• Title/Summary/Keyword: chemisorption

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Redispersion of Sintered PtSn Catalyst by Oxygen Treatment (소결된 백금주석 촉매의 산소 처리에 의한 재분산 연구)

  • Choi, Yi Sun;Kim, Tae hee;Koh, Hyoung Lim
    • Korean Chemical Engineering Research
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    • v.60 no.3
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    • pp.459-467
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    • 2022
  • Redispersion of Pt-Sn particles in Pt, PtSn catalyst which have been sintered by high temperature hydrogen reduction was investigated using oxygen treatment with various temperatures. The aim of this study was to understand the relationship between the catalytic activity for propane dehydrogenation reaction and the change in the physicochemical properties of the catalyst. X-ray diffraction analysis (XRD), CO pulse chemisorption, and H2 temperature programmed reduction (H2-TPR) were performed to investigate the state of active metal and interactions between particles of redispersed catalyst. It was confirmed that the dispersion and particle size of platinum, the crystal phase of the catalyst, and the reduction behavior were changed according to the oxygen treatment. As for the catalytic activity in propane dehydrogeantion, sintered PtSn catalyst treated with oxygen at 500 ℃ showed best activity and recovery of initial activity. It was confirm that catalyst after oxygen treatment at 500 ℃ showed high dispersion of Pt and decreased particle size as the results of CO pulse chemisorption and XRD of catalyst, and thus the redispersion of PtSn particles in sintered catalyst was occurred. Catalytic activity was recovered due to redispersion using oxygen treatment, and the activity recovery of the PtSn catalyst was higher than that of Pt catalyst.

Fabrication of Conductive ZnO Thin Filn Using UV-Enhanced Atomic Layer Deposition

  • Yang, Da-Som;Kim, Hong-Beom;Seong, Myeong-Mo
    • Proceedings of the Korean Vacuum Society Conference
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    • 2012.08a
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    • pp.373-373
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    • 2012
  • We fabricated conductive zinc oxide (ZnO) thin film at low temperature by UV-enhanced atomic layer deposition. The atomic layer deposition relies on alternate pulsing of the precursor gases onto the substrate surface and subsequent chemisorption of the precursors. In this experiment, diethylzinc (DEZ) and $H_2O$ were used as precursors with UV light. The UV light was very effective to improve the conductivity of the ZnO thin film. The thickness, transparency and resistivity were investigated by ellisometry, UV-visible spectroscopy and Four-point probe.

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Filler-Polymer Interactions in Filled Styrene-Butadiene Rubber Compounds

  • Park, Sung-Seen
    • Macromolecular Research
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.45-50
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    • 2001
  • Formation of bound rubber depends on the filler-polymer interactions including physical adsorption, chemisorption, and mechanical interaction. Bound rubbers consist of tightly and loosely bound ones. Styrene-butadiene rubber (SBR) is composed of styrene, 1,2-, cis-1,4-, and trans-1,4-units. Filler-polymer interactions of each components of SBR with fillers, carbon black and silica, were studied by analysis of microstructure of the bound rubber. Filler-polymer interaction of the 1,2-unit with the fillers was found to be stronger than those of the other components and this phenomenon was shown more clearly in the tightly bound rubber.

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The Origin of 1/t Pressure (1/t 배기의 근원)

  • Ha, Taekyun
    • Vacuum Magazine
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    • v.1 no.1
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    • pp.11-16
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    • 2014
  • A variety of metal vacuum systems displays the celebrated 1/t pressure, namely, power-law dependence on time t, with the exponent close to unity, as to the origin of which there has been long-standing controversy. Here we propose a chemisorption model for water adsorbates, based on the argument for 2D fermion behavior of water adsorbed on a metal surface, and obtain analytically the power-law behavior of pressure with an exponent unity. Further, the model predicts that the pressure should depend on the temperature T according to $T^{1.5}$, which is indeed confirmed by our experiment.

The Influence of a Second Metal on the Ni/SiC Catalyst for the Methanation of Syngas

  • Song, Lanlan;Yu, Yue;Wang, Xiaoxiao;Jin, Guoqiang;Wang, Yingyong;Guo, XiangYun
    • Korean Chemical Engineering Research
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    • v.52 no.5
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    • pp.678-687
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    • 2014
  • The catalytic performance of silicon carbide supported nickel catalysts modified with or without second metal (Co, Cu and Zn) for the methanation of CO has been investigated in a fixed-bed reactor using a feed consisting of 25% CO and 75% $H_2$ without any diluent gas. It has been found that the introduction of Co species can clearly improve the catalytic activity of Ni/SiC catalyst, whereas the addition of Cu or Zn can result in a significant decrease in the catalytic activity. The characterizations by means of XRD, TEM, XPS, CO-TPD and $H_2$-TPR indicate that the addition of Co could decrease the particle size of active metal, increase active sites on the surface of methanation catalyst, improve the chemisorption of CO and enhance the reducibility of methanation catalysts. Additionally, the special interaction between Co species and Ni species is likely favorable for the dissociation of adsorbed CO on the surface of catalyst, and this may also contribute to the high activity of 5Co-Ni/SiC catalyst for CO methanation reaction. For 5Cu-Ni/SiC catalyst and 5Zn-Ni/SiC catalyst, Cu and Zn species could cover partial nickel particles and decrease the chemisorption amount of CO. These could be responsible for the low methanation activity. In addition, a 150h stability test under 2 MPa and $300^{\circ}C$ showed that 5Co-Ni/SiC catalyst was very stable for CO methanation reaction.

A Study on the Removal of Low-Concentration Ozone by means of Activated Carbon (활성탄을 이용한 저농도 오존(OZONE)제거에 관한 연구)

  • 양원호;최경호;정문식
    • Journal of Environmental Health Sciences
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    • v.23 no.2
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    • pp.57-63
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    • 1997
  • This study was carried out to find the adverse health effects of ozone by papers, the potential indoor sources of ozone by papers, and then the removal mechanism of ozone by experiments. The exposure of individuals to excessive levels of ozone both in the industrial and ambient environment is a continuing public health concern. Ozone indoors may play a role in generating secondary pollutants that may have adverse health effects. The removal efficiency of ozone was studied by (1) the effect of concentration on breakthrough time, (2) the effect of flow rate on breakthrough time, (3) the effect of adsorbent's weight on breakthrough time, (4) the effect of temperature on breakthrough time, (5) the application of Langmuir's isotherm equation in using activated carbon. The followings are the conclusions that were derived from this study. 1. In the effect of concentration on breakthrough time, the adsorption capacity of activated carbon was inversely proportional to ozone concentratuion (0.1, 0.2, 0.3 ppm). 2. In the effect of flow rate on breakthrough time, the service life of activated carbon was inversely proportional to flow rate (2, 8, 14l/min). 3. The difference in removal efficiency of ozone between weights(100 mg and 150 mg) was seen. And when weight of activated carbon was 100 mg and 150 mg, pressure loss was 4-5mmHg and 6-7mmHg, respectively. It is required to study relations among flow rate and adsorbent's weight and ventilation quantity, too. 4. Generally, Langmuir's equation, one of the oldest and most used frequently isotherm equation, applies to chemisorption. In case of ozone, when the weight of activated carbon was 70 mg and temperature 40, slope(1/a) was $6.25\times 10^{-1}$ and intercept(1/ab) was $1.9\times 10^{-4}$ (average r=0.94).

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Hydrogen Surface Coverage Dependence of the Reaction between Gaseous and Chemisorbed Hydrogen Atoms on a Silicon Surface

  • Ree, Jong-Baik;Chang, Kyung-Soon;Kim, Yoo-Hang
    • Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society
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    • v.23 no.2
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    • pp.205-214
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    • 2002
  • The reaction of gas-phase atomic hydrogen with hydrogen atoms chemisorbed on a silicon surface is studied by use of the classical trajectory approach. Especially, we have focused on the mechanism changes with the hydrogen surface coverage difference. On the sparsely covered surface, the gas atom interacts with the preadsorbed hydrogen atom and adjacent bare surface sites. In this case, it is shown that the chemisorption of H(g) is of major importance. Nearly all of the chemisorption events accompany the desorption of H(ad), i.e., adisplacement reaction. Although much less important than the displacement reaction, the formation of $H_2(g)$ is the second most significant reaction pathway. At gas temperature of 1800 K and surface temperature of 300 K, the probabilities of these two reactions are 0.750 and 0.065, respectively. The adsorption of H(g) without dissociating H(ad) is found to be negligible. In the reaction pathway forming $H_2$, most of the reaction energy is carried by $H_2(g)$. Although the majority of $H_2(g)$ molecules are produced in sub-picosecond, direct-mode collisions, there is a small amount of $H_2(g)$ produced in multiple impact collisions, which is characteristic of complex-mode collisions. On the fully covered surface, it has been shown that the formation of $H_2(g)$ is of major importance. All reactive events occur on a subpicosecond scale, following the Eley-Rideal mechanism. At gas temperature of 1800 K and surface temperature of 300 K, the probability of the $H_2(g)$ formation reaction is 0.082. In this case, neither the gas atom trapping nor the displacement reaction has been found.

A Study on the Synthesis of $Mn_3O_4$ and the Decomposition and Adsorption of $CO_2$ ($Mn_3O_4$의 합성과 $CO_2$ 분해 및 흡착에 관한 연구)

  • Kim Seung-Ho;Park Young-Goo;Ko Jae-Churl
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Gas
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    • v.4 no.2 s.10
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    • pp.27-32
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    • 2000
  • In this study, $Mn_3O_4$ was synthesized by the different equivalent ratios using solution of $MnCL_2 {\cdot} 4H_2O$ and NaOH. We have investigated the crystal structure and surface area by XRD, BET Method, studied on the decompositon and adsorption of carbon dioxide with synthesized $Mn_3O_4$. As the results, we surveyed that main peak was $Mn_3O_4$, some Peaks were $MnO_2$ and $Mn_5O_8$ The specific surface area was ranged from $13.92m^2/g$ to $32.33m^2/g$. The decomposition of $CO_2$ was observed by the differential equivalent ratios at $450^{\circ}C$. $CO_2$ was well decomposed at equivalent ratio of 0.75. The amount of chemisorption of $CO_2$ was ranged from 2.885 to 19.628cc/g. Optimal equivalent ratio was 1.00 for the chemisorption of $CO_2$.

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Effect of Pt/Al2O3-based Catalysts on Removal Efficiency of Hydrogen (Pt/Al2O3계 촉매의 특성이 수소제어 활성에 미치는 영향 연구)

  • Won, Jong Min;Hong, Sung Chang
    • Applied Chemistry for Engineering
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    • v.28 no.2
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    • pp.221-229
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    • 2017
  • In this study, a wet impregnation method was applied to catalysts based on the active metal Pt in order to confirm the oxidation characteristics of various commercial alumina supports at room temperature. The catalysts were characterized using XPS, CO-chemisorption, and BET. Various $Pt/Al_2O_3$ catalysts controlled the oxygen species of Pt by the electronegativity of electrons and charges when the catalyst was prepared according to the heat treatment conditions. The reason that the dispersion degree decreases with increasing Pt loading seems to be attributed to HT (Huttig Temperature) of Pt. In addition, the minimum hydrogen concentration that can be controlled at room temperature can control hydrogen from metallic Pt up to 1.0 vol% at over 70.09% in the catalyst.