• Title/Summary/Keyword: chestnut wood

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Study for Optimum Use of Forest Biomass Generated from the National Forest Management Operation (Part 2) - Fitness of Mixed Wood Species as Raw Materials for Kraft Pulp - (숲가꾸기 산물의 최적용도 개발을 위한 연구 (제2보) - 산물의 혼합을 통한 크라프트 펄프화 적성 연구 -)

  • Lee, Jee-Young;Kim, Chul-Hwan;Park, Hyun-Jin;Kim, Sung-Ho;Kim, Gyung-Chul;Sheikh, M.I.;Cho, Hu-Seung;Shim, Sung-Woong;Lee, Young-Min;Ahn, Byung-Il
    • Journal of Korea Technical Association of The Pulp and Paper Industry
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    • v.44 no.6
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    • pp.1-8
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    • 2012
  • This study was carried out to explore optimum use of the products generated from the National Forest Management Operation (NFMO) as raw materials for kraft pulp. First of all, different wood species from NFMO were randomly mixed, and then they were used to make kraft pulp under the specified condition. All kraft pulps made from the mixed species displayed equal physical properties to those from foreign wood chips used in Moorim P&P Co. Ltd. For optical properties, most of the unbleached pulps had high brightness but the pulp made from wood species containing chestnut tree showed the lowest brightness due to its high kappa number. Finally, the products from NFMO had little negative effects on the properties of kraft pulps. This means that they could be used as complementary raw materials for kraft pulps with foreign wood chips.

Glaze from Wood Ashes and their Color Characteristics (여러 가지 나무재를 이용한 도자기용 유약제조와 색상 특성)

  • 한영순;이병하
    • Journal of the Korean Ceramic Society
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    • v.41 no.2
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    • pp.158-164
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    • 2004
  • This study is to analyze the characteristics of typical Korean wood ashes from twelve trees, oak tree needles and pine bark, which are common in the area, and to suggest their applications in ash glaze making. The chemical analysis of the ashes shows that the main component of wood ash is CaO while wood bark ash consists of $SiO_2$, and leaf ash consists of CaO and $SiO_2$. The results of the study are as follows: Ashes made from the wood of Acasia, Popular and Jujube contained relatively high amounts of Fe$_2$ $O_3$ and MgO compared to other tree ashes. The ashes had yellowish green color glaze. From the result of W analysis they presented the highest chroma. Therefore these ashes are good for making transparent glaze. From the result of W analysis Grapevine, pear and oak wood ashes containing the highest amounts of Fe$_2$ $O_3$, MgO, P$_2$O$\_$5/ and MnO presented yellowish green color glaze compared to other ashes are suitable for making opaque glazes because of their showing stable and opacity phenomena. Pine tree, Platanus and Zelkova wood ashes consist of high amounts of CaO and P$_2$O$\_$5/ compared to other tree ashes. So they showed the most vivid and bluish green color glaze among 12 ashes. Therefore, they would make a good celadon glaze. Birch, oak and chestnut tree ashes have high content or MnO which affects on glaze color with small amount. These ashes presented yellowish green color not as much strong as Acacia ash, Poplar ash, Jujube tree ash. These are good for Irabo glaze.

Physical Properties of Liquid Ammonia Wood for Bending (휨가공을 위한 액체암모니아 처리재의 물리적 성질)

  • Kang, Ho-Yang
    • Journal of the Korean Wood Science and Technology
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    • v.31 no.1
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    • pp.52-60
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    • 2003
  • The physical properties of small hardwood and softwood specimens treated with liquid ammonia were investigated. The specimens treated for 4 or 18 hours were compared with the controls. The EMCs of the liquid ammonia treated specimens were higher than those of the controls when conditioned at the same humidities. However once oven-dried they didn't show any significant differences in EMCs. With the increase of liquid ammonia treatment time specimens shrank in radial and tangential directions, but not in longitudinal direction. As liquid ammonia treatment time increased the ultrasonic velocities of specimens decreased and their densities increased, thus their dynamic MOEs decreased. For chestnut specimens the presteamed were more plasticized than the liquid ammonia treated. Incising on the surfaces of specimens didn't improve liquid ammonia permeability in both hardwoods and softwoods. Liquid ammonia treatment was very effective for plasticizing 5 mm thick softwoods. Relative dielectric constants and thermal conductivities were measured with both liquid ammonia treated and control specimens.

Selection of Non-Timber Forest Products for regional specialization -Focused on Gangwon Inland Mountains Area- (지역별 특화를 위한 단기소득임산물 선정 -강원내륙산간권역을 대상으로 -)

  • Kim, Joon-Soon;Lee, Jae-Keun
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.96 no.4
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    • pp.432-437
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    • 2007
  • The purpose of this study was to select regional distinctive Non-Timber Forest Products (NTFP) in Gangwon Inland Mountains Area. It was considered as NTFP Pine mushroom, Raw Oak Mushroom, Chestnut, Pinenut, Acorn, Resin, Cultivated Mountain Ginseng, Fernbrake, Chinese bellflower, Lance asiabell, Angelica, Aster scaber, Sap, Wood Vinegar. Regional weight, item weight and forest products quotient were used for the selection of NTFP. Forest products quotient was an application of Location Quotient that is used Input-Output analysis. As a result, Chestnut was selected in Chuncheon. Raw Oak Mushroom was selected in Wonju and Pyeongchang. It was selected Pinenut in Hongcheon, Lance asiabell in Hoengseong and Hwacheon, Acorn in Cheorwon, Aster scaber in Yanggu and Sap in Inje.

Anatomical Characteristics of Korean Mistletoe [Viscum album var. coloratum(Kom.) Ohwi] Stem (한국산 겨우살이 수간의 조직특성)

  • Lee, Bo-Duk;Park, Beyung-Su
    • Korean Journal of Plant Resources
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    • v.22 no.4
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    • pp.287-292
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    • 2009
  • Recently, the consumption of mistletoe[Viscum album var. coloratum(Kom.) Ohwi] is increasing because of its good medical effectiveness with the increased concern on the natural medicines and foods. The result obtained from the investigation on the stem tissues of the mistletoe and the oriental chestnut oak, a host plant species, are as follows. Haustorium from the seeds of the mistletoe after their sticking to the branches of the host plant penetrates into the bark where it forms the endophyte system through the active cell division. The endophyte grown in the cambium of the host plant makes the stems and leaves as the outer tissues in a certain time. Even through lignification of the host wood in the branches the oriental chestnut oak was not progressive, its tylosis coas developed partially assembly due to the formation of the endophyte. The stems of the mistletoe consisted of vascular tracheid, selereid, and ray and axial parenchyma, classified as a hardwood without vessels. The vascular tracheids seemed to take a role instead of the vessels in the mistletoe plant from the result that the pits of the vessels in the host branches are linked to the vessel-form tracheid in the mistletoe stems. The constituent ratio of the sclereid cells in the mistletoe stems increased with aging. Furthermore their ratio of the parenchyma cells was higher, which contained the more cell content, compared with the cells of the general woody plant species.

Natural Dyeing Characteristics of Black Color to the Korean Traditional Hand-made Paper (Hanji) (천연염색 재료를 이용한 한지의 검정색 염색 특성)

  • Lee, Sang-Hyun;Yoo, Seung-Il;Choi, Myun-Gwan;Sin, Sun;Choi, Tea-Ho
    • Journal of the Korean Wood Science and Technology
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    • v.37 no.4
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    • pp.406-413
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    • 2009
  • This study was carried out to investigate the natural dyeing characteristics of Korean traditional hand-made paper (Hanji). The Hanji was dyed black with extractive of gallnut (Rbusjavanica L), leaves of Amur maple (Acer ginnala), nutshell of chestnut (Castania crenata), and persimmon juice and Chinese ink. And moreover, the Hanji was dyed not only using single and combination of dyestuff but also changing mordants and mordanting procedure. And we estimated the relationship between dyeing characteristics and dyestuff concentration (o.w.f.). The gallnut was the most principal material dyeing black. The procedure of mordanting from copper acetate to Iron (II) chloride and dyeing from gallnut to Amur maple dyestuffs were the best dyeing method for the Hanji to black. The K/S value of dyed Hanji increased with increasing concentration of dyestuff.

Preliminary Study (1) for Development of Computed Radiography (CR) Image Analysis according to X-ray Non-destructive Test by Wood Species (Computed Radiograhpy (CR)를 통한 목재 수종별 X선 투과 이미지 해석을 위한 기초연구 (1))

  • Song, Jung Il;Kim, Han Seul
    • Journal of Conservation Science
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    • v.37 no.3
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    • pp.220-231
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    • 2021
  • The use of digital copies of film-based analog images and the introduction of digital radiographic imaging systems using image plates gradually replace the non-destructive radiationirradiation method of Cultural Heritage. The quality of images obtained from this technique is affected by conditions such as tube voltage, tube current, and exposure time, type of image acquisition medium, distance of the artifacts from the image acquisition medium, and thickness of artifacts. In this study, we evaluated the grayscale image obtained using GE's Computed Radiograhpy (CR) imaging system, the transmission characteristics of the X-ray source for each tree type (pine, chestnut, sawtooth oak, ginkgo) used in wooden Cultural Heritage, and the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) and contrast. The GE's CR imaging were analyzed using the Duplex wire image quality indicator, line-pair gauges.

An Analysis of Wooden Wells from the Three Kingdoms Period in the Yeongsan River Basin (영산강유역 삼국시대 목조우물에 대한 검토)

  • CHOI Misook
    • Korean Journal of Heritage: History & Science
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    • v.57 no.3
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    • pp.6-22
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    • 2024
  • This paper examines the characteristics of wooden wells from the Three Kingdoms period that were discovered in the Yeongsan River basin, in addition to their functions based on the distribution of the remains and excavated artifacts found near the wells. A total of 11 wooden wells have been found at six archeological sites along the middle and upper reaches of the Yeongsan River basin. These wooden wells were built in a wider variety of forms than wells made of other materials due to the ease of processing resulting from the physical properties of wood. However, due to the limited geological conditions in which these wells can be installed and their rapid decay, the discovery of such wells is rare. They tend to be located in the clay and mud layers of old river channels or near river channels where it was relatively easy to obtain water from the riverbed. The wooden wells are mostly square or rectangular in shape and were assembled transversely, and some include support beams in their construction. The backfill was reinforced with either stone, a mixture of stone and clay, or a mixture of clay and pottery shards. The material mainly used was pine wood boards, with wood from chestnut trees being used as a sub-material. Various artifacts, such as pottery and wooden containers, animal bones, and seeds, have been excavated in small quantities. The excavated pottery items consist mostly of flat cups with a cover, mounted cups, pottery stands, wide-mouthed jars with a hole, and round pottery. Based on the environment and remains of the sites, the wells are thought to have been used for domestic and production purposes. The assumed primary function was to obtain domestic water, as most of the wells were located within residential spaces where the area's inhabitants lived. The wells were also used to obtain water for agricultural purposes, as well as for productive purposes such as for operating kilns and smelters. Lastly, the wooden wells were also found to be strongly associated with rites, as evidenced by the artifacts found inside them.

Studies on the Radiosensitivity and Mutation Induction of Tree Species in Korea (주요수종(主要樹種)의 방사선감수성(放射線感受性) 및 변이(變異)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究))

  • Kim, Chi Moon
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.25 no.1
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    • pp.73-79
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    • 1975
  • The Koran native economic and ornamental trees consisting 12 species of 4 gymnosperm families and 3 strains, 6 varieties and 18 species of 12 angiosperm families were irradiated by X-and ${\gamma}$-ray at three different dose rates; 1) acute, 2) semi-acute, and 3) chronic irradiation in order to know their radiosensitivities and the radition effects on mutation induction. Different materials such as seeds, cuttings, scions and plants of the above trees were used in this study, depended upon tree. Most of the materials irradiated showed a high radiosensitivity. The LD-50 of conifer trees ranged from 1.2kR to 13.2kR, averaging 5.4kR which was remarkably higher than field crops. On the other hand the LD-50 dose of hard wood trees ranged from 7.0kR to 18.5kR, averaging 12.7kR. All the tested trees were classified into several categories based upon the relative radiosensitivity of each species which was measured at the dose of LD-50. Variegation was most common among the induced mutants. The other mutations were albino, chlorophyll deficiency, deformed leaf and fruits. It was noticeable that giant-leaf bud-sport mutants were induced in Chinese chestnut (Castanea bungeana) and yellow leaf bud-sport ones appeared in oriental arborvitae (Thuja orientalis).

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Studies on the Kiln Drying Characteristics of Several Commercial Woods of Korea (국산 유용 수종재의 인공건조 특성에 관한 연구)

  • Chung, Byung-Jae
    • Journal of the Korean Wood Science and Technology
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    • v.2 no.2
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    • pp.8-12
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    • 1974
  • 1. If one unity is given to the prongs whose ends touch each other for estimating the internal stresses occuring in it, the internal stresses which are developed in the open prongs can be evaluated by the ratio to the unity. In accordance with the above statement, an equation was derived as follows. For employing this equation, the prongs should be made as shown in Fig. I, and be measured A and B' as indicated in Fig. l. A more precise value will result as the angle (J becomes smaller. $CH=\frac{(A-B') (4W+A) (4W-A)}{2A[(2W+(A-B')][2W-(A-B')]}{\times}100%$ where A is thickness of the prong, B' is the distance between the two prongs shown in Fig. 1 and CH is the value of internal stress expressed by percentage. It precision is not required, the equation can be simplified as follows. $CH=\frac{A-B'}{A}{\times}200%$ 2. Under scheduled drying condition III the kiln, when the weight of a sample board is constant, the moisture content of the shell of a sample board in the case of a normal casehardening is lower than that of the equilibrium moisture content which is indicated by the Forest Products Laboratory, U. S. Department of Agriculture. This result is usually true, especially in a thin sample board. A thick unseasoned or reverse casehardened sample does not follow in the above statement. 3. The results in the comparison of drying rate with five different kinds of wood given in Table 1 show that the these drying rates, i.e., the quantity of water evaporated from the surface area of I centimeter square per hour, are graded by the order of their magnitude as follows. (1) Ginkgo biloba Linne (2) Diospyros Kaki Thumberg. (3) Pinus densiflora Sieb. et Zucc. (4) Larix kaempheri Sargent (5) Castanea crenata Sieb. et Zucc. It is shown, for example, that at the moisture content of 20 percent the highest value revealed by the Ginkgo biloba is in the order of 3.8 times as great as that for Castanea crenata Sieb. & Zucc. which has the lowest value. Especially below the moisture content of 26 percent, the drying rate, i.e., the function of moisture content in percentage, is represented by the linear equation. All of these linear equations are highly significant in testing the confficient of X i. e., moisture content in percentage. In the Table 2, the symbols are expressed as follows; Y is the quantity of water evaporated from the surface area of 1 centimeter square per hour, and X is the moisture content of the percentage. The drying rate is plotted against the moisture content of the percentage as in Fig. 2. 4. One hundred times the ratio(P%) of the number of samples occuring in the CH 4 class (from 76 to 100% of CH ratio) within the total number of saplmes tested to those of the total which underlie the given SR ratio is measured in Table 3. (The 9% indicated above is assumed as the danger probability in percentage). In summarizing above results, the conclusion is in Table 4. NOTE: In Table 4, the column numbers such as 1. 2 and 3 imply as follows, respectively. 1) The minimum SR ratio which does not reveal the CH 4, class is indicated as in the column 1. 2) The extent of SR ratio which is confined in the safety allowance of 30 percent is shown in the column 2. 3) The lowest limitation of SR ratio which gives the most danger probability of 100 percent is shown in column 3. In analyzing above results, it is clear that chestnut and larch easly form internal stress in comparison with persimmon and pine. However, in considering the fact that the revers, casehardening occured in fir and ginkgo, under the same drying condition with the others, it is deduced that fir and ginkgo form normal casehardening with difficulty in comparison with the other species tested. 5. All kinds of drying defects except casehardening are developed when the internal stresses are in excess of the ultimate strength of material in the case of long-lime loading. Under the drying condition at temperature of $170^{\circ}F$ and the lower humidity. the drying defects are not so severe. However, under the same conditions at $200^{\circ}F$, the lower humidity and not end coated, all sample boards develop severe drying defects. Especially the chestnut was very prone to form the drying defects such as casehardening and splitting.

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