• Title/Summary/Keyword: canonical analysis

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Discrimination of geographical origin for soybeans using ED-XRF (ED-XRF (Energy Dispersive X-ray Fluorescence spectrometer)를 이용한 콩 원산지 판별)

  • Lee, Ji-Hye;Kang, Dong-Jin;Jang, Eun-Hee;Hur, Suel-Hye;Shin, Byeung-Kon;Han, Guk-Tak;Lee, Seong-Hun
    • Korean Journal of Food Science and Technology
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    • v.52 no.2
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    • pp.125-129
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    • 2020
  • In this study we developed a method for determining the geographic origin of soybeans by combining energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence spectrometry with statistical analysis. In 2018, 197 soybean samples (100 Korean domestic samples and 97 foreign samples) were collected for the construction of a geographic origin model. The mineral concentrations of 26 elements were measured and determined via the fundamental parameters approach. One-way analysis of variance, t-test, and canonical discriminant analysis were employed to reveal five elements (P, Ni, Br, Zn, and Mn) that could be used for the determination of geographic origins. The sensitivity, specificity, and efficiency for the above method were 91.0, 95.9, and 93.4%, respectively. Validation results from 60 samples collected in 2019 showed a predictive rate of 93.3% for Korean domestic soybeans and 100.0% for foreign soybeans. In conclusion, the combination of energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence spectrometry and chemometrics could be used to effectively determine the geographic origin of soybeans.

The Study of Statistical Optimization of MTBE Removal by Photolysis(UV/H2O2) (광분해반응을 통한 MTBE 제거에 대한 통계적 최적화 연구)

  • Chun, Sukyoung;Chang, Soonwoong
    • Journal of the Korean GEO-environmental Society
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    • v.12 no.9
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    • pp.55-61
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    • 2011
  • This study investigate the use of ultraviolet(UV) light with hydrogen peroxide($H_2O_2$) for Methyl Tert Butyl Ether(MTBE) degradation in photolysis reactor. The process in general demands the generation of OH radicals in solution at the presence of UV light. These radicals can then attack the MTBE molecule and it is finally destroyed or converted into a simple harmless compound. The MTBE removal by photolysis were mathematically described as the independent variables such as irradiation intensity, initial concentration of MTBE and $H_2O_2$/MTBE ratio, and these were modeled by the use of response surface methodology(RSM). These experiments were carried out as a Box-Behnken Design(BBD) consisting of 15 experiments. Regression analysis term of Analysis of Variance(ANOVA) shows significantly p-value(p<0.05) and high coefficients for determination values($R^2$=94.60%) that allow satisfactory prediction of second-order regression model. And Canonical analysis yields the stationery point for response, with the estimate ridge of maximum responses and optimal conditions for Y(MTBE removal efficiency, %) are $x_1$=25.75 W of irradiation intensity, $x_2$=7.69 mg/L of MTBE concentration and $x_3$=11.04 of $H_2O_2$/MTBE molecular ratio, respectively. This study clearly shows that RSM is available tool for optimizing the operating conditions to maximize MTBE removal.

Winter Food Resource Partitioning between Sympatric Gadus macrocephalus and G. chalcogrammus in the Northern Coast of East Sea, South Korea Inferred from Stomach Contents and Stable Isotopes Analyses (위내용물 분석과 안정동위원소 분석을 이용한 겨울철 동해 북부 연안에 출현하는 명태(Gadus chalcogrammus)와 대구(G. macrocephalus)의 먹이분할 연구)

  • Park, Joo Myun;Jung, Hae Kun;Lee, Chung Il;Park, Hyun Je
    • Korean Journal of Ichthyology
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    • v.34 no.2
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    • pp.102-112
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    • 2022
  • This study investigated dietary habits and intra- and inter-specific food resource partitioning of co-occurring walleye pollock (Gadus chalcogrammus) and Pacific cod (G. macrocephalus) from the waters off the north-eastern coast of South Korea using stomach contents and stable isotopes (δ13C and δ15N) analyses. Both species are mesopelagic carnivores that consumed mainly benthopelagic crustaceans, but teleosts were also abundant in the diet of Pacific cod. Non-metric multidimensional scaling (nMDS) ordination and permutational multivariate analysis of variance (PERMANOVA) of dietary data revealed significant intra- and inter-specific dietary differences, i.e., food resource partitioning. Nitrogen stable isotope values (δ15N) were similar between walleye pollock and Pacific cod, but carbon stable isotope values (δ13C) were significant different, suggesting different trophic positioning. Canonical analysis of principal coordinate (CAP) ordination plot further demonstrated that differences in the type and range of prey ingested by the two species contributed such an inter-specific difference in the diet compositions. Ontogenetic changes in diet compositions were evident. As walleye pollock, they preyed more upon carid shrimps and cephalopods, but no such trend was observed in the diets of Pacific cod. While stable isotope values indicated that large-sized specimens of both species were significantly enriched in 15N relative to smaller conspecifics thus supporting these data. Consequently, in this study, both methodologies, i.e., stomach contents and stable isotope analyses, provided evidence of inter- and/or intra-specific dietary segregations and trophic niche partitioning between co-occurring walleye pollock and Pacific cod off eastern Korean waters.

Feasibility of Ocean Survey by using Ocean Acoustic Tomography in southwestern part of the East Sea (동해 남서해역에서 해양음향 토모그래피 운용에 의한 해양탐사 가능성)

  • Han, Sang-Kyu;Na, Jung-Yul
    • The Journal of the Acoustical Society of Korea
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    • v.13 no.6
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    • pp.75-82
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    • 1994
  • The ray paths and travel times of sound wave in the ocean depend on the physical properties of the propagating media. Ocean Acoustic Tomography(OAT), which is inversely estimate the travel time variations between fixed sources and receivers the physical properties of the corresponding media can he understood. To apply ocean survey technology by using the OAT, the tomographic procedure requires forward problem that variation of the travel times be identified with the variability of the medium. Also, received signals must be satisfied the necessary conditions of ray path stability, identification and resolution in order for OAT to work. The canonical ocean has been determined based on the historical data and its travel time and ray path are used as reference values. The sound speed of canonical ocean in the East Sea is about 1523 m/s at the surface and 1458 m/s at the sound channel axis(400m). Sound speeds in the East Sea are perturbed by warm eddy whose horizontal extension is more than 100 km with deeper than 200 m in depth scale. In this study, an acoustic source and receiver are placed at the depth above the sound channel axis, 350 m, and are separated by 200 km range. Ray paths are identified by the ray theory methed in a range dependent medium whose sound speeds are functions of a range and depth. The eigenray information obtained from interpolation between the rays bracketing the receiver are used to simulate the received signal by convolution of source signal with the eigenray informations. The source signal is taken as a 400 Hz rectangular pulse signal, bandwidth is 16 Hz and pulse length is 64 ms. According to the analysis of the received signal and identified ray path by using numerical model of underwater sound propagation, simulated signals satisfy the necessary conditions of OAT, applied in the East Sea.

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Ecological Study of Zooplankton Community at Dangdong Bay in Gyeongsangnamdo, Korea (당동만 동물플랑크톤 군집의 생태학적 연구)

  • Han, Hyoung-Sum;Park, Yong-Woo;Kim, Jong-Chun;Ma, Chae-Woo
    • Korean Journal of Environmental Biology
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    • v.33 no.2
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    • pp.240-247
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    • 2015
  • This study was carried out to provide the preliminary data for study of zooplankton community structures and coastal pelagic ecosystem by understanding the seasonal change of zooplankton community depending on environmental factors at Dangdong bay in Tongyeong city. In this study, the environmental factors and the change of zooplankton community were analyzed for 2008 to 2011. In the results, a total of 80 species of zooplankton was sampled with a mean density of $1,599inds.m^{-3}$. The dominant species changed seasonally, and the most dominant species was Acartia steueri in winter and spring, Penilia avirostris in summer, and Evadne nordmanni in autumn. The Canonical Correspondence Analysis was conducted between the major dominant species and environmental factors. And for the environmental factors that effect the zooplankton community, the high correlation was observed with the water temperature, COD, DO and T-N, though there was slight difference among species. Therefore, more various research and environmental study are necessary to understand of planktonic ecosystem because the zooplankton community is affected by the interaction of both physical and biological factors.

A Study on the Interest in Hospice According to the Perception of Happiness (행복 인식에 따른 호스피스 준비의 관심에 관한 연구)

  • Chang, Kyung-Hee;Lee, Seo-Hui;Kim, Kwang-Hwan
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.19 no.5
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    • pp.489-498
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    • 2018
  • The purpose of this study is to examine whether there is a difference in the awareness of death based on happiness (since attitude or way of life differs among the general public, depending on the perception of death), and to investigate whether there is a difference in the interest in hospices between a group with a high happiness index and a group with a low happiness index. A survey was conducted on 200 men and women aged over 20 who participated in a walking event held in a metropolitan city on April 22, 2017. The survey consisted of eight demographic items: gender, age, education, occupation, marital status, family cohabitation, religion, and health status. It included 29 questions regarding happiness and nine questions regarding the perception of death. For the statistical tests, a chi-square test, an independent sample t-test, correlation analysis, and canonical correlation analysis were performed on the items of the survey based on a happiness index. The results of the study showed that, for a suitable place for death, medical institutions was the highest score (46.3%) for the group with a low happiness index, and own house was highest (59.4%) for the group with a high happiness index. This was a significant difference. It is thought that management systems should be supplemented by professional manpower, educating people so as to increase the utilization rates of home-based hospice as a way for patients to die in a comfortable and familiar place because, for Korea, death is much more common in hospitals. It is also necessary to increase the awareness of death and to make effective use of hospices through individual and various other approaches, considering the demographics of the subjects.

The Effects of the Older Adults' Depression on Metamemory and Memory Performance (노인의 우울이 메타기억과 기억수행에 미치는 영향)

  • Min, Hye Sook;Suh, Moon Ja
    • Korean Journal of Adult Nursing
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.17-29
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    • 2000
  • The purpose of this study is to find out the effects of depression on older adults' metamemory and memory performances. The subjects of the study consisted of 103 older adults over the age of 60 who are living in Kangwon Province. Some data were collected by means of the interview method, using questionnaires for metamemory (MIA questionnaire by Hultsch, et al., 1988), and depression(GDS by Yesavage and Sheikl, 1986). Other data were collected by a testing method on the memory performance, such as the immediate word recall task, the delayed word recall task, the word recognition task(Elderly Verbal Learning Test by Kyung Mi Choi, 1998), and the face recognition task(Face Recognition Task tool developed by this study). The results of this study were as follows: 1) The average point of depressed older persons' metamemory is 3.2 on a 5 point scale and was significantly lower than nondepressed older persons' point of 3.6. Looking into each sub-concept of metamemory, depressed persons' points are higher in terms of task(4.1), but are lower in terms of change(2.3), locus(2.6), and strategy(2.9) in comparison with nondepressed persons' points. 2) Depressed older persons' memory performances are all significantly lower than nondepressed person's, especially in terms of face recognition task(t=7.26, p<.0082) and word recognition task(t=6.58, p<.01). 3) In both depressed and nondepressed persons, metamemory has a close correlation with all memory tasks. In particular, depressed older persons' correlation is higher across the board, especially in memory self-efficacy of metamemory(r=.36 - .49) in comparison with nondepressed persons. 4) According to the results of analysis on the relations between metamemory and memory performances of each memory task using canonical analysis, in the case of depressed older persons, strategy, locus, capability and task have high correlation with word recognition task and delayed word recall task. Also in the case of nondepressed persons, achievement, strategy, change and locus variable have high correlation with face recognition task and immediate word recall task. As mentioned above, depression variables have a negative effect on older persons' metamemory and memory performance. In conclusion, when we care for depressed older persons with less memory ability, we have to consider the outcomes of this study are relevant. In addition, it is necessary to develop nursing intervention in order to prevent memory loss and improve memory performance in depressed older persons.

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Comparison of Nutritional Status and Beliefs on Health Behavior Regarding Stages of change in Dietary Fat Reduction among Korean Men and Women (한국 성인 남녀에서 지방섭취제한 행동 변화단계에 따른 영양상태와 건강관련 행위에 대한 신념 비교)

  • 오세영;조미란;김진옥;조영연
    • Journal of Nutrition and Health
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    • v.34 no.2
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    • pp.222-229
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    • 2001
  • This study describes the application of the stages of change construct to fat intake by examining the associations of the stages of change with nutritional status and beliefs on health behavior. Data were obtained from apparently healthy 596 adults(326 females and 270 males) residing in large cities. Stages of change assessed by an algorithms based on 6 items were designed each subject into one of the 5 stages: precontemplation(PC), contemplation(CO), preparation(PR), action(AC) and maintenance(MA). Beliefs on health behavior were assessed by self efficacy as well as 4 belief scales from the Locus of Illness Control(LIC) developed using factor analysis such as internal disease cure and prevention and external disease cure and prevention. Energy and fat intakes were measured by a 39 item short form food frequency questionnaire. Regarding the 5 stages of change, MA stage comprised the largest group(37.9%), followed by Ac(30.7%), PC(11.4%), CO(10.4%) and PR(9.6%). Subjects who were females, older or healthier were more likely to belong to either AC or MA. Stage assignment of individuals was corroborated by their nutritional variables. Those in PC had the most energy and fat and those in MA ate the least for females. BMI was higher in PR than any other stages for both males and females. Those in PC were distinctive in that they were more externally oriented in terms of health control showing higher scores on external disease prevention(for males) and external disease cure(for females), and lower score on internal disease cure. On the other hand, those in MA received the highest scores on internal disease prevention and self efficacy, which suggested that they were more internally oriented. Canonical discriminant function analysis indicated that the 5 stages were importantly discriminated by BMI, self efficacy, internal disease prevention and external disease prevention for males and by fat intake, self efficacy and external disease cure variables for females. The results of our study confirm differences in stages of change in fat intake in terms of nutritional status and beliefs on heath behavior and indicate the need for taking these phases of change into account in nutrition advice. (Korean J Nutrition 34(2) : 222-229, 2001)

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A Study on Object Based Image Analysis Methods for Land Use and Land Cover Classification in Agricultural Areas (변화지역 탐지를 위한 시계열 KOMPSAT-2 다중분광 영상의 MAD 기반 상대복사 보정에 관한 연구)

  • Yeon, Jong-Min;Kim, Hyun-Ok;Yoon, Bo-Yeol
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.15 no.3
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    • pp.66-80
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    • 2012
  • It is necessary to normalize spectral image values derived from multi-temporal satellite data to a common scale in order to apply remote sensing methods for change detection, disaster mapping, crop monitoring and etc. There are two main approaches: absolute radiometric normalization and relative radiometric normalization. This study focuses on the multi-temporal satellite image processing by the use of relative radiometric normalization. Three scenes of KOMPSAT-2 imagery were processed using the Multivariate Alteration Detection(MAD) method, which has a particular advantage of selecting PIFs(Pseudo Invariant Features) automatically by canonical correlation analysis. The scenes were then applied to detect disaster areas over Sendai, Japan, which was hit by a tsunami on 11 March 2011. The case study showed that the automatic extraction of changed areas after the tsunami using relatively normalized satellite data via the MAD method was done within a high accuracy level. In addition, the relative normalization of multi-temporal satellite imagery produced better results to rapidly map disaster-affected areas with an increased confidence level.

Morphological and Genetic Variation of Allium victorialis var. platyphyllum (산마늘(Allium victorialis var. platyphyllum)의 형태적.유전적 변이)

  • Bae, Kwan Ho;Hong, Sung Cheon
    • Current Research on Agriculture and Life Sciences
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    • v.13
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    • pp.45-53
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    • 1995
  • This research was conducted to investigate morphological and genetic variation of Allium victorialis val. platyphyllum which growed wild in Mt. Hambaek, Mt. Odae, and Ullungdo. The tree layer of Allium victorialis var. platyphyllum community in Mt. Hambaek and Mt. Odae was dominated by Quercus mongolica. The tree layer of Ullungdo generally consist of Fagus crenata var. multinervis, Acer triflorum, Sorbus commixta, and Tilia insularis. In the herb layer, Rumohra standishii, Trillium tschonoskii, and Lilium hansonii are common at Allium victorialis var. platyphyllum community in Ullungdo. The vegetation in Ullungdo was widely different from those in Mt. Hambaek and Mt. Odae by species composition. The result of Principal Component Analysis(PCA) and Canonical Discriminent Analysis of by the 8 characters showed that Allium victorialis var. platyphyllum could be classified into 2 groups: (one ; Mt. Hambaek and Mt. Odae, the other ; Ullungdo). In PCA, the major factors in the first principal component group was angle of leaf apex. Variation of band by isozyme GOT(glautamate oxaloaccetate transaminase) is similar between Mt. Hambaek and Mt. Odae. However, Ullungdo differed from Mt. Hambaek and Mt. Odae in variation of bands.

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