• Title/Summary/Keyword: camera image

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A Fast Vision-based Head Tracking Method for Interactive Stereoscopic Viewing

  • Putpuek, Narongsak;Chotikakamthorn, Nopporn
    • 제어로봇시스템학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2004.08a
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    • pp.1102-1105
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    • 2004
  • In this paper, the problem of a viewer's head tracking in a desktop-based interactive stereoscopic display system is considered. A fast and low-cost approach to the problem is important for such a computing environment. The system under consideration utilizes a shuttle glass for stereoscopic display. The proposed method makes use of an image taken from a single low-cost video camera. By using a simple feature extraction algorithm, the obtained points corresponding to the image of the user-worn shuttle glass are used to estimate the glass center, its local 'yaw' angle, as measured with respect to the glass center, and its global 'yaw' angle as measured with respect to the camera location. With these estimations, the stereoscopic image synthetic program utilizes those values to interactively adjust the two-view stereoscopic image pair as displayed on a computer screen. The adjustment is carried out such that the so-obtained stereoscopic picture, when viewed from a current user position, provides a close-to-real perspective and depth perception. However, because the algorithm and device used are designed for fast computation, the estimation is typically not precise enough to provide a flicker-free interactive viewing. An error concealment method is thus proposed to alleviate the problem. This concealment method should be sufficient for applications that do not require a high degree of visual realism and interaction.

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Solving the Correspondence Problem by Multiple Stereo Image and Error Analysis of Computed Depth (다중 스테레오영상을 이용한 대응문제의 해결과 거리오차의 해석)

  • 이재웅;이진우;박광일
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers
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    • v.19 no.6
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    • pp.1431-1438
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    • 1995
  • In this paper, we present a multiple-view stereo matching method in case of moving in the direction of optical axis with stereo camera. Also we analyze the obtainable depth precision to show that multiple-view stereo increases the virtual baseline with single-view stereo. This method decides candidate points for correspondence in each image pair and then search for the correct combinations of correspondences among them using the geometrical consistency they must satisfy. Adantages of this method are capability in increasing the accuracy in matching by using the multiple stereo images and less computation due to local processing. This method computes 3-D depth by averaging the depth obtained in each multiple-view stereo. We show that the resulting depth has more precision than depth obtainable by each independent stereo when the position of image feature is uncertain due to image noise. This paper first defines a multipleview stereo agorithm in case of moving in the direction of optical axis with stereo camera and analyze the obtainable precision of computed depth. Then we represent the effect of removing the incorrect matching candidate and precision enhancement with experimental result.

A Study on Detection of Lane and Situation of Obstacle for AGV using Vision System (비전 시스템을 이용한 AGV의 차선인식 및 장애물 위치 검출에 관한 연구)

  • 이진우;이영진;이권순
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Navigation and Port Research Conference
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    • 2000.11a
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    • pp.207-217
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    • 2000
  • In this paper, we describe an image processing algorithm which is able to recognize the road lane. This algorithm performs to recognize the interrelation between AGV and the other vehicle. We experimented on AGV driving test with color CCD camera which is setup on the top of vehicle and acquires the digital signal. This paper is composed of two parts. One is image preprocessing part to measure the condition of the lane and vehicle. This finds the information of lines using RGB ratio cutting algorithm, the edge detection and Hough transform. The other obtains the situation of other vehicles using the image processing and viewport. At first, 2 dimension image information derived from vision sensor is interpreted to the 3 dimension information by the angle and position of the CCD camera. Through these processes, if vehicle knows the driving conditions which are angle, distance error and real position of other vehicles, we should calculate the reference steering angle.

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A Development of Image Transfer Remote Maintenance Monitoring System for Hand Held Device (휴대용 화상전송 원격정비 감시시스템의 개발)

  • Kim, Dong-Wan;Park, Sung-Won
    • The Transactions of the Korean Institute of Electrical Engineers P
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    • v.58 no.3
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    • pp.276-284
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    • 2009
  • In this paper, we develop the image transfer remote maintenance monitoring system for hand held device which can compensate defects of human mistake. The human mistakes always happen when the worker communicate information each other to check and maintenance the equipment of the power plant under bad circumstance such as small place and long distance in power plant. A worker couldn't converse with other when in noisy place like Power plant. So, we make some hand device for handy size and able to converse in noisy place. The developed system can have improvement of productivity through increasing plant operation time. And developed system is composed of advanced H/W(hard ware) system and S/W(soft ware)system. The H/W system consist of media server unit, communication equipment with hand held device, portable camera, mike and head set. The advanced s/w system consist of data base system, client pc(personal computer) real time monitoring system which has server GUI(graphic user interface) program, wireless monitoring program and wire ethernet communication program. The client GUI program is composed of total solution program as pc camera program, and phonetic conversation program etc.. We analyzed the required items and investigated applicable part in the image transfer remote maintenance monitoring system with hand held device. Also we investigated linkage of communication protocol for developed prototype, developed software tool of two-way communication and realtime recording skill of voice with image. We confirmed the efficiency by the field test in preventive maintenance of plant power.

Traffic Light Recognition Based on the Glow Effect at Night Image (야간 영상에서의 빛 번짐 현상을 이용한 교통신호등 인식)

  • Kim, Min-Ki
    • Journal of Korea Multimedia Society
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    • v.20 no.12
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    • pp.1901-1912
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    • 2017
  • Traffic lights at night are usually framed in the image as bright regions bigger than the real size due to glow effect. Moreover, the colors of lighting region saturate to white. So it is difficult to distinguish between different traffic lights at night. Many related studies have tried to decrease the glow effect in the process of capturing images. Some studies drastically decreased the shutter time of the camera to reduce the adverse effect by the glow. However, this makes the video too dark. This study proposes a new idea which utilizes the glow effect. It examines the outer radial region of traffic light. It presents an algorithm to discriminate the color of traffic light by the analysis of the outer radial region. The advantage of the proposed method is that it can recognize traffic lights in the image captured by an ordinary black box camera. Experimental results using seven short videos show the performance of traffic light recognition reporting the precision of 96.4% and the recall of 98.2%. These results show that the proposed method is valid and effective.

Development of a Fish Size Grading Machine Using an Image Processing Method (화상처리법을 이용한 어체 크기 선별기의 개발)

  • KIM Sang-Bong;KIM Hwan-Seong;KIM Sung-Kyn;JEON Yang-Bae
    • Korean Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
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    • v.31 no.3
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    • pp.317-322
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    • 1998
  • Generally, the conventional fish size grading methods just adopt the mechanical technique. So the grading methods have a problem such that the graded fish is easy to hurt on the skin and in the internal organs. In this paper, a fish size grading machine is developed using an image processing method. The grading method is based on the principal axis theorem. The length and projected area of a fish are obtained by getting the principal axis and the product of inertia moment on the captured image of a target fish. The developed machine uses an uncontact technique that the target fishes go through the front side of the CCD camera. So the above stated problem can be improved. The performance of this method is discussed with the experimental results.

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2-Dimensional Visualization of the Flame Propagation in a Four-Valve Spark-Ignition Engine (가솔린엔진에서의 2차원 화염 가시화)

  • Bae, Choong-Sik
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Combustion
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    • v.1 no.1
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    • pp.65-73
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    • 1996
  • Flame propagation in a four-valve spark-ignition optical engine was visualized under lean-bum conditions with A/F=18 at 2000rpm. The early flame development in a four-valve pentroof-chamber single-cylinder engine was examined with imaging of the laser-induced Mie scattered light using an image-intensified CCD camera. Flame profiles along the line-of-sight were also visualized through a quartz piston window. Two-dimensional flame structures were visualized with a Proxitronic HF-1 fast motion camera system by Mie scattering from titanium dioxide particles along a planar laser sheet generated by a copper vapor laser. The flame propagation images were subsequently analysed with an image processing programme to obtain information about the flame structure under different tumble flow conditions generated by sleeved and non-sleeved intake ports. This allowed enhancement of the flame images and calculation of the enflamed area, and the displacement of its center, as a function of the tumble flow induced by the pentroof-chamber in the vicinity of spark plug. Image processing of the early flame development quantified the correlation between flame and flow characteristics near the spark plug at the time of ignition which has been known to be one of the most important factors in cyclic combustion variations in lean-burn engines. The results were also compared with direct flame images obtained from the natural flame luminosity of the lean mixture.

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3D Fingertip Estimation based on the TOF Camera for Virtual Touch Screen System (가상 터치스크린 시스템을 위한 TOF 카메라 기반 3차원 손 끝 추정)

  • Kim, Min-Wook;Ahn, Yang-Keun;Jung, Kwang-Mo;Lee, Chil-Woo
    • The KIPS Transactions:PartB
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    • v.17B no.4
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    • pp.287-294
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    • 2010
  • TOF technique is one of the skills that can obtain the object's 3D depth information. But depth image has low resolution and fingertip occupy very small region, so, it is difficult to find the precise fingertip's 3D information by only using depth image from TOF camera. In this paper, we estimate fingertip's 3D location using Arm Model and reliable hand's 3D location information that is modified by hexahedron as hand model. Using proposed method we can obtain more precise fingertip's 3D information than using only depth image.

An Image Signal Processor for Ultra Small HDGrade Video Sensor with 3A in Camera Phones

  • Jang, Won-Woo;Kim, Joo-Hyun;Han, Hag-Yong;Yang, Hoon-Gee;Kang, Bong-Soon
    • Journal of information and communication convergence engineering
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    • v.7 no.4
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    • pp.507-515
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    • 2009
  • In this paper, we propose an image signal processor (ISP) for an ultra small HD-grade video sensor with 3A (AWB, AE, and AF) in camera phones that can process 720P/30fps videos. In order to enhance the video quality of the systems, it is necessary to achieve the high performance of the 3A. The proposed AWB algorithm multiplies the adjusted coefficients of color gains to the captured data of white objects. The proposed AE method adopts the index step moving based on the difference between an averaged Y luminance and a target luminance, together with IIR filters with variable time responses. The proposed AF technique controls the focus curve to find the lens position that maximizes the integrated high frequency components in luminance values by using highpass filters. Finally, we compare the image quality captured from our system to the quality of a commercial HD camcorder in order to evaluate the performance of the proposed ISP. The proposed ISP system is also fabricated with 0.18um CMOS flash memory process.

Development of an Auto Sample Centering Algorithm at the Macromolecular Crystallography Beam Line of the Pohang Light Source (단백질 결정학 빔 라인에서의 자동 샘플 정렬 알고리즘 개발)

  • Jang, Yu-Jin
    • The Transactions of the Korean Institute of Electrical Engineers D
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    • v.55 no.7
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    • pp.313-318
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    • 2006
  • An automatic sample centering system is underway at the protein crystallography beam line of the Pohang Light Source to improve the efficiency of the crystal screening process. A sample pin which contains a protein crystal is mounted on a goniometer head. Then the crystal should be moved to the center of X-ray beam by controlling the motorized goniometer to obtain diffraction data. Since the X-ray beam is located at the center of the image obtained from the CCD camera when the image of the sample pin is in focus, an auto-focusing algorithm is a very important part in the auto-sample-centering system. However the results of applying several well-known auto focusing algorithms directly to the images are not satisfactory owing to the following factors: misalignment of CCD camera, non-uniform cryo-stream in the background of the image and the supporter of the loop. The performance of an auto-focusing algorithm can be increased if the algorithm is applied to only the loop region identified. Non-uniform cryo-stream and a various illumination condition and a stain, which is shown in the image, are main obstacles to loop region identification. In this paper, a simple loop region identification algorithm, which can solve these problems, is proposed and the effective ness of the proposed scheme is shown by applying the auto-focusing algorithm to the loop region identified.