• 제목/요약/키워드: circadian change

검색결과 41건 처리시간 0.021초

혈장(血漿) MHPG와 HVA 농도(濃度)의 24시간(時間) 주기성(週期性) 변화(變化)에 관한 연구(硏究) (Circadian Rhythms of Plasma MHPG and HVA Concentrations in Healthy Young Adults)

  • 김기웅;이정희;우종인
    • 생물정신의학
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    • 제2권2호
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    • pp.266-274
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    • 1995
  • We invesigated whether the circadian rhythms of plasma MHPG and HVA concentrations exist in 11 healthy young adults, and analyzed the patterns of their circadian rhythms. The results were as follows : 1) The change in the mean plasma MHPG concentrations analyzed by repeated measures ANOVA was not statistically significant. Five subjects showed significant circadian rhythms of plasma MHPG concentrations of each individual, and 4 of those had the acrophases between 17PM and 24PM. 2) The change in the mean plasma HVA concentrations analyzed by repeated measures ANOVA was not statistically significant. Six subjects showed significant circadian rhythms of plasma HVA concentrations of each individual, and 4 of those had the acrophases between 21PM and 6AM. In conclusion, the circadian rhythm pattern of plasma HVA concentrations in our result is consistent with the previous study. It was suggested that plasma MHPG and HVA concentrations should be measured more frequently, and the physical activities of subjects be controlled more strictly for the following study.

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주관적 각성정도, 기분, 수행능력의 일중변화 (Circadian rhythms in subjective activation, mood, and performance efficiency)

  • 윤인영
    • 수면정신생리
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    • 제5권1호
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    • pp.12-17
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    • 1998
  • Circadian rhythms in subjective alertness, mood, and performance can be classified as psychological rhythm, compared with physiological rhythm such as body temperature and hormonal change. While in normal condition entrained by 24hr zeitgeber, subjective alertness would reach its maximum value around midday, subjective alertness would parallel body temperature rhythm with its peak at evening in non-entrained, free-running state. With desynchronization technique, subjective alertness rhythm is thought to be controlled by both temperature and sleep-wake rhythm oscillator. Circadian performance rhythms depend on the kind of task tested. It shows parallelism with body temperature rhythm when subjects are tested with simple, repetitive task. But when tested with tasks requiring complex verbal reasoning or immediate memory, subjects would perform them best at early morning, with performance decreasing as time of day advances. The desynchronization technique shows that circadian performance rhythm of simple, repetitive task is dependent on temperature oscillator but circadian performance rhythm of complex verbal reasoning is influenced by both temperature and sleep-wake rhythm oscillator or another independent oscillator. It would be worthwhile to compare psychological rhythm with hormonal change such as cortisol and melatonin. And more simple and time-saving method than desynchronization technique may facilitate the study of the mechanism underlying psychological rhythm.

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일주기리듬의 조절이상이 양극성장애의 핵심 발병 기전일까? (Is the Circadian Rhythm Dysregulation a Core Pathogenetic Mechanism of Bipolar Disorder?)

  • 이헌정
    • 신경정신의학
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    • 제57권4호
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    • pp.276-286
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    • 2018
  • Circadian rhythm is a periodic and continuous change in physiological, behavioral, and mental characteristics that occurs in most organisms on the Earth, because the Earth rotates in a 24-hour cycle. The circadian system regulates daily rhythms of physiology and behavior, such as the sleep/wake cycle, body temperature, hormonal secretion, and mood. The influence of circadian rhythm is very powerful, but limited research has addressed its effects. However, many recent studies have shown that circadian dysregulation may play an important role in the pathogenesis of bipolar disorder. This review study examined current and noteworthy studies, including the authors' own works, and proposes a possible clinical application of bipolar disorder based on evidence that circadian rhythm dysregulation in bipolar disorder may be a key pathogenetic mechanism.

인체 일주기리듬의 해부학 및 생리학 (Anatomy and Physiology in Human Circadian Rhythms)

  • 손창호
    • 수면정신생리
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    • 제5권1호
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    • pp.1-11
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    • 1998
  • Chronobiology is the area of medicine that is, how time-related event shape our daily biologic responses and apply to any aspect of medicine with regard to altering pathophysiology and treatment response. In mammals, there are several evidences that prove suprachiasmatic nuclei(SCN) is the major circadian pacemaker and the circadian rhythm influences so many biological aspects of an living organism such as rest-activity, thermoregulation, reproduction, and endocrine system. In case of human beings, there had been little information of circadian system. That may be due to the experimental, technical difficulties to study but also to the fact that human has the more complex environments that may alter the circadina rhythm like the artificial light, many socio-cultural aspects and so forth. However, several reports of these days indicate human's circadian system is composed of two or more circadian oscillators and SCN is the major circadian oscillator among them like the other mammals. Free-running circadinan period of mankind is about 24 hours rather than about 25 hours, and rest-activity rhythm is polymodal like other species. In addition to that, human may have capcities to change the circadian rhythm as the seasonal changes of daynight schedule. In this article, the author will summarize recent progress of anatomy and physiology of the circadian clock mechanism in humans.

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스트레스 유형에 따른 고양이 혈중 Cortisol농도의 변화 (Change of Blood Cortisol Concentration in Domestic Cats by Various Stress Types)

  • 나기정
    • 한국임상수의학회지
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    • 제15권1호
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    • pp.1-7
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    • 1998
  • The present study was performed to evaluate circadian rhythm of blood nortisol concentration and change of blood cortisol concentration by various stress type in domestic cats. The ELISA kit for cortisol measurement was evaluated on the effective assay range, day to day variation, within-run variation and accuracy. The results were 1-1,000 ng/ ml, 0.7-5.9%, 0.9-4.5% and 98%, respectively. The circadian rhythm of serum cortisol concentration is presented in cats. Change of serum cortisol concentration was also examined with several stressors, stimulation with hamster as a prey, beep electronic sounds, vehicle transportation and unfamiliar environment. Unfamiliar environment showed most remarkable change in serum cortisol level.

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Photoperiodic modulation of insect circadian rhythms

  • Tomioka, Kenji;Uwozumi, Kouzo;Koga, Mika
    • Journal of Photoscience
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    • 제9권2호
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    • pp.9-12
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    • 2002
  • Circadian rhythms can be seen in a variety of physiological functions in insects. Light is a powerful zeitgeber not only synchronizing but also modulating the rhythm to adjust insect's temporal structure to seasonal changes in the environmental cycle. There are two general effects of the length of light phase within 24 hr light cycles on the circadian rhythms, i.e., the modulation of free-running period and the waveform. Since the photoperiodic modulation of the free-running period is induced even in the clock mutant flies, per$\^$s/, the free-running period is not fully determined genetically. In crickets, the ratio of activity (a) and rest phase (p) under the constant darkness (DD) is clearly dependent on the photoperiod under which they have been kept. When experienced the longer photoperiod it becomes smaller. The magnitude of change in a/p-ratio is dependent on the number of cycles they experienced. The neuronal activity of the optic lobe in DD shows the a/p-ratio changing with the preceding photoperiod. These data suggest that a single circadian pacemaker stores and maintains the photoperiodic information and that there is a system that accumulates the effects of single photoperiod to cause greater effects.

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정상 성인의 혈청 철과 TIBC 및 Ferritin의 Circadian Rhythm에 대한 연구 (A Study on Serum Ferrum, TIBC, and Ferritin's Circadian Rhythm in Normal Adults)

  • 정숙희;김명애
    • 기본간호학회지
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    • 제9권1호
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    • pp.113-122
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    • 2002
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study was to identify characteristics of serum ferrum, TIBC and ferritin's circadian rhythm in normal adults and to prepare a standard to determine the examination material extraction time. Method: Nine women and ten men made up the convenience sample for this study they were from the staff of D university hospital and students in D medical School located in K city who met the qualifications for inclusion in the sample. The value of serum ferrum, TIBC and circadian rhythm were calculated as follows : First. each variable's amplitude. the acrophase and average were measured for a 24 hour cycle using the cosinor method, and then each person's rhythm was analyzed. Results: There were significant serum iron circadian rhythm for both men and women (p<.05). For the men, mesor was $105.91{\mu}g/dl$. amplitude was $29.52{\mu}g/dl$, and the acrophase was 9.76 hour. For the women, mesor was $108.17{\mu}g/dl$, amplitude was $28.09{\mu}g/dl$, and the acrophase was 11.42 hour The rhythm change of TIBC was only significant for the women (p<.05), mesor was 383.39mg/dl, amplitude was 60.29mg/dl. and the acrophase was 14.93hour. As for the circadian rhythm of the ferritin, there are no diurnal variation in either sex, men were between 134.0ng/ml and 137.4ng/ml, and women, between 29.1ng/ml and 30.1ng/ml. Conclusion: To help diagnose the boundary line between normal or deficiency in iron, measurement should be carried out at a fixed time in the morning and evening, or a more proper time would be in the afternoon at the time when the width of amplitude is the least.

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멜라토닌과 정신과 질환 (Melatonin in Psychiatric Disorders)

  • 이진성;김성곤;김지훈;정우영;박지훈
    • 수면정신생리
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    • 제22권1호
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    • pp.5-10
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    • 2015
  • The secretion of melatonin exhibits a circadian rhythm entrained with the sleep-wake cycle. An alteration of this secretory rhythm has been found in various psychiatric disorders. This review summarizes the regulation of melatonin and its relationship to the circadian rhythm, major depressive disorder, bipolar disorder, seasonal affective disorder, Alzheimer's disease and autism. The review also looks at the effect of melatonin and melatonin agonist on sleep and symptoms of depression, bipolar disorder and seasonal affective disorder. In Alzheimer's disease, the circadian rhythm alterations are associated with the change of melatonin levels and melatonin receptors. It has been reported that melatonin and melatonin synthetic enzyme levels decrease in autism spectrum disorder.

Circadian Rhythms of Melatonin, Thyroid-Stimulating Hormone and Body Temperature: Relationships among those Rhythms and Effect of Sleep-Wake Cycle

  • Kim, Mi-Seung;Lee, Hyun J.;Im, Wook-Bin
    • Animal cells and systems
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    • 제6권3호
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    • pp.239-245
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    • 2002
  • Plasma melatonin, thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) and body temperature were measured simultaneously and continuously before and after the sleep-wake cycle was shifted in 4 healthy males and changes in the circadian rhythm itself and in the phase relationship among these circadian rhythms were determined. Normal sleep-wake cycle (sleep hours: 2300-0700) was delayed by 10 h (sleep hours: 0900-1700) during the experiment. Even after this shift the typical melatonin rhythm was maintained: low during daytime and high during night. The melatonin rhythm was gradually delayed day by day. The TSH rhythm was also maintained fundamentally during 3 consecutive days of altered sleep-wake cycle. The phase was also delayed gradually but remarkably. The daily rhythm of body temperature was changed by the alteration of sleep-wake cycle. The body temperature began to decrease at the similar clock time as in the control but the decline during night awake period was less steep and the lowered body temperature persisted during sleep. The hormonal profiles during the days of shifted sleep/wake cycle suggest that plasma melatonin and TSH rhythms are basically regulated by an endogenous biological clock. The parallel phase shift of melatonin and TSH upon the change in sleep-wake cycle suggests that a common unitary pacemaker probably regulates these two rhythms. The reversal phase relationship between body temperature and melatonin suggests that melatonin may have a hypothermic effect on body temperature. The altered body temperature rhythm suggests that the awake status during night may inhibit the circadian decrease in body temperature and that sleep sustains the lowered body temperature. It is probable but uncertain that there ave causal relationships among sleep, melatonin, TSH, and body temperature.

영위생리와 각성.수면시스템의 비교를 통한 음양(陰陽)의 함의(含意) 분석 (Analyses on Physiological Meanings of Yin Yang through Comparison of Ying-Wei Theory and Sleep-Awakening System)

  • 이상만;엄현섭;지규용
    • 동의생리병리학회지
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    • 제19권5호
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    • pp.1154-1161
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    • 2005
  • Yin Yang theory is the first and the last one to interpret diseases apply to treatment in oriental medicine. So it is regarded as the way of heaven and earth, the discipline of all things, the origin of change, the beginning of giving birth and death, the source of spirit. These regulatory passages are needed to compare with western medical physiology and analyzed whether it has scientific bases or not. The Yin Yang theory of traditional oriental medicine are summerized from the descriptions of Scripture of Documents, Ying Wei theory of Huangdi Neijing. Meanwhile up-to-date neurobiological and molecular genetic theories on circadian physiology are reviewed in western medicine. Sunshine is transferred through RGC to SCN, herein the central circadian rhythm is made by zeitgeber and interaction of melatonin secreted from pineal body and orexin from mp pan of hypothalamus. So HPA axis is activated and controlled under the circadian rhythm and affects peripheral tissues and cells of whole body through glucocorticoid hormones. First of all, the circadian rhythm makes the basic patterns of human life in biological and sociological meaning. It is almost same context with the record of the Scripture of Documents. Also the Ying Qi and Wei Qi is basically same with the sleep-awake mechanism, that is melatonin/orexin signal or per/clk/bmal/cry genes with circadian activation and activity of each organ's physiological function. Conclusively it can be said that Yin Yang is a priori principle of living things and the beginning of giving birth and death for activation of them biologically, as is described in Huangdi Neijing.