• Title/Summary/Keyword: characteristic X-ray image

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Evaluation of compression ratios using JPEG 2000 on diagnostic images in dentistry (치과병원에서 사용되는 진단영상에 대한 JPEG2000 압축률에 대한 평가)

  • Jung Gi-Hun;Han Won-Jeong;Yoo Dong-Soo;Choi Soon-Chul;Kim Eun-Kyung
    • Imaging Science in Dentistry
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    • v.35 no.3
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    • pp.157-165
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    • 2005
  • Purpose : To find out the proper compression ratios without degrading image quality and affecting lesion detectability on diagnostic images used in dentistry compressed with JPEG 2000 algorithm. Materials and Methods : Sixty Digora periapical images, sixty panoramic computed radiographic (CR) images, sixty computed tomographic (CT) images, and sixty magnetic resonance (MR) images were compressed into JPEG 2000 with ratios of 10 levels from 5:1 to 50:1. To evaluate the lesion detectability, the images were graded with 5 levels (1 : definitely absent; 2: probably absent; 3: equivocal; 4: probably present; 5: definitely present), and then receiver operating characteristic analysis was performed using the original image as a gold standard. Also to evaluate subjectively the image quality, the images were graded with 5 levels (1 definitely unacceptable; 2: probably unacceptable; 3: equivocal, 4: probably acceptable; 5· definitely acceptable), and then paired t-test was performed. Results : In Digora, CR panoramic and CT images, compressed images up to ratios of 15 : 1 showed nearly the same lesion detectability as original images, and in MR images, compressed images did up to ratios of 25 : 1. In Digora and CR panoramic Images, compressed images up to ratios of 5 : 1 showed little difference between the original and reconstructed images in subjective assessment of image quality In CT images, compressed images did up to ratios of 10: 1 and in MR images up to ratios of 15 : 1 Conclusion : We considered compression ratios up to 5 : 1 in Digora and CR panoramic images, up to 10 : 1 in CT images, up to 15 : 1 in MR images as clinically applicable compression ratios.

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Correction Method of Slit Modulation Transfer function on Digital Medical Imaging System (디지털 의료영상에서 슬릿법에 의한 Modulation Transfer Function의 보정방법)

  • Kim, Jung-Min;Jung, Hoi-Woun;Min, Jung-Whan;Im, Eon-Kyung
    • Journal of radiological science and technology
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    • v.29 no.3
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    • pp.133-139
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    • 2006
  • By using CR image pixel data, We examined the way how to calculate the MTF and digital characteristic curve. It can be changed to the text-file(Excel) from a pixel data which was printed with a digital x-ray equipment. In this place, We described the way how to figure out and correct the sharpness of a digital images of the MTF from FUJITA. Excel program was utilized to calculate from radiography of slit. Digital characteristic curve, Line Spread Function, Discrete Fourier Transform, Fast Fourier Transform digital specification curve, were indicated in regular sequence. A big advantage of this method, It can be understood easily and you can get results without costly program and without full knowledge of computer language. It shows many different values by using different correction methods. Therefore we need to be handy with appropriate correction method and we should try many experiments to get a precise MTF figures.

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The Characteristic of Radiation Exposure for Radiologist with Applying Condition in Interventional Radiology in Cardiology (심장내과의 중재적 시술시 시술조건에 따른 방사선사의 방사선 노출 특성)

  • Park, Jeong-Kyu;Cho, Euy-Hyun
    • Journal of Digital Contents Society
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    • v.13 no.3
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    • pp.421-429
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    • 2012
  • Lately, the number of interventional radiology is increased by the extension of procedure in medical radiation, and radiation exposure may be appeared differently by interventional radiologists, it is caused increase of radiation dose for radiation worker, patient, and radiologists. This study has done a comparative analysis characteristic of radiation exposure for five radiologists who executed interventional cardiology for 303 patients in S university hospital of Gyeong-Buk from Nov. 1, 2011 to Jan. 31, 2011. The average exposure time of five radiologists was 697.95sec. The average of cumulative DAP(exp) for patients was $52,730mGycm^2$ and the average of total DAP for patients was $104,875.14mGycm^2$. The average of frames for image was 855.52 frames in acquired images, and the average of frames for images was 802.2 frames in exposure images. They were statistically significant differences (p<0.05). Exposure time, cumulative DAP(fluro), cumulative DAP(exp), total DAP, acquired image, and exposure image were high correlation except cumulative DAP(exp), and acquired runs in x-ray exposure characteristics of machine. Exposure time was a great influence on radiologist. It signified that the more exposure time lead to the more radiation dose for radiologist. Radiation dose is related to ability, experience, difficulty, and precision of procedures in interventional procedure. The number of angiography and exposure time is difficult to control by radiologists. Therefore, it is in need of reasonable system which was evaluated the real dose of medical teams in interventional proceedings. We think that self education and training are required to reduce radiation dose for radiologists and radiation workers.

A Study on Dose Reduction in Infant Skull Radiography (유아 두개골 방사선촬영에서 피폭선량 감쇄에 관한 연구)

  • Ahn, Byoung-Ju
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Radiology
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    • v.11 no.5
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    • pp.387-392
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    • 2017
  • When an infant has visited a hospital due to skull fracture, the rupture of a blood vessel, or skin wounds on the head resulted from an incident, accident, traffic accident, or disease, he/she becomes to undergo anterior/posterior and lateral skull imaging, which is a head test at the department of radiology. In the head test, if the adult skull imaging grid is applied to the imaging, the secondary radiation will be removed to enhance the contrast of the image. However, among the radiation exposure conditions, the tube voltage should be enhanced by 8~10 kVp leading to an increase in the patient exposure. The present study was conducted under assumption that if the same images can be obtained from infant skull imaging without using the skull imaging grid, the exposure dose will be reduced and the artifacts due to grid cut off can be prevented. The researcher measured the radiation dosage using a radiation meter and conducted the subjective evaluation (ROC, receiver operating characteristic) among medical image evaluation methods. Based on the results, when the images were taken without using the grid, the exposure dose was reduced by 0.019 mGy in the anterior/posterior imaging and by 0.02 mGy in the lateral imaging and the image evaluation score was higher by 4 points. In conclusion, if the images of the skulls of infants that visited the hospital are taken with out using the grid, the exposure dose can be reduced, the image artifacts due to grid cut off can be prevented, and the lifespan of the X-ray tube will be extended.

Analysis of Effectiveness of Spectrum of Energy and Image Quality Evaluation by Aluminium Filter in the added Compound Filtration (에너지 스펙트럼과 화질평가를 통한 복합부가여과에서 알루미늄 여과판의 효율성 분석)

  • Kim, Sang-Hyun;Choi, Jae-Ho
    • Journal of radiological science and technology
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    • v.38 no.3
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    • pp.187-197
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    • 2015
  • This study analysed the effectiveness of aluminium(Al) filter in the added compound filtration for the removal of characteristic radiation by energy spectrum and image evaluation. 0.1, 0.2, 0.3 mm copper with and without 1 mm Al were evaluated. The energy spectrum was measured using the GATE and evaluated separately by each energy. Image quality was evaluated by PSNR, MAE, MSE, CNR, SNR and qualitative analysis was performed by seven items for resolution and contrast from chest x-ray criteria of National Cancer Screening and Cardiovascular evaluation table. In the analysis of the quality of the energy per photon spectrum with the exception of a low energy region, without Al were superior in all area. PSNR MAE, MSE, CNR, SNR and qualitative analysis were the same or slightly better. PSNR was over 30 dB and all significant and the p>0.05 in the T-test of qualitative analysis. The energy spectrum and image quality have little difference between before and after use of Al filter. Therefore, it is effective to use the Al filter for the radiation dose management with the compensation capability of DR system.

Microstructure Evaluation of Nano-thick Au-inserted Nickel Silicides (나노급 Au층 삽입 니켈실리사이드의 미세구조 변화)

  • Yoon, Ki-Jeong;Song, Oh-Sung
    • Korean Journal of Materials Research
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.5-11
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    • 2008
  • Thermally evaporated 10 nm-Ni/1 nm-Au/(30 nm-poly)Si structures were fabricated in order to investigate the thermal stability of Au-inserted nickel silicide. The silicide samples underwent rapid thermal annealing at $300{\sim}1100^{\circ}C$ for 40 seconds. The sheet resistance was measured using a four-point probe. A scanning electron microscope and a transmission electron microscope were used to determine the cross-sectional structure and surface image. High-resolution X-ray diffraction and a scanning probe microscope were employed for the phase and surface roughness. According to sheet resistance and XRD analyses, nickel silicide with Au had no effect on widening the NiSi stabilization temperature region. Au-inserted nickel silicide on a single crystal silicon substrate showed nano-dots due to the preferred growth and a self-arranged agglomerate nano phase due to agglomeration. It was possible to tune the characteristic size of the agglomerate phase with silicidation temperatures. The nano-thick Au-insertion was shown to lead to self-arranged microstructures of nickel silicide.

On the Research of 17th Century Joseon Dynasty's Bulsang, a Buddist Statue, Manufacturing Technique by Examining the Daeungbojeon Hall Samse-bulsang, The Buddha of the Three Words, at the Haenam Daeheungsa Temple (해남 대흥사 대웅보전 삼세불상을 통해 본 17세기 조선시대 불상의 제작기법 연구)

  • Lee, Su-yea
    • Korean Journal of Heritage: History & Science
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    • v.47 no.1
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    • pp.164-179
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    • 2014
  • The Buddhas of the Three Words in a form of arranging Bhaiṣajyaguru and $Amit{\bar{a}}bha$ at its side based on ${\acute{S}}{\bar{a}}kyamuni$ at the center is enshrined in Daeungbojeon Hall of Daeheungsa Temple located at Haenam. So far, this Buddhas of the Three Words has been known as a wooden Buddha statue. However, as a result of X-ray screening, in left/right Buddha statues excepting main Buddha, wood and molding clay layer were observed at the same time. Therefore, this study intended to observe its internal structure, grafting method and to clarify making technique of Buddha statue during Joseon era based on image information being obtained through X-ray screening of The Buddhas of the Three Words of Daeheungsa Temple. As its result, it was revealed that form of ${\acute{S}}{\bar{a}}kyamuni$ was completed by mainly grafting 5 pieces of timber and this statue shows a typical wood grafted Buddha statue during Joseon era. Form of Bhaiṣajyaguru and $Amit{\bar{a}}bha$ were completed based on molding technique by applying clay on sculpture similar to its appearance after sculpturing more than 10 pieces of timber through its grafting. In other words, internal timber is considered to play a role of its core and grafting method of timber is more close to a technique of molding Buddha statue than to that of wooden Buddha statue during Joseon era. However, clay was directly applied on timber thinly, not applying clay thickly on it after winding straw rope on wooden core and its characteristic is that its facial area was completely composed of wooden construction only. Therefore, it is hard to rule out a possibility that the original sculpturing intention of an artist might be a wooden Buddha statue but in view of the fact that a word, 'molding' was used in a record of relics buried in statue, it could be seen that this Buddha statue might have been recognized as a molding statue at the time when creation of this statue was completed. It is considered that number of case of making statue based on this technique would be more increased when more results of X-ray screening should be accumulated and if more data should be collected, it would provide a significant evidence for identifying chronological, regional aspects of making technique of Buddha statue.

A Study on the Detection Ability of Minute Lesions in X-ray Using the Molybdenum Target (Molybdenum 저지극을 이용한 X-ray의 미세병소 검출능력에 관한 연구)

  • Yang, Da-Rae;Dong, Kyung-Rae;Park, Yong-Soon;Ji, Youn-Sang;Kim, Young-Keun;Kim, Chang-Bok
    • Journal of Radiation Protection and Research
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    • v.35 no.1
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    • pp.43-48
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    • 2010
  • Beam quality is determined according to Xray tube's target material. In a range of between 22 kVp and 28 kVp, molybdenum target generates the characteristics energy between the average 17.9 kVp and 19.5 kVp, which produces the high contrast image of the breast. In this study, we used the Mo/Mo combination breast device and ALVIM TRM phantom and measured the detection ability of the minute lesion in the breast imaging throughout analyzing ROC curves. Assuming that an average subject thickness of the breast is 40 mm, the detection ability was not dependent on the kVp changes in a while dependent on both the mAs and thickness change. We can assure that it is not needed to increase the kVp for the imaging of breast which thickness is within the mean range of 40 mm.

The Comparative Analysis of Exposure Conditions between F/S and C/R System for an Ideal Image in Simple Abdomen (복부 단순촬영의 이상적 영상구현을 위한 F. S system과 C.R system의 촬영조건 비교분석)

  • Son, Sang-Hyuk;Song, Young-Geun;Kim, Je-Bong
    • Korean Journal of Digital Imaging in Medicine
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.37-43
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    • 2007
  • 1. Purpose : This study is to present effective exposure conditions to acquire the best image of simple abdomen in Film Screen (F.S) system and Computed Radiography (C.R) system. 2. Method : In the F.S system, while an exposure condition was fixed as 70kVp, images of a patients simple abdomen were taken under the different mAs exposure conditions. Among these images, the best one was chosen by radiologists and radiological technologists. In the C.R system, the best image of the same patient was acquired with the same method from the F.S system. Both characteristic curves from F.S system and C.R system were analyzed. 3. Results : In the F.S system, the best exposure condition of simple abdomen was 70kVp and 20mAs. In the CR system, with the fixed condition at 70kVp, the image densities of human organs, such as liver, kidney, spleen, psoas muscle, lumbar spine body and iliac crest, were almost same despite different environments (3.2mAs, 8mAs, 12mAs, 16mAs and 20mAs). However, when the exposure conditions were over or under (below) 12mAs, the images between the abdominal wall and the directly exposed part became blurred because the gap of density was decreased. In the C.R system, while the volume of mAs was decreased, an artifact of quantum mottle was increased. 4. Conclusion : This study shows that the exposure condition in the C.R system can be reduced 40% than in the F.S system. This paper concluded that when the exposure conditions are set in CR environment, after the analysis of equipment character, such as image processing system(EDR : Exposure Data Recognition processing), PACS and so on, the high quality of image with maximum information can be acquired with a minimum exposure dose.

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Study on Fabrication and Photoluminescent Properties of Fine Phosphor Film for Application of Radiation Image Sensor (방사선 영상센서 적용을 위한 미세 발광체 필름 제조 및 광학적 특성에 관한 연구)

  • Kang, Sang-Sik;Choi, Young-Zoon;Lee, Kwang-Oop;Moon, Yong-Soo;Kim, Mi-Young;Lee, Sang-Bong;Jung, Bong-Jae;Park, Ji-Koon
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Radiology
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    • v.4 no.4
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    • pp.25-28
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    • 2010
  • In this paper, the fabrication and feasibility study of clinical application with euripium doped gadollium oxide ($Gd_2O_3$:Eu) nano phosphor derived by low-temperature solution combustion method. From the fabricated phosphor, the photoluminescent characteristic and linearity as a function of phosphor film thickness were investigated to evaluate x-ray converstion properties. From the experimental results, the luminescent intensity was $2945pC/cm^2$-mR at $270{\mu}m$ $Gd_2O_3$:Eu film and this value is higher 1.2 time the conventional bulk phosphor, which is possible to imaging acquisition. And good linearity was shown at x-ray exposure range for clinical diagnostic application.