• Title/Summary/Keyword: boundary characteristics

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Leaky Wave Radiation from Dielectric-Coated Parallel-Plate Waveguied Periodic Slot with Finite Thickness : H-polarization (유전체로 코팅된 유한한 두께의 주기 슬롯을 갖는 평행평판 도파관으로부터 누설파 복사 : H-편파)

  • Kim, Joong-Pyo;Lee, Chang-Won;Son, Hyon
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Electromagnetic Engineering and Science
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.247-256
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    • 1999
  • The leaky wave emanated from the dielectric-coated parallel-plate waveguide with finite periodic thick slot in its upper plate is investigated theoretically for H-polarization case. For this structure, fields in slot regions are expressed as a summation of the parallel-plate waveguide TM modes, and in other regions are expressed in the spectral domain by use of the inverse Fourier transform. Boundary conditions at the interfaces are enforced, and the simultaneous linear equations are derived. The influences of the slot width, slot thickness, thickness of a dielectric coating, and finite slot number on the radiation characteristics (phase constant, leakage constant, radiation pattern) are examined. The results of the finite periodic slot are compared with those of the infinite extent structure and good agreement has been found.

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Numerical Simulation of the Effect of Finite Diaphragm Rupture Process on Micro Shock Tube Flows (Micro shock tube 유동에 대한 유한 격막 파막과정의 영향에 관한 수치 해석적 연구)

  • Arun Kumar, R.;Kim, Heuy Dong
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Propulsion Engineers
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    • v.17 no.3
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    • pp.37-46
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    • 2013
  • Recent years have witnessed the use of micro shock tube in various engineering applications like micro combustion, micro propulsion, particle delivery systems etc. The flow characteristics occurring in the micro shock tube shows a considerable deviation from that of well established conventional macro shock tube due to very low Reynolds number and high Knudsen number effects. Also the diaphragm rupture process, which is considered to be instantaneous process in many of the conventional shock tubes, will be crucial for micro shock tubes in determining the near diaphragm flow field and shock formation. In the present study, an axi-symmetric CFD method has been applied to simulate the micro shock tube, with Maxwell's slip velocity and temperature jump boundary conditions. The effects of finite diaphragm rupture process on the flow field and the shock formation was investigated, in detail. The results show that the shock strength attenuates rapidly as it propagates through micro shock tubes.

A Real-scale Wind Tunnel Testing on a Pantograph for High-speed Train to Assess the Aerodynamic Characteristics (고속철도차량용 팬터그래프의 공력특성 평가를 위한 실모형 풍동시험)

  • Kwon, Hyeok-Bin;Cho, Young-Hyeon;Lee, Ki-Won;Kim, Ki-Nam
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Railway
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    • v.12 no.5
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    • pp.732-737
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    • 2009
  • Wind tunnel testing on the real-scale pantograph for high-speed train has been conducted to investigate the aerodynamic characteristic of the pantograph at high-speed. The mid-scale subsonic wind tunnel of Korea Airforce Acamedy with 3.5m width, 2.45m height, and 8.8m length test section has been employed. The test model has been supported above 50cm height from the bottom of test section using vertical strut to eliminate the boundary layer generated from the bottom of the test section. The height of the pantograph has been varied in three cases, in both of the normal running and reverse running modes. The resultant lift forces of the pantograph to catenary system in all the cases have been measured and the relation between the test conditions and the lift forces have been extensively analyzed.

Use of Local Electrochemical Methods (SECM, EC-STM) and AFM to Differentiate Microstructural Effects (EBSD) on Very Pure Copper

  • Martinez-Lombardia, Esther;Lapeire, Linsey;Maurice, Vincent;De Graeve, Iris;Klein, Lorena;Marcus, Philippe;Verbeken, Kim;Kestens, Leo;Gonzalez-Garcia, Yaiza;Mol, Arjan;Terryn, Herman
    • Corrosion Science and Technology
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.1-7
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    • 2017
  • When aiming for an increased and more sustainable use of metals a thorough knowledge of the corrosion phenomenon as function of the local metal microstructure is of crucial importance. In this work, we summarize the information presented in our previous publications[1-3] and present an overview of the different local (electrochemical) techniques that have been proven to be effective in studying the relation between different microstructural variables and their different electrochemical behavior. Atomic force microscopy (AFM)[1], scanning electrochemical microscopy (SECM)[2], and electrochemical scanning tunneling microscopy (EC-STM)[3] were used in combination with electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD). Consequently, correlations could be identified between the grain orientation and grain boundary characteristics, on the one hand, and the electrochemical behavior on the other hand. The grain orientation itself has an influence on the corrosion, and the orientation of the neighboring grains also seems to play a decisive role in the dissolution rate. With respect to intergranular corrosion, only coherent twin boundaries seem to be resistant.

Petrological Characteristics of Alkali Rhyolite in the Cheonmunbong of the Mt. Baekdu (백두산 천문봉 일대 알칼리유문암의 암석학적 특징)

  • Kim, Jungsu;Yun, Sung-Hyo
    • The Journal of the Petrological Society of Korea
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    • v.26 no.3
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    • pp.183-200
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    • 2017
  • Alkali rhyolites in the Cheonmunbong of the Mt. Baekdu stratovolcano show porphyritic texture in the glassy or aphanic groundmass. Major phenocryst is alkali-feldspar, pyroxene, and amphibole, and small amount of microphenocryst is olivine, quartz, opaque mineral (ilmenite). The content of $Fe^{2+}/(Fe^{2+}+Mg^{2+})$ and alkali elements in the mafic minerals is high. Alkali feldspar is classified as sanidine or anorthclase, olivine as fayalite, and pyroxene as ferro-hedenbergite of ferro-augite area. Amphibole belongs to alkali amphibole group, but FeO and $Fe_2O_3$ were not separated, so it is required future studies. Nb(-) anomaly suggesting that slab-derived materials might have played a primary role in the genesis of the rhyolite magma, is not observed. It is noted that they originated in the within plate environment which is not related to subduction zone of the convergent plate boundary. The Mt. Baekdu alkaline rocks are classified into the comendite series. The alkali rhyolites of the summit at Mt. Baekdu shows the disequilibrium mineral assemblages, suggesting that it evolved from thrachytic magma with experience of magma mixing as well as fractional crystallization.

Acoustic Characteristics of Mufflers with an Extended Inlet and Outlet (입출구가 연장된 동심형 소음기의 음향해석)

  • 이준신
    • The Journal of the Acoustical Society of Korea
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    • v.21 no.5
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    • pp.503-509
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    • 2002
  • Cylindrical chamber silencers with an extended inlet and outlet are extensively used in many application fields to reduce the propagated noise in ducts. The basic attenuation effectiveness in the low frequency region can be explained by the reactive wave action inside the expansion chamber associated with the geometric configurations of the inlet and outlet locations, and the area expansion of the jacket. In this study. an acoustic analysis is carried out for a concentric extended pipe inserted into a simple expansion chamber. An algebraic equation is derived by using the eigenfunction expansion and orthogonality principle in which the acoustic pressures and particle velocities defined on each subdivided surface are expressed by the separable coordinates. By using the proposed analytical method, transmission losses are predicted for several configurations of the concentric extended systems and they agree very well with experimental results.

Comparative Study on Viscous and Inviscid Analysis of Partial Cavitating Flow for Low Noise Propeller Design (저소음 프로펠러 설계를 위한 부분공동 유동의 점성 및 비점성 수치해석 비교 연구)

  • Kim, Ji-Hye;Ahn, Byoung-Kwon;Park, Cheol-Soo;Kim, Gun-Do
    • The Journal of the Acoustical Society of Korea
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    • v.33 no.6
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    • pp.358-365
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    • 2014
  • When a ship propeller having wing type sections rotates at high speed underwater, local pressure on the blade decreases and various types of the cavitation inevitably occur where the local pressure falls below the vapor pressure. Fundamentally characteristics of the cavitation are determined by the shapes of the blade section and their operating conditions. Underwater noise radiated from a ship propeller is directly connected to the occurrence of the cavitation. In order to design low noise propeller, it is preferentially demanded to figure out key features: how the cavity is generated, developed and collapsed and how the effect of viscosity works in the process. In this study, we first perform inviscid analysis of the partial cavity generated on two dimensional hydrofoil. Secondly, viscous analysis using FLUENT with different turbulence and cavitation models are presented. Results from both approaches are also compared and estimated.

A Study of the Hybrid on the Fashion and Makeup Trends on the Digital Media Age (디지털 미디어 시대의 패션과 메이크업에 나타난 하이브리드 경향 연구)

  • Barng, Kee-Jung;Kim, Kyung-Hee
    • The Research Journal of the Costume Culture
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.64-79
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    • 2010
  • The digital era in the 21st century is globalized and is collapsed boundary among countries, thereby being able to be said to be characterized most largely by proceeding with being a form like a federation and EU. A change into digital era brought about a change in all the aspects of human behavior and culture, not a change simply in temporal significance and technological significance. In recent days, all the services came to be possibly used the integrated device with the same network owing to innovation of communication technology, which is represented by digital, network, and internet. Now, the broadcasting industry, computer industry, and communication industry are exceeding the peculiar sphere by being mutually merged. Each of industrial sector centering on internet is showing the phenomenon of being united. The hybrid trend, which was formed by phenomenon in the complex digital media society, tended to be indicated in fashion and makeup design. As the digital media era was generated, the hybrid trend induced a change into society in open and horizontal idea. It came to be known that there is independent trend in each field even while organically working in the middle of the whole frame that fashion and makeup express a human being's external beauty. This implies that makeup is not what is always influenced by fashion as an accessory in fashion and a supplementary role, but what can show its contrary phenomenon. This study examined characteristics, which are shown in fashion and makeup due to hybrid influence with greeting the digital media era. This study was carried out in order to be conducive to objective data available for giving help to the future direction and marketing data in product of the relevant businesses, through the results of this study.

Morphometric Study of the Korean Adult Pituitary Glands and the Diaphragma Sellae

  • Ju, Kyo-Sung;Bae, Hack-Gun;Park, Hyung-Ki;Chang, Jae-Chil;Choi, Soon-Kwan;Sim, Ki-Bum
    • Journal of Korean Neurosurgical Society
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    • v.47 no.1
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    • pp.42-47
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    • 2010
  • Objective: To investigate the morphometric characteristics of the pituitary gland and diaphragma sellae in Korean adults. Methods: Using the 33 formaline fixed adult cadavers (23 male, 10 female), the measurements were taken at the diaphragma sellae and pituitary gland. The authors investigated the relationship between dura and structures surrounding pituitary gland, morphometric aspects of pituitary gland and stalk, and morphometric aspect of central opening of diaphragma sellae. Results: The boundary between the lateral surface of pituitary gland and the medial wall of cavernous sinus was formed by the thin dural layer and pituitary capsule. The pituitary capsule adherent tightly to the pituitary gland was observed to continue from the diaphragma sellae. Mean width, length, and height of the pituitary gland were 14.3${\pm}$2.1, 7.9${\pm}$1.3, and 6.0${\pm}$0.9 mm in anterior lobes, and 8.7${\pm}$1.7, 2.9${\pm}$1.1, and 5.8${\pm}$1.0 mm in posterior lobes, respectively. Although all dimensions of anterior lobe in female were slightly larger than those in male, statistical significance was noted in only longitudinal dimension. The ratio of posterior lobe to the whole length of pituitary gland was about 27%. The mean thickness of pituitary stalk was 2 mm. The diaphragmal opening was 5 mm or more in 26 (78.8%) of 33 specimen. The opening was round in 60.6% of the specimen, and elliptical oriented in an anterior-posterior or transverse direction in 39.4%. Conclusion: These results provide the safe anatomical knowledge during the transsphenoidal surgery and may be helpful to access the possibility of the development of empty sella syndrome.

Modal based Structural Model Modification Using Genetic Algorithm (유전자 알고리즘을 이용한 모드기반 교량의 해석모델개선)

  • Yun Chung-Bang;Lee Jong-Jae;Lee Jung-Seok;Juhn Gui-Hyun;Yi Jin-Hak
    • Journal of the Computational Structural Engineering Institute of Korea
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    • v.17 no.4
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    • pp.389-403
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    • 2004
  • This study presents the structural model modification based on the modal data such as natural frequencies and mode shapes. Preliminary structural model can be obtained using design drawings and field measurement, and therefore the deteriorated stiffness of a structure and the effect of the boundary conditions are difficult to be evaluated in preliminary analysis model, and the preliminary model can be modified using structural response data including static and/or dynamic characteristics. In this study, the structural model is modified based on the structural modal data using genetic algorithm. Modal testing were carried out for Imjin River Bridge and Hangjoo Bridge, the modal properties were estimated using modal identification techniques, and finally the structural models were updated using genetic algorithm. The modified structural model could give us more reliable structural analysis results and therefore those can be used for structural performance evaluation such as load carrying capacity and seismic capacity.