• Title/Summary/Keyword: camera image

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Development of Hybrid Image Stabilization System for a Mobile Robot (이동 로봇을 위한 하이브리드 이미지 안정화 시스템의 개발)

  • Choi, Yun-Won;Kang, Tae-Hun;Saitov, Dilshat;Lee, Dong-Chun;Lee, Suk-Gyu
    • Journal of Institute of Control, Robotics and Systems
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.157-163
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    • 2011
  • This paper proposes a hybrid image stabilizing system which uses both optical image stabilizing system based on EKF (Extended Kalman Filter) and digital image stabilization based on SURF (Speeded Up Robust Feature). Though image information is one of the most efficient data for object recognition, it is susceptible to noise which results from internal vibration as well as external factors. The blurred image obtained by the camera mounted on a robot makes it difficult for the robot to recognize its environment. The proposed system estimates shaking angle through EKF based on the information from inclinometer and gyro sensor to stabilize the image. In addition, extracting the feature points around rotation axis using SURF which is robust to change in scale or rotation enhances processing speed by removing unnecessary operations using Hessian matrix. The experimental results using the proposed hybrid system shows its effectiveness in extended frequency range.

Algorithm to Estimate Oil Spill Area Using Digital Properties of Image

  • Jang, Hye-Jin;Nam, Jong-Ho
    • Journal of Ocean Engineering and Technology
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    • v.34 no.1
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    • pp.46-54
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    • 2020
  • Oil spill accidents at sea result in a wide range of damages, including the destruction of ocean environments and ecosystems, as well as human illnesses by the generation of harmful gases caused by phase changes in crude oil. When an oil spill occurs, an immediate initial action should be performed to minimize the potential damage. Existing studies have attempted to identify crude oil spillage by calculating the crude oil spill range using synthetic aperture radar (SAR) satellite images. However, SAR cannot capture rapidly evolving events because of its low acquisition frequency. Herein, an algorithm for estimating an oil spill area from an image obtained using a digital camera is proposed. Noise that may occur in the image when it is captured is first eliminated by preprocessing, and then the image is analyzed. After analyzing the characteristics of the digital image, a strategy to binarize an image using the color, saturation, or lightness contained in it is adopted. It is found that the oil spill area can be readily estimated from a digital image, allowing for a faster analysis than any conventional method. The usefulness of the oil spill area measurement was confirmed by applying the developed algorithm to various oil spill images.

A Study Vector Image Transformation of Personal Feature And Image Interpolation (2차원 얼굴외곽 정보의 VECTOR IMAGE 변환과 효과적인 영상복원에 관한 연구)

  • Jo, Nam-Chul
    • Journal of the Korea society of information convergence
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    • v.1 no.1
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    • pp.17-24
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    • 2008
  • Video camera play very important roles for preventing many kinds of crimes and resolving those crime affairs. But in the case of recording image of a specific person far from the CCTV, the original image needs to be enlarged and recovered in order to identify the person more obviously. Interpolation is usually used for the enlargement and recovery of the image in this case. However, it has a certain limitation. As the magnification of enlargement is getting bigger, the quality of the original image can be worse. This paper uses FOP(Facial Definition Parameter) proposed by the MPEG-4 SNHC FBA group and introduces a new algorithm that uses face outline information of the original image based on the FOP, which makes it possible to recover better than the known methods until now.

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Image Retrieval Using Histogram Refinement Based on Local Color Difference (지역 색차 기반의 히스토그램 정교화에 의한 영상 검색)

  • Kim, Min-KI
    • Journal of Korea Multimedia Society
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    • v.18 no.12
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    • pp.1453-1461
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    • 2015
  • Since digital images and videos are rapidly increasing in the internet with the spread of mobile computers and smartphones, research on image retrieval has gained tremendous momentum. Color, shape, and texture are major features used in image retrieval. Especially, color information has been widely used in image retrieval, because it is robust in translation, rotation, and a small change of camera view. This paper proposes a new method for histogram refinement based on local color difference. Firstly, the proposed method converts a RGB color image into a HSV color image. Secondly, it reduces the size of color space from 2563 to 32. It classifies pixels in the 32-color image into three groups according to the color difference between a central pixel and its neighbors in a 3x3 local region. Finally, it makes a color difference vector(CDV) representing three refined color histograms, then image retrieval is performed by the CDV matching. The experimental results using public image database show that the proposed method has higher retrieval accuracy than other conventional ones. They also show that the proposed method can be effectively applied to search low resolution images such as thumbnail images.

An Implementation of ISP for CMOS Image Sensor (CMOS 카메라 이미지 센서용 ISP 구현)

  • Sonh, Seung-Il;Lee, Dong-Hoon
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.11 no.3
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    • pp.555-562
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    • 2007
  • In order to display Bayer input stream received from CMOS image sensor to the display device, image signal processing must be performed. That is, the hardware performing the image signal processing for Bayer data is called ISP(Image Signal Processor). We can see real image through ISP processing. ISP executes functionalities for gamma correction, interpolation, color space conversion, image effect, image scale, AWB, AE and AF. In this paper, we obtained the optimum algorithm through software verification of ISP module for CMOS camera image sensor and described using VHDL and verified in ModelSim6.0a simulator. Also we downloaded into Xilinx XCV-1000e for the designed ISP module and completed the board level verification using PCI interface.

Research on image data filtering methods for extreme environments after the nuclear leak accident

  • Minglei Zhu;Xiangkun Wu;Jun Qi;Yunlong Teng;Jinmao Jiang;Dawei Gong
    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • v.56 no.10
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    • pp.4227-4236
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    • 2024
  • Nuclear energy is used more and more widely as a clean energy source, but nuclear energy facilities are risky, and when a nuclear leak occurs, it is necessary to detect equipment in a nuclear radiation environment. In the nuclear radiation environment, due to the impact of high-energy particles on the camera sensor, the collected image contains a lot of radiation noise, which greatly reduces the visual perception of the image. Aiming at the problem that radiation noise reduces image quality, a radiation image compound filtering algorithm combining median filtering and multi-frame average filtering is proposed based on radiation noise characteristics. Compared with several common filtering algorithms, the radiation noise image is filtered under the same radiation dose and achieve the highest Peak Signal Noise Rate (PSNR) and Structural Similarity (SSIM), and compared with the multi-frame average filtering method, the number of image frames required by the algorithm in this paper is greatly reduced. Experimental results show that the algorithm can effectively eliminate radiation noise and is more suitable for image filtering in radiation environment.

Is a Camera-Type Portable X-Ray Device Clinically Feasible in Chest Imaging?: Image Quality Comparison with Chest Radiographs Taken with Traditional Mobile Digital X-Ray Devices (카메라형 휴대형 X선 장치는 흉부 촬영에서 임상적 사용이 가능한가?: 기존의 이동형 디지털 X선 장치로 촬영한 흉부 X선 사진과 영상품질 비교)

  • Sang-Ji Kim;Hwan Seok Yong;Eun-Young Kang;Zepa Yang;Jung-Youn Kim;Young-Hoon Yoon
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Radiology
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    • v.85 no.1
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    • pp.138-146
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    • 2024
  • Purpose To evaluate whether the image quality of chest radiographs obtained using a camera-type portable X-ray device is appropriate for clinical practice by comparing them with traditional mobile digital X-ray devices. Materials and Methods Eighty-six patients who visited our emergency department and underwent endotracheal intubation, central venous catheterization, or nasogastric tube insertion were included in the study. Two radiologists scored images captured with traditional mobile devices before insertion and those captured with camera-type devices after insertion. Identification of the inserted instruments was evaluated on a 5-point scale, and the overall image quality was evaluated on a total of 20 points scale. Results The identification score of the instruments was 4.67 ± 0.71. The overall image quality score was 19.70 ± 0.72 and 15.02 ± 3.31 (p < 0.001) for the mobile and camera-type devices, respectively. The scores of the camera-type device were significantly lower than those of the mobile device in terms of the detailed items of respiratory motion artifacts, trachea and bronchus, pulmonary vessels, posterior cardiac blood vessels, thoracic intervertebral disc space, subdiaphragmatic vessels, and diaphragm (p = 0.013 for the item of diaphragm, p < 0.001 for the other detailed items). Conclusion Although caution is required for general diagnostic purposes as image quality degrades, a camera-type device can be used to evaluate the inserted instruments in chest radiographs.

Evaluation of Usefulness of Portal Image Using Electronic Portal Imaging Device (EPID) in the Patients Who Received Pelvic Radiation Therapy (골반강 내 방사선 치료 환자에서 Electronic Portal Imaging Device(EPID)를 이용한 Portal Image의 유용성에 관한 연구)

  • Kim Woo Chul;Park Won;Kim Heon Jong;Park Seong Young;Cho Young Kap;Loh John J;Suh Chang Ok;Kim Gwi Eon
    • Radiation Oncology Journal
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    • v.16 no.4
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    • pp.497-504
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    • 1998
  • Purpose : To evaluate the usefulness of electronic portal imaging device through objective compare of the images acquired using an EPID and a conventional port film Materials and Methods : From Apr. to Oct. 1997, a total of 150 sets of images from 20 patients who received radiation therapy in the pelvis area were evaluated in the Inha University Hospital and Severance Hospital. A dual image recording technique was devised to obtain both electronic portal images and port film images simultaneously with one treatment course. We did not perform double exposure five to ten images were acquired from each patient. All images were acquired from posteroanterior (PA) view except images from two patients. A dose rate of 100-300 Mu/min and a 10-MV X-ray beam were used and 2-10 MUs were required to produce a verification image during treatment. Kodak diagnostic film with metal/film imaging cassette which was located on the top of the EPID detector was used for the port film. The source to detector distance was 140 cm. Eight anatomical landmarks (pelvic brim, sacrum, acetabulum. iliopectineal line, symphysis, ischium, obturator foramen, sacroiliac joint) were assessed. Four radiation oncologist joined to evaluate each image. The individual landmarks in the port film or in the EPID were rated - very clear (1), clear (2), visible (3), not clear (4), not visible (5). Results : Using an video camera based EPID system. there was no difference of image quality between no enhanced EPID images and port film images. However, when we provided some change with window level for the portal image, the visibility of the sacrum and obturator foramen was improved in the portal images than in the port film images. All anatomical landmarks were more visible in the portal images than in the port film when we applied the CLAHE mode enhancement. The images acquired using an matrix ion chamber type EPID were also improved image qualify after window level adjustment. Conclusion : The quality of image acquired using an electronic portal imaging device was comparable to that of the port film. When we used the enhance mode or window level adjustment. the image quality of the EPID was superior to that of the port film. EPID may replace the port film.

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Preliminary Study on Performance Evaluation of a Stacking-structure Compton Camera by Using Compton Imaging Simulator (Compton Imaging Simulator를 이용한 다층 구조 컴프턴 카메라 성능평가 예비 연구)

  • Lee, Se-Hyung;Park, Sung-Ho;Seo, Hee;Park, Jin-Hyung;Kim, Chan-Hyeong;Lee, Ju-Hahn;Lee, Chun-Sik;Lee, Jae-Sung
    • Progress in Medical Physics
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    • v.20 no.2
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    • pp.51-61
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    • 2009
  • A Compton camera, which is based on the geometrical interpretation of Compton scattering, is a very promising gamma-ray imaging device considering its several advantages over the conventional gamma-ray imaging devices: high imaging sensitivity, 3-D imaging capability from a fixed position, multi-tracing functionality, and almost no limitation in photon energy. In the present study, a Monte Carlo-based, user-friendly Compton imaging simulator was developed in the form of a graphical user interface (GUI) based on Geant4 and $MATLAB^{TM}$. The simulator was tested against the experimental result of the double-scattering Compton camera, which is under development at Hanyang University in Korea. The imaging resolution of the simulated Compton image well agreed with that of the measured image. The imaging sensitivity of the measured data was 2~3 times higher than that of the simulated data, which is due to the fact that the measured data contains the random coincidence events. The performance of a stacking-structure type Compton camera was evaluated by using the simulator. The result shows that the Compton camera shows its highest performance when it uses 4 layers of scatterer detectors.

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A Study on Aleatorism of Frontal-Flat Camera Angle (정평면적 카메라 앵글이 갖는 우연성에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Yong-Soo
    • Cartoon and Animation Studies
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    • s.32
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    • pp.263-288
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    • 2013
  • This research is about effects which frontal-flat cameras have on narrative films. This kind of confined camera angles make the audience have a sense of tension which is barely defined logically. I think the tension comes from aleatorism. The paper is a research on how aleatorism is working on what kind of value, and what kind of effects it has on narrative films. Russian Formalism had argued they had to meet aesthetic values by totally excluding narratives. It can be said that this was a practice for Brecht's estrangement that a sensitive arousal prohibits the audience immersing into excessive empathy and then make them have a reflective thought. But occasionally, optical arousals in narrative films induce deeper immersion into contemplation rather than reflective thought. I intend to find cases regarding this textualising Front-flat camera angles in narrative films and analysing their contents. To do this, I suggest a more specified definition of 'aleatorism'. Because the concept of the aleatorism is different between an aspect of static image like paintings or photographs and narrative contents like cinema. It is divided into approach through form and approach through content. And I also suggest an operative definition about 'Frontal-flat camera angle' with a several confinements because its formal definition is very flexible depending on audience. The case analysis will be done with a form of discourse discerning two aspects of form and content. Conclusively, Frontal-flat camera angle in narrative film is basically have an effect of attention by optical stimuli. But it cannot be said that this always means deterioration of narrative value. Depending on causality of episodes in the whole story, aleatorism which Frontal-flat camera angle has can support immersed contemplation regarding following narrative rather than reflective thought regarding amusing aesthetics.