• Title/Summary/Keyword: chromatophore membrane vesicle

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Characterization of ATPase Activity of Free and Immobilized Chromatophore Membrane Vesicles of Rhodobacter sphaeroides

  • Kim, Hyeonjun;Tong, Xiaomeng;Choi, Sungyoung;Lee, Jeong K.
    • Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology
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    • v.27 no.12
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    • pp.2173-2179
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    • 2017
  • The intracytoplasmic membrane of Rhodobacter sphaeroides readily vesiculates when cells are lysed. The resulting chromatophore membrane vesicle (CMV) contains the photosynthetic machineries to synthesize ATP by ATPase. The light-dependent ATPase activity of CMV was lowered in the presence of $O_2$, but the activity increased to the level observed under anaerobic condition when the reaction mixture was supplemented with ascorbic acid (${\geq}0.5mM$). Cell lysis in the presence of biotinyl cap phospholipid (bcp) resulted in the incorporation of bcp into the membrane to form biotinylated CMV (bCMV), which binds to streptavidin resin at a ratio of approximately $24{\mu}g$ bacteriochlorophyll a/ml resin. The ATPase activity of CMV was not affected by biotinylation, but approximately 30% of the activity was lost by immobilization to resin. Interestingly, the remaining 70% of ATPase activity stayed constant during 7-day storage at $4^{\circ}C$. On the contrary, the ATPase activity of bCMV without immobilization gradually decreased to approximately 40% of the initial level in the same comparison. Thus, the ATPase activity of CMV is sustainable after immobilization, and the immobilized bCMV can be used repeatedly as an ATP generator.

The Cutaneous Xanthophore Differentiation in Bombina orientalis (무당개구리(Bombina orientalis Boulenger)皮膚 黃色素細胞(Xanthophore)의 分化에 관한 硏究)

  • 문명진;김우갑;김창환
    • The Korean Journal of Zoology
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    • v.29 no.4
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    • pp.261-271
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    • 1986
  • The cutaneous xanthophore differentiation from larvae to adult in Bombina orientalis-the Korean fire bellied toad-is studied with light and electron microscopes. General structure of adult xanthophore which is composed of many pterinosomes and a small quantity of carotenoid vesicles is forming chromatophore complex with other dermal pigment cells. And the cytoplasmic process of xanthophore is distributed just beneath the basement membrane. The first differentiated xanthophore is originated from both rER rich cells and Golgi complex rich cells before and after the feeding larval stage. Formation of the pigment granule is proceeded gradually along the sequental metamorphic stages. After the metamorphosis, rapid multiplication of pterinosome is observed and enlargement of carotenoid vesicle is appeared after hybernation. These pigment granules are seen several structures by the differentiated level.

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