• Title/Summary/Keyword: camera exposure

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Smart window coloring control automation system based on image analysis using a Raspberry Pi camera (라즈베리파이 카메라를 활용한 이미지 분석 기반 스마트 윈도우 착색 조절 자동화 시스템)

  • Min-Sang Kim;Hyeon-Sik Ahn;Seong-Min Lim;Eun-Jeong Jang;Na-Kyung Lee;Jun-Hyeok Heo;In-Gu Kang;Ji-Hyeon Kwon;Jun-Young Lee;Ha-Young Kim;Dong-Su Kim;Jong-Ho Yoon;Yoonseuk Choi
    • Journal of IKEEE
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    • v.28 no.1
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    • pp.90-96
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    • 2024
  • In this paper, we propose an automated system. It utilizes a Raspberry Pi camera and a function generator to analyze luminance in an image. Then, it applies voltage based on this analysis to control light transmission through coloring smart windows. The existing luminance meters used to measure luminance are expensive and require unnecessary movement from the user, making them difficult to use in real life. However, after taking a photography, luminance analysis in the image using the Python Open Source Computer Vision Library (OpenCV) is inexpensive and portable, so it can be easily applied in real life. This system was used in an environment where smart windows were applied to detect the luminance of windows. Based on the brightness of the image, the coloring of the smart window is adjusted to reduce the brightness of the window, allowing occupants to create a comfortable viewing environment.


  • Park Kwan-Soo;Lee Sang-Rae
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology
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    • v.22 no.2
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    • pp.273-282
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    • 1992
  • The purpose of this study was to propose the utility which was evaluated the digital image processing and clinical application of the videodensitomery. The experiments were performed with IBM-PC/16bit-AT compatible, video camera(CCdtr55, Sony Co., Japan), an color monitor(MultiSync 3D, NEC, Japan) providing the resolution of 512×480 and 64 levels of gray. Sylvia Image Capture Board for the ADC(analog to digital converter) was used, composed of digitized image from digital signal and the radiographic density was measured by 256 level of gray. The periapical radiograph(Ektaspeed EP-21, Kodak Co., U. S. A) which was radiographed dried human mandible by exposure condition of 70 kVp and 48 impulses, was used for primary X-ray detector. And them evaluated for digitzed image by low and high pass filtering, correlations between aluminum equivalent values and the thickness of aluminum step wedge, aluminum equivalent values of sound enamel, dentin, and alveolar bone, the range of diffuse density for gray level ranging from 0 to 255. The obtained results were as follows: 1. The edge between aluminum steps of digitized image were somewhat blurred by low pass filtering, but edge enhancement could be resulted by high pass filtering. Expecially, edge enhancement between distal root of lower left 2nd molar and alveolar lamina dura was observed. 2. The correlation between aluminum equivalent values and the thickness of aluminum step wedge was intimated, yielding the coefficient of correlation r=0.9997(p<0.00l), the regression line was described by Y=0.9699X+0.456, and coefficient of variation amounting to 1.5%. 3. The aluminum equivalent values of sound enamel, dentin, and alvolar bone were 15.41㎜, 12.48㎜, 10.35㎜, respectively. 4. The range of diffuse density for gray level ranging from 0 to 255 was wider enough than that of photodenstiometer to be within the range of 1-4.9.

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Development of a Data Reduction algorithm for Optical Wide Field Patrol

  • Park, Sun-Youp;Keum, Kang-Hoon;Lee, Seong-Whan;Jin, Ho;Park, Yung-Sik;Yim, Hong-Suh;Jo, Jung Hyun;Moon, Hong-Kyu;Bae, Young-Ho;Choi, Jin;Choi, Young-Jun;Park, Jang-Hyun;Lee, Jung-Ho
    • Journal of Astronomy and Space Sciences
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    • v.30 no.3
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    • pp.193-206
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    • 2013
  • The detector subsystem of the Optical Wide-field Patrol (OWL) network efficiently acquires the position and time information of moving objects such as artificial satellites through its chopper system, which consists of 4 blades in front of the CCD camera. Using this system, it is possible to get more position data with the same exposure time by changing the streaks of the moving objects into many pieces with the fast rotating blades during sidereal tracking. At the same time, the time data from the rotating chopper can be acquired by the time tagger connected to the photo diode. To analyze the orbits of the targets detected in the image data of such a system, a sequential procedure of determining the positions of separated streak lines was developed that involved calculating the World Coordinate System (WCS) solution to transform the positions into equatorial coordinate systems, and finally combining the time log records from the time tagger with the transformed position data. We introduce this procedure and the preliminary results of the application of this procedure to the test observation images.

A Study on the Romantic Reproduction of Modern Architectural Space by Photographic Vision (사진적 시각으로 본 근대건축공간의 낭만적 재현에 관한 연구)

  • Jun, Hee-Sung;Kim, Moon-Duck
    • Korean Institute of Interior Design Journal
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    • v.23 no.2
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    • pp.71-79
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    • 2014
  • The purpose of this study is to elucidate that photo, which has been used as original photo's purpose of information transfer in modern age, is now used as romantic reproduction which is the communication methods of architect's idea and thought through photographic vision which is beyond photograph own capabilities. The photos of Mies van der Rohe and Le Corbusier's architectural works are taken as an example for studying and analysing the way of deliverying the concept of creative work in the functional spaces in the modern era. It looked at the way of modern archirecture configuration, which architects wanted to show by pictures, such as concurrency, movement, sense of exhibition and concept of time-space and planarity on photographic vision such as multiview, movement, daily life exclusion, scenography and perspective loss. Reflecting that, I presents Le Corbusier and Mies van der Rohe's intention through photo by analyzing their picture of architecture by way of photograph techniques-camera position moving, over exposure, photomontage, silhouette technic and overlap technic. Mies van der Rohe and Le corbusier demonstrated the change and manipulation of the their architectural photos in different point of view. They express their architectural theories by photos of their works and overcome the limitation of expression of constructed building designed by them. The photos of architects's works in the case study with photos and descriptions introduce to their design concept. The design concept of the architects have become ideal concept for many contemporary architects and keep reproducing through the photos of their architectural works.

Standard of Creativity in the Copyrightable Photographic Works (사진저작물의 창작성 판단 기준)

  • Choi, Eun-Heui
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.15 no.7
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    • pp.93-105
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    • 2015
  • Upon ruling that two photographs of "Solsum(located in Samchuk city)" are not substantially similar, issues on the level of protection for the copyrighted photographs expecially on landscape, which appearance could be similar whoever takes, were raised. Accordingly, this study summarizes and suggests the standards of expression differentiating from idea on photographic works. The results are as such. Elements of expression on photographs are positioning of subject, framing, selection of camera angle, control of light's direction and quantity, length of exposure, speed of shutter, timing or posing of the shutter. kinds of emulsion, methods of development, and any other methods of creative and characteristic photography. On the other hand, elements of ideas of photographic works are theme, concept, feeling, appearance of objects, time or season of taking a picture, vantage point, choice of horizontal or vertical angle, etc. As a result, this study reconfirms that copyright law entitles photographers to copyright as to their minimal degree of creativity, not as to their sweat of brows.


  • Miyaji, T.;Krumpe, M.;Brunner, H.;Ishigaki, T.;Hanami, H.;Markowitz, A.;Takagi, T.;Goto, T.;Malkan, M.A.;Matsuhara, H.;Pearson, C.;Ueda, Y.;Wada, T.
    • Publications of The Korean Astronomical Society
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    • v.32 no.1
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    • pp.235-237
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    • 2017
  • The AKARI NEP Deep Field Survey is an international multiwavelength survey over $0.4deg^2$ of the sky. This is the deepest survey made by the InfraRed Camera (IRC) of the infrared astronomical satellite AKARI with 9 filters continuously covering the $2-25{\mu}m$ range, including three filters in the Spitzer gap between the IRAC and MIPS coverages. This enabled us to make sensitive MIR detection of AGN candidates at z~ 1, based on hot dust emission in the AGN torus. It is also efficient in detecting highly obscured Compton-thick AGN population. In this article, we report the first results of X-ray observations on this field. The field was covered by 15 overlapping Chandra ACIS-I observations with a total exposure of ~300 ks, detecting ${\approx}450$ X-ray sources. We utilize rest-frame stacking analysis of the MIR AGN candidates that are not detected individually. Our preliminary analysis shows a marginal detection of the rest-frame stacked Fe $k{\alpha}$ line from our strong Compton-thick candidates.

Improvement of Frame Rate of Electro-Optical Sensor using Temporal Super Resolution based on Color Channel Extrapolation (채널별 색상정보 외삽법 기반 시간적 초해상도 기법을 활용한 전자광학 센서의 프레임률 향상 연구)

  • Noh, SangWoo
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.18 no.5
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    • pp.120-124
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    • 2017
  • The temporal super resolution is a method for increasing the frame rate. Electro-optical sensors are used in various surveillance and reconnaissance weapons systems, and the spatial resolution and temporal resolution of the required electro-optical sensors vary according to the performance requirement of each weapon system. Because most image sensors capture images at 30~60 frames/second, it is necessary to increase the frame rate when the target moves and changes rapidly. This paper proposes a method to increase the frame rate using color channel extrapolation. Using a DMD, one frame of a general camera was adjusted to have different consecutive exposure times for each channel, and the captured image was converted to a single channel image with an increased frame rate. Using the optical flow method, a virtual channel image was generated for each channel, and a single channel image with an increased frame rate was converted to a color channel image. The performance of the proposed temporal super resolution method was confirmed by the simulation.


  • Lee, Sang-Han;Kwon, Tae-Geon;Baek, Sang-Heum
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons
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    • v.26 no.6
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    • pp.606-612
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    • 2000
  • This study was performed to investigate the average anthropometric value of normal Korean men and women and to compare the preceding literatures. Additionally, average Korean profilogram was made to serve as a template for diagnosis of facial form. Eighty five Korean subjects(41 men, 44 women) aged between 21 to 26 were selected by members of the author's department on the basis of intact dentition and Class I occlusion without facial asymmetry. Frontal and lateral photographs were taken under standardized condition with digital camera. The image was magnified and adjusted according to the FH plane of cephalometric radiographs and digitized using personal computer. To compare the Western beauty, 25 esthetically pleasing female was selected to measure various angle and distance of the face. 1. It was possible to calculate the mean coordinate value of Korean normal samples which enables the direct visualization and comparison with the use of template. The method in this study was easy to applicate under the Microsoft $Windows^{(R)}$ bases. 2. Maxillary vertical hypoplasia, upper and lower lip protrusion was characteristics of Korean norms and relatively narrow alar base distance, less conspicuous nasal projection was observed. As the vermilion exposure and upper lip length was more than western norm, chin looks shorter than western. To compare the Korean and Western esthetically pleasing profile, facial convexity and nose was less conspicuous in Korean women.

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Contrast Enhancement Based on Weight Mapping Retinex Algorithm (Contrast 향상을 위한 가중치 맵 기반의 Retinex 알고리즘)

  • Lee, Sang-Won;Song, Chang-Young;Cho, Seong-Soo;Kim, Seong-Ihl;Lee, Won-Seok;Kang, June-Gill
    • 전자공학회논문지 IE
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    • v.46 no.4
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    • pp.31-41
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    • 2009
  • The Image sensor of digital still camera has a limited dynamic range. In high dynamic range scenes, a picture often turns out to be underexposed or overexposed. Retinex algorithm based on the theory of the human visual perception is known to be effective contrast enhancement technique. However, it happens the unbalanced contrast enhancement which is the global contrast increased, and the local contrast decreased in the high dynamic range scenes. In this paper, to enhance the both global and local contrast, we propose the weight mapping retinex algorithm. Weight map is composed of the edge and exposure data which are extracted in the each retinex image, and merged with the retinex images in the fusion processing. According to the output picture comparing and numerical analysis, the proposed algorithm gives the better output image with the increased global and local contrast.

First Light Results of IGRINS Instrument Control Software

  • Lee, Hye-In;Pak, Soojong;Sim, Chae Kyung;Le, Huynh Anh N.;Jeong, Ueejeong;Chun, Moo-Young;Park, Chan;Yuk, In-Soo;Kim, Kangmin;Pavel, Michael;Jaffe, Daniel T.
    • The Bulletin of The Korean Astronomical Society
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    • v.39 no.1
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    • pp.54.2-54.2
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    • 2014
  • IGRINS (Immersion GRating Infrared Spectrograph) is a high spectral resolution near-infrared spectrograph that has been developed in a collaboration between the Korea Astronomy & Space Science Institute and the University of Texas at Austin. By using a silicon immersion echelle grating, the size of the fore optics is reduced by a factor of three times and we can make a more compact instrument. One exposure covers the whole of the H- and K-band spectrum with R=40,000. While the operation of and data reduction for this instrument is relatively simple compared to other grating spectrographs, we still need to operate three infrared arrays, cryostat sensors, calibration lamp units, and the telescope during astronomical observations. The IGRINS Instrument Control Software consists of a Housekeeping Package (HKP), Slit Camera Package (SCP), Data Taking Package (DTP), and Quick Look Package (QLP). The SCP will do auto guiding using a center finding algorithm. The DTP will take the echellogram images of the H and K bands, and the QLP will confirm fast processing of data. We will have a commissioning observations in 2014 March. In this poster, we present the performance of the software during the test observations.

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