• 제목/요약/키워드: bed change

검색결과 679건 처리시간 0.039초

간호기기 개발수요 조사연구 (A Study on the Demand for Equipent Development in Nursing)

  • 장순복;김의숙;황애란;강규숙;서미혜
    • 대한간호
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    • 제35권2호
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    • pp.71-91
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    • 1996
  • The objectives of thes study were to identify the need for equipment development in nursing, and to determine the priorities for that development. The study was descriptive study done between March 2 and May 30, 1995, in which the subjects, including 421 patients, 223 family members, and 198 nurses from neurosurgery, orthopedic, rehabilitation medicine, internal medicine and intensive care units of nine general hospitals in Seoul, completed a questionnarie developed by the research team. The questionnaire consisted of 35 open and closed questions. Data was analyzed using frequencies and percentages. The results ware summarized as follows: 1) The average age of the nurses was 27.9 years, 48% of the patients were between 20 and 40 years of age, and 17% were over 60. The average lingth of experience for the nurse subjects was four years five months with 36.9%. having over five years experience. The most frequent diagnoses of patients were spinal disc(35.9%), internal medicine disease(26.0%), cerebral vascular accident(16.6%) and spinal cord injury(10%) 2) Many of the nurses(96.4%) reported deficiencies with existing equipment and 96.5% of the nurses, but only 79.8% of the patients, nurses' time. Further, 82.3% of the nurses and 75.8% of the patients felt that the development of new equipment would lead to a decrease in the cost of nursing care. 3) Nurses felt that the greatest areas of inconvenience were patient feeding(71.7%), hygiene(71.2%), caring for a patient confined to bed(70.7%), patient clothing(67.2%), mobility transfers(63.5%) and urinary elimination(52.0%). However, patients and family members listed the following as being the most inconvenient: urinary elimination(58.7%), Hygiene(50.5), feeding(48.4%), mobility transfers(47.1%) and bed care(45.2%). 4) Generally the nurses listed more inconveniences and patients and family members listed more demands for the development of equipment. These included utensils with large handles, and regulators for tube feedings; mattresses that provide for automatic position change and massage, which have patient controlled levers and a place for bed pan insertion; automatic lifts or transfer from bed to wheelchair; equipment to facilitate washing and oral hygiene as well as equipment that will allow patients with spinal cord injuries easy access to showers; a bed pan/urinal for women that is comfortable and effective from which urine can be measured and disposed of easily; disposable dressing sets and tracheostomy care sets and a convenient way of measuring changes in wound size; a safe delivery system for oxygen, a variety of mask sizes and better control of humidity, tracheal material than at present, as well as a communication system for patients with tracheostomies; clothing that will allow access to various parts of the body for treament or assessment without patients having to remove all of their clothing; and finally a system that will allow the patient to control lighting, telephones and pagers. Priority areas for equipment development reported by the nurses were, urinary elimination(58. 7%), hygiene(50.5%), feeding(48.4%), mobility transfers(47..1%), bowel elimination(40.8%). Those reported by the patients family members were feeding(71.7%), hygiene(70.0%), bedcare(70.7%), clothing(67.2%), mobility transfers(63.6%), urinary elimination(52.9%) and bowel elimination(50.5%) Altogether, nurses, patients and family members listed the following as priorities; clothing (178), bed care(144), urinary elimination(92), environment(81), hygiene(70). Further, a health professional forum listed urinary elimination, oxygen delivery, medication delivery, mobility transfers, bed care and hygiene in that order as priority areas. From this study it can be concluded that the first need is to develop equipment that will address the problems of urinary elimination. To do (l)This nurses who are interested in equipment development should organize an equipment development team to provide a forum for discussion and production of equipment for nursing.

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Climate change and resilience of biocontrol agents for mycotoxin control

  • Magan, Naresh;Medina, Angel
    • 한국균학회소식:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국균학회 2018년도 춘계학술대회 및 임시총회
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    • pp.41-41
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    • 2018
  • There has been an impetus in the development of biocontrol agents (BCAs) with the removal of a number of chemical compounds in the market, especially in the European Union. This has been a major driver in the development of Integrated Pest Management systems (IPM) for both pest and disease control. For control of mycotoxigenic fungi, there is interest in both control of colonization and more importantly toxin contamination of staple food commodities. Thus the relative inoculum potential of biocontrol agent vs the toxigenic specie sis important. The major bottlenecks in the production and development of formulations of biocontrol agents are the resilience of the strains, inoculum quality and formulation with effective field efficacy. It was recently been shown for mycotoxigenic fungi such as Aspergillus flavus, under extreme climate change conditions, growth is not affected although there may be a stimulation of aflatoxin production. Thus, the development of resilient biocontrol strains which can may have conserved control efficacy but have the necessary resilience becomes critical form a food security point of view. Indeed, under predicted climate change scenarios the diversity of pests and fungal diseases are expected to have profound impacts on food security. Thus, when examining the identification of potential biocontrol strains, production and formulation it is critical that the resilience to CC environmental factors are included and quantified. The problems in relation to the physiological competence and the relative humidity range over which efficacy can occur, especially pre-harvest may be increase under climate change conditions. We have examined the efficacy of atoxigenic strains of A. flavus and Clanostachys rosea and other candidates for control of A. flavus and aflatoxin contamination of maize, and for Fusarium verticillioides and fumonisin toxin control. We have also examined the potential use of fluidized-bed drying, nanoparticles/nanospheres and encapsulation approaches to enhance the potential for the production of resilient biocontrol formulations. The objective being the delivery of biocontrol efficacy under extreme interacting climatic conditions. The potential impact of climate change factors on the efficacy of biocontrol of fungal diseases and mycotoxins are discussed.

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방류수 유량계(전자기유량계, 파샬플룸)의 특성평가 연구 (A Study on Comparison of the Characteristic Test of Discharge Water Flowmeters (Electromagnetic Flowmeter, Parshall Flume))

  • 안양기;김지영;김금희;장희수;정정필;최종우
    • 한국유체기계학회 논문집
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    • 제18권6호
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    • pp.57-62
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    • 2015
  • The test of comparing liquid flow calibration system (approved by KOLAS) for accuracy and structure change test was performed in the test bed in order to evaluate the typical characteristics of the electromagnetic flow meters and parshall flume that are generally used in the water discharging facilities. The results of the accuracy comparing test with liquid flow calibration system showed the error of less than 2%. Pharshall plume got error up to -8.3% (low flow) from the flow rate test, but less than 4% from the accumulated flow test because of offset error at high flow rate and low flow rate. Evaluation of structual change test was tested with only parshall flume using structure and it consisted of installation angle (parshall flume and level sensor) and position change. Installation angle, water level sensor angle and position changing test for parshall flume had errors of 3.1%~-9.2%, 0.4%~-5.6% and 0.2%~1.3% respectively. Especially, the error showed the largest increase when the water level sensor measured the point of decreased flow by the structure change. Therefore, error factors (change of straight pipe length, installation of obstacle or effect of foreign substances on water level sensor) that can often occur in the field should be derived and the research for optimized installation method should be carried out continuously.

APEX 모델을 이용한 콩 재배 밭 전환 논의 물수지 특성 평가 (Water Budget Assessment for Soybean Grown in Paddy Fields Converted to Uplands Using APEX Model)

  • 최순군;정재학;엽소진;김명현;김민경
    • 한국농공학회논문집
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    • 제63권4호
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    • pp.55-64
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    • 2021
  • The expansion of upland crop cultivation in rice paddy fields is recommended by the Korean government to solve the problem of falling rice price and reduction of rice farmer's income due to oversupply of rice. However, water use efficiency is significantly influenced by the land use change from paddy field to upland. Therefore, this study aimed to evaluate the water budget of soybean grown in using APEX (Agricultural Policy and Environmental eXtender) model. The amount of runoff was measured in a test bed located in Iksan, Jeollabu-do and used to calibrate and validate the simulated runoff by APEX model. From 2019 to 2020, the water budget of soybean grown in uplands were estimated and compared with the one grown in paddy fields. The calibration result of AP EX model for runoff showed that R2 (Coefficient of determination) and NSE (Nash-Sutcliffe efficiency) were 0.90 and 0.89, respectively. In addition, the validated results of R2 and NSE were 0.81 and 0.62, respectively. The comparative study of each component in water budget showed that the amounts of evapotranspiration and percolation estimated by APEX model were 549.1 mm and 375.8mm, respectively. The direct runoff amount from upland was 390.1 mm, which was less than that from paddy fields. The average amount of irrigation water was 28.7 mm, which was very small compared to the one from paddy fields.

계상퇴적지내의 식생침입이 유로변동에 미치는 영향 (Influences of Vegetation Invasion on Channel Changes in the Deposition Area of Torrential Stream)

  • 마호섭;이헌호
    • 한국환경복원기술학회지
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    • 제3권3호
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    • pp.12-19
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    • 2000
  • 계상 내의 미지형에 영향을 주며 형성된 하상퇴적지의 안정과 보전을 도모하고 계류환경을 보호하기 위하여 계성천 상류유역에서 식생정보를 이용한 하상퇴적지의 식생구조와 시간적 및 공간적 유로변동 특성을 요약하면 다음과 같다. 1. 퇴적지의 생성은 산림 내 상류구간은 주로 산사태 및 토석류 등의 중력침식 현상에 의하여 일어나고, 운반작용에 의해 형성된 하상퇴적지는 식생의 침입에 따라 더욱 안정화되고 있음을 볼 수 있었다. 2. 퇴적지에 생장하고 있는 식생을 통하여 퇴적지의 생성연대를 추정할 수 있어 토석류 등의 토석유출로 인한 하상변동사를 파악하는데 식물지표가 유효한 정보원이 될 수 있었다. 3. 상류 퇴적지의 식생은 근처 산림지역으로부터 종자의 비산으로 치수가 성장하여 자라고 있으므로 비교적 주변식생과 유사하여 완벽한 자연성을 보였는데 특히, 소나무, 때죽나무, 상수리나무, 갯버들, 달뿌리풀 등이 많이 출현하여 계반림 경관을 구성하는 주된 종으로서 교란이후 다른 식생보다 빨리 정착하는 선구수종으로 나타났다. 4. 1 - 5년의 퇴적지는 물이 불어나면 빠른 시간 내에 유로로 전환될 수 있는 공간이며, 11 - 20년의 퇴적지는 계상 내 단구가 비교적 높아 퇴적 및 체류된 시간이 오래 되고 안정화된 퇴적공간이었으며, 퇴적지 토사량은 하폭이 넓을 수록 많았다. 5. 식생침입에 따른 하상퇴적지는 이동규모, 이동빈도 및 체류시간 등의 정도에 따라 안정화가 유지되면서 유로의 변동에 많은 영향을 받고 있음을 알 수 있다. 6. 퇴적지의 횡단면 구조를 통하여 퇴적지 생성년대에 따른 토사의 재이동 및 체류시간을 파악하여 토사이동규모에 따른 적정한 공작물을 설치하므로서 상류산지의 황폐계류 및 유역환경을 보전할 수 있도록 하여야 할 것이다.

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바이오매스 순환유동층 보일러의 열교환기 고온 부식 특성 (Analysis of High-Temperature Corrosion of Heat Exchanger Tubes in Biomass Circulating Fluidized Bed Boiler)

  • 최유진;배달희;이도연
    • Korean Chemical Engineering Research
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    • 제61권3호
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    • pp.419-425
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    • 2023
  • 본 논문은 상용 바이오매스 발전소 가동 조건에서 열교환기 튜브의 고온 부식 특성 분석 결과를 보고하였다. 3종의 상용 열교환기 튜브(SA213T12, SA213T22, SA213T91) 및 열교환기 튜브의 표면 온도 조절이 가능하도록 자체 설계된 고온 부식 평가 장치를 사용하였으며, 약 300시간 동안 다양한 온도 및 가동 조건에서 고온 부식 실험을 수행하였다. 열교환기 튜브 소재에 따른 온도별 고온 부식 특성을 객관적으로 분석하기 위해서 국제표준(ISO 8407)에 입각하여 부식생성물을 제거 후 고온 부식 실험 전후의 튜브 시편 무게 변화량을 산출하였다. 이를 통해 최종적으로 튜브 시편의 평균 두께 감육량 및 감육 속도를 도출하였으며, 전자현미경(FE-SEM) 및 에너지분산형 분광분석법(EDS)을 이요하여 튜브 시편의 표면과 단면의 부식 상태를 분석하였다. 본 연구 결과, 상용 열교환기 소재의 구성 성분 중 크롬과 니켈의 함량이 증가할수록 소재의 고온 부식 특성이 우수하며, 표면 온도가 증가할수록 고온 부식이 촉진되는 것을 확인하였으며, 열교환 온도 조건에 따른 열교환기 튜브 교체주기를 예측할 수 있었다.

왕겨/모래/왕겨 회재의 유동 및 혼합 특성 연구 (Flow Behavior and Mixing Characteristics of Rice Husk/Silica Sand/Rice Husk Ash)

  • 김보화;서명원;국진우;최희망;라호원;윤상준;문태영;김용구;이재구;이영우
    • Korean Chemical Engineering Research
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    • 제54권4호
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    • pp.533-542
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    • 2016
  • Lab-scale 기포유동층 반응기(D=0.1 m, H=1.5 m)에서 왕겨와 모래를 혼합하여 가스화를 통해 합성가스를 얻고 남은 왕겨 회재는 고부가가치 물질로 사용하기 위한 연구의 선행연구로서 왕겨/유동사/왕겨 회재(실리카)의 혼합 및 유동 특성을 규명하였다. 왕겨/유동사를 5:95, 10:90, 20:80, 30:70의 부피비로 유속 범위(0~0.63 m/s)조건으로 수행하였으며, 또한 왕겨 회재는 왕겨를 기준으로 부피비 6%로 결정하였다. 왕겨/유동사, 왕겨/유동사/왕겨 회재의 혼합실험을 통해 왕겨 부피비 0%, 5%, 10%에서는 최소유동화속도가 0.19~0.21m/s임을 확인하였고, 20%일때는 0.3m/s로 증가하였으며, 30%일때는 분리현상이 나타나 최소유동화속도가 측정 되지 않았다. 또한, 실험데이터에 따라 Brereton과 Grace의 mixing index를 이용하여 각 조건 별로 mixing index값을 도출한 결과 왕겨/유동사의 혼합은 0.8~1, 왕겨/유동사/왕겨 회재의 혼합은 0.88~1 사이임을 확인하였다. 이를 통하여 왕겨/유동사의 혼합과 왕겨/유동사/왕겨 회재 혼합의 최적 조업조건을 도출할 수 있었으며, 운전조건을 결정할 수 있었다.

Carbonation Behavior of Lightweight Foamed Concrete Using Coal Fly Ash

  • Lee, Jae Hoon;Lee, Ki Gang
    • 한국세라믹학회지
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    • 제53권3호
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    • pp.354-361
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    • 2016
  • The purpose of this study was to prepare lightweight foamed concrete by mixing coal fly ash of circulating fluidized bed combustion(CFBC) with cement, and to develop uses for recycling by analyzing carbonation behavior resulting from a change in conditions for pressurized carbonation. For concrete, CFBC coal fly ash was mixed with Portland cement to the water-binder ratio of 0.5, and aging was applied at room temperature after 3 days of curing at $20^{\circ}C$, RH 60%. For carbonation, temperature was fixed at $60^{\circ}C$ and time at 1 h in the use of autoclave. Pressures were controlled to be $5kgf/cm^2$ and the supercritical condition of $80kgf/cm^2$, and gas compositions were employed as $CO_2$ 100% and $CO_2$ 15%+N2 85%. In the characteristics of produced lightweight concrete, the characteristics of lightweight foamed concrete resulting from carbonation reaction were affirmed through rate of weight change, carbonation depth test, air permeability, and processing analysis for the day 28 specimen. Based on these results, it is concluded that the present approach could provide a viable method for mass production of eco-friendly lightweight foamed concrete from CFBC coal fly ash stabilized by carbonation.

차량 전복 안전성에 끼치는 열차 풍압의 파라메타 연구 (Parametric Study of the Effects of Train Wind on Turnover Safety)

  • 남성원
    • 한국철도학회논문집
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    • 제12권6호
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    • pp.961-966
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    • 2009
  • 고속 철도 건설시, 선로중심 간격 및 시공기면폭의 감소는 건설 비용의 절감을 가져온다. 그러나, 선로중심간격의 축소는 열차 주행 풍압의 증가로 여러 가지 안전성 문제를 야기 할 수 있으므로 기술적 검토와 공기 역학적 연구가 수행되어야 한다. 본 연구에서는 호남고속철도에 적합한 선로 중심 간격을 검토하는데 필요한 차량 주행 안전성을 해석하기 위하여 선로중심 간격 변화로 인한 교행 열차 풍압을 예측하였으며, 차량 전복 안전성에 끼치는 열차 풍압의 영향에 대한 파라메타 연구를 하였다.

주요 상병 별 환자의 의료기관 선택성향 분석 (An Analysis of the Diseases Specific Medical Service Organization Selection Factors of Patients)

  • 윤경일;도세록
    • 한국병원경영학회지
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    • 제12권4호
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    • pp.1-21
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    • 2007
  • The relaxation of the regulation in selection of medical institution allows patients to use their own judgement in choosing proper institution for their diseases. Since the change of the regulation, there should have been many changes in medical institution selection behavior. The analysis of the change in disease specific selection pattern is critical because there be an optimal selection criteria that ensure the efficient and effective utilization of medical resources. This study analysis the institution selection factors by comparing the choice among the cases of acute diseases, the cases of chronic diseases, inpatient services, outpatient services, and emergency medical service. The comparisons performed in terms of size, class and other characteristics of medical institutions. For the study the nationally surveyed database was used and the data were analyzed using logistic regression procedure. The results indicates that the primary care facilities were not properly utilized. This study speculates that the reason for the undesirable pattern of utilization is that the roles of primary care facilities in the healthcare delivery system was not clearly defined. Based on the results, the medical policy implications are discussed.

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