida-Q. serrata community(Ⅷ), Q. mongolica- Q. variabilis- Styrax obassia community(Ⅸ). So the successional trends of tree species at the natural forest seem to be from P. densiflora to Q. mongolica and at the artificial forest seem to be from R. pseudoacacia, P. rigida to Q. acutissima, Fraxinus rhynchophylla in canopy layer And in the subtree and shrub layer, it wag supposed that from Deotzia prunifolia, Rhus trichocarpa. Rhododendron yedoense var. poukhasleilse, Euonymus oxyphyllous to Magnolia sieboldii, Acer psuedo-sieboldianum, Lindera obtusiloba. In comparing successional trends with past study, it was postulated that successtion is not progressed by human disturbance and soil acidification by the air pollution.

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The Structure of Plant Community in Kwangnung Forest(I) -Analysis on the Forest Community of Soribong Area by the Classification and Ordination Techniques- (광릉(光陵) 삼림(森林)의 식물군집구조(植物群集構造)(I) -Classification 및 Ordination 방법에 의한 소리봉(蘇利峯)지역의 식생분석(植生分析)-)

  • Lee, Kyong Jae;Jo, Jae Chang;Lee, Bong Su;Lee, Do Suck
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.79 no.2
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    • pp.173-186
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    • 1990
  • To investigate the structure of the plant community of Soribong area in Kwangnung forest, forty-six plots were set up by the clumped sampling method. The classification by TWINSPAN and four kinds of multivariate ordination(PO, PCA, RA, DCA) were applied to the study area in order to classify them into several groups based on woody plants and environmental variables. The classification had been successfully overlayed on an ordination of the same data using DCA. The plots can be classified into four groups by TWINSPAN and DCA. The successional trends of tree species by both techniques seem to be from Pinus densiflora through Quercus mongolica, Q. serrata, Q. aliena, Carpinus laxiflora, Sorbus alnifolia to C. cordata, Fraxinus rhynchophylla, Cornus controversa in the canopy layer, and from Rhododendron mucronulatum, Rhus triohocarpa, Lespeoleza cyrtobotrya, Weigela subsessilis through Corylus sieboldiana, Lindera obtusiloba to Slaphylea bumalda, Callicarpa japonica, Lonicera maackii in the understory layer. As a result of the analysis for the relationship between the stand scores of DCA and environmental variables, they had a tendancy to increase significantly from the P. densiflora community to C. cordata community that was soil pH and the amount of humus, total nitrogen and exchangeable cations.

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Development of Image Classification Model for Urban Park User Activity Using Deep Learning of Social Media Photo Posts (소셜미디어 사진 게시물의 딥러닝을 활용한 도시공원 이용자 활동 이미지 분류모델 개발)

  • Lee, Ju-Kyung;Son, Yong-Hoon
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.50 no.6
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    • pp.42-57
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    • 2022
  • This study aims to create a basic model for classifying the activity photos that urban park users shared on social media using Deep Learning through Artificial Intelligence. Regarding the social media data, photos related to urban parks were collected through a Naver search, were collected, and used for the classification model. Based on the indicators of Naturalness, Potential Attraction, and Activity, which can be used to evaluate the characteristics of urban parks, 21 classification categories were created. Urban park photos shared on Naver were collected by category, and annotated datasets were created. A custom CNN model and a transfer learning model utilizing a CNN pre-trained on the collected photo datasets were designed and subsequently analyzed. As a result of the study, the Xception transfer learning model, which demonstrated the best performance, was selected as the urban park user activity image classification model and evaluated through several evaluation indicators. This study is meaningful in that it has built AI as an index that can evaluate the characteristics of urban parks by using user-shared photos on social media. The classification model using Deep Learning mitigates the limitations of manual classification, and it can efficiently classify large amounts of urban park photos. So, it can be said to be a useful method that can be used for the monitoring and management of city parks in the future.

Case Study of Ancient City Wall Renewal in Gongju, a Historic Cultural City (역사문화도시 공주의 고도담장정비 사례 연구)

  • Ohn, Hyoungkeun
    • Korean Journal of Heritage: History & Science
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    • v.53 no.2
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    • pp.254-269
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    • 2020
  • The purpose of this study is to propose guidance for wall renewal that is appropriate for an ancient city wall through application of advanced research and theories in wall design. It is a streetscape improvement project which forms part of the "Ancient City Image Finding Project". Study methods consist of advanced research classification, wall design theory contemplation, and analysis of the significance of designated ancient city areas and the "Ancient City Image Finding Project" status. Based on these methods, case study candidates were selected, case status and problems were identified, and improvement proposals were analyzed by comparing various features. Advanced wall research was classified into six categories including analysis of wall characteristics; wall design principle applications; wall structure, color, shape, and application; modern reinterpretation; palace walls; and house, temple, and village walls. The wall is an element of the streetscape improvement component of the "Ancient City Image Finding Project", with the characteristic of providing preceding experience in visual and cognitive awareness than interior structure. Case candidates for ancient city wall improvement are based on the composition distribution of the special conservation district in each ancient city as well as the conservation promotion district. Ultimately, the surrounding village of Gongju-si Geumseong-Dong Songsanri-gil, adjacent to the Royal Tomb of King Muryeong, was selected as the candidate. The "Ancient City Image Finding Project" of the surrounding village of Gongju-si Geumseong-Dong Songsanri-gil began with new Hanok construction. However, wall maintenance did not begin concurrently with that new Hanok construction. Support and maintenance took place afterwards as an exterior maintenance project for roadside structures. If the Hanok and wall were evaluated and constructed at the same time, the wall would have been built in unison with the size and design of the Hanok. The layout of the main building and wall of the Hanok is deemed to be a structure that is closed tightly because of its spatial proximity and tall height. Songsan-ri-gil's wall design should create a calm, subtle, and peaceful atmosphere with shapes, colors, and materials that express ancient city characteristics, but it is in an awkward position due to its sharpness and narrowness. The cause of the problem at Gongju-si Geumseong-dong Songsanri-gil, the case candidate, is that it is lacking significantly in terms of the aesthetic factors that traditional walls should possess. First, aesthetic consciousness seems to have disappeared during the selection and application process of the wall's natural materials. Second, the level of completion in design and harmony is absent. Maintenance guidance after analyzing the cause of problems in ancient city wall maintenance at Gongju-si Geumseong-dong Songsanri-gil, the subject area of research, is as follows: First, the Hanok design and layout of the wall and main gate should be reviewed simultaneously. Second, the one-sided use of natural stone wall in the Hanok wall design should be reexamined. Third, a permanent system to coordinate the opinions of citizens and experts during the planning and design phases should be employed. Fourth and finally, the Hanok's individuality shall be collectivized and its value as a cultural asset representing the identity of the community shall be increased.

Assessing the Necessity of Extra Reduction Aides in Intramedullary Nailing of Intertrochanteric Hip Fractures

  • John W. Yurek;Nikki A. Doerr;Alex Tang;Adam S. Kohring;Frank A. Liporace;Richard S. Yoon
    • Hip & pelvis
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    • v.35 no.3
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    • pp.183-192
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    • 2023
  • Purpose: This study aims to determine which intertrochanteric (IT) hip fracture and patient characteristics predict the necessity for adjunct reduction aides prior to prep and drape aiming for a more efficient surgery. Materials and Methods: Institutional fracture registries from two academic medical centers from 2017-2022 were analyzed. Data on patient demographics, comorbidities, fracture patterns identified on radiographs including displacement of the lesser trochanter (LT), thin lateral wall (LW), reverse obliquity (RO), subtrochanteric extension (STE), and number of fracture parts were collected, and the need for additional aides following traction on fracture table were collected. Fractures were classified using the AO/OTA classification. Regression analyses identified significant risk factors for needing extra reduction aides. Results: Of the 166 patients included, the average age was 80.84±12.7 years and BMI was 24.37±5.3 kg/m2. Univariate regression revealed increased irreducibility risk associated with RO (odds ratio [OR] 27.917, P≤0.001), LW (OR 24.882, P<0.001), and STE (OR 5.255, P=0.005). Multivariate analysis significantly correlated RO (OR 120.74, P<0.001) and thin LW (OR 131.14, P<0.001) with increased risk. However, STE (P=0.36) and LT displacement (P=0.77) weren't significant. Fracture types 2.2, 3.2, and 3.3 displayed elevated risk (P<0.001), while no other factors increased risk. Conclusion: Elderly patients with IT fractures with RO and/or thin LW are at higher risk of irreducibility, necessitating adjunct reduction aides. Other parameters showed no significant association, suggesting most fracture patterns can be achieved with traction manipulation alone.

A Study on the Improvement of Sub-divided Land Cover Map Classification System - Based on the Land Cover Map by Ministry of Environment - (세분류 토지피복지도 분류체계 개선방안 연구 - 환경부 토지피복지도를 중심으로 -)

  • Oh, Kwan-Young;Lee, Moung-Jin;No, Woo-Young
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.32 no.2
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    • pp.105-118
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    • 2016
  • The purpose of this study is to improve the classification system of sub-divided land cover map among the land cover maps provided by the Ministry of Environment. To accomplish the purpose, first, the overseas country land cover map classification items were examined in priority. Second, the area ratio of each item established by applying the previous sub-divided classification system was analyzed. Third, the survey on the improvement of classification system targeting the users (experts and general public) who actually used the sub-divided land cover map was carried out. Fourth, a new classification system which improved the previous system by reclassifying 41 classification items into 33 items was finally established. Fifth, the established land cover classification items were applied on study area, and the land cover classification result according to the improvement method was compared with the previous classification system. Ilsan area in Goyang city where there are diverse geographic features with various land surface characteristics such as the urbanization area and agricultural land were distributed evenly were selected as the study area. The basic images used in this study were 0.25 m aerial ortho-photographs captured by the National Geographic Information Institute (NGII), and digital topographic map, detailed stock map plan, land registration map and administrative area map were used as the relevant reference data. As a result of applying the improved classification system into the study area, the area of culture-sports, leisure facilities was $1.84km^2$ which was approximately more than twice larger in comparison to the previous classification system. Other areas such as transportation and communication system and educational administration facilities were not classified. The result of this study has meaningful significance that it reflects the efficiency for the establishment and renewal of sub-divided land cover map in the future and actual users' needs.

Comparative Analysis of Land-use thematic GIS layers and Multi-resolution Image Classification Results by using LANDSAT 7 ETM+ and KOMPSAT EOC image (Landsat 7 ETM+와 KOMPSAT EOC 영상 자료를 이용한 다중 분해능 영상 분류결과와 토지이용현황 주제도 대비 분석)

  • 이기원;유영철;송무영;사공호상
    • Spatial Information Research
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.331-343
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    • 2002
  • Recently, as various fields of applications using space-borne imagery have been emphasized, interests on integrated analysis or fusion using multi-sources are also increasing. In this study, to investigate applicability of multiple imageries for further regional-scaled application, DN value analysis and multi-resolution classification by using KOMPSAT EOC imagery and Landsat 7 ETM+image data in the Namyangju-city area were performed, and then this classified results were compared to land-use thematic data at the same area. In case of classified results by using muff-resolution image data, it is shown that linear-type features can be easily extracted. furthermore, it is expected that multi-resolution classified image can be effectively utilized to urban environment analysis, according to results of similar pattern by comparative study based on multi-buffered zone analysis or so-called distance analysis along main road features in the study area.