• Title/Summary/Keyword: camera image

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Skin Condition Estimation Using Mobile Handheld Camera

  • Bae, Ji-Sang;Jeon, Jae-Ho;Lee, Jae-Young;Kim, Jong-Ok
    • ETRI Journal
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    • v.38 no.4
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    • pp.776-786
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    • 2016
  • The fairly recent standard of equipping mobile devices with advanced imaging sensors has opened the possibility of conveniently diagnosing skin conditions, anywhere, anytime. For this application, we attempted to estimate skin conditions from a skin image taken by a mobile handheld camera. To estimate the skin conditions, we specifically identified three skin features (pigmentation, pores, and roughness) that can be measured quantitatively from a skin image. The experimental data indicate that the existing thresholding methods are inappropriate for extracting the pigmentation and pore skin features. Thus, we propose a new line-fitting based thresholding method for skin feature detection. We thoroughly evaluated our proposed skin condition estimation method using our skin image database. The experimental results show that our proposed thresholding method can better determine the threshold leading to the most visually plausible detection, when compared to existing methods. We also confirmed that skin conditions can be feasibly estimated using a common mobile handheld camera (for example, a smartphone).

Robust Estimation of Camera Parameters from Video Signals for Video Composition (영상합성을 위한 영상으로부터의 견실한 카메라피라미터 확정법)

  • 박종일;이충웅
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Telematics and Electronics B
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    • v.32B no.10
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    • pp.1305-1313
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    • 1995
  • In this paper, we propose a robust estimation of camera parameters from image sequence for high quality video composition. We first establish correspondence of feature points between consecutive image fields. After the establishment, we formulate a nonlinear least-square data fitting problem. When the image sequence contains moving objects, and/or when the correspondence establishment is not successful for some feature points, we get bad observations, outliers. They should be properly eliminated for a good estimation. Thus, we propose an iterative algorithm for rejecting the outliers and fitting the camera parameters alternatively. We show the validity of the proposed method using computer generated data sets and real image sequeces.

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Development of Automatic Measurement and Inspection System for ALC Block Using Camera (카메라를 이용한 ALC 블록의 치수계측 및 불량검사 자동화 시스템 개발)

  • 허경무;김성훈
    • Journal of Institute of Control, Robotics and Systems
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    • v.9 no.6
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    • pp.448-455
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    • 2003
  • A system design technique of automatic thickness measurement and defect inspection system, which measures the thickness of the ALC(Autoclaved Lightweight Concrete) block and inspects the defect on a realtime basis is proposed. The image processing system was established with a CCD camera, an image grabber, and a personal computer without using assembled measurement equipment. The image obtained by this system was analyzed by a devised algorithm, specially designed for the enhanced measurement accuracy. For the realization of the proposed algorithm, the preprocessing method that can be applied to overcome uneven lighting environment, an enhanced edge decision method using 8 edge-pairs with irregular and rough surface, the unit length decision method in uneven condition with rocking objects, and the curvature calibration method of camera using a constructed grid are developed. The experimental results, show that the required measurement accuracy specification is sufficiently satisfied using our proposed method.

A study on a development of a measurement technique for diffusion of oil spill in the ocean (디지털 화상처리에 의한 해양유출기름확산 계측기법개발에 관한 연구)

  • 이중우;김기철;강신영;도덕희
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Navigation and Port Research Conference
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    • 1998.10a
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    • pp.211-221
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    • 1998
  • A digital image processing technique which is able to get the velocity vector distribution of a surface of the spilled oil in the ocean without contacting the flow itself. This technique is based upon the PIV(Particle Imaging Velocimetry) technique and its system mainly consists of a high sensitive camera, a CCD camera, an image grabber, and a host computer in which an image processing algorithm is adopted for velocity vector acquisition. For the acquisition of the advective velocity vector of floating matters on the ocean, a new multi-frame tracking algorithm is proposed, and for the acquisition of the diffusion velocity vector distribution of the spilt oil onto the water surface, a high sensitive gray-level cross-correlation algorithm is proposed.

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Overhead Catenary Measurement by High-speed Image Analysis (고속 이미지 분석에 의한 전차선로 계측)

  • Park, Young;Lee, Ki-Won;Cho, Hyeon-Young;Kwon, Sam-Young;Park, Chan-Bae;Park, Hyun-June
    • Proceedings of the KSR Conference
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    • 2007.05a
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    • pp.824-828
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    • 2007
  • With increasing interest in the reduction of cost for operation and maintenance of overhead catenary system, various methods of condition monitoring have been developed and used in with high-speed analysis and advanced image processing techniques. This study utilizes a high-speed camera as inspecting system to measure the wear, stagger, hight and arc extinguishing test of overhead catenary system. All measuring image were captured by a high speed CMOS camera with PCI express output, which can acquire up to 1000 frames per second with the resolution 1024 × 1280 pixels. Line type laser source with a power equal to 300 mW and the National Instrument LabVIEW (8.0) based on vision acquisition software have been used in application programming interface for image acquisition, display, and storage. The proposed high-speed camera system is finally applied to measure the overhead catenary system showing promising on-field applications

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Quantitative Evaluation of Fabric Drape Using Image Analysis (화상처리기법을 활용한 천의 드레이프성의 정량적 평가방법)

  • Park, Chang-Kyu
    • The Korean Fashion and Textile Research Journal
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    • v.4 no.3
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    • pp.284-288
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    • 2002
  • In this research, a new quantitative fabric drape evaluation system has been developed using image processing technology. The purpose of this research is to get the more detailed information of fabric drapability quantitatively from digital images captured with a digital camera generally commercialized. The shape parameters of a 3-dimensional geometric drape model were defined as the number of nodes, frequency and amplitude. Also, various statistical information of drape shapes can be obtained using image processing technology and frequency analysis as well as traditional drape coefficients. Hardware system to capture drape images is simply composed of three parts including a digital USB (Universal Serial Bus) camera, a frame cover and a stand for camera to attach to traditional drape tester. The evaluation software coded with the MS Visual C++ is operated under the MS windows 9x above.

The Enhancements of Sub-pixel Measuring Accuracy by the Centroid Methods (Centroid Methods에 의한 Sub-pixel 측정정확도 향상)

  • 강준묵;배상호
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.245-252
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    • 1997
  • The development of digital camera and advancement of computer processor could simplify the acquisition and the analysis of digial image, and be the real-time processing by the digital photogrammetry. This study is about to enhancement of the image measuring accuracy by the centroid methods. We were able to determine more effective centroid measuring methods and suitable target shape as the development of analysis system and actualize semi-automatic measuring of digital image. And we can supply the weakness of non-metric camera for the geometric internal accuracy of digital image as the correct of Kodak DCS200 camera 8008s lens distortion.

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Controller Design for Object Tracking with an Active Camera (능동 카메라 기반의 물체 추적 제어기 설계)

  • Youn, Su-Jin;Choi, Goon-Ho
    • Journal of the Semiconductor & Display Technology
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    • v.10 no.1
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    • pp.83-89
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    • 2011
  • In the case of the tracking system with an active camera, it is very difficult to guarantee real-time processing due to the attribute of vision system which handles large amounts of data at once and has time delay to process. The reliability of the processed result is also badly influenced by the slow sampling time and uncertainty caused by the image processing. In this paper, we figure out dynamic characteristics of pixels reflected on the image plane and derive the mathematical model of the vision tracking system which includes the actuating part and the image processing part. Based on this model, we find a controller that stabilizes the system and enhances the tracking performance to track a target rapidly. The centroid is used as the position index of moving object and the DC motor in the actuating part is controlled to keep the identified centroid at the center point of the image plane.

Implementation of Image Monitoring system using High Speed Camera for Overhead Contact Wire (고속 카메라를 이용한 전차선 형상 검측 시스템 구현)

  • Cho, Hyeon-Young;Kwon, Sam-Young;Lee, Ki-Won;Park, Hyun-June;Na, Hae-Kyoung;Ko, Byeong-Hun;Park, Young
    • Proceedings of the KSR Conference
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    • 2006.11b
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    • pp.1483-1487
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    • 2006
  • In electric railway, image monitoring using high speed camera provides reliable, timely information of wear and geometry status, important in taking decisions for overhead contact wire maintenance. The contribution of this research is the development of a simple real-time monitoring system for use in measurement subsystem of contact wire and geometry of overhead contact wire in electric railway. The system has been consists of a high speed CMOS camera with resolution $1024{\times}1280$ pixels, line type laser source and PC-based image acquisition system with PCI Express slot. Vision acquisition software have been used in application programming interface for image acquisition, display, and storage with a frequency of sampling of 500 acquisitions per second.

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A Study on a Development of a Measurement Technique for Diffusion of Oil Spill in the Ocean (디지털 화상처리에 의한 해양유출기름확산 계측기법개발에 관한 연구)

  • 이중우;강신영;도덕희;김기철
    • Journal of Korean Port Research
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    • v.12 no.2
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    • pp.291-302
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    • 1998
  • A digital image processing technique which is able to be used for getting the velocity vector distribution of a surface of the spilt oil in the ocean without contacting the flow itself. This technique is based upon the PIV(Particle Imaging Velocimetry) technique and its system mainly consists of a high sensitive camera, a CCD camera, an image grabber, and a host computer in which an image processing algorithm is adopted for velocity vector acquisition. For the acquisition of the advective velocity vector of floating matters on the ocean, a new multi-frame tracking algorithm is proposed, and for the acquisition of the diffusion velocity vector distribution of the spilt oil onto the water surface, a high sensitive gray-level cross-correlation algorithm is proposed.

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